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汽车网站的兴起,为汽车走进百姓家庭提供了更快捷的信息通道.一些车迷开始关注网上能否买到汽车的问题.……  相似文献   

电子商务是21世纪商业发展最快的领域,参与网络市场的角逐是每个商家不可避免的选择.随着政府上网、企业上网、全民上网、政府采购以及电子商务的实施,网络经济在强烈震撼、促动着中国经济的发展.据预测,到2002年,我国的网民将达到6100万人,成为第三大互联网市场,前景不可限量.电子商务的急速发展,不仅冲击着人们的观念,也改变着企业的结构和经营模式.  相似文献   

网络为人类提供了更开放的市场环境和更直接的营销渠道。在网络经济环境下,一个资讯更发达、更开放透明的商业环境将会出现。传统企业为适应传统业务转型的要求,在实现数码签约、无纸化交易的同时,开始注重资讯的整合和营销的策划。在这样的新商务机制下,挑战与机遇并存,传统业务竞争更具变数。迫于竞争压力,传统企业纷纷开始业务转型策划。此时应特别注重下列问题。忌盲目堆砌传统商务流程与传统业务一样,网络经营的目标仍是“商务”,因此商务平台的构建也应落足于传统商务流程,即用“电子”化的交流手段重组商务流程,切忌以为利…  相似文献   

本文提出了电子商务的模式的“七要素”、“三流”。对电子商务模式的交易成本分契约前、契约中与契约后三个阶段进行了分析。此外,还指出电子商务的交易成本受到三个层次的因素影响:厂商决策、产业发展与制度规范。最后,文章提出成功的电子商务公司运营和发展所依赖的因素。  相似文献   

独立于政府并具有司法审判功能.有效地保证政府能源政策的落实:按现代监管模式制定的法律法规大大减少了行政管理的不确定性、管理人员实施监管的随意性以及处于自然垄断领域的企业滥用市场优势地位的可能性,增加了投资者、经营者和消费者三方的信心。在能源立法方面.加拿大、美国的许多做法也很值得借鉴。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的迅猛发展,时下在上海、广州和北京等地,悄然出现了时尚的“电子移民”一族。不用办理护照和异地迁居,他们通过互联网就能为国外的公司、网站或新闻单位工作,  相似文献   

双目 《国际市场》2004,(8):55-57
团购,尽管出现才两年多的时间,已经如星火燎原在一些热爱网络的青年人中迅速蔓延开来。  相似文献   

阿兵 《网际商务》2004,(6):84-85
直销企业拥有完善的销售渠道网络,带来了庞大而相对稳定的消费群体,不像一般电子商务公司那样要花很大的力气去开拓消费队伍。而直销企业销售的是自身企业的产品,固有的消费群体一般对公司产品都比较了解,并与公司建立了良好的业务关系,又免去了对产品和交易方式的不信任。  相似文献   

由于网络市场的虚拟性与传统管理的现实性之间的冲突,使得发现与确认北京商务网站成为了一个难题。为了克服这一难题,北京局经过多年的研究和实践,最终走向了“红盾信息公示”与垂直搜索引擎相结合的监管技术之路,从而拥有了自主探索虚拟世界的能力。非法主体商务网站对北京电子商务发展和“北京品牌”发展战略的重要威胁,促使北京局实现了第二代商务网站垂直搜索技术。  相似文献   

国际金融风暴席卷全球,国内经济增长趋势下滑,如何在困境中走出一条传统经济发展创新之路?笔者带着这个问题采访了上海汇东纸品有限公司、上海傲东防伪包装有限公司。  相似文献   

This study seeks to better understand why some individuals decide to start new businesses and others do not, particularly in light of high base rates of failure. In addressing the question of “Why do some individuals choose to start new ventures?” a common perspective is that potential entrepreneurs with high levels of confidence in potential outcomes are likely to start new ventures. Alternatively, it also may be that firm creation decisions are based largely on individual expectations of one's ability. Hypotheses examining these perspectives are tested using a sample of 316 nascent entrepreneurs with the start-up decision tracked longitudinally. The results indicate that confidence in one's ability to perform tasks relevant to entrepreneurship is a robust predictor of start-up while outcome expectancies appear to play a marginal role. Theoretical and practical implications stemming from these results are discussed.  相似文献   

近几年,轿车行业的竞争虽然激烈,但市场阵营还算是泾渭分明,虽不能说是大体实现了错位竞争,但基本上是各有侧重,都具有比较明确的市场主攻方向.比如天津夏利和长安铃木是经济型轿车的代表在私人和中小城市的出租市场极具号召力,桑塔纳、捷达、小红旗等则是中级轿车的化身.  相似文献   

1958年9月,市百货公司撤销,我调到上海友谊商店任党支部书记、经理,开始接触业务工作。友谊商店当时承担来沪的国宾、外宾、外国旅游者、外国驻沪领馆人员、外国专家、留学生、外轮国际海员和我国少数民族代表团的商业供应和服务工作,还承担内宾的特需供应。1959年3月19日,商店  相似文献   

随着宏观经济环境由冷趋热的变化,财政政策由"积极"转向"中性"势在必行.不过,在经历了6年之久的积极财政实践之后,加上一系列体制性缺陷的约束,财政政策的转向操作异常艰难.但在现实的条件下,它的作为空间相当狭小.实行中性的财政政策须经历一个渐进的过程.在当前,可实施的中性财政政策的若干举措有:在支持重大改革举措出台中追求"中性"、在结构优化中控制或压缩支出规模、迅速启动新一轮税制改革、立足于做好货币政策的"配角"和进一步加强税收征管.  相似文献   

Ford Motor said on December 13 it will begin construction on a new plant in Nanchang City, capital of east China's Jiangxi Province, next year.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing popularity of viral marketing, factors critical to such a new communication medium remain largely unknown. This paper examines one of the critical factors, namely Internet users' motivations to pass along online content. Conceptualizing the act of forwarding online content as a special case of a more general communication behavior, we identify four potential motivations: (1) the need to be part of a group, (2) the need to be individualistic, (3) the need to be altruistic, and (4) the need for personal growth. Using a survey of young adults, we examine the relationship between these motivations and the frequency of passing along online content. We also investigate if high trait curiosity can indirectly lead to more forwarding by increasing the amount of online content consumed. Results show that Internet users, who are more individualistic and/or more altruistic, tend to forward more online content than others.  相似文献   

Because technology-enabled marketing research has led to information arriving at a rapid pace, methods in marketing that allow for coherent, sequential and fast information integration are needed. We propose in this research a new approach to information integration: Information Reweighted Priors (IRPs). It is a sample reweighting approach which utilizes the output from a Bayesian model fit using Markov Chain Monte Carlo, with no restrictions on the likelihood, prior distributions, or data structure; hence a general purpose tool. We demonstrate the approach with simulated datasets and an online advertising dataset with external information obtained from i) previous advertising studies in the industry from a major online advertising portal, ii) past academic studies of online adverting and iii) out-of-sample summaries of the dataset.  相似文献   

In recent years, the marketing literature has expended considerable effort to understand and theorize consumer misbehavior. However, scant research theoretically explores shoplifting. This is surprising, as currently, the annual cost of shoplifting is close to $50 billion in the United States. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, we conduct two studies. Study 1 is a qualitative content analysis of online consumer discussions with regard to shoplifting. Study 2 is an empirical examination that uses a US national sample of n = 1,001 consumers; it is designed to test specific hypotheses regarding antecedents to consumers’ intentions to shoplift using an interdisciplinary theoretical framework from criminology, psychology, and marketing. The model integrates research from these different disciplines to improve our understanding of shoplifting by offering avenues to tackle it that supersede traditional security measures in retail. The integrated conceptual framework extends the theory of planned behavior and routine activity theory in understanding the behavioral intentions behind shoplifting. The results show that the suitability of shoplifting targets, offender motivation, and the absence of capable guardians affect potential offenders’ attitudes, subjective norms, and confidence in their ability to shoplift, which, in turn, all influence the intention to shoplift. The results contribute to our understanding of shoplifting and provide implications for retail practitioners over and above merely augmenting store security.  相似文献   

面对举步维艰的市场,移动电话生产品牌商诺基亚已做好进一步开拓市场的准备. 2001年初对世界电信业是一个乐观的开头:年初几个月的产出有上升迹象,而且利润可能上升20%甚至更多. 但是,移动电话市场正在接近饱和点,无论是摩托罗拉、西门子,还是诺基亚,均损失惨重.事实上,移动电话的增长已突然停滞,好像是一辆高速行驶的火车闯入了缓冲地带一般.另一个问题是基站的需求更为缓慢,象是树干里慢慢渗出的树脂一般.  相似文献   

The paper analyses the selection of the country in which a firm starts internationalization. It proposes that some firms strategically choose a non-sequential internationalization, that is, they select a country that is dissimilar to their country of origin for their first foreign expansion. The reason for this is that some firms develop, in their home country, three types of knowledge that are useful to overcome foreign expansion difficulties: knowledge to manage complexity, developed by having multiple operations at home; knowledge to manage differences in competitive conditions, developed by operating in business-to-business industries, and knowledge to manage differences in institutional environments, developed by allying to a foreign firm at home.  相似文献   

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