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对河南省14个地市、17个县区的25个行政村的调查表明,目前农户对最急需的道路建设、农田水利设施、科技和信息服务、卫生医疗、劳动力技能培训和农村电网等农村公共服务的满意度不高;现行农村公共服务供给机制尚无法全面反映农户的真实需求,造成供需错位。构建以需求为导向的农村公共服务供给机制应从以下几方面着手:坚持体现农户需求的政策制定原则;建立有效的农户需求表达机制;改革农村公共服务供给的绩效评价机制;探索农村公共服务多元供给机制。  相似文献   

基于农户视角的农村公共品供需均衡研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
基于3省245个农户的调查表明,农民当前最急需的公共品是卫生医疗、农田基础设施;农民的公共品需求有如下特点:硬品优先于软品;物质需求优先于精神需求;现实优于长远;切身利益重于宏观环境。合意的公共品供给有新型农村合作医疗、粮食直补政策和义务教育,农民对公共品供给最不满意的是农村社会养老、农业科技信息服务和农村金融。农民对公共品供给的满意度主要取决于公共品的规模、质量、价格和农户的人口社会学背景。最后,对农村公共品供需均衡矩阵进行了分析,并建议根据公共品供需衔接状况、农民对公共品供给的满意程度,实行不同的公共品供给策略。  相似文献   

农村公共品供给是新农村社区建设顺利进行的重要保障,财力不足已成为制约农村公共产品供给的瓶颈,"零税费时代"这一问题更加突出。在农村公共品供给不足的背景下,提升农户参与新农村社区公共品供给的意愿是一个有研究价值的问题。基于农户自愿供给的角度,建立了信息对称和信息不对称背景下农户参与农村社区公共品供给的博弈模型。研究表明,农户在单价段博弈中容易陷入"囚徒困境",而在无限次重复博弈过程中可以实现"帕累托"最优。应该采取典型示范、增加农村社区中社会资本的存量、发展民间组织、完善农户的需求偏好表达机制、实现多主体供给等多方面的激励机制,使农户之间的非合作博弈走向合作博弈。  相似文献   

农村公共品供给是新农村社区建设顺利进行的重要保障,财力不足已成为制约农村公共产品供给的瓶颈,"零税费时代"这一问题更加突出。在农村公共品供给不足的背景下,提升农户参与新农村社区公共品供给的意愿是一个有研究价值的问题。基于农户自愿供给的角度,建立了信息对称和信息不对称背景下农户参与农村社区公共品供给的博弈模型。研究表明,农户在单价段博弈中容易陷入"囚徒困境",而在无限次重复博弈过程中可以实现"帕累托"最优。应该采取典型示范、增加农村社区中社会资本的存量、发展民间组织、完善农户的需求偏好表达机制、实现多主体供给等多方面的激励机制,使农户之间的非合作博弈走向合作博弈。  相似文献   

王巍  王余丁  赵邦宏 《经济与管理》2010,24(7):70-73,91
基于河北省654份调查问卷的分析表明,农户对保健、计划生育、健康教育等需求增强,但在就诊上对医疗机构的选择存在很大差异,这与农村医疗卫生体系在药品与服务供给上的相对不足有很大关系;农户负担的成本种类多、金额大,初级卫生诊所环境建设的缺失以及对其监管力量的相对弱化是影响农村公共医疗卫生供需不均的重要因素。因此,应完善区域卫生规则,合理调配卫生资源,提高医务人员素质,建立多元化的农村医疗服务体系,满足农户需求。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,农村的贸易条件大幅改善,但农村金融服务却发展缓慢,不能满足农村的需求。文章从农户采纳的行为入手,运用行为金融学的原理,分析了浙江农村对金融的需求,分析了金融需求和供给之间错位的原因,最后给出农村金融服务创新的对策。  相似文献   

文章对北京地区702个农户进行了调研,探讨了农户对农村公共品的自愿供给意愿和自愿供给水平的影响因素,并运用计量方法进行了验证。结论显示:农户对农村公共品的自愿供给意愿与其自愿供给水平的影响因素存在差别。具体而言,影响农户自愿供给意愿的因素包括现有公共品供给指数、农户对公共品的需求、农民的自愿供给认知、村民的参与程度、村委会财务透明度以及年龄,其中年龄是负向影响,其他因素均为正向影响。而对于农户自愿供给的水平,公共品供给指数、农户对公共品的需求、村委会财务透明度的影响均不再显著,农民的自愿供给认知、村民的参与程度也仅对个别公共品存在显著影响,年龄的负向影响则得到了加强。  相似文献   

以湖北省318位农户的实证调查数据为基础,从农户视角出发,对湖北省农村产业发展技术支撑体系的需求与供给现状进行了实证研究,探讨了当前农村产业发展技术支撑体系建设中存在的问题,并就如何完善农村产业发展技术支撑体系提出了对策性建议。  相似文献   

以南京市汤泉镇三泉社区作为调查对象,试图从不同类型农户的借贷需求及满足情况这一微观角度了解农户金融需求和农村金融供给的一般状况。调查发现农户借贷需求很大,存在多方面的借贷需求,而且不同类型农户对于不同方面的借贷需求也有差异性,无论是正规金融供给还是非正规金融供给都不能满足这种多方面的需求,并且正规金融机构对不同类型的农户金融供给也存在一定不合理的选择性,对此笔者认为金融供给要有全面性、普惠性和可持续性,从而建立一个有多种金融供给主体广泛参与、分工有序、适度竞争的农村金融新体系。  相似文献   

贺文慧 《技术经济》2008,27(4):69-73
基于江苏、江西、安徽、内蒙、云南五省(区)756户农户的信息服务需求调查资料,采用扩展线形支出系统模型,定量评价了上述地区不同收入水平的农户对信息服务的支付能力。实证分析表明,我国农户目前已初步具备信息服务支付能力,但整体水平较弱,不同地区在农户信息服务支付能力方面差异显著。据此,提出提高农户信息服务支付能力的相关政策建议。  相似文献   

Owing to the inadequacy of the public extension services, farmers in developing countries often rely on the suggestions of agricultural input traders. As profit-making agents, these traders, in their turn, may have an incentive to exploit farmers by suggesting relatively expensive inputs. In this study, the Endogenous Switching Regression (ESR) estimation method is applied to demonstrate that input traders in many ways play the substitute role of the public extension agents in a developing country. In the process, this study relied on primary information collected from 379 farmers in Bangladesh in two seasons (N = 758). Then the ESR estimation procedure is applied to predict farmer's expenditure on pesticides, conditional on whether or not they rely on traders' advice. Findings of this study suggest that pesticide expenditures are not statistically different between the farmers that rely on traders' suggestions and those that do not. The study thus concludes that by providing unbiased, useful information to the client farmers, profit-maximizing agricultural input traders render the services of public extension workers, which corrects possible market failures.  相似文献   

新疆农民劳动技能信息传递水平偏低,技能教育急需提高。有效的互联网信息传播,可以迅速提高农民学习新技术的积极性,改善边疆农民的职业性技能教育氛围,克服地域广阔、信息不对称和信息意识薄弱等缺陷。在互联网上,通过示范带动普通农户应用水平,改善多元化的支持服务、普及双语教育和降低费用等具体对策,以信息技术推动职业技能教育,将边疆农民的劳动技能与信息体验、效用价值、信任交互和偏好在内的基本因素都应用到职业教育领域内,提升边远地区农民的技能劳动的能力。  相似文献   

This paper covers nonmarket services provided by farmers for recreational purposes in several Central European regions. A regionally specified general equilibrium model is used to derive the efficiency conditions for a competitive equilibrium to guarantee a Pareto optimal outcome. Moreover, we present green agricultural compensation programmes in Europe and their assessment from an economic perspective. The empirical analysis focuses on tourists' willingness to pay (WTP) for the provision of agricultural landscape-enhancing services in Austria. A comparison of these measures with current voluntary compensation payments made to farmers for the preservation of an agricultural countryside in several Austrian tourism communities suggests that the hypothetical contingent valuation (CV) results represent a valid order of magnitude for the value of recreation-related agricultural services. As far as agricultural policy is concerned, environmental improvement, the stabilization of agricultural income levels, diminishing intrasectoral income differences, and the development of economically disadvantaged rural regions can be expected from directly subsidizing farmers for the provision of countryside amenities.  相似文献   

Agricultural landscapes can provide many valuable ecosystem services, but many are externalities from the perspective of farmers and so tend to be under-produced. This paper examines an effort to make direct payments for ecosystem services (PES) in an agricultural landscape. The Regional Integrated Silvopastoral Ecosystem Management Project is piloting the use of PES to induce adoption of silvopastoral practices in the Matiguás-Río Blanco area in Nicaragua. Silvopastoral practices could substantially improve service provision while retaining agricultural production, but they have found only limited acceptance among farmers. The Silvopastoral Project seeks to increase their adoption by paying farmers for the expected increase in biodiversity conservation and carbon sequestration services that these practices would provide. The Project developed an ‘environmental services index’ (ESI) and pays participants for net increases in ESI points. Although the Silvopastoral Project is still underway, it already appears to have succeeded in inducing farmers to increase substantially the use of practices that generate higher levels of ecosystem services. In the project's first two years, over 24% of the total area experienced some form of land use change. The area of degraded pasture fell by two thirds, while pastures with high tree density increased substantially, as did fodder banks and live fences. On-going monitoring indicates that these land use changes are in fact generating the desired services. Questions remain about the long-term sustainability of the approach, however. To ensure sustainability, long-term payments are likely to be needed, raising the question of how they will be financed. Payments by water users and by carbon buyers provide a partial answer to this challenge, but still leave many gaps.  相似文献   

黄伟  刘银轲  胡培奇 《技术经济》2023,42(6):138-152
数字经济的高速发展,使小农户因自身禀赋劣势面对新一轮对信息、网络技术的占有和应用程度的“知识分隔”时边缘化程度加深,造成的“数字鸿沟”更日益影响稳定脱贫成效,如何利用信息技术赋能小农户弥合其与“信息富有者”间的“纵向数字鸿沟”已成为亟待解决的重要课题。通过田野调查,提出了面向稳定脱贫的小农户分类模型,利用该模型选取多个案例,结合数字包容理论剖析和挖掘了信息赋能小农户实现数字包容背后的过程机理并探讨如何借助信息技术赋能小农户、培育数字农民、建设数字乡村的途径。研究发现,信息赋能小农户的过程主要分为信息意识萌发、信息技能掌握、信息成效变现三个阶段。信息意识萌发阶段,应着力唤醒小农户信息使用意愿及主动性;信息技能掌握阶段,要开辟多种渠道增加获取信息使用技能的机会;信息成效变现阶段,要通过广泛参与发挥信息效能。三个阶段应采用不同策略进行信息赋能,才能弥合数字鸿沟,实现数字包容,促进稳定脱贫与共同富裕。  相似文献   

The regulating services provided by ecosystems are amongst the most important for the sustainability of resource use, and yet they are also amongst the least understood. This paper considers one set of regulating mechanisms - the buffering functions of wetlands - and considers the information needed to identify both the value of the services offered by wetlands, and their substitutes. Using data from a catchment discharging water and nutrients to the Kenyan segment of Lake Victoria, the Yala catchment, the paper models the interactions between agriculture and fisheries as mediated by wetlands at the lake margin. More particularly, it estimates the value of the forgone nutrient retention function involved in the conversion of the wetland to agriculture, and the scope for providing the same services through land use change elsewhere in the catchment. The total cost of the payments that would compensate farmers for on-farm nutrient buffering services is 3.86 M US$ year− 1, or 35% of the total gains from wetland conversion to crop production. This finding contributes to an understanding of both the value of regulating services and how they might most effectively be delivered in alternative ways.  相似文献   

李颖慧  李敬 《技术经济》2020,39(1):89-98
基于劳动分工理论与超边际分析方法,构建改进交易效率的农业生产性服务业发展模型,运用面板数据模型对理论模型进行了实证检验。研究发现:商品市场交易效率、农户数量规模、政府补贴和农户劳动力变化是影响改进交易效率的农业生产性服务业发展的四个因素。其中,商品市场交易效率对改进交易效率的农业生产性服务业发展不具有显著正向影响,农户分布密度、政府补贴和城镇化率提高1%,改进交易效率的农业生产性服务业发展水平分别提高0.135、0.955和2.714。  相似文献   

农户畜禽防疫服务支付意愿及其影响因素分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于对江苏、江西、内蒙、云南四省(区)447户的农户畜禽防疫服务调查,运用支付意愿方法,得到上述地区农户的畜禽防疫服务支付意愿,并通过Logistic回归模型对农户畜禽防疫服务支付意愿的影响因素进行了分析。研究结果表明,影响农户畜禽防疫服务支付意愿的因素除了农户家庭和生产等一些常见的特征变量外,还有农户所在社区畜禽防疫服务可及性等多方面的因素。基于这些实证研究结果,本文提出政府应增加投入,以及完善农村公共服务基础设施建设等相关政策建议。  相似文献   

Using household survey data from Ethiopia, this paper evaluates the impact of agricultural cooperatives on smallholders’ technical efficiency. We used propensity score matching to compare the average difference in technical efficiency between cooperative member farmers and similar independent farmers. The results show that agricultural cooperatives are effective in providing support services that significantly contribute to members’ technical efficiency. These results are found to be insensitive to hidden bias and consistent with the idea that agricultural cooperatives enhance members’ efficiency by easing access to productive inputs and facilitating extension linkages. According to the findings, increased participation in agricultural cooperatives should further enhance efficiency gains among smallholder farmers.  相似文献   

我国失地农民状况及受偿意愿调查报告   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
近70%的农民不愿意土地被征用,主要原因是补偿不到位或者补偿数额难以满足农户的要求;调查样本所获得的平均土地征用补偿与其平均支付意愿之间相差5倍;农民在土地征用中掌握的信息越充分,转让土地的倾向越高。因此,在征地过程中,应充分保障被征地农民的知情权,通过法律赋予农民转让土地的"还价权"。  相似文献   

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