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Social Impact Bonds (SIBs) have emerged in recent years as outcome‐based public‐private partnerships (PPP) for the delivery of welfare services, where the payment to the private operator is linked to the achievement of superior social impact. Since the traditional infrastructure‐based PPP approach seems to have failed to achieve higher level of efficiency and, above all, effectiveness, this paper discusses the extent to which the SIB model can represent a reference point to innovate the PPP model by introducing more focus on outcome achievement and social value generation.  相似文献   

企业家行为、企业迁移、产业集群与农村城镇化政策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
鲁德银 《财经研究》2007,33(11):82-91
文章按照系统自组织理论,采取问卷调查、访谈和分组对比方法,以村镇企业迁移为考察切入点,对我国企业家行为、企业迁移与产业集群之间的联系展开研究。调查研究表明:企业迁移收敛于向区位条件优越、社会化服务和市场体系健全、私有产权保护良好、企业家受人尊重、自然及社会人文环境和谐、地方政府服务好的城镇集聚;企业家控制权与企业迁移呈正相关关系;企业家对产业集群的收益预期和对迁移成本的预期的高低是企业迁移的主要动因。乡镇产业集群政策体系和城镇化政策的要点是:以乡村企业家理性决策和理性迁移为政策立足点,通过公共财政政策的系统配置,以增加公共产品和政府服务、健全市场体系、保护私有产权、尊重企业家人格精神、促进社会人文环境和谐等措施来优化区位和环境,提高乡村企业家产业集群价值的预期,引导中小企业向工业园区或产业集群集聚。  相似文献   

供给主体单一会导致公共服务质量低下,应利用公私部门间各自优势,引入市场机制,理顺公共部门与私营部门间关系,构建政府、市场与社会三者间共同参与公共服务供给的新模式,以期提升公共服务供给水平。  相似文献   

论公共产品的市场提供   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一般而言,满足消费者需求的消费品划分为两类,一类是用货币收入等价交换的消费品,即私人产品;一类是不以货币交换的消费品,即公共产品。私人产品只能由私人提供,公共产品只能由政府提供,这一分析结论所包含的政策含义往往导致公共产品供给决策绝对化和“一刀切”的倾向,把许多行业和商品纳入公共产品范畴由政府垄断性供给,由此导致资源配置效率和使用效率较低,因此。中国应加大公共产品提供的市场化改革步伐。  相似文献   

民营企业是中国国民经济的重要支柱,但一些民营企业不能很好地履行对员工的社会责任,表现为不能给员工提供安全和健康的工作场所、拖欠员工工资、不给员工交养老和医疗保险、侵犯员工隐私权等责任缺失。解决的对策是,企业内部实施绩效管理制度,提高员工的工作效率,给员工提供培训和深造的机会,加速企业的经济发展,使其更好地履行对员工的社会责任;员工自身应通过工会这种群众组织维护自己的合法权益,使自身权益不受侵害;加强制度和道德舆论建设,减少民营企业的责任缺失。  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the level of media plurality in a market with two private news firms (private duopoly) and in a market with a private news firm and a public news firm (mixed duopoly). In the private duopoly news firms maximize profits. In the mixed duopoly, the private news firm maximizes profits, while the public news firm maximizes social welfare. We show that, in spite of the public news firm maximizing social welfare, neither media plurality nor social welfare needs to be higher under the mixed duopoly compared with the private duopoly. This will depend on the relation between the costs of adapting news to readers' political preferences, the intensity of the readers' political preferences, and the size of the advertising market.  相似文献   

在文献梳理和理论分析的基础上,以中国制造业的655家民营企业为研究样本,构建回归模型,对市场环境变迁和政府政策冲击对企业创新绩效的影响进行实证分析,并进一步检验了企业竞争战略和政治关联在其中的调节作用。结果显示:市场竞争程度对民营企业的创新行为不具有显著影响;政府制定的创新激励政策会显著影响企业的创新绩效,而税收等行业政策及创新抑制政策对民营企业的创新绩效没有显著影响;在当前中国经济进入软着陆时期,自主创新战略比成本领先战略更适合于中国民营企业;与政府保持良好关系有助于民营企业降低市场竞争压力、获取额外资源,从而提升创新绩效。  相似文献   

经过多年的市场经济实践,我国社会政策的价值观念发生了显著变化。曾经流行一时的“大公无私”、“兴公灭私”早已变成历史口号,忽视个人福利的虚幻集体主义也被真实的集体主义所取代,平均主义更是受到普遍的唾弃,社会政策的价值取向从差别性的家长主义向差别性的剩余主义转变。公私观和义利观、集体观和公平观很大程度上只是社会政策的价值指导和价值目标,真正对普通公民的福利产生直接影响的是社会政策的价值取向。  相似文献   

李武江 《经济问题》2007,332(4):11-13
私有产权的限制可从两个层次看:一是立宪层次上的限制,它是私有财产所有者被动接受的限制,包括禁止侵害他物权的限制和保护公共利益与实现政治需求的限制;二是法律上的私有产权界定后,私有产权所有者主动选择的限制,包括行使权利成本的限制和设立他物权的限制.保护公共利益与实现政治需求的限制抑制了私有产权、市场交换作为调节资源稀缺性与人类欲望无限性矛盾手段的力量;其他限制则是发挥市场机制配置资源,实现产值最大化的要求,为不是限制的限制.  相似文献   

《European Economic Review》1985,29(3):303-321
How the government uses market rates of return to discount risky public projects is intrinsic to the efficient allocation of capital and the choice of public investment policy. This paper shows that social discount rates for risk can be higher than, lower than, or equal to private rates. Previous analyses which argue for ‘one-sided’ rules where social discount rates are always lower or equal to private rates are shown to be inappropriate in general. The paper shows in a general model that the difference between the social value of a public project and its market value is determined by the social insurance value that the project has from improving risk-sharing relative to the market. Depending on the project and degree of market imperfection, this term can be positive, negative, or zero, explaining the different possibilities for the social evaluation of risk.  相似文献   

从公共服务的视角来看,我国的事业单位改革实质上意味着对政府直接生产公共服务的方式进行调整。我们理解的事业单位分类改革不是简单的对号入座,将各种事业单位按照服务性质的不同分别转化成相应的社会主体,而是从总体上强调鼓励企业、非营利部门参与公共服务的具体生产,改变政府作为单一生产方的局面,在政府作为公共服务提供方的前提下形成一种多元竞争的格局,从而确保公共服务的质与量。  相似文献   

阶层地位感知是影响民营企业家经营决策的重要因素,然而当前仍缺乏对其阶层地位感知形成机制的解释。从市场化转型历史背景出发,本文认为民营企业家阶层地位感知受其创业时特定历史情境的影响,并会通过世代效应长期共享、强化这一认知模式。基于五次中国私营企业抽样调查数据,具体考察1992年前后两个不同时期创业的民营企业家群体地位感知差异来检验世代效应。结果表明:与市场经济体制确立之前(1992年前)创业的民营企业家群体相比,市场经济体制确立之后(1992年后)创业的民营企业家群体地位感知相对较高。同时,进一步异质性检验发现,对于无体制内经历和经济力量较强的民营企业家群体,市场化转型对其阶层地位感知的提升作用更强。通过聚焦于中国市场化转型的历史变迁进程,本文为深化民营企业家阶层地位感知的认识提供了宏观历史视角解释。  相似文献   

随着市场经济的不断发展,高校人力资源成本问题不仅关系到高校的发展,而且关系到整个国家和社会的发展。本文通过分析长沙市公立与民办高校人力资源成本现状,并进行实证研究,对公立和民办高校人力资源成本进行比较,得出公立高校人力资源成本的最主要影响因素为人力资源使用成本,而民办高校人力资源成本的最主要影响因素为人力资源保障成本和人力资源使用成本,公立和民办高校的人力资源成本构成不尽相同的结论。并从人力流动机制和人力资源成本角度提出了降低高校人力资源成本的政策建议。  相似文献   

We present a mixed oligopoly model for private banks and a public bank with mixed ownership and policy burden to research the program of strategic investor importing for state-owned banks. We find that close relationships exist among the equilibrium equity structure following strategic investor importing, the policy burden of state-owned banks and the number of private banks; that the policy burden of state-owned banks has positive relationships with the performance of private banks, with overall negative effect on social welfare; that the policy burden would not affect the maximum market capacity number of private banks but would affect the equity structure of state-owned banks with such a number.  相似文献   

本文结合当前国有银行战略引资的改革背景,构建银行业混合寡占、国有银行混合持股的古诺竞争均衡模型,研究认为战略引资后的均衡股权结构与国有银行所承担的政策性负担及私有银行数量密切相关;国有银行政策性负担与私有银行的经营绩效正相关,但从整体来看则损害了社会总福利.另外,政策性负担不影响市场可容纳的最大银行数量,但会影响达到这一数量时国有银行的股权结构.  相似文献   

外资并购在我国普遍受到优待,然而随着我国跨国并购市场的日益开放,正确审视外资并购与民营并购已成为我国资本市场迫在眉睫的热点问题。笔者以外资和民营并购我国上市公司为研究样本,对两种并购方式下目标公司长期和短期市场绩效进行了比较检验。研究结果显示:外资并购短期绩效显著高于民营并购,外资并购长期绩效显著低于民营并购。这不仅有助于正确评价外资并购和民营并购的绩效,也有助于揭示我国未来的相关并购政策的走向。  相似文献   

Megan Gu 《Applied economics》2017,49(4):361-375
While there is an extensive body of literature on the demand for hospital services, little is known about the interaction between public and private hospitals in a mixed system. In this article, we (1) apply latent class analysis to identify distinct subgroups of patients who use the hospital market differently, (2) characterize each patient type by their personal characteristics and (3) link the patient type to future hospital admissions. We apply our analysis to individual-level longitudinal patient data from Australia, focusing on three popular procedures that are performed in both public and private hospitals. We find 4–5 patient types. The most common types use either a public or a private hospital almost exclusively and absorb a moderate level of hospital resources. The severe types represent 13–17% of patients. The type which uses both sectors makes up 10–20% and tends to have private health insurance coverage. The patient types are predictive of prospective utilizations as we find that patients tend to be admitted to the sector they have used in the past. By revealing how patients use coexisting public and private hospitals, our results have direct implications on health resource financing and allocations.  相似文献   

This paper studies the appropriateness of a public or private orientation of pension systems in the light of the recent financial crisis, which has underscored the difficulties and contradictions associated with each system. The different institutional arrangements, in which public or private pension systems are embedded, are key components when assessing their responses to the crisis. Particularly, private pension systems are intertwined with financial markets, while social insurance-based pension systems are linked to the labour market mechanisms. This paper compares the British and French pension systems, as “archetypes” of private-oriented and public-oriented systems, respectively, the first relying on the market and private pension schemes, and the second on mandatory social insurance. This paper shows that the crisis has upheld the founding principles of the public (French) and private (British) pension systems to maintain the existing institutional configurations. At the same time, both systems have strengthened the role played by means-tested benefits and minimum pensions for low-income groups to offset the weaknesses of one or the other system, as emphasised by the crisis.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate whether the so-called crowding in effects of complementarity or the crowding out effects of substitution occurred between public investment and private investment in Brazil from 1982 to 2013. This will be carried out through a theoretical debate on the investment general dynamics and an econometric analysis of vector error correction (VEC) model for the Brazilian case. The trajectory of the Brazilian economy and the empirical results show the presence of crowding in between public and private investments in the period, in accordance with the Post-Keynesian approaches. The crowding in is justified by the effects on demand via the Keynesian multiplier and via the expansion of the domestic market (particularly provided by infrastructure) and by the effects on the supply of private capital through the reduction of production costs, the increase in productivity, and through structural changes facilitated by public policy. Complementarity with regard to both the investments of the public administration and of federal government-owned/controlled enterprises is confirmed. Furthermore, a significant causal relationship is observed between public investment and the output of industrial manufacturing, which, from the structuralist perspective, is a sector that is considered a driving force of the economy. The special contributions of this paper are its time series for public investment and the variety of models that show crowding in between public and private investment.  相似文献   

企业家通过策略性运用媒体呈现等印象管理手段来塑造公众形象,可以为其获取认知合法性,进而影响企业形象、声誉和市场绩效。企业家公众形象是企业家、媒体与公众三者互动而构建的,在一定程度上是三者共同嵌入的社会文化的一种表述。本文通过质、量两种路径研究了中国民营企业家的公众形象,归纳了理念、能力、行为三个方面的九个特征维度,并实证分析了民营企业家形象与媒体呈现的关系。  相似文献   

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