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<正>6月18日,由西藏自治区文化厅主办,自治区群艺馆、自治区非遗保护中心和西藏日报全媒体联合承办的第二届西藏非物质文化遗产保护成果大展在拉萨闭幕。本次大展汇集了具有代表性的27个国家级非遗项目、20个自治区级非遗项目和9名国家级非遗传承人、36名自治区级非遗传承人,集中呈现了西藏历史久远、丰富多样、永续传承的非物质文化遗产资源,展示了各级各类非物质文化遗产项目的继承、保护和发展取得的巨大成果。  相似文献   

<正>9月11日至20日,由文化部、四川省人民政府、联合国教科文组织、中国联合国教科文组织全国委员会主办的"第五届中国成都国际非物质文化遗产节"在成都国际非遗博览园隆重举行。本届非遗节以"传承文脉,创造未来"为主题,围绕"现代化进程中的非遗保护"这条主线,回顾设立"文化遗产日"10年来非遗保护传承成果和经验,举行国际非遗博览会、非遗国际论坛、非遗大戏台、非遗进万家、中国篆刻艺术双年展等五大类主体活动,400多项学术交  相似文献   

以云南省大理州非物质文化遗产和地理标志保护的现状为切入点,对其非遗地理标志保护中存在的问题进行分析,并提出相关对策,得出相关结论,以期对该州非物质文化遗产保护、产业及旅游融合发展具有指导意义。该州政府应从地理标志知识普及、重视地理标志保护工作、凝聚行业相关人员、加大资助力度层面着手,推动非遗产业的地理标志保护工作。研究结果表明,地理标志在非物质文化遗产保护中有着重要作用,地理标志产品可以助力旅游产业发展。  相似文献   

正根据《浙江省非物质文化遗产保护发展指数评估指标数据(2016年度)》,截至2016年底,全省国家级非遗项目已达到217项,传承人数量为122人,省级非遗项目达到1076项,传承人数量为936人。就宁波市来看,宁波非物质文化遗产传承保护工作自2004年启动以来,以机制为先导,坚持从规范、管理、制度入手,卓有成效地开展非遗保护的探索与实践,使传承保护工作始终走在全国前列。在取得一定成绩的同时,我们也要清醒地意识到当前非遗工作存在的问题。  相似文献   

非物质文化遗产是中华文明绵延传承的生动见证,对其进行法律保护具有紧迫性。甘肃、新疆两省区以习近平总书记关于非物质文化遗产保护的重要指示批示精神为引领,加大对非物质文化遗产保护的传承力度。在非物质文化遗产保护法规、保护实施和生产性、整体性保护等方面进行了大量卓有成效的探索和实践,为地方非物质文化遗产发展注入了新的活力。领导重视、制度健全、根基牢固,将非遗保护融入乡村振兴和新型城镇化建设,支持以非遗特色村镇和特色街区建设、发展乡村旅游等方式助力乡村振兴。  相似文献   

杨长海 《特区经济》2015,(2):99-101
非物质文化遗产具有的一般公共产品特性及外部性,是导致市场失灵的主要原因。作为非遗外部性解决手段的政府干预,重要表现是通过法律制度或公共管制在界定产权或削减交易成本方面发挥作用。《非物质文化遗产法》作为行政法调整非遗保护的典型,必将对鼓励和保护非遗正外部性产生深远积极影响,但其缺点是难于兼顾对私权的尊重。日本、韩国"文化财产"概念以及我国台湾地区"文化资产"概念可以为我们提供某些启示。  相似文献   

陕西是中华民族、华夏文化的重要发祥地之一,是名副其实的文化大省,非物质文化遗产资源非常丰富,目前,我省经文化部批准设立了陕北、羌族两个"国家级文化生态保护实验区",有联合国教科文组织"人类非遗代表作名录"项目3项,国家级非遗名录项目62项、省级453项、市级1127项、县级2292项,为保护好这些珍贵的非物质文化遗产,加强我省非遗保护、保存工作,制订出台《陕西省非物质文化遗产条例》非常必要.  相似文献   

冷嘉铭 《科技和产业》2023,23(14):59-65
针对新时代非物质文化遗产传播和保护面对的现实问题,对非物质文化遗产传承和保护的数字化路径进行深入分析,对岭南传统艺术影像档案库参与非物质文化遗产保护和传承的实践研究得出,新时代的非物质文化遗产传播与保护应当充分运用数字化技术,借助新媒体平台为非遗保护传承赋能。通过创建非物质文化遗产数字化档案库的建设等多种方式,让数字化技术应用到非物质文化遗产的传承和保护当中。  相似文献   

<正>中国文化报记者王学思报道:如何建立健全可持续的非遗保护传承机制?如何有效监督和评估非遗保护工作的责任落实情况?1月14日,文化部在江苏苏州召开全国非物质文化遗产保护工作会议,会议不仅梳理了近年来非遗保护工作的重要成果,而且明确了今后一个时期推动非遗事业可持续发展的指导思想、发展目标和中心任务。文化部副部长项兆伦出席会议。为了总结和提炼10多年来特别是"十二五"时期非  相似文献   

王宏 《改革与开放》2016,(19):29-30
作为华夏文明发祥她之一的河南省,其非物质文化遗产具有数量大、种类多、内容丰富等特点.河南省非物质文化遗产的申请、保护与利用等工作取得了一定成就,但随着我国受到经济与文化全球化影响愈发明显,我国在非遗保护和利用方面受到的冲击亦愈发显著,原有的保护与利用方式已无法适应当前形势.本文以此为研究背景,对当前河南省非物质文化遗产保护与利用方面存在的问题与面临的困境进行分析,有针对性地提出增强河南省非遗保护与利用的对策,以期促进该省非物质文化遗产的传承与发展.  相似文献   

鲁月  华光 《走向世界》2011,(10):48-50
音乐梦想 刘大成是地道的“草根”。出身农村的他一直没有离开过农村,成年后继续在大运河畔打拼。这个憨厚朴实的农家孩子,最大的爱好和梦想,就是音乐。“我从小就喜欢唱歌唱戏,最早接触音乐是村里的大喇叭头子。”刘大成回忆起来,似乎又回到了自己七八岁时。午饭之后,他舒坦的往“大喇叭头子”下面一躺,听着里面流淌的乐符。  相似文献   

冯仲凯 《走向世界》2014,(43):76-78
从非遗园西行5公里,便来到黄河的臂弯——槐荫区七里铺村。这里有一处农庄,成片的稻田环绕着几栋小屋,轻盈的木栈道由小屋伸展开去,尽头一处是荷塘,一处是原生态养水区。清风徐来,水波不兴,若是在天光云影的清爽日子里,静坐片刻,倒不失悠然情趣。"庄主"刘宪政每每接待访客都会在此神游一番,听鸟鸣、观池鱼,潇洒自在。  相似文献   

Conclusion Dutch Morial is deeply respected by the New Orleans black community. According to a poll conducted in April 1983 by Rose-Stekler Associates, 80% of the black respondents gave Morial “excellent” or “good” job ratings, compared to only 11% who found him doing a “fair” or “poor” job. Despite very limited resourses, the Morial mayoralty has facilitated the entrance of the black middle class into the governmental process, providing access to city contracts and administrative positions. On the other hand, the black underclass has received meager rewards in the form of employment or a reduction in police brutality. Hopefully, economic development, in the long-run, will create jobs and provide additional city revenue to fund services for the poor. But for now, the primary impact of a black mayor on the black community of New Orleans has been symbolic kinds of benefits. Yet the potential positive benefits of a black mayor serving as a role model for black youth, as well as the value of civil rights rhetoric in fostering hopefulness and a more self-reliant black community, should not be underestimated. The characterization of the status of the civil rights movement in 1983 offered by C. T. Vivian, head of the Anti-Klan Network, well applies to New Orleans black community today: “Everything has changed and nothing has changed. The statistics are still terrible. But the atmosphere is totally different.”49  相似文献   

As municipal zoning is political in nature, the equality of zoning protection provided among black and white neighborhoods should be expected to be sensitive to changes in relative political power over time. This article examines the rejection rates for rezoning applications over time in predominantly white and predominantly black census tracts in Atlanta, Georgia. It identifies inequality of treatment as between heavily white and heavily black tracts during a period of no black representation among elected city officials and equality of treatment during a later period when blacks were substantially represented in government.  相似文献   

Conclusion We found that there are indeed some slight differences in the electoral behavior of black voters when we separate them into high and low socio-economic areal categories based on the level of median income. These slight differences include turnout rates for primary and general elections and voter registration rates. The higher the socioeconomic status of the black electorate in Boston, the higher the turnout and registration rates for that area tended to be; however, this relationship was not found to be consistent among all the areas selected for study. Despite these differences in electoral behavior or “practices,” our areal model does not suggest any significant political schisms based on the sicioeconomic indicators used. Black voters tended to vote the same way on a number of city and state ballot questions, support the same candidates at both the city and state level, and vote the liberal preference on both issues and candidates regardless of socioeconomic background. In addition, there is some evidence that the higher a black voter is on the socioeconomic scale, the greater his or her tendency will be to vote the liberal position on various issues and candidates. Our model also suggests that black voters will tend to support black candidates regardless of some socioeconomic factors. If this model can be used as an indication of class differences in the black community, then our data show that socioeconomic criteria are not as salient as race in determining the political behavior and preferences of black voters.  相似文献   

Houston was considered the premier Sunbelt city in the 1970s. Much of the growth during this boom period was fueled by the oil industry. The city led the nation in new jobs created and housing starts. The economic growth, however, was not uniformly distributed to all segments of the population-specifically, a large segment of the black community was passed over during the city’s housing boom. Many of the housing problems facing black Houstonians can be traced to the city’s anti-public housing sentiment, policies that create and perpetuate racial segregation, and the dismantling of the fair housing enforcement mechanism. Housing discrimination, residential segregation, and other institutional barriers all limit the mobility options for a sizable segment of the black Houston community.  相似文献   

经过层层评比,"巴比馒头"掌门人刘会平被评为"安徽省年度经济人物",因为"巴比馒头"实现了年产包子5个亿的行业传奇……在上海,"巴比馒头"的加盟店超过400家。虽然一个包子只赚一角钱,但所有的加盟店年利润都在10万以上。一个农村的打工汉,成为千万富  相似文献   

杨艳萍 《魅力中国》2010,(28):178-179
刘呐鸥——这位中国新感觉派的始祖,以超越时代的敏锐眼光,借鉴日欧等先锋派作家的手法,捕捉到上海国际大都市迷幻的时尚风情与都市小人物的时尚生活。他在小说中进行大胆而新颖尝试,广泛采用现代主义手法,注重个体经验的表达,以一个都市作家的身份,写出了都市的真谛和内涵。  相似文献   

这是中国新农村建设的一次有益探索,这是城市与乡村的一场真诚对话!   重庆渝北国家农业科技园区的存在,为企业提供平台和更大市场,同时为农户提供技术及就业机会实现双向连接,使产业链更趋高效和完整.  相似文献   

City planners, neighborhood groups and financial institutions, and other business partners need to develop a comprehensive plan to increase affordable housing for minorities and to integrate neighborhoods. Kansas City, Missouri is a city with a high potential for good housing for all of its citizens, but adequate housing continues to elude many of its black residents. Compared to other U.S. cities of similar size, Kansas City has good housing stock, but a large number of black people are suffering from a shortage of low rent housing. In addition, among Kansas Citians, blacks have the lowest quality housing stock. Two reasons for the deficit in housing for black Americans in Kansas City are demolitions among the low-rent housing stock and discrimination in housing rentals.  相似文献   

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