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基于Malmquist指数法测算2006-2015年中国技术市场运行效率,并利用GeoDa软件对内地30省(市、自治区)的技术市场运行效率值进行空间聚类分析。研究发现:中国技术市场整体运行效率变动呈现上升趋势,在产出不变的情况下,技术市场运行效率每年平均提高7.2%;效率整体上升源于综合技术效率增加,而效率上升幅度不大主要是受到技术变动的拖累;总体上的Moran′s I表明,各省(市、自治区)技术市场的运行效率之间呈现空间负相关关系,聚类分析结果表明东部和东北经济发达地区的空间集聚度较高,而西部地区呈现效率低值集聚;在空间变化特征上,技术市场空间集中度均不一致,其中,经济发展水平低的地区技术市场集中度远低于经济发展水平高的地区,自2012年后技术市场发展渐趋一致。  相似文献   

This paper examines how strategic managerial delegation affects firms' timing of adoption of a new technology under different modes of product market competition. It demonstrates that strategic delegation has differential impacts on adoption dates under Cournot and Bertrand competitions. Strategic delegation with ‘own-performance’-based incentive schemes always leads to early adoption in markets with Bertrand competition compared to that under no-delegation, but not necessarily so in markets with Cournot competition. It also shows that under strategic delegation with ‘own-performance’-based incentive schemes, adoption occurs earlier (later) in markets with Cournot competition than in markets with Bertrand competition, if the degree of product differentiation is high (low). In contrast, under strategic delegation with ‘relative-performance’-based incentive schemes, adoption dates do not differ across markets with different modes of competition. It also analyses implications of firms' choice over types of managerial incentive schemes on the speed of diffusion of new technology.  相似文献   

This paper shows that optimal trade policies for vertically related markets depend crucially on production technology. By employing a production function with variable‐coefficient technology, it shows that return to scale is crucial in determining the direction of government intervention. Therefore, the assumption of fixed‐coefficient production technologies, which has been popular in industrial organization and trade literature when modeling vertically related markets, should be used with caution.  相似文献   

利用我国2002-2015年省级面板数据,考察技术市场对创新的影响,研究区域研发环境与技术创新的协同作用。首先,通过构建GMM模型稳健性检验,发现在控制物质资本、人力资本、制度因素、R&D投入、FDI、对外贸易、市场化程度等各种影响因素后,技术市场对创新具有显著影响,且对技术含量较高的发明专利的影响弹性最大;其次,通过交互项检验和门槛回归,发现R&D物质资本和人力资本对技术市场存在两个门槛,跨越门槛将增加技术市场的边际创新产出;再次,技术市场发展对各类专利贡献率的测度结果显示,发达地区技术市场对发明专利的贡献最大。据此提出加速我国技术市场发展、因地制宜改善区域研发环境、进一步强化技术市场驱动高质量创新发展等政策建议。  相似文献   

The endogenous dynamics of a closed constant returns multi-market economy are examined in which agents face downward sloping demand. The trigger for growth in this model is a technological change that warrants costly adjustment in input quantities by agents. In the resulting dynamic game, relative prices within markets remain constant. Consequently, all own price elasticities are constant. In markets characterized by lower cost of capital the unique outcome is collusion in which agents do not incur adjustment cost and there is no adoption of new technology. But in other markets a unique non-cooperative equilibrium exists in which agents do incur the cost of adopting the new technology. Only three specifications of adjustment costs are feasible. Output increases along an S-shaped time path with or without a non-explosive cyclical component.  相似文献   

China's tariff structure favours labour‐intensive sectors, and this is at odds with traditional theory of comparative advantage. The paper argues that tariffs in China are a mechanism for protecting technology‐backward domestic – especially state‐owned enterprises (SOEs) from competition technology‐advanced foreign enterprises producing in China. With relatively integrated labour markets and cross‐firm technology differences, SOEs’ subsistence is supported by subsidized credit and limited access of foreign firms’ local production to tariff‐protected domestic markets. Labour market integration and capital subsidies increase the relative cost of labour in SOEs compared to their foreign competitors, hurting more domestic firms in industries that use labour more intensively. Restrictions to FIEs’ (foreign‐invested enterprises) access to tariff‐protected product markets, which protect more labour‐intensive industries, compensate for the greater cost disadvantage of SOEs in labour‐intensive sectors.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the decision of a group of specialized workers to form a guild and block the adoption of a new technology that does not require their specialized input. The theory predicts an inverted-U relation between guilds and market size: for small markets, firm profits are insufficient to cover the fixed cost of adopting the new technology, and hence, specialized workers have no reason to form guilds; for intermediate sized markets, firm profits are large enough to cover the higher fixed costs, but not large enough to defeat workers' resistance, and so workers form guilds and block adoption; and for large markets, these profits are sufficiently large to overcome worker resistance and so guilds disband and the more productive technology diffuses throughout the economy. We show that this inverted-U relation between guilds and market size predicted by our theory exists in a dataset of Italian guilds from the 14th to the 19th century.  相似文献   

中国股票市场对货币政策影响的实证分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文运用现代计量经济分析方法,从股票市场对货币需求的影响、股市的财富效应和投资效应,以及股票市场发展对货币政策信贷渠道的影响等几个侧面,实证分析了股票市场的发展对货币政策的影响。其结论是,中国股市的发展已经对狭义货币M1的需求产生了较大影响,而且整体上加剧了狭义货币M1需求的不稳定性;中国股市的发展并未给广义货币M2的需求造成系统性的影响;中国股市的财富效应和投资效应目前都还比较微弱,特别是投资效应;中国股市的发展已经一定程度地分流了信贷渠道对货币政策传导的作用,但迄今为止,信贷渠道仍然是中国货币政策传导的主渠道。  相似文献   

When a new technology is introduced in the market, this technology generally follows an S-shaped curve, especially if measured on a relative (market share) basis. Marchetti and Nakicenovic and Norton and Bass have modeled the multivariant case of various technologies introduced at different times. A new, simple and flexible model has been proposed based on potential penetration. Potential penetration is penetration on the assumption that no other new technology will enter the market. In a stable competitive environment, potential penetration curves are typically positively sloped S-curves. The new model gives a good fit in markets with a limited number of competitors, which are capable of totally cannibalizing previous generations of technologies. It also fits well with markets with many competitors in a competitive equilibrium situation. Examples are the Dynamic Random Access Memory chips (DRAMs), fiber and energy market. The new model features fewer variables compared with existing models and can readily be adapted to technological processes with time varying parameters, which is particularly important in volatile competitive markets.  相似文献   

胡立法  唐海燕 《生产力研究》2006,38(9):65-68,70
21世纪以来有关外商直接投资(FDI)文献着重论述了国内金融市场在“FDI和经济增长”中的作用,弥补了以往FDI文献的空白。在此基础上,文章认为,国内金融市场是通过资本形成、就业增加、技术实现和投资效率提高等渠道诱使FDI促进经济增长的。  相似文献   

We develop a model to analyze one mechanism under which stronger intellectual property rights (IPR) protection may improve the ability of firms in developing countries to break into export markets. A Northern firm with a superior process technology chooses either exports or technology transfer through licensing as its mode of supplying the Southern market, based on local IPR policy. Given this decision, the North and South firms engage in Cournot competition in both markets. We find that stronger IPR would enhance technology transfer through licensing and reduce the South firm's marginal production cost, thereby increasing its exports. Welfare in the South would rise (fall) if that country has high (low) absorptive capacity. Excessively strong IPR diminish competition and welfare, however. Adding foreign direct investment as an additional channel of technology transfer sustains these basic messages.  相似文献   

We develop a model to analyze one mechanism under which stronger intellectual property rights (IPR) protection may improve the ability of firms in developing countries to break into export markets. A Northern firm with a superior process technology chooses either exports or technology transfer through licensing as its mode of supplying the Southern market, based on local IPR policy. Given this decision, the North and South firms engage in Cournot competition in both markets. We find that stronger IPR would enhance technology transfer through licensing and reduce the South firm's marginal production cost, thereby increasing its exports. Welfare in the South would rise (fall) if that country has high (low) absorptive capacity. Excessively strong IPR diminish competition and welfare, however. Adding foreign direct investment as an additional channel of technology transfer sustains these basic messages.  相似文献   

The paper maintains that biotechnology regions develop as complexsystems: they start with star scientists in research universities,generating knowledge spillovers, then move progressively towardsregional technology markets. In the process they attract venturecapital (or modify the behaviour of existing venture capitalfirms with the addition of biotechnology portfolios). The routinesof universities are also modified with the addition of intellectualproperty and technology transfer offices intervening as sellersin the newly created knowledge markets. The paper also considerswhether companies located in regional agglomerations grow fasterthan isolated ones, and whether companies spun-off from universitieshave a better performance than start-ups. The study is basedon about 90 Canadian-based publicly quoted biotechnology companies.  相似文献   


Early entry decisions of the firm are crucial to its success. Ride-sharing businesses developed due to technology and government regulation. With the advent of the ride-sharing technology, firms like Uber, Lyft, etc. were faced with the decision of which markets to enter first. For this paper, a model is developed of a profit-maximizing firm constrained from entering all markets simultaneously. The entry decision of Uber into the 50 most populous US metropolitan statistical areas (MSA) is examined. The results suggest Uber’s entry decision was constrained and affected by both revenue potential and regulation in the local taxi industry.  相似文献   

The existing literature has explored the existence of reverse technology spillover through outward foreign direct investment (OFDI), which means domestic firms improve their technological innovation and productivity due to overseas investment activities. This paper aims to examine how the host country affects reverse technology spillover from OFDI. The findings show domestic innovation performance (DIP) is positively related to OFDI in developed countries while it is negatively related to OFDI in transitional and emerging markets. It is also found that financial development and human capital weaken the positive relationship between OFDI in developed countries and DIP and also weaken the negative relationship between OFDI in transitional and emerging markets and DIP. These results are further confirmed through robustness checks.  相似文献   

Generally speaking, markets serve as provisioning mechanisms, facilitating the supply of goods and services to customers. Extensive supply chains with specialist intermediaries create a flow of diverse items to consumers. However, market institutions can also serve as a de-provisioning technology, taking things away from customers. That is, markets can work in reverse. One example is the repossession of a vehicle. The process is often detrimental to low income and minority individuals.  相似文献   

In a duopoly framework we show that among the set of firms competing with the technology leader, both relatively advanced and relatively backward firms will not be likely adopters of the superior technology. Instead, the firms in the “middle” will invest for adopting the superior technology. This particularly characterizes the innovation characteristic of LDC markets where backward firms exist along with technology super-powers.  相似文献   

新技术带来了新机遇,在位企业能否成功把握成为生存关键。采用单案例研究方法,以软件企业为案例研究对象,探索在位企业如何通过商业运营实现新技术市场开拓。研究发现:(1)商业模式与组织身份共演过程中,涌现了惯性思路-身份转移、整合思路-身份延伸、修补思路-身份增补3种演化形式;(2)战略导向变化是商业模式与组织身份演化的动因,出现了由内向外、混合导向和由外向内3种变化;(3)演化中组织身份匹配于商业模式,表现为嫁接匹配、重塑匹配和扩充匹配3种机制。扩展了在位企业应对技术变化的研究视角,丰富了组织身份的动态变化研究,深化了商业模式与技术发展间关系的研究,可为在位企业商业实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Neoliberalism has transformed markets supplying public goods. Analysis of five real-world Australian markets reveals the eligibility rules for access and ongoing participation, interaction of participants, the role of intermediaries and government, the extent of competition, complex regulatory regimes shaping and controlling these markets, and key market outcomes. Contrary to neoliberalism's free market rhetoric and the view promulgated by mainstream economics, a spectrum of market configurations and governance regimes were found along with participation being highly dependent on technology access and skills, market outcomes inconsistent with policy rhetoric, market interrelationships posing adverse cumulative impacts, and government is strongly interventionist through multiple roles.  相似文献   

Technology transfer is an important channel of technological change and sustainable development for countries with less innovative ability than technological leaders. This paper studies whether domestic environmental policies affect the inward technology transfer of cleaner innovation from abroad. We focus specifically on the power sector, for its important role in the decarbonization process, by looking at zero-carbon (renewable) and carbon-saving (efficient fossil) technologies for energy production. Using data on cross-country patent applications, we provide evidence that environmental policy contributes to attracting foreign cleaner technology options to OECD markets but not to non-OECD markets. We show that this is due to the nature of the implemented policy instruments. Market-based approaches positively impact technology transfer to both OECD and non-OECD economies, while non-market based approaches have at best only a weak effect in OECD countries. Domestic environmental policies may provide too weak a signal for foreign innovators in countries off the technological frontier. This calls for a strengthening of policy incentives for technology transfer in light of pressing climate change objectives.  相似文献   

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