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阮静 《财政监督》2014,(1):16-23
正一走进刘邦驰教授的家,我便被那雅致的环境所吸引:墙上挂着古朴的大卷轴的中国字画,还有一幅华丽且叙事生动的西方油画,油画下是盖着红色丝绒布的钢琴。地板一尘不染,可以映照出走在其上的人影儿来。而刘邦驰教授亦是灰白头发一丝不乱,眼神炯炯,态度温和,讲话热情且不疾不徐,虽年逾八十,仍掩抑不了那温文尔雅的气度。古人称师者曰"先生",但在世人眼中,并非所有的教师都配称先生,唯有"智如泉涌,行可以为表仪"的师者才具先生之风。  相似文献   

企业家是企业的支柱和灵魂,是企业稳定健康发展的重要保障。北京市农业机械研究所所长杨仁权凭借良好的个人品格素质、知识素质、经验素质、能力素质等资本,并科学地运用和聚集各种生产要素,在诸多研究机构因转制而被兼并、破产或倒闭等状况下,“咬住农业不放松”,把现代化企业管理应用在研究所这样一个老体制单位,大胆尝试,不断创新,短短几年时间内,使该所  相似文献   

他的经历,是改革开放潮流中一代人成才路径的缩影:圆梦北京大学,就职国家部委,公费留学海外,投身金融事业。他的职责,是带领工商银行黑龙江分行实现新的历史性突破,为地方经济保驾护航。他的身份,是既有全球化视野又带有本土化经验的金融人;是国内银行业综合化经营之路的探索者,曾开国内商业银行经营投行业务之先河;  相似文献   

高国杰 《银行家》2003,(6):70-71
原本人流涌动的国贸大厦,在SARS的阴影下显得冷冷清清.采访在空旷、安静的大堂里进行.环境的安谧,更衬托出德意志银行董事、大中华区副总裁、投资银行北京代表处首席代表翟隽的热情和朝气.循着他快节奏的叙述,透过他真诚的目光,我看到一个青年人怀抱梦想、背负责任、执着前行的身影.  相似文献   

李惠  邢红霞 《新理财》2003,(6):16-17
"在不断变化、异常活跃复杂的跨国运营环境中,作为财务领导人必须具备正直不阿、遵守规则、胸怀大局、扭转乾坤的素质,以及管理复杂业务的领导能力.他们越来越多地介入公司整体发展战略规划,并保证这些战略的成功实施."  相似文献   

王培洁 《银行家》2002,(8):100-104
很偶然的一个机会,为了一个和本文无关的事情,我们有好几个人凑到了同一个房间里.这个场合并非预先设计与安排,年长者,年轻人,还有半老不老的中年人,但相互之间并不全都认识.  相似文献   

史易灵 《银行家》2003,(12):38-43
近日,有关东北亚合作银行的消息不断见诸媒体.这一拟由中日韩三国民间机构出资、总部设于中国的商业银行,对促进三国之间的经济合作将产生不可估量的影响.  相似文献   

I show that stock market shocks have important and lasting effects on the careers of MBAs. Stock market conditions while MBA students are in school have a large effect on whether they go directly to Wall Street upon graduation. Further, starting on Wall Street immediately upon graduation causes a person to be more likely to work there later and to earn, on average, substantially more money. The empirical results suggest that investment bankers are largely “made” by circumstance rather than “born” to work on Wall Street.  相似文献   

周红玉 《新理财》2011,(8):85-87,84,10
她爱笑,但不是那种肆无忌惮的开怀大笑,而是浅浅的微笑,能让人感觉到她的随和和优雅,但又不是过分热情,她能把和人之间的距离保持的恰如其分。她喜欢烹饪,经常会尝试做些新学的菜式,请朋友们来家里品尝。她说在家里"我就是个太太"。  相似文献   

王中海 《银行家》2002,(8):54-55
综合分析,导致美元汇率在今年上半年全线下挫的原因,归根结底在于宏观经济基本面的不支持,其主要表现在以下三个方面:  相似文献   

In an effort to motivate firms to more rapidly detect potential misconduct, legislators, regulators, and enforcement agencies incentivize firms to have integrity or “whistleblowing” hotlines. These hotlines provide individuals an opportunity to report alleged misconduct and seek guidance about how to appropriately respond. Beyond some isolated examples, little is known about the responsiveness of hotlines to actual claims of alleged misconduct. I undertake a field study to investigate how hotlines function in practice by making four different inquiries involving alleged misconduct to nearly 250 firms. I find that one-fifth of firms have impediments (e.g., phone line disconnected, email bounce back, direct to incorrect website) that hinder reporting and approximately 10% of firms do not respond in a timely manner. Overall, this investigation illuminates several differences between integrity hotlines “on paper” and how they actually perform in practice.  相似文献   

博文 《银行家》2002,(5):116-120
引领美国经济经历了最长增长期的格林斯潘总是穿着深色西服,戴着黑框眼镜,头发已经稀疏,一脸的褶子,讲起话来慢条斯理,而且面无表情,完全是一副老学究的样子,就是这个素来不喜走动,低调平稳的人,其决策可以影响到美国整个国民经济乃至全世界经济在今后几年甚至几十年的发展状况.  相似文献   

思考,是吴江龙生活的常态。作为徐工集团工程机械股份有限公司(以下简称徐工)副总裁、CFO,他不仅在一个大型集团企业的财务管控方面积极探索,而且将实践经验升华为理论成果。这些理论成果在徐工的具体实践,不仅提升了企业价值,也引发着吴江龙的进一步思考。  相似文献   

Current UK energy use policies, which primarily aim to reduce carbon emissions, provide abatement incentives that vary by user and fuel, creating inefficiency. Distributional concerns are often given as a justification for the lower carbon price faced by households, but there is little rationale for carbon prices associated with the use of gas to be lower than those for electricity. We consider reforms that raise carbon prices faced by households and reduce the variation in carbon prices across gas and electricity use, improving the efficiency of emissions reduction. We show that the revenue raised from these reforms can be recycled in a way that ameliorates some of the distributional concerns. Whilst such recycling is not able to protect all poorer households, existing policy also makes distributional trade‐offs, but does so in an opaque and inefficient way.  相似文献   

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