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现代城市规划理论影响了中国当代住区户外空间环境的基本特征,分析了现代住区存在的不适应当代居住需求的问题及其根本原因,指出住区环境规划设计中存在的多个"两难结构"是其制约原因,并分析了其对住区空间环境的基本特征的影响。 相似文献
本文采用我国A股市场上市公司2003年至2005年的数据,考察了外部治理环境对公司董事会独立性的影响。实证结果表明:上市公司所在地区的法治化水平与公司董事会独立性显著正相关,上市公司所在地区的政府干预经济的程度对公司董事会独立性无显著影响。 相似文献
在推动实施“健康中国战略”的背景下,社区规划与公共健康的相关性研究日益受到关注,居住社区作为健康生活的重要载体,其建成环境对于居民的健康需求尤为关键.通过对济南社区居民健康需求特征的实证调研,深入剖析建成环境与居民健康需求之间存在的差距和问题,作为未来提升社区健康环境的切入点;在此基础上,以生活便捷高效、环境舒适共享、... 相似文献
土地利用规划战略环境评价研究是土地利用规划编制中的新课题,景观生态学的发展为土地利用规划战略环境评价研究提供了新的理论、方法和技术手段。本文分析了环境影响评价和战略环境影响评价之间的联系和区别以及景观生态学原理融入土地利用规划战略环境评价的适用性,提出了景观生态学应用于土地利用规划战略环境评价的方法框架,并探讨了具体评价过程。 相似文献
气候变化和城镇化的双重力量作用下,日益频繁的洪涝灾害已成为中国城市面临的重大挑战。通过社会脆弱性评估识别易受淹地区并提出相应的规划策略,是降低风险和增强气候适应性的重要途径。以南京市为例,通过构建面向洪涝的城市社会脆弱性评价框架,识别南京社会脆弱性的空间分布特征。结果表明:社会脆弱性总体上呈现“中心—外围”模式,即中心城区和远郊区社会脆弱性高,近郊区社会脆弱性低,进一步划分了“高暴露型”、“高暴露—高敏感型”、“高暴露—低适应型”和“低适应型”四种政策分区,并提出了具体的应对措施。 相似文献
结合清远市北江河自然景观、飞水塔古迹、松林公园、滨江公园及沿线的建筑小品和绿化与县城文化体育广场等建筑,对城市景观、绿化和道路两侧建筑物的规划建设进行论述。 相似文献
达成一致和复杂自适应系统--一种评价协作性规划的框架 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
达成一致过程不仅与产生协议和计划有关,而且与实验、学习改变和达成共享的意义相关.本文以我们在大范围的关于达成一致案例中的实验性研究和实践为基础,提出达到一致过程应该被放在复杂科学原则和联络性理论的背景下进行评价.作为结果和标准,文内提出了一些评价原则和一系列方法. 相似文献
Andrew Ward Nathan Moon Paul M. A. Baker 《Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal》2012,24(1):37-53
Work-related disability issues have been central in many of the U.S. public policy debates since the late 1970s and early
1980s. Although there is a robust business, legal, and public policy literature dealing with such issues philosophical analyses
are not common. Accordingly, the paper examines, from a broadly philosophical perspective, some of the issues associated with
restricted workplace employment opportunities due to the presence of one or more real or perceived disabilities. Following
a review of the concept of disability, the paper examines disabilities and impairments using the concepts of functionings
and capabilities developed by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum. The paper then connects the capabilities approach to disabilities
with the concepts of negative and positive freedom developed by Isaiah Berlin. The paper concludes by suggesting how to address
employment and workplace discriminations of disabled people. 相似文献
中国货币供应量政策实证评析 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
货币供应量是否合适,可以从实际货币供应量与中性货币供应量差异的角度来进行分析。中性货币供应量是指与一国经济自然增长率和正常货币深化系数相适应的货币供应量。本文通过中国改革开放以来的经验数据计算出中国经济的自然增长率和货币深化系数,从而得出相应的中性货币供应量。在此基础上,本文给出了一个评价中国货币政策的分析框架,并据此对中国改革开放以来的货币政策进行评价和提出相应的政策建议。 相似文献
Dror Kochan 《International journal of urban and regional research》2015,39(5):927-947
The rapid urbanization of China since the mid‐1980s has led to the development of a new spatial category, the urban village (chengzhongcun). The dominant neoliberal urban development regime approaches urban villages as a social, spatial, economic and political problem, and as targets for aggressive redevelopment and eradication policies. In this article, I propose a spatial perspective that makes use of several theoretical ‘anchors' to analyze the influence of urban village spatiality on its development process and to explore alternatives to the dominant redevelopment model. I begin by examining the spatial conceptualization of the urban village as a non‐place, arguing that this spatial reading undergirds the redevelopment‐by‐demolition model and tends to obscure alternative conceptualizations. I then move on to propose three alternative readings of urban village space, examining it as an everyday space, a liminal space and a neighborhood. Combining these three readings with the ‘non‐place' conceptualization provides a nuanced understanding of urban villages' unique spatial attributes and social roles, by evoking spatial and social processes that take place in most urban villages across China. Taken together, these spatial readings challenge the social and spatial rigidity of dominant representations of urban villages and supply a much‐needed spatially based conceptual framework that can be used to develop new urban planning models. 相似文献
Laixiang Sun 《Economics of Planning》2001,34(3):195-213
This paper re-examines the current debate on price scissors based on an extended framework, in which the production and trade
of industrial consumer goods within the rural sector is incorporated. It confirms that in the economy considered by Preobrazhensky,
consumer rationing, especially of industrial goods in rural areas, is prevalent. Under the binding rationing the price response
of agricultural surplus cannot be determined theoretically. This finding reopens the field for empirical investigation. The
paper identifies the conditions that guarantee the validity of Preobrazhenshy's two propositions: (1) the state can increase
its capital accumulation by moving the terms of trade against peasants, and (2) the urban workers need not necessarily suffer
therefrom. It demonstrates that in order to ensure the validity of these two propositions, besides the need to assume positive
price response of agricultural surplus and of labour force input, food rationing in urban areas and the rationing of major
industrial consumer goods in rural areas are essentially required. As a consequence, the paper suggests that the price-scissors
type of regulation would induce the state's coercion on peasants to collect their food surplus.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Stephen Graham 《International journal of urban and regional research》2002,26(1):175-182
This response to Coutard’s piece, ‘Premium Network Spaces: A Comment’ (in this issue) takes issue with his three main arguments in turn. First, it is argued that post‐monopolistic systems of infrastructure supply, along with the biased application of new technology, do often lead to exaggerated inequalities in social power which his analysis of water fails to reveal because it is the sector where natural monopoly characteristics are most difficult to undermine. Second, I explore Coutard’s argument that intensifying spatial specialization in infrastructure supply can often be benign and economically positive because of the wider trickle‐down and fiscal impacts of major development spaces. Under conditions of intensifying place competition and the erosion of regional planning coordination, however, I argue that such trickle‐down and fiscal impacts are often less significant than the spatially and socially regressive cross‐subsidies that support and sustain the emergence of such spaces. Finally, I argue that boundary control around powerful ‘glocal’ economic spaces, far from being socially benign as Coutard suggests, usually amounts to a powerful set of exclusionary practices with all too real social effects. Cette réponse à la partie de Coutard, ‘Premium Network Spaces: A Comment’ (dans ce même numéro) critique successivement ses trois principaux arguments. Tout d’abord, les systèmes post‐monopolitistiques de distribution, ainsi que l’application détournée des nouvelles technologies, conduisent souvent à amplifier les inégalités de pouvoir social, ce que Coutard ignore dans son analyse de l’eau alors que ce secteur présente les caractères de monopole naturel les plus difficiles àéliminer. L’article étudie ensuite l’argument de Coutard selon lequel intensifier la spécialisation spatiale d’une infrastructure de distribution peut fréquemment ? tre salutaire et positive sur un plan économique, du fait des impacts fiscaux et des effets de diffusion plus larges des grands espaces de développement; cependant, dans un contexte d’intensification de la concurrence entre les lieux, et d’érosion de la coordination régionale de l’aménagement, ces conséquences fiscales et cette diffusion sont souvent moins significatives que les inter‐financements régressifs au plan spatial et social qui soutiennent et entretiennent l’émergence de ces espaces. Pour finir, un contrôle à la périphérie des puissants espaces économiques ‘glocaux’, loin d’être favorable socialement comme le suggère Coutard, couvre généralement un ensemble efficace de pratiques d’exclusion aux conséquences sociales trop réelles. 相似文献
Zeljka Vidic Damon Burton Gregory South Anthony M. Pickering Amanda Start 《Journal of Leadership Studies》2016,10(3):22-40
It is widely believed that contemporary leaders must possess highly developed interpersonal, motivational, social, and emotional skills. However, empirical evidence documenting the specific role emotional intelligence (EI) and motivational constructs play in leadership is equivocal to date (e.g., Harms & Crede, 2010; Lindebaum & Cartwright, 2010; Walter, Cole, & Humphrey, 2011). The current study examined a proposed working leadership model based on four distinct leadership styles LSs; i.e., servant, transformational, transactional, and passive/avoidant) that could be viewed on an autonomy‐sophistication continuum based on readiness and strengths of both leaders and followers. Participants included 535 male and female junior college and high school students at a military academy. Cluster analysis (CA) results revealed four unique LS profiles that capture different combinations of the four LS styles. LS profiles were compared on a range of motivational and EI dimensions. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) results revealed support for hypothesized profile differences, including: (a) all three social motivation subscales, (b) both learning and capacity ability beliefs, (c) task but not ego motivational orientation, and (d) three revised EI subscales created when exploratory factor analysis failed to confirm the hypothesized Emotional and Social Competence Inventory factor structure for this cadet sample. 相似文献
合理评价县域科技进步对城乡统筹发展的效能,既能有效识别出县域科技进步在促进城乡统筹发展中的作用大小,也能有助于为县域制定科技政策及促进科技创新能力提供参考。本研究通过德尔菲法,构建县域科技进步促进城乡统筹发展的效能指标体系,并对县域科技进步促进城乡统筹发展的效能进行评价,最后运用该指标体系及评价模型对昆山市的科技进步促进城乡统筹发展的效能进行实例测算。 相似文献
This paper aims to provide a better understanding of the causal structure in a multivariate time series by introducing several statistical procedures for testing indirect and spurious causal effects. In practice, detecting these effects is a complicated task, since the auxiliary variables that transmit/induce indirect/spurious causality are very often unknown. The availability of hundreds of economic variables makes this task even more difficult since it is generally infeasible to find the appropriate auxiliary variables among all the available ones. In addition, including hundreds of variables and their lags in a regression equation is technically difficult. The paper proposes several statistical procedures to test for the presence of indirect/spurious causality based on big data analysis. Furthermore, it suggests an identification procedure to find the variables that transmit/induce the indirect/spurious causality. Finally, it provides an empirical application where 135 economic variables were used to study a possible indirect causality from money/credit to income. 相似文献