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研发与市场结构:基于成本视角的分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
本文从成本入手,探讨了研发与市场结构的关系。通过对平均成本、固定成本及知识特性的综合分析,认为由于技术复杂度的不断提高及研发带来的规模经济,在多数产业研发会导致市场集中度逐渐提高。通过对研发沉没成本的分析表明,在专利保护与许可证制度下,当研发导致的沉没成本比较小时,厂商数量较多的竞争性市场的福利好于寡占或垄断市场,因为其研发速度更快;反之,寡占或垄断市场的福利更好,因为研发的沉没成本得到了节约。在理论分析的基础上,本文就如何通过优化市场结构,提升我国企业研发能力,应对经济全球化的挑战,提出了三点对策。  相似文献   

钱琳 《河北工业科技》2007,24(2):165-168
在行业规模固定不变的情况下,沉没成本的大小成为阻碍部分潜在企业进入这一行业的因素之一。通过理论推导和数值模拟论证表明,低沉没成本的企业组合具有较低的行业总体沉没成本和较高的总体社会财富,优于高沉没成本企业组合,从而将高沉没成本企业阻挡在行业之外。  相似文献   

文章放松了新古典经济学条件下沉没成本决策无关性假设前提,进而从真实世界角度阐述沉没成本悖论存在的理性逻辑,从而表明人们很难忽略过去发生的沉没成本,它本身并不能被视为一种悖论或错误行为,甚至是非理性行为,同样也是在约束条件下一种广义理性行为。因此,需要承认沉没成本悖论存在的普遍性,而且还需要采取恰当的非正式和正式制度设计克服沉没成本悖论所带来的负面影响,并不是简单地警告我们不要考虑过去发生的沉没成本,"让过去的事情过去吧"的规范结论。因此,不仅需要提高决策者的认识能力,更多需要采取加强沉没成本与风险管理,创造一个良好的市场环境是最为根本的。  相似文献   

本文根据适应成本理论,通过实证检验发现了股权结构与绩效关系并不存在系统性相关关系,股权结构在趋向最优情况的过程中存在显著粘性。其中股权结构的适应速度与信息不对称的程度和股价变动幅度呈正相关,而与内部信息知情者人数呈负相关。  相似文献   

"沉没成本"亦称"旁置成本",是管理会计中的一个术语,主要用于项目的投资决策,与其对应的成本概念是"新增成本".在经济学和商业决策制定过程中经常会用到"沉没成本"的概念,代指由于过去的决策所引起,已经付出且不可收回的成本,因为现在和将来的决策中都不能改变这一已经实际支出的事实,所以在决策分析中通常不需要考虑这类成本.  相似文献   

赵婉妤 《工业技术经济》2007,26(6):158-160,F0003
财务危机成本是企业破产前发生的财务困境间接成本.财务危机成本的产生及其数额的高低取决于市场效率.市场效率越低,财务危机成本发生的概率及其数额就越小.我国目前市场效率普遍偏低,因此,我国企业财务危机成本也相对较低.  相似文献   

中国制造业贸易成本的测度   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
传统贸易成本的估计采用缺乏微观基础且基于对称性假设的理论模型,本文利用克服以上缺点的模型,估计了中国与主要贸易伙伴之间制造业各产业的贸易成本,结果显示:1997—2007年,中国与主要贸易伙伴的贸易成本在制造业各产业上都表现出不同程度的逐年下降趋势,在制造业所有的产业中,高技术型制成品贸易成本最低,下降幅度最大。在主要贸易伙伴中,中国与日本、韩国的贸易成本低于欧美国家。中国与欧美等发达国家之间存在较大的技术鸿沟,高技术产业仍处于国际产品内分工的低端环节。因此,国家亟待调整和出台国际贸易及相关支持政策,引导、促进中国制造业在国际产业价值链中加快升级,减少贸易成本。  相似文献   

中国汽车产业市场结构与市场绩效研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文利用中国汽车工业1998—2008年的数据,通过多元回归分析方法,对中国汽车产业市场结构和市场绩效进行实证研究。实证表明,中国汽车产业市场已从竞争型转向了中下集中寡占型,市场集中度对汽车产业的市场绩效为正效应,但对内资企业、外商投资企业、港澳台投资企业的影响程度不同。本文剖析了中国汽车企业通过市场集中度提高提升市场绩效的主要影响因素及市场集中度对内外资企业市场绩效影响程度差异的原因,并探讨相关政策建议,以期对中国汽车产业发展提供有益的思路。  相似文献   

文章利用市场结构-绩效框架对我国男装产业进行深入分析,通过对近年来男装产业市场集中度、产品差异化、进入与退出壁垒、利润率和技术进步的相关数据的分析,得出了以下结论:现阶段我国男装市场竞争激烈,属于竞争型市场结构,产品同质化现象严重,进入与退出壁垒较小;男装市场利润高于服装行业平均水平,且近年来有上升趋势;研发费用相对较...  相似文献   

本文通过对Maria Turac关于企业破产成本与资本结构相互关系模型的评述,进一步将Maria Turac模型中被看作同质的债务分解为不同的债务融资结构,并考虑债权人与债务人的信息不对称后,分析出企业破产成本与企业不同债务融资结构的相互关系.  相似文献   

本文利用我国44个行业中的367家企业共计103616位消费者的满意度数据,以及这44个行业的产业集中度数据,通过结构方程模型,实证研究了我国市场结构和市场绩效之间的关系。研究结果表明,与美国等西方国家不同,处于市场经济条件下转型过程中的中国市场,主要是市场绩效决定市场结构,而不是市场结构决定市场效率。  相似文献   

This article examines the contributions of human resource and organizational practices to the development and supply chain management interface. It addresses this issue in the context of the semiconductor industry by highlighting the importance of these practices for learning‐based improvement in manufacturing. One of the most important factors for competitiveness in the semiconductor industry is the ability to manufacture new process technologies with high yields and low cycle times. The more effective management of new process technologies within the manufacturing facility aids firms in managing production costs, volumes, and inventories. Efficient management of new process development and introduction translates into enhanced internal supply chain management performance by improving the design of internal workflows, manufacturing performance, and the acquisition and installation of new manufacturing processes. Because much of the knowledge that underpins semiconductor manufacturing is idiosyncratic, however, firm‐level differences in human resource and organizational practices are likely to have consequences for performance. The article derives learning curve models of the rate of improvement in manufacturing yield (i.e., the rate of learning) and cycle time (i.e., the speed of production) following the introduction of a new process technology in a manufacturing facility. It then tests the influence of the use by semiconductor manufacturers of teams for problem solving and intrafirm knowledge transfer, the level of internal adoption of information technology (IT), and more extensive and effective workflow and production scheduling systems on manufacturing performance. It finds that the manners in which semiconductor manufacturers allocate engineering resources to problem‐solving activities, utilize information technology in the manufacturing facility, schedule production, and control the “shop floor” influence the levels and rates of improvement in both manufacturing performance measures. The article makes several contributions to the literature on product and process development and, accordingly, to research on the product development/supply chain interface. In particular, the model of organizational‐based learning provides a better understanding of the determinants of learning‐based performance improvement. In particular, better manufacturing performance results not strictly from greater cumulative volume but also from the actions of managers that affect the organization of establishment‐level problem‐solving activities and information exchange. The article also demonstrates that human resource and organizational practices in both the development and the adoption of new process technologies improve manufacturing performance by accelerating new product introduction, improving workflow, and enhancing the efficiency of manufacturing processes.  相似文献   

In a model with endogenous number of innovating firms, we show that whether patent protection increases R&D investment is ambiguous, and depends on the market demand function and the cost of R&D. If the market size increases with number of firms, patent protection reduces R&D investment if the cost of R&D is sufficiently high, and higher product differentiation increases the possibility of lower R&D investment under patent protection. If the market size does not increase with number of firms, patent protection never reduces R&D investment. We find that welfare is lower under patent protection than under no patent protection.  相似文献   

Learning spillovers in the production of EPROMs areinvestigated. It turns out that spillovers aresignificant, even though internal learning is thepredominant source of learning. Concerning externallearning, it does not appear to particularly matterwhether this comes from domestic rivals or foreigncompanies. There is some indication that Japanesecompanies have a steeper learning curve and with somegenerations are better able to appropriate externallearning from foreigners. Intergenerational learningis pervasive, which seems to provide competitiveadvantages to first movers. It could explain thepersistence of leadership of Intel in this industryacross a series of generations. Moreover, it coulddeliver scope for policy intervention.  相似文献   

In this paper we extend the Bahk and Gort (1993) (Journal of Political Economy, 101, 561–583) approach of testing for the impact of learning by doing (LBD) on firm productivity using data on a panel of Spanish manufacturing firms. Specifically, we show that support for firm specific LBD and spillovers from sector-wide LBD seems to hinge crucially on the econometric methodology, and hence the underlying assumptions, employed. Once potential biases due to unobserved time invariant firm specific effects and endogeneity are taken account of, there is only support for spillovers from sector-wide LBD. Moreover, results depend on the definition of LBD employed.  相似文献   

In this paper we offer a new economic explanation for the observed inter-industry differences in the size distribution of firms. Our empirical estimates based on three temporal (1982, 1987, and 1992) cross-sections of the four-digit US manufacturing industries indicate that increased market contestability, as signified by low sunk costs, tends to reduce the dispersion of firm sizes. These findings provide support for one of the key predictions of the theory of contestable markets: that market forces under contestability would tend to render any inefficient organization of the industry unsustainable and, consequently, tighten the distribution of firms around the optimum.  相似文献   

This paper compares R&D competition and cooperation when firms can devote resources to a ‘safe’ investment or a risky R&D investment. When the discovery of a new product creates positive externalities on non‐discovering firms, equilibrium investment flow, ex ante investment, and welfare under R&D competition are less than or equal to what they are under research cooperation. With negative externalities, R&D cooperation results in the same or lower ex ante investment than under R&D competition, and social welfare may also be less. Our results have relevance for empirical studies of the impact of R&D cooperation on R&D outcomes.  相似文献   

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