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Small firms are often seen to be the engines of growth. There are two main sources of empirical evidence that are adduced to support this conclusion. The first is that job creation has been coming mainly from small firms. The second is that the share of employment accounted for by small firms has increased in the past two decades. Both of these sources rely on a simple metric-employment. This paper asks whether changes in this metric affect the view of the role that small firms play in the growth process.The first section of the paper maintains employment as the measure that is used to evaluate the importance of small firms but modifies the raw measure of employment to correct for the fact that small firms pay lower wages than large firms. When this is done, small producers are no longer found to outperform large producers in terms of job creation over the 1970s and 1980s in the Canadian manufacturing sector.The second section of the paper changes the metric used to evaluate relative performance by moving from employment to output and labour productivity. The paper demonstrates that while small producers have increased their employment share dramatically, they have barely changed their output share. Small firms have been falling behind large firms both with respect to wages paid and labour productivity.  相似文献   

Along with the growing industrial sector, functional complementarity between large and small scale enterprises has become a widely prevalent phenomenon. Expanding the base of the industrial production leads to division of processes where large and small scale units operate as complementary to each other. Such complementarity and division of labour between the different sized units results into cost minimization, and acceleration in growth of the manufacturing sector.However the extent and the pattern of functional complementarity (between large and small scale enterprises) is likely to be conditioned by market as well as institutional factors. Therefore, in order to examine the impact of interscale complementarity in terms of growth as well as of distribution of gains across large and small scale enterprises it is very important to learn about the nature of interfirm linkages and the process through which linkages get established. It is in this context, the present paper furnishes details based on a case study of Textile Machinery Parts Manufacturing (TMP) industry in a metropolitan city (Ahmedabad). The industry represented is constituted by a large number of small scale firms that are engaged in fabricating replacement parts for the users of machinery equipments (i.e. Textile Mills) who operate on a large scale. Owing to wide range of products, and in case of some parts higher frequency of replacement, the TMP industry, at least till recently, has sustained a large number of small firms.The major findings of the analysis are: (i) The incidence of inter-firm linkages is limited to about a third of the small scale firms; (ii) Among various forms of linkages the marketing linkages are the most predominant (iii) The linkage relationship has been a positive factor in determining the performance of the small scale firms; (iv) Personal contacts play an important role in inter-firm linkages, thus benefits of linkage relationship are mainly confined to a small social-group of industrialists; (v) While the small scale suppliers operate under a highly competitive market, the buyers often enjoy oligopsonist's advantage; hence the gains of competitive efficiency tend to favour the large scale sector.  相似文献   

During the last two decades small firms in developing countries have received more and more attention from researchers and policy makers. For this, several reasons have been brought forward. The decline in labour absorption in agriculture and the slow growth of employment opportunities in the other sectors of the economy, combined with the fact that the growth of the labour force has accelerated, have led to un- and under-employment problems in many of these countries.Small firms are generally viewed as a useful means of alleviating these problems, because medium and large firms only would not help to solve the problems. However, from this study it can be concluded that the medium and large firms in the manufacturing sector in Indonesia are doing better in employment and income than generally anticipated.The purpose of this study is to examine the relative pattern of change and development of small firms in the manufacturing sector in Indonesia in the last two decades and possible factors affecting their growth. Also the relative importance of small firms in terms of income generation will be assessed.The study will use national data collected from the Department of Industry and Central Bureau of Statistic in Indonesia. Further, the study will be based, for its theoretical analysis, on relevant literature on the subject and on some empirical studies in Indonesia as well as in other developing countries.  相似文献   

This paper extends the existing literature on the potential advantages and drawbacks of domestic and offshore manufacturing strategies to a small firm perspective. The advantages of offshore production to the large corporation have received much attention in recent years, particularly with regards to the apparel industry. The key advantages of offshore production are obvious for the large firm: cost reductions and increased productivity through labour market differentials. Little is known however about the viability and attractiveness of this strategy for the small apparel firm. The high number of small apparel firms who continue to produce in their domestic market, despite labour market differentials, suggests that the cost advantages of producing offshore may not be as critical for the competitive advantage of many of these small firms. Four case studies of small New Zealand apparel firms are used to substantiate and expand on themes developed from the literature.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the behaviour of small independent financial advisors (IFAs) in terms of their involvement in networks and open innovation. A mail survey of small IFAs was undertaken utilising previously validated scales to assess business performance in relation to networking and open innovation. Results indicate that IFAs involvement in networks and open innovation can assist business performance. The managerial implications are that IFAs and other financial services organisation sector firms may be able to achieve higher sales growth by participating in networks and engaging in open innovation. This paper provides an original empirical assessment of possible strategies to enhance sales growth in small financial service sector firms facing volatile market conditions.  相似文献   

Discussion about demography of firms and industries is asking not only for the entity of organizations but also for processes of entry and exit. Changes and shifts in the overall structure of enterprises are very often regarded as reflections of market forces which are leaded by company strategies and their management elites. Too less attention is paid to some overall trends in which deaths and births of firms are embedded. The paper tries to discuss some developments in the structure of the labour force which are regarded as an autonomous interpretation scheme for new occupations, markets and firms. The secular sectoral transformation towards the service sector is connected to the course of productivity which provides in itself the breeding ground for new organizations. Analysing long-term social and economic changes is one of the necessary perspectives to understand recent trends in economy and society and to arrive at a better understanding of future developments. The argument in the paper is a conceptual one which is highlighted by empirical observations. Evolutionary processes of creative destruction must be understood best by an integrated interdisciplinary approach including different aspects of market formations and socioeconomic dimensions such as labour market trends, social stratification issues and life-style elements.  相似文献   

The statistical observation that small firms have created the majority of new jobs during the 1980s has had a tremendous influence on public policy. Governments have looked to the small firm sector for employment growth, and have promoted policies to augment this expansion. However, recent research in the U.S. suggests that net job creation in the manufacturing small firm sector may have been overestimated, relative to that in large firms.The first part of this paper addresses various measurement issues raised in the recent research, reassess the issue of job creation by firm size, and pushes this work beyond the manufacturing sector by employing longitudinal data covering all companies in the Canadian economy. We conclude that over the 1978–92 period, as a group small firms did account for a disproportionate share of both gross job gains and losses, and net employment increases, no matter which method of sizing firms is used. Measurement does matter, however, as the magnitude of the difference in the growth rates between small and large firms is very sensitive to the measurement approaches used. Part one of the paper also produces results for various industrial sectors, and examines employment growth in existing small and large firms (i.e., excluding births). It is found that employment growth in the population of existing small and large firms is very similar. Attempts are made to introduce a job quality aspect to the analysis by using payroll rather than employment data. Payroll data allow any relative change in hours worked or wages paid in small (relative to large) companies to be incorporated in the findings. This did not significantly alter the conclusions reached using employment data only.The second part of the paper looks at concentration and persistence of employment creation and destruction within size classes. If growth is highly concentrated, knowing that a firm is small will provide little information about its prospects for growth. Most small firms would grow relatively little, or decline, while a few expanded a lot. It is found that both job creation and destruction is highly concentrated among relatively few firms in all size groups. There are fast growing firms in all size classes, and although most job creation is found in the small firm sector, the fastest growing large firms out-perform the majority of small firms in any given period. Finally, the employment creation performance of businesses are compared over two three-year periods. It is found that knowing that a firm is a high performer (in terms of jobs created) over one period is of only limited value in determining growth in the second period. This is particularly true among small firms. These results suggest that firms which expand rapidly during one period are replaced to some considerable degree by others in the subsequent period.  相似文献   

There are large differences between Steindl’s ideas on growth policies and the Brussels/Paris consensus. Steindl called for innovation and education policies, whereas the mainstream today rather favours deregulation and privatization. Steindl stressed the positive demand‐side effects of the public sector and the contribution of lower household savings and anticyclical policies to growth. The economic mainstream praises the efficiency effects of a declining public sector, the importance of high savings for investment and warns of active anticyclical policies being an impediment to budget consolidation. Steindl and the Keynesians regarded the labour market situation as a consequence of economic growth. Today many economists see low growth as a result of labour market rigidities.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the pressures towards globalisation reshaping the corporate law sector. It uses Yip's [Yip, G.S. (1996). Total global strategy (2nd ed.). Englewood-Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall] framework of global industry drivers. The dominant view has been that the globalisation potential of the legal industry is low since there are few global legal products and many regulatory differences between markets. However, within the corporate law sector, strong regulatory differences between countries are outweighed by the combined impact of market, competitive and cost drivers. Evidence from this research shows that the balance of industry drivers is towards there being benefits to the pursuit of global strategies within this sector. In practice, a small number of very large corporate law firms are implementing global strategies in pursuit of specific sources of future competitive advantage. Thus a small ‘super-elite’ of globalising firms is emerging.  相似文献   

In many European countries, SME policy is close to being a synonym for job creation. Most empirical research on the job-generation potential of small firms over the last decade has been done in the stable and favorable economic conditions of market economies. The paper investigates the role of small firms in more difficult circumstances. On an empirical data set for Slovenia, the paper tries to show that small firms have been the most important employer during the transition period, a finding that very likely can be extrapolated for other European transition economies. Over the last decade Slovenia has transformed from a labor-managed economic system to a market-oriented economy. If we compare the firm-size structure in a socialist-like economy to the firm-size structure in a mature market economy close to equilibrium, we notice a typical absence of small- and medium-sized firms, with the exception of craft shops. That was how Slovenia appeared in the early nineties. Charac-terized by the removal of administrative barriers, transition encouraged a spontaneous entrepreneurial wave through an expanding small business sector. The ensuing changes in employment distribution changed the firm-size structure.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how productivity spillovers from foreign to domestic firms are affected by foreign firm characteristics and labour market conditions in Moldova. We use firm-level administrative panel data and annual survey region-sector indicators of labour market conditions in 2005–2014. Baseline regressions show that domestic firms benefit from backward FDI spillovers, while we find no evidence of horizontal or forward spillovers. Spillover effects are heterogeneous and depend on the ownership structure and age of foreign firms. Domestic firms in upstream sectors benefit from both wholly foreign-owned companies (WFOC) and joint ventures (JV). However, JVs need less time in the market for positive spillovers to materialise, while WFOCs only lead to larger spillover effects when they are older. In regions and sectors where firms experience fewer labour market restrictions, backward FDI spillovers are larger. Interacting foreign firm characteristics with labour market restrictions, we find that spillovers through the labour market channel materialise only for older FDI, regardless of ownership type. The results are in line with our expectation that WFOCs need more time than JVs to develop linkages with local suppliers and lead to spillovers through this channel. Moreover, in developing countries labour market restrictions reduce labour mobility and consequently, the size of FDI spillovers across industries.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the growing body of knowledge in international entrepreneurship by reporting on a qualitative empirical investigation into the overseas expansion processes of small Asian (originating from the Indian sub-continent)-owned firms operating in the U.K. clothing industry. The key decision makers within these firms frequently identified themselves as an active, and important, influence upon the actual activities of their firms as international operators. For some firms though, a more passive approach to internationalisation could be identified, whereby the receipt of unsolicited orders had an effect on some firms' timing of overseas market entry. The balance between the nature of opportunities, that frequently derived from cultural networks, and the constraints of a limited resource base with which to exploit those opportunities, also had a major impact on the direction and pace of certain firms' overseas expansion. The findings suggest a general tendency to adopt an incremental approach to internationalisation within this mature trade sector. The cultural and business experience of managers, however, was found to have an effect on the pace and direction of the overseas expansion. Recommendations on the likely efficacy and effectiveness of public/private sector interaction within the area of international entrepreneurship involving entrepreneurs from Asian backgrounds are offered.  相似文献   

This paper looks for different patterns of behaviour of national firms and multinational enterprises (MNEs). Its main contribution is the use of a computable general equilibrium perspective to analyse firms’ performance. The model is calibrated for the case of the Czech Republic, which has been a very attractive foreign direct investment location in the last three decades. We replicate the arrival of MNEs to different sectors of this country in turn and analyse the responses of both types of firms across the 20 different sectors in which the Czech economy has been split. Our results grasp the short‐run impact. The higher labour intensity of national firms leads them to different patterns of production and labour demand, compared with MNEs operating within the same sector. The demand side of the model (particularly, exports and private consumption) drives the evolution of production and labour demand across sectors. Regarding prices, we also find a differential pattern between both types of firms within and across sectors. Our analysis offers detailed evidence on how the impact of MNEs will differ depending on the sector to which they arrive. Finally, the aggregate results suggest that a completely different microeconomic panorama may underlie rather similar macroeconomic outcomes.  相似文献   

Empirical Analysis of Business Growth Factors Using Swedish Data   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Empirical research conducted on the U.S., German, Australian, and Scottish economies has shown that age, size, location, legal form, and industry are related to business growth. Much of this research has focused on manufacturing firms, thus providing little information about the effect of industrial sector differences on these factors. We seek to both confirm that small independent firms demonstrate the greatest growth rates and to explore the effects of the industrial sector on this conclusion.
This article uses Swedish data to replicate previous research while using a different definition of business to enhance the study of effects from industry, international versus domestic businesses, and domestic versus foreign ownership. Results show that business age, beginning size, ownership form, industrial sector, and legal form are the most important factors related to growth. Although business growth differs among industrial sectors, youth, ownership independence, and small size are major factors that underlie growth across all industries.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to examine some aspects of transaction structure of the small business sector in Japanese manufacturing. It has been found that there are some interesting findings in the industrial organization of the sector (1) In the transactions of intermediate goods with manufacturing, small businesses have more frequent transactions with other small businesses than with large firms. On the other hand, large firms have more transactions with each other than with small businesses; (2) The transactions between SMEs and large firms, and between SMEs themselves vary from industry to industry, depending on production/demand structure of an industry and product structure of its SMEs sector; (3) In engineering, such as electrical machinery and transport equipment, the intra-industry transactions from small businesses to large firms are great, suggesting a larger extent of subcontracting relationships. Also, textiles, clothing, and printing and publishing also have higher subcontracting transactions.The relationships are different between the two groups.  相似文献   

In Denmark, the government has formulated a policy for creating a household service market by introducing economic support to Home Service firms. This political attempt at creating a market is analysed. Theoretically, it can test Gershuny's theory that households do their own housework by using machines, and the institutionalist market theory that households’ market behaviour is determined not only by the price, but also by social norms. The Home Service System is evaluated in relation to its development of business and its ability to solve the problems unemployment and moonlighting (informal work). The social consequences of an emerging household service sector are investigated. The conclusion is that it is very difficult to create a service market via the polity, and the Home Service system has not solved the problems it set out to overcome. Although it has introduced some improvements, at the same time it has created new labour market problems.  相似文献   

Drawing on data from the Celtic craft sector, this paper uses aesthetics as a critical lens in explaining how small firms develop particular styles of marketing in order to survive and grow. This approach has not previously been adopted in explaining small business marketing behaviour, although there is a growing history of its use in the wider management and organisational arena. Interpretation of qualitative data from the UK and the Republic of Ireland has enabled the construction of a typology of different styles of marketing by craft firm owner/managers which also confirms the heterogeneous nature of the small business sector. Aesthetic profiling helps explain why some craft firms follow market demand, while others pursue market creation activities. A key outcome is the need to acknowledge the impact of aesthetic processes on small business marketing decision making. Investigation of the Celtic aesthetic informs how these processes are shaped through the development of a particular type of marketing grounded in creativity, intuition and opportunity recognition. Wider consumption, markets and cultural implications are also evaluated in terms of decision and meaning making in the cultural production process; the connections between critical marketing and aesthetics as ways of challenging marketing concepts and practices; how aesthetics contributes to entrepreneurial marketing; and finally how craft and the Celtic lens uncover wider connections with cultural production.  相似文献   

In order for businesses to remain competitive it is suggested that across industry there is a requirement for ‘higher and broader’ skills. Universities have an important role to play in satisfying the need for higher level skills training for businesses of all sizes. With respect to small firms, the training and development provided by universities has traditionally been founded upon an educational/large firm model. In order to make significant in-roads into the small firm training market it is argued that universities need to attend more closely to the specific needs of client organisations. One way in which the small firm higher level skills training market can be segmented is in terms of sector. The present study examines the higher level skills training needs of a sample of UK small firms from the perspective of sectoral variations. Differences between firms occupying different sectors were observed in terms of funding of training, responsibility for training and types of higher level skills training undertaken. Attitudes towards universities as training providers were generally favourable with little inter-sectoral variation. It is argued that these findings need to be taken into account if universities are to address the real, as opposed to perceived or presumed, needs of small businesses. A systematic-collaborative model of the customer-supplier relationship for the small firm training market is put forward.  相似文献   

A diverse set of human resource management (HRM) practices became institutionalized during Hong Kong's industrialization from the 1950s through the 1970s within the context of an open economy, a government disinclined to intervene in business decisions or the labour market and a weak trade union movement. Economic restructuring, labour market changes and rising labour costs during the 1980s and 1990s pressured employers to find more effective ways of using their human resources. We focus on how the economic downturn following the Asian Financial Crisis has impacted on employment practices including employment security, compensation, skill formation, work reorganization and employment relations. We discuss changes in the public as well as private sector and argue that reforms in the former are loosening the rigidities of its highly structured internal labour market system. Public sector employment practices are thus likely to converge increasingly with the ‘best practices’ of private sector and overseas government HRM systems.  相似文献   

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