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<正> 我国现行的农村税收主要包括农业税、农业特产税、牧业税以及屠宰税,其中,农业税以农业总收益(粮食作物、经济作物、园艺作物等生产收入)为课税对象,实行逐级核定的地区差别比例税率,并以直接征收粮食为主,所以,人们习惯上称之为“公粮”。1958年6月,经全国人民代  相似文献   

我国涉农税收存在的问题与改革思路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国的涉农税收主要包括农业税、农业特产税、牧业税以及屠宰税,其中,农业税收以农业总收益(粮食作物、经济作物、园艺作物等生产收入)为课税对象,实行逐级核定的地区差别比例税率,并以直接征收粮食为主,所以,人们习惯上称之为“公粮”,1958年6月,经全国人民代表大会第96次会议通过,正式颁布了《中华人民共和国家农业税条例》;农业特产税曾经属于农业税的一部分,1983年,国务院明确和统一了农林特产品收入的征税范围和一般使用的税率,开始对农林特产品单独征税,1994年我国的税制改革取消了产品税,将原产品税中的有关农林特产税目合并到农业特产税,扩大了原农林特产税的征收范围,现在包括农、林、牧、渔等农业特产品;牧业税是国家对牧业区半牧业区从事牧业生产的单位和个人就牧业收入征收的一种税,其具体的征收办法由各自治区和有关省份自行决定;屠宰税则是以屠宰应税牲畜的行为为征税对象,由地方进行征收和管理。  相似文献   

二战后,德国政府制订了一系列农业补贴政策。在税收方面,德国虽然也对农产品征收7%的增值税,但政府除了直接向农民提供补贴外,还在其他方面提供很多优惠政策。例如,在个人所得税方面,政府为减轻农民负担,在规定基本免税额的基础上,允许农民在收到农产品销售款后再向税务部门报告,而且允许在当年的收入中全部扣除各项农业生产所需的开支。这使农民可以通过从当年收入中减去购买下一年使用的种子、农药、化肥及其他生产资料的开支,降低应纳税收入的额度。政府还允许农业企业可从当年的经营收入中全部扣除用于投资的部分,允许农民将出售土地等…  相似文献   

一贵州省安龙县去年财政总收入1.0021亿元,其中来自农业方面的税收1018万元,比1990年分别增长14.9倍、4.3倍,年均增长31.04%、15.79%。以年均发展速度来看,农业税收与财政总收入相比低15.25个百分点;从组成结构来看,农业方面的税收才占财政总收入的10.16%,这与以农业为主的基本县情极不相适。据调查分析,导致农业税收发展缓慢,在财政收入中比值低这一现状的原因主要是:———税源建设上的急功近利思想,忽视了农业税收稳定持续性的特点,使农业方面的税源建设滞后。———盲目乐观,对锑冶炼为主的工业经济税收的阶段性、单一…  相似文献   

美国农业税收政策的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
取消农业税,对中国8亿农民无疑是件大喜事,但如果说从此农民没有任何税赋负担,则是对于中国税赋制度的重大误解,不利于确立人们尤其是农民的纳税人地位、形成农民的纳税人意识,进而行使纳税人应有的权利。中国农业相关税制较为特殊,与其他国家相比差别较大。美国的农业税收体制,对我国的农业税收体系未来改革有着很好的借鉴意义。美国农业相关税收简介从税种来看,中国的农业税地位尴尬,无法归类,一般勉强归于所得税。但美国的税制结构并不像中国那样以商品税为主,而是以所得税为主。但美国政府税收,包括农业税收主体是分三个层次,即联邦政府…  相似文献   

对滨海县来说,发展创税农业不仅是必要的,也是可能的。我县农业资源丰富,生产条件不断改善,农业生产力水平有了较大提高,为发展创税农业提供了较为现实的基础。近几年来,全县来自于农业的税收呈逐年增加趋势,仅农业特产税一项,1994~1997年分别为175万元、340万元、500万元、665万元。特别是农业结构  相似文献   

我国农业保险发展的现状、困境与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农业保险对于规避农业风险,推进社会主义新农村建设意义重大。目前我国农业保险的发展面临着诸多困境,主要表现在:农民对保险支付水平有限;农业保险的供给不足;逆向选择和道德风险问题严重;缺乏必要的农业保护制度,国家财政税收支持不到位;缺乏有力的政策和法律支持,本文提出了相关对策。  相似文献   

本文基于2019年和2020年具有全国代表性的农业企业微观数据,采用双重差分模型探究新冠疫情冲击下税收优惠政策对农业企业投资规模的影响。研究表明:第一,新冠疫情冲击下实施的税收优惠政策能够激发农业企业的生产信心,促进农业企业增加投资规模,使企业新增固定资产投资增加约6.4%;第二,税收优惠政策对不同特征农业企业投资的作用效果存在差异,能够刺激民营农业企业以及养殖业、加工业、生产性服务业农业企业增加投资规模,对于受新冠疫情冲击程度低、采用电子商务交易、入驻农业产业园、储藏能力和运输能力强、带动农户数量多的农业企业,税收优惠政策的刺激作用更强;第三,税收优惠政策主要通过减少上缴税金和改善企业经营绩效两个渠道来促进农业企业增加投资规模。本文认为,在重大突发公共事件冲击下,税收优惠政策能够为农业企业纾困、促进农业企业恢复生产信心,有助于保证重要农产品稳定充足供给、稳固农业“基本盘”。  相似文献   

王仙竹 《山西农经》2023,(9):138-141
在现代化税收治理下,作为微观主体的企业充分发挥着税源引领作用,营造良好的诚信纳税氛围,为我国的税收再分配作出了较大贡献。企业的税收负担主要来源于日常的生产经营,所以文章从财务指标的角度进行分析,选取国民经济的基础行业——农业作为研究对象,挖掘影响农业企业实际税负的因素,以减轻税负异常所带来的损失。  相似文献   

关于我国农业税制改革的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的农村税费改革已取得了阶段性的成绩,但也遇到了在现有体制下无法克服的困难。特别是农业税制与现行市场经济的不协调,严重阻碍着税费改革的进一步深入。本在分析目前农业税制存在弊端的基础上,提出了农业税制改革应坚持的原则及取向。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the implications of an existing carbon tax on international trade in the agricultural sector. Applying uniformly to all fossil fuels combusted within its borders, the province of British Columbia unilaterally introduced a carbon tax on July 1, 2008. In 2012, the province granted an exemption from the tax to certain agricultural sectors. Using commodity‐specific trade flows and exploiting cross‐provincial and intertemporal variation, we find little evidence that the carbon tax is associated with any meaningful effects on agricultural trade despite the sector being singled out as “at risk” by the provincial government. Our findings suggest that there is not compelling evidence to support exempting the agricultural sector from the tax. Discussion of potential policy remedies to address the tax's potential effects on firm profitability and international competitiveness is also included.  相似文献   

The Australian agricultural sector provides food security for the nation and affects the livelihood of farmers and the development of rural communities. This sector has been uneasy about the Australian carbon tax scheme introduced in July 2012 although the government has exempted the agricultural sector from the scheme. By employing a computable general equilibrium model and an environmentally extended Social Accounting Matrix, this article simulates the effects of different carbon tax policy scenarios. The modeling results show that all agricultural sectors will be affected negatively but to differing degrees. The household compensation policy will improve the performance of the poultry and fishing sectors, while having opposite effects in the other agricultural sectors. The inclusion of the agricultural industry into the carbon tax scheme will lead to a considerable further decrease in output, employment and profitability in the agricultural sector, and a significant further reduction in real GDP, but a much larger emission reduction.  相似文献   

从耕地外部性角度运用经济学模型分析耕地占用税的功能定位,并从社会资源最优配置角度出发阐明其调控机制。结果表明:(1)耕地占用税设立的标准应实现基本的功能取向,包括保护耕地、遏制土地不合理利用、实现耕地外部效应内部化、为农业发展筹集资金、完善耕地保护制度体系等方面;(2)各省市耕地占用税占农地取得成本、建设用地出让平均价格比例差异性较大;(3)耕地保护作用日益凸显,但仍受到执行效果不显著、税率调整频率偏低等问题的限制。耕地占用税对耕地保护具有可行性,强化耕地占用税对耕地保护的约束力,宜从改进计税依据、合理确定税率、突出税收的主导地位、改变税收隶属等方面入手。  相似文献   

明代四川州县田赋征收考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李蓁  李映发 《中国农史》2004,23(1):40-50
本文立足于四川州县研究,运用省内外地方志史料,采取横向与纵向比较方法,探讨明代农业的发展和田赋征收,从而揭示明代前、中、后三个时期中,四川的平均每亩征粮额仅次于苏、松二府而位居全国前列,是重要的产粮省区。四川的田赋征收以中央政策为指导原则,由于州县经济发展的不平衡性,平原与丘陵、汉区与少数民族地区实行不同的田赋征收政策;民田多,官田数较少,因此明中期受土地兼并风潮影响较小,田土和征粮数下降幅度低于全国平均下降幅度;明中期全国出现一系列简化赋役征收的改革措施,四川也出现“一把连”等征收之法。诸项新变革皆是万历年间张居正“一条鞭法”改革的先声,也是其推行的基础;四川征收的财赋,起运多为边仓,有力地巩固了西南边疆的稳定,促进了与藏区的茶马贸易,对发展民族地区经济具有积极意义。  相似文献   

当今湖南农村经济的发展必须高度重视"三农"问题."三农"问题不仅制约着湖南的经济发展,而且可能引发种种矛盾,危及社会稳定,已成为全社会关注的焦点.庞大的农业人口与有限的农业资源的尖锐矛盾是湖南省"三农"问题的直接原因;而工业化道路偏差和城乡二元结构是体制原因."三农"问题导致农业低效率、农民贫困、农村不稳定等种种结果.解决的办法是进行农业战略性结构调整、大力发展民营经济、改革城乡分割体制、完善农村税费改革,以增加农民收入和为农民提供保障.  相似文献   

国有集体林区不应再是减免原木农特税与否的界限   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文就过去以北方国有林区和南方集体林区为域,作区分减免林业产销原木农业特产税的不公平待遇,阐明划分"国有林区"与"集体林区"的由来以及仍袭用此词的看法,提出了社会主义市场经济日趋完善的今天,应统一南北林业原木的农业特产税制,实现公平税负,以求生存,谋发展,应对入世后经济全球化变革的需要。  相似文献   

本文在分析日美农产品关税、贸易和在《日美贸易协定》中降税情况的基础上,采用GTAP模型定量分析《协定》实施对我国农产品贸易的影响。结果显示:《协定》的实施将对我国农业总体发展产生一定冲击,日美相互减免农产品关税将带来一定程度的贸易转移效应,尤其对我国出口日本的蔬果和畜产品影响尤为明显。结合我国自贸区谈判和农业发展情况,本文提出积极推动多双边农业谈判、培育出口竞争优势、借鉴日本经验灵活处理农产品降税、利用自贸试验区积极对接农业国际规则等政策建议。  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of a federal flat tax on agriculture by determining the tax liability under the current and flat tax systems using actual farm records. The study considers the linkages between agriculture and the rest of the economy by examining the impact of a flat tax on interest rates and capital investment and how those changes would affect agriculture. Results indicate that roughly 63% of agricultural producers would benefit from a flat tax in terms of lowering taxes paid. Under the flat tax, larger farms and more profitable farms would be relatively better off.  相似文献   

The impacts of climate change on agriculture in developing countries will depend on the extent to which agricultural production in those regions adapts to climate change’s influences. This study uses a whole-farm land use optimisation approach to explore climate change impacts, when including adaptation, on farm profitability, production and associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the Loess Plateau of northern China. The results show that with adaptation activities, the losses in smallholder farm profitability caused by the climate change could be moderate. Declining rainfall results in land use changes that generate higher on-farm GHG emissions with the most economically beneficial adaptations. With 5 % or 10 % decline in annual rainfall, the introduction of agricultural carbon tax would generate substantial reduction in on-farm GHG emissions. With 30 % rainfall reduction, agricultural carbon tax is not likely to bring about considerable emission reduction. The economically optimised land uses are generally sensitive to potential changes. When rainfall reductions appear, there is a clear trend toward reducing cropping area and transiting to pasture. With 5–10% rainfall reductions, increasing agricultural carbon tax with same rainfall reduction leads to the expansion in cropping enterprises. However, with 30 % rainfall reduction, land allocations are not sensitive to agricultural carbon tax. When with declining annual rainfall, in the optimal enterprises more oats-pasture rotations are employed to reduce wheat dominated rotations. Besides land use patterns, adaptations through altering farm management practices are also necessary. The economically optimised sheep flock would be increased considerably with declining rainfall. Overall, policymakers are suggested to initial more educational schemes to tell smallholder farmers how to make the best use of available adaptation strategies and consider changes in climate when design and implement agricultural policy.  相似文献   

This study surveys the experience of agricultural taxation in developing countries in the context of the ongoing policy debate about the tax structure and administration affecting agricultural producers. Using the examples of a number of countries, it analyzes the conceptual and practical problems associated with different tax regimes. Governments in most countries have reduced indirect (export) taxes on agricultural producers. However, the revenue from direct taxes on farmers has not increased. A major problem in most countries has been the measurement of (actual) agricultural income. Different measures for presumed income have been used with varying success. They seem to have the most potential for increased revenue in many countries, but their effective implementation is constrained by the political and administrative considerations.  相似文献   

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