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Biomass trade results in a growing spatial disconnect between environmental impacts due to biomass production and the places where biomass is being consumed. The pressure on ecosystems resulting from the production of traded biomass, however, is highly variable between regions and products. We use the concept of embodied human appropriation of net primary production (HANPP) to map the spatial disconnect between net-producing and net-consuming regions. Embodied HANPP comprises total biomass withdrawals and land use induced changes in productivity resulting from the provision of biomass products. International net transfers of embodied HANPP are of global significance, amounting to 1.7 PgC/year. Sparsely populated regions are mainly net producers, densely populated regions net consumers, independent of development status. Biomass consumption and trade are expected to surge over the next decades, suggesting a need to sustainably manage supply and demand of products of ecosystems on a global level.  相似文献   

In this paper,based on the material flux analysis model(MFA) and its corresponding theories and algorithms of "virtual land" virtual land contents of five primary agricultural products are calculated and"Virtual land trade"hidden in those imported and exported products are also obtained through analyzing the primary agricultural product trade between China and ASEAN. In the process of calculationl following the thought of Changing agricultural products to "Virtual land trade"land content, trade condition and spatiai distribution of agricultural products Were integratedly considered. indicate that China exported 73;057 km^2 of virtual land area to ASEAN by tea, vegetables; maize and grain, ASEAN exported: 57.332 km^2 to China by natural rubber from 2002 to 2005. It obvious; that china has lost 15,725 km^2 arable land through agricultural product trade, Additionally, in order to process: of calculation Virtual land trade, Thailand taker as an example to analyze its international trade of rice and Wheat from 1991 to 2005 and Calculate their "Virtual land trade" 2001 through 2005. According to and calculation, it is not difficult to conclude that "Virtual land trade" very important and could be used for China to guide agricultural export or import Structure and maintain Sustainable use of land resources.  相似文献   

The paper examines the effect of heterogeneous consumer demand on the generation and diffusion of environmentally benign technology paradigms. The history of the shift from horse-based to car-based transport provides the basis for an empirically grounded multi-agent model of sequential technology competitions. Firms compete on price, product quality, and the environmental sustainability of their products, and improve their market position through product innovation. The trajectory of product innovation is shaped by the distribution of heterogeneous consumer preferences with regards to quality, price, and the environmental impact of consumption. The distribution of consumer preferences determines whether cleaner designs are developed within a technology paradigm, whether new, more environmentally benign paradigms are developed, and whether these new paradigms replace older, environmentally harmful technology paradigms.  相似文献   

We provide one of the first efforts to measure the importance of consumer preferences in legislators' trade policy decisions by estimating the degree to which the level of antitrust enforcement in the legislator's state impacts his or her vote on free trade agreements. To the extent that antitrust and trade liberalization are both viewed as pro‐consumer in nature, we would expect to see a positive relationship between antitrust enforcement in their legislative district and Congressional votes in support of trade liberalization. We find evidence suggesting that consumer preferences do play a role in legislative decisions on trade policy.  相似文献   

This study examines the short- and long-run effects of exchange rate changes on trade flows in the context of disaggregating industry data of bilateral trade between Korea and Japan. For this purpose, an autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach is used. Results show that Korea's exports and imports are relatively sensitive to the bilateral exchange rate in the short-run, but less responsive in the long-run. It is also found that income in the two countries has significant impacts on the bilateral trade flows in both the short- and long-run. Finally, exchange rate uncertainty and Japanese FDI to Korea are found to have little impacts on Korea's trade with Japan in the short- and long-run.  相似文献   

How are eco-label strategies affected by consumer confusion arising from the profusion of eco-labels? This article provides a theoretical insight into this issue using a double differentiation framework. We assume that consumers perceive a label as a sign of quality compared to an unlabeled product, but that they cannot fully assess the environmental quality associated with each label and only see each label as a particular variety of a similar product. We analyze the pricing strategies of three firms, each one providing one product: a labeled product, with high or medium environmental quality, according to the eco-label, or an unlabeled product. We infer lessons for eco-labeling policies, according to the identity of the certifying organization: the regulator, an NGO or the firms. We show that the firm supplying the eco-labeled product with a high environmental quality is weakened by consumer confusion while the firm selling the unlabeled product suffers from strict labeling standards, to the benefit of the firm providing the labeled product with a lower environmental quality, which gains a competitive advantage. Most labeling policies consist of harmonizing labeling criteria, but only certification by a third party, the regulator or a NGO, guarantees the high environmental quality of labeled products, whereas certification by firms leads to a uniform undemanding standard. However, when both labels are provided by two different certifiers, including a firm, harmonization of environmental standards does not occur and the NGO's or regulator's eco-labeling standard will be much more stringent than the firm's one, preventing NGO's or public eco-labeling policy to significantly enhance quality of the environment and welfare.  相似文献   

随着我国人民生活水平及消费水平的提高,对水产品的需求不断增加。因此,本文首先对1995~2017年我国水产品进口贸易现状进行分析,并应用CMS模型对我国水产品进口贸易波动进行实证分析,探索水产品进口贸易增长成因,检验水产品进口与世界进口规模间的关系,据此为促进我国水产品进口贸易的可持续发展提出相关建议。研究结果表明:世界经济的发展及我国较强的进口引力是促进我国水产品进口贸易增长的关键因素,而进口产品结构及市场分布的不合理阻碍了我国水产品进口贸易的增长。因此,应协调世界经济发展,优化水产品进口贸易品种结构及市场结构,加强国际交流与协作,进而推进水产品进口贸易及国内产业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

This paper applies the gravity model to explain South Korea's bilateral trade flows and to extract practical trade policy applications. A trade structure and an Asian‐Pacific trade network are included in the gravity equation to characterize the peculiarity of South Korea's trade patterns. The empirical result shows that South Korea's trade follows a Heckscher–Ohlin model more than an increasing returns or a product differentiation model. South Korea has large unrealized trade potentials with Japan and China, suggesting that they are desirable partners for an FTA. North–South Korean trade will expand markedly if bilateral relation normalizes and North Korea participates in APEC.  相似文献   

Using a computable partial equilibrium model with monopolistic competition and based on global coal production, trade and consumption data in 2014, this study simulates the economic and welfare impacts of China’s coal subsidies at the industry level. Simulation results show that, first, the government’s subsidies have greatly promoted China's coal output, but may aggravate the overcapacity in China’s coal industry. Second, China's coal subsidies have significant trade destruction effects and its coal imports fall by more than 20% annually. Third, if considering the environmental cost, China's coal subsidies cause not only huge net welfare loss to China, but also harm to the global environment, thus no country benefits from China's coal subsidies.  相似文献   

Consumption is one channel through which the environment is damaged. To protect the environment, various product standards have been introduced across the world. This paper uses a new economic geography framework to explore the effects of environmental product standards on environment in a North–South trade model. It examines the situation in which the North unilaterally introduces an environmental product standard. Specifically, those products that do not meet the standard are not allowed to be sold in the North's market. It is found that such a standard may worsen the North's environment but improve the South's environment as a result of firm relocation.  相似文献   

Dramatic changes to exchange rate policy for the world's largest exporter have arguably ushered in the optimal environment for studying the effects of exchange rate uncertainty on trade. This study builds on the recent literature by using an extremely general model that measures volatility using the flexible multivariate DCC-GARCH model to analyze the impact exchange rate uncertainty has on bilateral export growth for China's ten largest export markets. All model parameters are estimated simultaneously and lagged values of uncertainty are included for a full year, where significant effects are found. The more general methods potentially overcome issues associated with inefficient two-step methods and the assumption that volatility impacts are close to instantaneous. Using a comprehensive sample that spans 1994–2017, the paper presents evidence that exchange rate uncertainty has no impact on trade with the United States, which strongly contrasts a robust finding of trade deterring impacts for almost all remaining countries. The unifying methodology is also used to analyze nominal uncertainty itself. Here, it is found that Chinese inflation may be a positive contributor to risk in an environment where many exogenous events, such as the Asian currency crisis, are associated with periods of heightened yuan uncertainty.  相似文献   

张先锋  黄魏  洪蕾 《技术经济》2013,(11):39-44
首先从理论上分析了产业内贸易通过影响消费者偏好多样性、产品差异性和规模经济进而对技能溢价产生影响。然后,利用2001—2010年我国制造业28个细分行业的数据,建立动态面板模型,并运用一阶差分GMM估计方法进行回归分析。研究结果表明:产业内贸易通过促进制造业的技术进步和资本投入增加引致我国制造业的技能溢价扩大,通过促进行业产出规模扩大和FDI等增加引致我国制造业的技能溢价缩小;总体来看,产业内贸易的发展会缩小技能溢价。  相似文献   

We develop Lancaster's model of consumer behaviour under product differentiation to analyse Schumpeterian creative destruction. Launching new products with novel characteristics enables firms to temporarily steal market share from rivals. Product launch is monitored by using trade marks, patents and research and development. The dataset covers a large sample of UK service and manufacturing firms. We find that stock market value is positively associated with own trade mark activity and trade mark‐active firms achieve significantly higher value‐added. Greater trade mark activity by competitors reduces net output of firms, but raises their stock market value. This is consistent with the Schumpeterian process of competition through innovation.  相似文献   

首先运用比较优势指数对中国农产品出口中亚国家的情况进行分析,得出中国农产品总体在中亚国家不具有比较优势,但出口中亚国家的一些主要农产品具有一定的比较优势。然后,运用贸易互补性指数和贸易结合度模型,对中国农产品出口中亚国家与中亚国家进口的双边农产品贸易进行分析,得出中国与中亚国家总体农产品贸易互补性较低,但在主要农产品贸易中互补性较强且贸易结合度紧密的结论。  相似文献   

曲如晓  李婧 《经济地理》2020,40(3):102-109,140
为了解世界各国高技术产品贸易的真实地位,推动中国高技术产品贸易发展,文章基于2000-2016年82个高技术产品主要贸易国家的双边贸易数据,运用社会网络分析方法分析世界高技术产品贸易网络特征及中国的贸易地位。研究发现,中心度指数体现了包括中国在内的48个国家和地区拥有密切的贸易往来关系;点强度指数体现了贸易强度排名靠前的国家相对稳定,各国差距不断缩小;结构洞指数体现了各国间贸易关系的多元性即网络异质性不断变化。中国虽然具有较密切的贸易关系和较高的贸易强度,但是其贸易网络分布较为集中,网络异质性依然有待提高。为应对贸易摩擦,提高高技术产品贸易地位,中国应注重优化贸易结构、加强自主创新能力以及创新合作水平,从而降低贸易风险、提高产品质量和优化贸易环境。  相似文献   

“绿水青山就是金山银山”,绿色消费与可持续发展成为经济社会发展的重要议题,消费者如何践行绿色消费、如何对绿色产品形成绿色消费意愿是绿色消费研究的重点领域方向。为此,基于刻板印象内容模型,研究探讨品牌拟人化类型与绿色产品类型的交互效应对绿色消费意愿的影响及其反应机制。研究主要发现:(1)品牌拟人化与产品类型交互影响消费者的绿色消费意愿。对于实用型产品,能力型拟人(vs.温暖型拟人)更能激发消费者的绿色消费意愿;对于享乐型产品,温暖型拟人(vs.能力型拟人)更能激发消费者的绿色消费意愿。(2)绿色感知质量、绿色感知价值中介品牌拟人化类型和产品类型的交互效应对消费者绿色消费意愿的影响。(3)消费动机(利己动机vs.利他动机)调节品牌拟人化类型与产品类型的交互效应对消费者绿色消费意愿的影响。基于以上结果,研究丰富了品牌拟人化的相关研究,为企业品牌拟人化类型的选择、绿色产品的宣传、消费者绿色消费意愿及行为等提供现实参考价值。  相似文献   

This paper examines the welfare impact of emission taxes and subsidies in a green market where consumers emit a pollutant through their usage of products produced by duopolists. For this purpose, we employ a discrete?Ccontinuous model including both consumer choice and usage of an environmentally differentiated product in a utility-consistent framework. The findings indicate that an emission tax is always welfare dominant over a subsidy on consumer purchases of the clean product because of its contribution to a reduction in environmental damage. It does this by both inducing firms to improve the environmental qualities of their products and by constraining consumer usage of these products.  相似文献   

王森  李金叶 《技术经济》2023,42(10):127-141
随着统一大市场的加速构建,培育一个具有良好竞争环境的“内循环”消费市场是实现中国经济平稳复苏的有效途径。基于2001—2015年中国工业企业数据库,结合地区投入产出表匹配数据,以制造业数字化转型视角深入探究由区域市场势力引致的产品市场扭曲对居民消费潜力的影响。研究发现:(1)产品市场扭曲对居民消费潜力存在显著的抑制作用,主要通过加剧价格波动、降低产品质量、缩减供给规模、减少劳动收入四条途径抑制居民消费潜力;(2)数字化转型的调节效应显著弱化了产品市场扭曲对居民消费潜力的抑制作用,其中,产业互联网相对于其他维度的数字化转型表现出更强的调节效应;(3)考虑产品类别、行业及地区异质性发现,对于基础型和普通品质产品、资本密集和低竞争度行业、城镇和西部地区,数字化转型更能显著缓解产品市场扭曲对居民消费潜力的抑制作用。研究结论为优化市场供给环境,推进数字化转型,实现消费潜力有效释放提供了产业层面的证据和决策依据。  相似文献   

Ecological footprint accounting in the life cycle assessment of products   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present and discuss ecological footprint (EF) calculations for a large number of products and services consumed in the western economy. Product-specific EFs were calculated from consistent and quality-controlled life cycle information of 2630 products and services, including energy, materials, transport, waste treatment and infrastructural processes. We formed 19 homogeneous product/process subgroups for further analysis, containing in total 1549 processes. Per group, the average contribution of two types of land occupation (direct and energy related) to the total EF was derived. It was found that the ecological footprint of the majority of products is dominated by the consumption of non-renewable energy. Notable exceptions are the EFs of biomass energy, hydro energy, paper and cardboard, and agricultural products with a relatively high contribution of direct land occupation. We also compared the ecological footprint results with the results of a commonly used life cycle impact assessment method, the Ecoindicator 99 (EI). It was found that the majority of the products have an EF/EI ratio of around 30 m2-eq. yr/ecopoint ± a factor of 5. The typical ratio reduces to 25 m2 yr/ecopoints by excluding the arbitrary EF for nuclear energy demand. The relatively small variation of this ratio implies that the use of land and use of fossil fuels are important drivers of overall environmental impact. Ecological footprints may therefore serve as a screening indicator for environmental performance. However, our results also show that the usefulness of EF as a stand-alone indicator for environmental impact is limited for product life cycles with relative high mineral consumption and process-specific metal and dust emissions. For these products the EF/EI ratio can substantially deviate from the average value. Finally, we suggest that the ecological footprint product data provided in this paper can be used to improve the footprint estimates of production, import and export of products on a national scale and footprint estimates of various lifestyles.  相似文献   

地方政府“以地谋发展”的策略在促进各地区制造业大规模集聚和出口贸易快速增长的同时,也势必会给企业出口产品质量带来深刻影响。本文综合利用中国土地市场网城市土地交易数据、中国工业企业数据、中国海关进出口产品数据和中国城市面板数据,实证检验了土地市场扭曲对企业出口产品质量升级的影响,并对其内在机制进行了探讨。研究发现:中国城市建设用地配置存在明显的工业偏向性,进而导致工业用地价格被低估,产生工业用地应得收益大于实际价格的反向扭曲问题。这种反向扭曲可通过抑制技术进步、阻碍产业结构高级化、弱化集聚经济效应等机制显著降低制造业企业出口产品质量。土地市场扭曲对企业出口产品质量升级的影响具有明显的异质性特征。具体而言,土地市场扭曲不利于一般贸易企业与混合贸易企业出口产品质量提升,但对加工贸易企业出口产品质量提升具有促进作用。土地市场扭曲对企业出口产品质量升级的抑制作用由东到西依次递增。土地市场扭曲不利于外资企业和国有企业出口产品质量提升,对集体企业及民营企业的影响不显著。  相似文献   

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