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用“声名远扬,蜚声海内外”来形容三坊七巷一点也不过分,不仅在所在地福州,还是在福建、全国乃至整个地球,很多人都知道三坊七巷的名字。但三坊七巷究竟是哪三坊、哪七巷,就算是福州本地人,也未必每个人都说得出来,更不用说三坊七巷的真正内涵。福州常被认为是化沙漠,说缺乏化气息,遗憾的是很多时候我们也都不负责任默许了这样的评价。所以,当我们今天骄傲叫响三坊七巷的同时,不妨也去追抚一下三坊七巷的古今。品味一下三坊七巷走过的脚印。来一次与历史对话,与未来对话。  相似文献   

每个人都有梦想,但实现梦想的意义不同.只有把个人的梦想与国家的梦想、民族的梦想紧密相连,才能让个人的生活幸福、人生出彩融入国家强盛、民族复兴里,扎实的历史文化积淀才能让梦想飞得更高更远、价值更大.  相似文献   

毕功 《土地与经济》2001,(11):47-47
任何地名的起源,无不与当地历史条件及地理特征相关,即所谓地名是历史地理发展的产物;反过来任何地名缘起和成因均反映出一定的历史化及地理环境。在地名学中把与植物相关的称为:植物地名”,与动物相关的称为“动物地名”,与土地或土地开发相关的地名则称为“土地地名”。围场的一系列土地地名便是当地土地开发的历史见证。  相似文献   

在已经确定的历史化风貌保护区中,对某一幢或若干幢组成的某一片历史建筑如何保留或保护,用通常“修旧如旧”、“修旧如初”等模糊概念来指导工作过于简单化。实践证明,不仅“旧”的程度不能量化,而且“初”的时点难以把握。  相似文献   

随着中国从体育大国向体育强国迈进,各种各样的大型赛事越来越多地在我国举行.高度国际化的体育交流和合作迫切需翻译作为连通彼此的桥梁.翻译过程中出现了很多极具文化的词,不熟悉其文化背景面对翻译难免让人一头雾水.而体育术语的翻译作为其中极为重要的一部分,在对文化具体分类之后,可以发现不同文化对翻译产生不同的影响.结合当下翻译...  相似文献   

论历史文化街区和历史建筑的概念界定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
历史文化街区保护是历史文化名城保护体系的三个基本层次之一,也是历史文化名城保护的底线。但是由于法律、法规和技术规范对历史文化街区和历史建筑的概念界定含混不清,表述不一,成为普遍困扰历史文化名城保护与监管的障碍之一。为此,本文立足于社会实践,详细论述了导致思想认识出现混乱的症结所在,呼吁加强学术理论研究,进一步完善历史文化名城保护制度,以适应经济社会全面转型发展的需要。  相似文献   

苏小松 《中外企业家》2013,(2S):247-250
个人自由与大同一体是欧洲民族在心理文化追求上的最大特色。欧洲民族在经历了漫长艰苦的历史发展进步之后,终于能在精神文化和物质体制上走到了一个比较良好的联盟状态。今天的欧洲联盟秉承了历史上欧洲一贯的精神气质,它是充满希望和孕育着美好前景的,也遗存着巨大危险的问题和隐患。回顾欧洲民族走过的历史,如何将他的优秀品质尽情淋漓地开掘展示出来,将他的丑陋恶德彻底地消灭净尽,不仅是欧洲联盟面临的巨大问题和挑战,而且是现代人类世界共同的命运。  相似文献   

历史文化名城保护的制度特征与现实挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过回顾历史文化名城制度诞生的背景和国务院三个文件的主要精神,分析我国名城保护的制度特征及存在问题.从历史城区、历史街区及历史建筑的保护理念、保护方法和规划管理等方面,探讨在转型发展时期名城保护所面临的巨大挑战.最后,对完善名城保护机制的可能路径提出了若干建议.  相似文献   

吴静激  袁媛 《价值工程》2019,38(35):4-6
历史文化街区是城市传统文化的载体和历史演进的见证。它们对激活传统文化、完善城市功能、提升城市品位、增强城市竞争力、培育新的经济增长点起到了重要的带动作用。在统筹协调发展与保护的前提下,对历史街区与文化创意产业的结合,既促进了历史街区重焕光彩,同时也推动了城市创意经济的发展。  相似文献   

Workfare programs are state-instituted programs that require able-bodied persons with children of school age who wish to claim welfare payments to participate in job training programs, and, eventually, to enter the work force. The philosophy of workfare is based on the value of work and the goal of self-determination. However, as a mandatory program for welfare recipients, workfare requires of those recipients certain duties which, according to those who challenge workfare, interfere with the freedom to choose what one will do with one's life. Whether some form of workfare will be adopted as part of our national welfare system remains to be seen. What the debate about such a program suggests is that welfare, in itself, by ignoring the necessity of security and education for full human agency, neither satisfies basic needs nor prepares its recipients for any life other than that of dependency. With all its difficulties workfare nevertheless presents an alternative to welfare that, at least in theory, more closely identifies its purpose with the values of our society.  相似文献   

In this paper we argue that the impact of external scale economies and diseconomies on city size is not nearly as clear-cut as it is tacitly believed in urban economics. Similarly, city-size distortions are not caused by externalities alone. Indivisibility and nonreplicability, which prevent establishing the “right” number of cities, may represent a source for city-size distortions which can be stronger than the standard resource misallocation resulting from external scale economies and diseconomies. It follows that a direct population dispersion policy is not just an inferior substitute to Pigouvian taxes and subsidies but rather a useful complement.  相似文献   

We develop a model of competition between shopping centers, comparing competitive outcomes in three alternative modes of retail organization, namely: streets (in which neither developers or retailers internalize agglomeration effects between products); malls (in which developers internalize); and supermarkets (in which both developers and retailers internalize). For a fixed number of centers: (i) converting streets to malls intensifies developer (but not retailer) competition, which increases product range (i.e., the number of shops built by the developers) and consumer surplus, reduces profits, and has ambiguous effects on welfare; (ii) converting streets to supermarkets intensifies retailer and developer competition, has ambiguous effects on product range (number of shops), reduces profits, and increases social welfare. With free entry both conversions reduce the number of centers and, if there is excess entry, conversion to supermarkets (but not malls) unambiguously increases welfare.  相似文献   

This study is an investigation of the effect of profit-sharing on labor productivity. When monitoring labor performance is costly for management, a regular wage/salary contract is insufficient to induce profit-maximizing behavior from the worker. The authors demonstrate that when this profit-maximizing behavior can be induced only through profit-sharing, a linear profit-sharing program will increase productivity and the welfare of both management and labor. The benefit from profit-sharing is increasing up to the point where the utility of additional income is offset by the negative utility of extraordinary effort (working harder or providing higher quality work). The income effect, i.e., the change in negative utility of extraordinary effort given a change in income, can potentially either increase or decrease the point at which the income-effort tradeoff-reaches zero.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to present the impact of packaging material on sustainability. The article analyzes the size of the problem that arises from the use of packaging and the effect of various types of packaging material on waste management. The data on solid waste from the United States and the European Union reinforce that the problem is not only huge but also requires immediate attention. The research found that paying attention to packaging has the potential to improve economic, environmental, and social sustainability. Reducing packaging in supply chains improves profitability for organizations, reduces environmental impact, and helps societies in lowering the cost of disposal. The cost of packaging materials and the costs of disposal and landfill, are borne by the end consumers. Suggested approaches to minimizing the generation of packaging waste include concerted efforts for reducing packaging throughout supply chains where elimination of packaging is not feasible, the formation of a global policy on the use and disposal of packaging materials, and educating consumers.  相似文献   

Attempts to economize on decision-making time imply that groups of peers may delegate authority to a small committee of managers even though this means that the information and preferences of the uninvolved players are neglected. Decisions are more likely to be delegated to players with better information and more representative preferences. The possibility of ex post protests may force managers to take the preferences of others into account but may also give them incentives to ignore their private information. The argument may explain employees' willingness to let bosses decide, and thus throw some light on the theory of the firm.  相似文献   

This article operationalizes a non-empty relation as implied if strict preference and indifference jointly do not completely order the choice set. Specifically, indecision is operationalized as a positive preference for delegating choice to a least predictable device.  相似文献   

Most firms issue financial assets such as debt or equity (e.g. bonds or stock) to outside investors. While these financial assets differ greatly in their characteristics, their diversity has received little attention in the literature. Filling this important gap in the literature, this paper views debt and equity as financial contracts, and asks why they are optimal instead of other financial contracts. By endogenizing the bankruptcy process, this paper shows how debt and equity arise as a consequence of an optimal allocation of cash-flow rights and monitoring rights, and how equity leads to dividend signaling.  相似文献   

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