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基于模糊聚类分析的第三方物流供应商选择 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
提出了用模糊聚类分析法解决第三方物流供应商选择问题的一个简单模型,即先用模糊聚类分析法对可选择的物流供应商进行聚类,然后在较小的选择范围内进一步选择,从而使实际的复杂问题得到简化。 相似文献
Some distributional results are derived for subset selection from logistic populations, differing only in their location parameter. The probability of correct selection is given. Exact and numerical results concerning the expected subset size are presented. 相似文献
Zhang and Bartels (1998) show formallyhow DEA efficiency scores are affected by sample size. They demonstratethat comparing measures of structural inefficiency between samplesof different sizes leads to biased results. This note arguesthat this type of sample size bias has much wider implicationsthan suggested by their example. Models which implicitly restrictthe comparison set like some models for non-discretionary variableslead to biased efficiency scores as well. A reanalysis of theBanker and Morey (1986b) data shows that the efficiency scoresderived there are significantly influenced by the variation insample size implicit in their model. 相似文献
竞技网球属于一项动作精细、技战术复杂多变、对抗激烈、非连续性、强度不断变化的对抗运动项目,属于技能主导类隔网竞技项目。技术是网球运动的关键,但随着当代经济体育的发展,战术的多变,体能的作用也在不断增大。竞技体育中,体能是技能的基础,技能是战术的基础,而战术是直接影响比赛结果的,因此网球的磁能训练是最基础,也是最关键的部分之一。 相似文献
有关企业规模界定的评析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
各国对企业规模界定采用的划分指标主要有两类:定量指标与定性指标.我国一直以定量划分为主.在操作性方面存在不足.针对市场经济发展实际和参与国际竞争的需要,2003年我国又调整了企业规模界定的标准.作者认为,无论采用什么标准,对企业规模的界定都不能只停留在对企业经营活动的表层描述上.企业规模的选择取决于企业在市场中的竞争行为,是企业适应市场竞争需要、市场规则自然选择的结果,故企业单纯做大或做小都是不适宜的. 相似文献
The Effect of Sample Size on the Mean Efficiency in DEA with an Application to Electricity Distribution in Australia,Sweden and New Zealand 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This study examines the effect of sample size on the mean productive efficiency of firms when the efficiency is evaluated using the non-parametric approach of Data Envelopment Analysis. By employing Monte Carlo simulation, we show how the mean efficiency is related to the sample size. The paper discusses the implications for international comparisons. As an application, we investigate the efficiency of the electricity distribution industries in Australia, Sweden and New Zealand. 相似文献
高校学习型党组织建设,是贯彻落实建设马克思主义学习型政党的基础工程。高校作为党的教育的前沿阵地,学习型党组织建设的探索将对我国学习型政党、学习型社会的建设具有一定的借鉴意义。本文主要介绍了学习型党组织建设的内涵,分析高校学习型党组织建设存在的问题,从而给出高校学习型党组织建设的路径选择。 相似文献
为了解决在B2C交易实现过程中,由于物流配送供应商的选择不当,而出现配送周期长、费用高、退货退款率增加等问题,本文利用因子分析法探索选择物流配送供应商的合理方法,运用便捷有效的方法帮助电商选择适合自己的物流配送供应商。 相似文献
This study provides an original approach to empirically determine the optimal size of municipalities for efficient social service delivery in Italy, accounting for spatial spillover effects across municipalities as well as endogeneity between the output provided and its cost. A highly disaggregated and up-to-date database of Italian municipalities is used to estimate, through endogenous spatial frontier of Kutlu et al. (2020), the minimum costs. In municipalities with population ranging from 2000 to 3500 economies of scale in social service provision emerge, exhibiting cost-optimality. This outcome is completely ignored in some Regional government where financing criteria are based on historical, non-public, and ex-post repayment criteria. 相似文献
在数据挖掘过程中需要挑选出与目标维度相关的维度,可以通过相关行业的经验挑选,也可采用相关性方法挑选。文章通过对比2种方法在直投市场客户目标选取中的运用,得出比较结论,并对使用这2种方法同的结果作了对比。 相似文献
Maarten Marsman Lourens Waldorp Fabian Dablander Eric‐Jan Wagenmakers 《Statistica Neerlandica》2019,73(3):351-372
We propose to use the squared multiple correlation coefficient as an effect size measure for experimental analysis‐of‐variance designs and to use Bayesian methods to estimate its posterior distribution. We provide the expressions for the squared multiple, semipartial, and partial correlation coefficients corresponding to four commonly used analysis‐of‐variance designs and illustrate our contribution with two worked examples. 相似文献
卷制螺旋滚子是一种全新理念的滚子,可以有效地识别出螺旋滚子结构尺寸与变形能之间的相互关系,该滚子的周身遍布缝隙,其区别于普通滚子的一个最大特点就是可以吸收冲击能,既解决普通滚子在高速多冲作用下的早期断裂问题,又提高滚子的抗冲击性能。为此,文章主要针对有关于卷制螺旋滚子结构尺寸的理论,进行简单的分析和探讨。 相似文献
物流产业融合模式的选择是物流产业融合的实践环节之一,其正确选择可以促进物流企业的发展和物流产业的升级。在物流企业对物流产业融合模式选择的过程中,企业之间存在博弈关系。在不完全信息条件下,物流产业融合模式的选择与企业的产业延伸能力相关,取决于物流需求和双赢的利益,是一个循环往复的过程。 相似文献
Histogram time series (HTS) and interval time series (ITS) are examples of symbolic data sets. Though there have been methodological developments in a cross-sectional environment, they have been scarce in a time series setting. Arroyo, González-Rivera, and Maté (2011) analyze various forecasting methods for HTS and ITS, adapting smoothing filters and nonparametric algorithms such as the k-NN. Though these methods are very flexible, they may not be the true underlying data generating process (DGP). We present the first step in the search for a DGP by focusing on the autocorrelation functions (ACFs) of HTS and ITS. We analyze the ACF of the daily histogram of 5-minute intradaily returns to the S&P500 index in 2007 and 2008. There are clusters of high/low activity that generate a strong, positive, and persistent autocorrelation, pointing towards some autoregressive process for HTS. Though smoothing and k-NN may not be the true DGPs, we find that they are very good approximations because they are able to capture almost all of the original autocorrelation. However, there seems to be some structure left in the data that will require new modelling techniques. As a byproduct, we also analyze the [90,100%] quantile interval. By using all of the information contained in the histogram, we find that there are advantages in the estimation and prediction of a specific interval. 相似文献
近年来,中国的服务贸易迅速发展,但与世界服务贸易发展相比,仍存在很大差距。由于我国服务贸易发展起步晚,服务贸易产业结构不合理等原因,致使我国的服务贸易发展存在总体发展规模相对滞后,本文在在分析了我国服务贸易的现状同时列出了存在的问题及原因分析,最后提出了相对应的路径选择。 相似文献