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We examine the link between trade liberalization and aggregate productivity, with a focus on improved market selection resulting from a reduction in trade barriers and in the dispersion of these barriers across producers. Our analysis exploits tariff changes across sectors after the Colombian trade reform. An additional advantage of our analysis is that our TFP measure does not include demand and price effects. We find that reduced trade protection makes plant survival depend more closely on productivity. Using a dynamic simulation, we find that enhanced selection increases aggregate productivity substantially. Trade liberalization also increases productivity of incumbent plants and improves the allocation of activity. We find larger effects on allocative efficiency with our TFP measure than with a traditional measure including price effects.  相似文献   

Population,food, and knowledge: a simple unified growth theory   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
This paper provides a unified growth theory, i.e. a model that explains the very long-run economic and demographic development path of industrialized economies, stretching from the pre-industrial era to the present-day and beyond. Making strict use of Malthus’ (An essay on the principle of population. London, printed for J. Johnson, 1798) so-called preventive check hypothesis—that fertility rates vary inversely with the price of food—the current study offers a new and straightforward explanation for the demographic transition and the break with the Malthusian era. Employing a two-sector framework with agriculture and industry, we demonstrate how fertility responds differently to productivity and income growth, depending on whether it emerges in agriculture or industry. Agricultural productivity and income growth makes food goods, and therefore children, relatively less expensive. Industrial productivity and income growth, on the other hand, makes food goods, and therefore children, relatively more expensive. The present framework lends support to existing unified growth theories and is well in tune with historical evidence about structural transformation.   相似文献   

The structural transformation and aggregate productivity in Portugal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We document the substantial process of structural transformation—the reallocation of labor between agriculture, manufacturing, and services—and aggregate productivity growth undergone by Portugal between 1956 and 1995. We assess the quantitative role of sectoral labor productivity in accounting for these processes. We calibrate a model of the structural transformation to data for the United States and use the model to gain insight into the factors driving the structural transformation and aggregate productivity growth in Portugal. The model implies that Portugal features low and roughly constant relative productivity in agriculture and services (around 22%) and a modest but growing relative productivity in manufacturing (from 44 to 110%). We find that productivity growth in manufacturing accounts for most of the reduction of the aggregate productivity gap with the United States and that a further closing of this gap can only be accomplished via improvements in the relative productivity of services. This paper was written while the authors were affiliated with the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. We would like to thank the editor, two anonymous referees, and participants at the Third Conference on Portuguese Economic Development in the European Context organized by the Bank of Portugal for their comments. All errors are our own.  相似文献   

A salient feature of developing economies is the coexistence of a modern commercial sector alongside a traditional subsistence sector—the dual economy. The apparent differences in productivity between sectors imply substantial losses in aggregate productivity. Existing theories of the dual economy rely on exogenous price distortions, and cannot explain why or if these distortions evolve over the course of development. This paper provides a model of the dual economy in which the productivity differences arise endogenously because of a non-separability between the value of market and non-market time in the traditional sector. Incorporating endogenous fertility, the model then demonstrates how a dual economy will originate, persist, and eventually disappear within a unified growth framework. An implication is that traditional sector productivity growth will exacerbate the inefficiencies of a dual economy and produce slower overall growth than will modern sector productivity improvements.  相似文献   

An important determinant of informality in a country is its tax enforcement capacity, which some authors argue further distorts the decisions of firms and creates inefficiency. In this paper, I assess the quantitative effect of incomplete tax enforcement on aggregate output and productivity using a dynamic general equilibrium framework. I calibrate the model using data for Mexico, where the informal sector is large. I then investigate the effects of improving enforcement. I find that under complete enforcement, Mexico's labor productivity and output would be 19% higher under perfect competition and 34% higher under monopolistic competition. The source of this gain is the removal of the distortions induced by incomplete enforcement of taxes. These distortions affect the economy in three ways: by reducing the capital–labor ratios of informal establishments; by allowing low-productive entrepreneurs to enter; and by misallocating resources towards low-productive establishments. As a result, TFP and capital accumulation are reduced, and hence output. I decompose the gains following the guidelines of five leading papers in the literature of resource misallocation across plants. I isolate the effects of pure factor misallocation, distorted occupational choices, capital accumulation, and complementarities. I also study marginal improvements in enforcement and find that there is an inverted-U relationship between the size of the informal sector and output. This reflects the fact that improving enforcement entails a tradeoff: more taxes vs. fewer distortions.  相似文献   

This paper develops a two‐country model of offshoring and immigration with occupational choice and endogenous firm productivity. Individuals in Home choose to become entrepreneurs or workers, whereas those in Foreign can only be employed as workers. Entrepreneurs produce output using a fixed set of tasks that can be performed locally or abroad. The model predicts that pro‐immigration policies increase the number of entrepreneurs, raise productivity, and improve the aggregate welfare. It also predicts that lowering offshoring costs generates job polarization and welfare polarization, but improves the aggregate welfare.  相似文献   

Abuse of EU Emissions Trading for Tacit Collusion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we show that loopholes in EU emissions trading law foster tacit collusion that impacts oligopolistic product markets. The abuses originate from the covert misuse of EU emissions trading institutions, such as pooling or project-based mechanisms. We analyse two types of these loopholes by means of game theoretical methods to show how oligopolistic firms establish output restrictions, even if those firms are price takers on the~permit market (which might actually be the case for the majority of obligated firms in the EU). The identified misuse of emissions trading law increases firms’ profits, decreases the consumers’ surplus and has negative effects on social welfare for specified parameter ranges. Consequently, public authorities should not allow emissions trading’s overall good reputation—based upon its efficient abatement of pollution—to blind them to options in European emissions trading legislation that would eventually restrict competition.   相似文献   

Melitz(2003)通过引入企业的生产率异质性,发现出口可以迫使行业内低效率的企业退出市场,继而通过行业内资源的重新配置实现行业总体生产率水平的提升。文章选取1999-2007年间中国制造业行业层面数据为样本,在分别运用索洛余值法、随机边界分析法(SFA)和数据包络分析法(DEA)对行业生产率水平进行测算的基础上,对贸易自由度与行业总体生产效率之间的关系进行经验检验,结果发现中国的出口对于行业加总的生产率水平的促进作用并不显著,没有明显证据表明异质性企业贸易理论提出的这一新的获得贸易利益的途径在中国的存在。最后,文章建议应该进一步消除各种阻碍自由贸易的壁垒,努力盈造行业内公平、有序的竞争氛围,继而获得由出口引致的通过行业内资源重新配置带来的贸易利得。  相似文献   

Using firm‐level data from 139 countries, this paper investigates the effect of competition in both the domestic and foreign markets on firm productivity and export decisions. Applying a sample selection endogenous treatment (SSET) Poisson model that tackles both the issue of endogenous sample selection and endogenous treatment at the same time, we document robust evidence that strong competition in the domestic market propels firms to be more productive, and decreasing domestic competition increases firms’ propensity to export. However, firms’ export intensity (i.e. how much they export) is not directly influenced by competition in the domestic market. Moreover, lower competition in the foreign market increases the propensity of domestic firms to export, enlarging the set of exporting firms to include firms with relatively smaller export amounts.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to find a robust method of measuring competition when firms' operational activities are subject to frictions. The first part theoretically tests the indicative quality of two competition measures, the price‐cost margin (PCM) and the profit elasticity, in a model of monopolistic competition. The second part studies the empirical performance of the indices for a panel of Ukrainian manufacturing firms. This study offers a new approach to measuring profit elasticity that relies on structural estimation of a production function. The estimation methodology retrieves a productivity index that is adjusted to imperfect competition. The proposed method of measuring profit elasticity is found to be robust to frictions, but the PCM and traditional profit elasticity are biased, especially when the intensity of competition is low. Empirical findings show that competition exhibits a significantly positive correlation with aggregate productivity performance, while its impact on firm productivity is nonlinear.  相似文献   


This paper is one of three contributions to a symposium commenting on papers previously published by the other authors. Allain (Allain, O. (2009) Effective demand and short-term adjustments in the General Theory, Review of Political Economy, 21, pp. 1–22) argues that Keynes elides a distinction between aggregate demand and global expenditure that is necessary to explain the formation of price expectations by individual entrepreneurs. Allain's conclusions depend upon redefinitions of aggregate and effective demand and the consumption function. Hartwig (Hartwig, J. (2007) Keynes vs. the Post Keynesians on the principle of effective demand, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 14, pp. 725–739) argues that entrepreneurs must take into account the state of the economy as a whole, in order to form price expectations independently and not as a market equilibrium determined by aggregate supply and demand. This leaves demand price expectations to be determined outside the principle of effective demand. Neither author does full justice to Keynes's own treatment. We still need to agree by what mechanism individual entrepreneurs form a collective and mutually consistent state of expectation in The General Theory.  相似文献   

We offer an analysis of price effects of airline consolidation on a sample of transatlantic markets. While joining airlines’ networks through code-sharing decreases interline fares by up to 22.5% relative to those of non-consolidated carriers, and alliance membership also produces cost savings that decrease fares by up to 10%, antitrust immunity has no significant price effect for interline trips. Evidence that antitrust immunity increases fares on non-stop routes where it decreases competition is not robust. While total effect of airline consolidation on interline fares is about the same as indicated by previous studies, we suggest different sources of this effect. This paper is the first one presenting empirical evidence of no significant price effects of antitrust immunity.   相似文献   

This paper compares two specific types of competition schemes—service-based and facility-based competition—by focusing on a firm’s incentive to invest in network infrastructure. We show that when monopoly rent is large, facility-based competition means that the initial introduction of infrastructure is made earlier than under service-based competition. However, when monopoly rent and the degree of uncertainty are both small, service-based competition brings about the earlier initial introduction of infrastructure than facility-based competition. The paper includes discussion of the policy implications of these findings.   相似文献   

Abstract.  This paper incorporates equilibrium unemployment caused by efficiency wages into a monopolistic competition model of trade. Worker effort is treated as an endogenous variable that depends on the optimizing behaviour of firms and workers. Opening up trade induces firms to demand greater worker effort and to cut the size of their workforce. This counteracts the positive employment effect due to entry of firms. Circumstances are indicated in which the two effects just balance, leaving aggregate employment unchanged. Trade unambiguously increases worker effort, thereby enhancing within-firm productivity.  相似文献   

We propose a cross-country productivity growth decomposition that allows us to quantify the industry-level contributors to an aggregate productivity growth differential. We deploy this cross-country decomposition to quantify—for the first time—the disaggregate contributors to the divergence in market sector productivity growth between Australia and New Zealand. The results suggest that large contributions to the divergence arise from differences in labour growth across the two countries and that cross-country structural differences are large, and generally act to reduce the divergence. Most of the industries are found to add to the divergence, with particularly large contributions coming from differences across the mining and wholesale trade industries. The views expressed in the paper are entirely my own, and do not necessarily reflect those of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. I would like to thank Les Oxley and Kevin Fox for useful comments on earlier drafts. All errors and omissions are my own.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the literature on the relationship between city size and firm productivity by focusing on agglomeration, selection (market competition), and sorting (presence of firms with diverse productivity) effects using Chinese firm-level data for 1998–2013. Contrary to the existing literature, our parametric regression estimates from nearly two million firms show that when the selection effect is controlled, productivity advantage in big cities is reversed. This outcome is explained through a quantile regression showing the existence of left-sided sorting (inefficient firms sort themselves to larger cities) in big cities which is not captured in existing empirical literature. We further find that (1) left-sided sorting is stronger in exporters than non-exporters; (2) is also generated mainly in enterprises with high asset-liability ratios; and (3) selection has a positive effect on firm productivity, suggesting that market competition is key in an explanation of the rapid growth of big cities in China.  相似文献   

We develop rules for pricing and capacity choice for an interruptible service that recognize the interdependence between consumers’ perceptions of system reliability and their market behavior. Consumers post ex ante demands, based on their expectations on aggregate demand. Posted demands are met if ex post supply capacity is sufficient. However, if supply is inadequate all ex ante demands are proportionally interrupted. Consumers’ expectations of aggregate demand are assumed to be rational. Under reasonable values for the consumer’s degrees of relative risk aversion and prudence, demand is decreasing in supply reliability. We derive operational expressions for the optimal pricing rule and the capacity expansion rule. We show that the optimal price under uncertainty consists of the optimal price under certainty plus a markup that positively depends on the degrees of relative risk aversion, relative prudence and system reliability. We also show that any reliability enhancing investment—though lowering the operating surplus of the public utility—is socially desirable as long as it covers the cost of investment.  相似文献   

This paper reformulates several basic ideas introduced by Joseph Schumpeter to examine the correlation between productivity growth and technological change in order to explore why American productivity growth has been sluggish for the past two decades. Convetional growth theory maintains that a primary cause of low productivity growth is inadequate capital formation, which in turn is caused by low private domestic saving. This paper borrows concepts from cybernetics, formal information theory, and chaotic dynamic systems to describe the Schumpeterian process through which innovative “new combinations” of capital goods generate wealth, productivity increases, and income growth, and which in turn cause increased savings. It describes the process through which such fundamental technological changes are diffused by entrepreneurs throughout the economy, and concludes that the fundamental causes of America's relatively weak productivity growth are to be found in policies or practices that inhibit innovation and entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

As the economy becomes more open to trade, aggregate productivity can increase by driving out the least productive firms (the selection effect). Since the selection effect reallocates resources toward the more productive firms, this process can be hindered by rigidity in domestic labour market institutions. Based on the selection effect by Melitz (2003), this article empirically examines how rigidity in labour market institutions affects the consequence of trade on aggregate productivity. Findings from panel dynamic ordinary least square (DOLS) estimators suggest that a high degree of labour market rigidity in an open economy reduces Total Factor Productivity (TFP). In particular, in the case of extremely high labour market rigidity but low foreign R&D capital stocks, openness to trade can cause a country to experience decreasing TFP.  相似文献   

In the era of knowledge-based economy, human capital has become the primary resource in our society. The party and government leaders are key human capital in economic development. However, what is the value of the party and government leaders in economic development? Are they as important as or even more important than the entrepreneurs? Very few studies have covered these points. This paper aims at providing answers to the above questions by analyzing the human capital of the party and government leaders. This paper mainly illustrates nine features of the human capital in the party and government: the high level, the measurement by public effect, “entrepreneurs” in managing public resources, the key of human capital, the logical precondition of other human capital, the scarcity, the irreversibility, the asymmetry, and the diversification. It concludes that party and government leaders are a special human capital, which differs from both the ordinary human capital and the entrepreneurs in the private sectors. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the selection of the party and government leaders and the rewards corresponding to their contributions to public benefits.  相似文献   

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