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历经三年多的时间,经过各方反复研究,2002年9月28日,《上市公司收购管理办法》(以下简称《收购管理办法》)及与之配套的《上市公司股东持股变动信息披露管理办法》终于正式出台,并将于 2002年12月1日正式实施。 在证券市场里,并购重组是最能体现其市场效率和最具有创新活力的一环。《收购管理办法》的正式颁布,为规范并购重组行为构建了法律制度框架,必将为上市公司新一轮并购活动的规范展开提供广阔的舞台。 相似文献
《收购办法》既赋予了收购人更多的自主选择空间和更大的灵活性,也在信息披露和法律责任等方面进一步强化了对收购人的监管2006年8月1日,中国证监会正式发布《上市公司收购管理办法》(以下简称《收购办法》),对上市公司收购制度作出重大调整,并自9月1日起正式施行。《收购办法》赋 相似文献
2005年是中国资本市场改革发展极不平凡的一年。股权分置改革启动并顺利推进,长期困扰中国资本市场发展的重大制度性缺陷得以纠正。新的《公司法》和《证券法》修订完成并在2006年年初实施,为推进资本市场的发展和创新消除了诸多限制,提供了必要条件;近来,一系列资本市场新规则、新政策相继颁布,IPO、再融资相继启动,资本市场迎来了全流通的新时代。为了让读者了解有关资本市场,特别是中小企业改制上市的新变化、新政策。本刊与深圳证券交易所合作。在“资本市场”栏目中陆续刊登有关资本政策以及中小企业改制上市等方面的相关内容,供各位读者和企业学习、参考。[编者按] 相似文献
一、赢余管理的涵义 赢余管理是目前国外经济学和会计学广泛研究的课题.对赢余管理的概念,会计学界存在着诸多不同意见.从以下两个权威性的定义,可以看出赢余管理的基本涵义.一是美国会计学家斯考特(William·K·Scott)认为,赢余管理是指"在GAAP允许的范围内,通过对会计政策的选择,使经营者自身利益或企业市场价值达到最大化的行为".二是美国会计学家凯瑟琳·雪珀(Katherine Schipper)认为,赢余管理实际上是企业管理人员通过有目的地控制对外财务报告过程,以获取某些私人利益的"披露管理".根据以上两个权威性的定义,可以看出,赢余管理主要具备这样一些涵义:第一,赢余管理的主体是企业管理当局,它包括经理人员和董事会.尽管经理人员和董事会进行赢余管理的动机并不完全一致,但他们对企业会计政策和对外报告赢余都有重大影响,企业赢余信息的披露由他们各自作用的合力所决定. 相似文献
alberto ortiz federico sturzenegger 《The South African journal of economics. Suid-afrikaanse tydskrif vir ekonomie》2007,75(4):659-680
This paper uses a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model to estimate the South African Reserve Bank's (SARB) policy reaction rule. We find that the SARB has a stable rule very much in line with those estimated for Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand. Relative to other emerging economies the policy reaction function of the SARB appears to be much more stable with a consistent anti inflation bias, a somewhat larger weight on output and a very low weight on the exchange rate. 相似文献
philippe burger chandapiwa jimmy 《The South African journal of economics. Suid-afrikaanse tydskrif vir ekonomie》2006,74(4):642-669
Over the past three decades many countries have struggled to find solutions to their persistent public sector deficits. For some the solution to this problem seemingly became the adoption of fiscal rules. This paper considers the applicability of one such rule, namely the output‐sensitive deficit rule of Taylor, and in particular its applicability to South Africa. The paper shows that its applicability in developing countries such as South Africa might be limited due to higher output volatility that may cause output‐sensitive deficit rules such as the Taylor rule to become more volatile. Such volatility in the deficit/GDP ratio may cause fears that government may not be able to maintain the stability of the debt/GDP ratio, thereby again introducing fiscal unsustainability. To address this problem the paper augments the Taylor rule to reduce the volatility in the public debt/GDP ratio and demonstrates how these rules would have performed in South Africa. It concludes that the augmented fiscal rule might contribute to both fiscal sustainability and economic stability in South Africa. 相似文献
JOSEPH J. SPRENGLER 《The South African journal of economics. Suid-afrikaanse tydskrif vir ekonomie》1969,37(1):3-31
In recent history, perhaps the most notable failure to achieve general rules has been that of our regulatory agencies, particularly those charged with allocative functions… The reason for this failure lies… in the nature of the tasks assigned to these agencies; they are trying to do through adjudicative forms something that does not lend itself to accomplishment through those forms.—Lon L. Fuller . 相似文献