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中国石油和化学工业联合会监测的80种有机化工产品中,1~8月平均价格上涨的有24种、持平的1种、下降的55种,价格下降的产品占监测产品总数的68.75%。与去年同期相比,80种产品价格平均下降12.5%。从价格环比来看,从年初开始,80种有机化工产品价格下降的个数逐月增加,到6月底价格上升的只有11种,价格下降的达到69种,价格也降至谷底。7月开始,市场触底反弹,逐步回暖。7月份价格上升的产品为28种,8月份已增至61种。  相似文献   

目前 ,国家电力公司正在公司本部进行公司企业精神在线讨论。这项颇带新意的活动 ,不仅为提炼公司企业精神奠定了必要的条件 ,而且做为弘扬公司企业精神的有机组成部分 ,受到了系统上下的关注与好评。企业的健康发展需要两种纽带。一种是物质、利益、产权的纽带 ,另一种是文化、精神、道德的纽带。企业如果只有前一种纽带 ,而没有后一种纽带 ,是不会健康、持久发展的。企业精神就属于后一种纽带。一个成功的企业必有一种卓越的企业精神 ,这已被无数的事实所证明。现在 ,电力企业正在进行体制改革、结构调整、发展战略研究、形象战略研究等。…  相似文献   

<正>企业文化是上世纪70年代末在企业管理学科延伸出来的一种新的管理理论和管理方法,是企业科学管理的一个里程碑。它作为一种观念、一种微观上层建筑作用于职工的内心世界,贯穿于企业的每一个管理层面和环节,使职工与企业形成一种命运、利益的共同体,产生一种认同感、自豪感和归属感,能很好地培育职工对企业的忠诚度;  相似文献   

王新业 《董事会》2012,(11):110-111
一个人没有对手,就会甘于平庸,养成惰性,最终导致碌碌无为。因此说,把对手当作朋友,为对手喝彩,为对手加油,不仅是一种自信、一种豁达,更是一种智慧、一种财富。  相似文献   

建设学习型党组织最关键的是学习的自觉性,即党员的一种自发的紧迫感和对知识的渴望,这是学习的内在原动力,也是建设学习型党组织急需完善的基础工作。作为基层党组织,应该成为党员学习新知识、增长新本领的大学校,引导党员把学习作为一种政治责任、一种精神追求、一种工作职责、一种生活方式,尤其是要善于引导,培育学习新理念,从思想源头上激发党员自觉学习的内在动力。  相似文献   

薄荷为中国常用中药,在日用品、化妆品等方面也被广泛应用.介绍了近年来薄荷中鉴定出42种黄酮类化合物、29种酚酸类化合物、21种氨基酸和10种核苷类成分以及微量元素等非挥发性成分的研究进展,以及其中主要成分的含量分布情况,并简述了应用光谱、色谱、色谱-光谱联用、及一测多评、中药指纹图谱、数据处理结合谱效分析等技术对薄荷中...  相似文献   

低碳是一种时尚,低碳是企业的一种社会责任,低碳是人类的自救。低碳经济,作为对为对人们的生活方式、消费模式以及企业生产经营模式的一种重塑,它意味着人们在能源、建筑、IT、交通等行业内,从管理、技术等多层面进行的不断探索。  相似文献   

住房保障制度是国家或政府依据法律规定,通过国民收入再分配,保障居民基本居住水平的一种制度。它是一种在住房领域内实行的社会保障制度,其实质是政府利用国家和社会的力量,通过行政手段为中低收入家庭提供适当住房,解决他们的住房问题。住房保障制度不是一种单一的保障制度,而是一种复合性的保障制度,具有社会保险、社会救济、社会福利、社会优抚等多方面的成分与性质,是一种综合性的社会保障制度。  相似文献   

有一种积淀叫岁月,有一种经历叫变迁,有一种情感叫记忆。 河南三门峡灵宝市东车村以其邻近城区、果业发达、副业发展和企业、商业、养殖业而闻名,是河南省首个电力设施保护示范村。  相似文献   

9月7日,宁夏回族自治区住房和城乡建设厅、监察厅联合出台了《宁夏回族自治区房屋建筑和市政基础设施工程串通投标和投标人弄虚作假行为认定和处理办法》(以下简称《办法》)。招标人或招标代理机构的15种行为、投标人的18种行为、评标专家的10种行为将被认定为串通投标,投标人以他人名义投标、资质证书造假等12种行为认定为弄虚作假行为。  相似文献   

本文利用分类变量的数据包络分析法(DEA with Categorical Vailables)和数据包络分析法的产出导向模型(BCC模型)对我国26个省市的392家城市二级以上医院2004年和2005年的经营效率进行了分析与比较。分类DEA模型的研究结果表明.不同等级医院之间存在效率差异:高等级医院效率反而最低,低等级医院效率反而最高,这个结论与BCC模型得出的结论完全不同。这一结论揭示出我国医院经营中存在的两个制度性问题:一是我国医院等级评审制度的无效性;二是医院在经营过程中存在严重的资源浪费。然而.对于不同地区医院效率的评价,两种模型结果相似:东部地区医院经营效率高于中部和西部地区。  相似文献   

Companies need to manage business relationships successfully in order to stay competitive. Drawing on configurational logic, this study shows that companies can improve their relationship performance through leveraging the structure of their business relationships. However, relationship structures must align with the company's business strategy. To date, research has focused on individual characteristics of business relationships, but little is known about relational configurations, namely the interplay between different business relationship characteristics on the one hand, and the firm's underlying business strategy on the other. We apply Hoffmann's (2007) strategy typology, namely shaping, adapting, and stabilization strategy types, to operationalize different business strategies. Drawing on a sample of 658 business service companies and employing fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA), this study confirms the existence of different recipes for success, that is, multiple equifinal configurations leading to relationship performance. For each of the three business strategies, different combinations of relationship characteristics are successful, each encompassing a distinct configuration of core and periphery conditions. While firms following an adapting strategy should stress behavioral commitment above all other relationship characteristics, the two remaining business strategies instead rely predominantly on different factors such as trust and communication. This study contributes to business marketing theory and practice by highlighting different ways to develop business relationships successfully.  相似文献   

本文讨论了不同距离下灰函数权限的一致性,并给出不同距离下的极限转化定理。  相似文献   

本研究采用IGT AIC2-5印刷适性仪测试纸张对油墨色彩再现性的影响。结果表明:在不同阶调区域,同一纸张对油墨的色彩再现效果存在着极大的差别。且依据4种纸张打印得到的不同油墨色彩再现性指标(灰度、色强度、色差和色效率)的测试分析,发现在铜版纸上,黄墨的灰度大于胶版纸,色效率低于胶版纸,青墨和品红墨的效果完全相反;纸张性能对青、品红墨颜色再现效果的影响主要表现在中暗调区域,而对于黄墨,在整个阶调的颜色再现效果都有影响。通过本文的分析,希望能为制定印刷及相关标准提供参考依据。  相似文献   

介绍了油田用水力旋流器在油田采出液分离上的工作原理;调研分析了水力旋流器在国内外发展中出现的不同结构型式、适用性和开发应用情况。  相似文献   

我国醋酸乙烯不同工艺路线的技术经济分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对我国生产醋酸乙烯的不同工艺技术及经济的分析比较,依据国家资源优势条件分布的特定情况,指出我国工艺技术按地理位置可归纳为东“烯”西“炔”的特点,在目前石油、天然气和电石在生产醋酸乙烯价格相对合理的情况下,都有各自的优势。文章提出了对发展醋酸乙烯在提高规模经济、提升专有技术和率先发展下游产品链的思考;  相似文献   

Product design has been recognized as an opportunity for differential advantage in the market place. The appearance of a product influences consumer product choice in several ways. To help product development managers in optimizing the appearance of products, the present study identified the different ways in which the appearance of a product plays a role in consumer product evaluation and, hence, choice. In addition, the implications for product design of each role are listed, and managerial recommendations for optimizing the appearance of products are given. Based on a literature review, six different roles of product appearance for consumers are identified: (1) communication of aesthetic, (2) symbolic, (3) functional, and (4) ergonomic information; (5) attention drawing; and (6) categorization. A product's appearance can have aesthetic and symbolic value for consumers, can communicate functional characteristics and give a quality impression (functional value), and can communicate ease of use (ergonomic value). In addition, it can draw attention and can influence the ease of categorization of the product. In a large qualitative study (N=142) it was tested whether these roles indeed exist in consumers' process of product choice and whether they are sufficient to describe the way in which product appearance plays a role for consumers. In addition, qualitative insight into these roles was gained. After making a choice between two answering machines, subjects were interviewed about the reasons for their choice and the product information they used to form the judgments underlying their choice reasons. The six appearance roles indeed proved relevant for consumers and were sufficient to describe the influence of product appearance on product choice. The number of ways in which appearance played a role for consumers differed between 0 and 5; most subjects mentioned two different ways in which appearance influenced their product choice. The aesthetic and symbolic roles were mentioned most often. The preferred shape (e.g., rounded or angular), color, or size were found to differ depending on the way in which product appearance played a role for subjects. For example, bright colors may be valued from an aesthetic point of view but may diminish the impression of quality (i.e., functional value). This makes it difficult to optimize all roles and illustrates that the product value that is most important for consumers when purchasing a specific kind of product should be the starting point in the design of the product appearance. Furthermore, the influence of shape, color, or size on a certain kind of product value—aesthetic, symbolic, ergonomic, or functional—differed between subjects. One person may like a rounded shape, while another may prefer a rectangular shape. This means that the value of guidelines indicating how the perception of a specific kind of product value can be engendered by means of shape, color, and size is limited. This is especially the case for aesthetic and symbolic product value, which are very personal. Therefore it is recommended to test the performance of the appearance of a newly developed product on these six roles with the target group of consumers. Insight into the different ways in which appearance characteristics, such as form and color, may influence consumer choice will increase managers' awareness about how to use product appearance as a marketing tool. In addition, distinguishing these six appearance roles will help product development managers to optimize the product appearance better to market needs, as the roles have different and sometimes even conflicting implications for the design of the product appearance.  相似文献   

本文区分了两种不同的灵活专业化模式,分别以产业专有资产和企业专有资产为特征。前者是对产业专有资产的不同组合而实现灵活专业化,后者是通过企业的创新以及大小企业之间的合作实现灵活专业化。两种模式见于不同类型的产业区。本文还认为前一种模式中企业间的交易不是特质交易。前一种模式向后一种模式转变是产业区创新的重要条件,实现这种转变需要加强企业间的合作与信任。  相似文献   

因子分析在吉林省农业现代化问题研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用多元统计中的因子分析方法,采用SPSS13.0分析软件,客观地对吉林省各县区农业现代化发展水平进行评价,并以因子得分为依据对各地农业现代化发展水平进行排序,最后作出结论并提出政策建议,供有关部门参考。  相似文献   

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