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于越洋  黄欢 《中国外资》2010,(19):39-39
在2010年9月“世界创新与投资促进平台”发布会上,陈以龙博士围绕“世界创新与投资促进平台”话题展开了汽车产业的主题演讲,并在会后与商务部投资促进事务局(CIPA)签订了合作备忘录。  相似文献   

如今,ATM已然成为金融机构与客户接触最主要的渠道,高达65%-80%的金融交易通过ATM进行,而在ATM自助服务为消费者提供便利、快捷服务的同时,银行卡欺诈活动以及随之而来的入侵银行账户犯罪行为也与日俱增。各大厂商已经深刻地认识到,保护ATM安全,维持消费者对ATM渠道的信任乃当务之急。  相似文献   

随着智能手机、平板计算机等移动载体的流行,社交媒介、云计算、移动互联网的兴起,传统的网络安全防御边界已越来越模糊,网络开始进入无边界时代。随之而来的,是现代混合安全威胁的泛滥,特别是自去年以来国内外金融机构客户信息及机密数据泄漏的信息频出,传达出对传统的标;住安全产品和安全技术的质疑。  相似文献   

《Benefits quarterly》1997,13(1):69-70
ERISA preempts hospital's state law action challenging insurer's rule banning health plan participants from assigning their benefit claims to health care providers who had not signed contracts with insurer.  相似文献   

This teaching case is based on a Six Sigma project undertaken by a subsidiary of a Fortune 100 company to improve its quarterly financial-reporting process. It is presented as a six-phase Problem-Based Learning (PBL) unfolding problem. The first five phases correspond to the stages of the Define–Measure–Analyze–Improve–Control (DMAIC) model, a process-improvement methodology used extensively in Six Sigma. The sixth phase focuses on Six Sigma as a way of doing business.  相似文献   

2006年6月,福建联迪商用设备有限公司(以下简称联迪商用)对外发布了电子支付应用统一技术平台——UNIMARS。此平台一发布,就有业内人士指出,作为联迪商用完全自主研发的技术平台,UNIMARS将引领我国电子支付进入高安全、高性价比的“多应用”时代,它的推出也将进一步提升国内电子支付相关设备企业的整体竞争力。  相似文献   

按照中国法律及会计制度以及目前的上市惯例,当年的苹果公司不可能在今天中国创业板上市。因为按照中国会计准则的口径,苹果公司还不满三个完整的"会计年度",连报送公开发行申请文件的资格都没有!如今苹果公司的现金持有量却超过了美国财政部。真是富可敌国,而且还是大国  相似文献   

The discovery of a 50-year-old reel-reel magnetic audio tape in the AICPA Collection at the University of Mississippi Library turned into a lengthy recovery project of the contents, an interview with George O. May by John Lawler, editor of the Journal of Accountancy. The hour-long content had been digested in a June l955 article celebrating May’s 80th birthday but never before published in full. The content of the interview contains insights into May’s perspective about and vision for the profession after six decades of involvement.  相似文献   

Siebel T 《Harvard business review》2001,79(3):118-25, 165
There is a growing awareness among corporations that the quality of the customer experience they provide directly affects their bottom line. Many are turning to high-flying software maker Siebel Systems for help in managing those relationships. The young company holds a leadership position in an explosive market-enterprise application software. But customer satisfaction, not dot-com chic, is foremost on the mind of Siebel Systems' founder, chairman, and CEO, Tom Siebel. The buttoned-down Siebel rejects the freewheeling management style and culture that characterize many Silicon Valley companies. As the former CEO of Gain Technology and a former executive at Oracle, Siebel believes in putting customers ahead of technology, discipline ahead of inspiration. In this interview, conducted at the company's San Mateo, California, headquarters, Siebel describes how this obsessive focus on customer satisfaction has been the driving force behind the company's success. He talks about how the organization remains true to its core values: a deep commitment to providing customer satisfaction; responsible fiscal practices that have created a cash-positive business amid today's cash-negative dot-coms; and general professionalism. "The notion of dressing in jeans and a T-shirt to greet the CEO of a major financial institution who just got off the plane from Munich is not acceptable," he says. Siebel Systems rejects the concept of going to war with rivals; instead, the CEO says, the company has forged an ecosystem of partnerships that allows it to support and integrate its own systems with other companies' software products and ultimately ease the customer's software installations. Indeed, Siebel says, the CEO's most important job is to understand what customers need and deliver that.  相似文献   

日前,上海市民蔡先生的网上银行账户被盗一事为多家媒体曝光,使得网上银行安全再度成为公众关注的话题。如何保障用户安全使用网上银行,如何有效界定网上银行案件中的责任,是网上银行发展中各家银行、相关监管机构及认证服务机构需要面对并妥善解决的问题。这些问题的广泛宣传和相关措施,也成为制约我国网上银行发展的关键因素。就目前网上银行的发展来看,电子签名技术是打造相对安全的网上银行的有力措施,而这一技术的实现需要引入第三方认证,成立于2004年的中国金融认证中心(CFCA)作为权威、公正的第三方认证机构,长期为网上银行及电子政务等领域提供认证服务。针对网上银行发展中存在的若干问题,记者日前走访了CFCA总经理李晓峰先生。  相似文献   

《Benefits quarterly》1997,13(1):70-71
ERISA preempts state law claims brought by hospitals against medical utilization review firm including claims of tortious interference with contracts, defamation, unfair trade practices, bad faith refusal to pay claims and improper claims practices.  相似文献   

《Benefits quarterly》2007,23(1):47-48
The Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, ruled that federal courts lack jurisdiction over a suit brought by a federal employee health plan administrator seeking reimbursement of benefits covered by a personal injury settlement.  相似文献   

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