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本文运用我国省区1999至2008年的面板数据,系统考察了金融规模、银行集中度、直接融资比例以及其他相关控制变量对各地区经济增长的作用和影响。通过运用固定效应模型、工具变量法以及动态面板数据模型,我们发现,目前金融规模扩张不利于经济增长,而改善金融结构,降低银行集中度,提高中小金融机构在银行业中所占的比重,会增加银行业内部的竞争,促进经济增长。直接融资对经济增长的作用不显著。我们还发现,改善我国所有制结构有利于经济增长,固定资产投资和对外贸易依然是拉动经济增长的重要因素。  相似文献   

正近年来,中国银行业改革创新取得了显著的成绩,整个银行业发生了历史性变化,形成了以商业银行为主体,投资结构多元化的机构体系,推动了中国国民经济发展。但是,随着银行投资结构的多元化和银行对外开放程度日益深入,以商业银行为主体的银行金融机构运作风险亦不断上升,面临着各种潜在的威胁。首先,自我国加入WTO承诺的金融市场开放的施行,大量国外资本开始涌入我国银行金融体系,抢占银行业市场份额,对中资  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,如今中国的金融业(特别是银行业)也发展迅速。银行业的结构是否影响到经济的发展?如果有,又有怎样的影响?这是许多经济学家都在研究的问题。对此不仅分析了银行业集中度与经济发展之间的关系,同时也研究了经济结构与银行结构之间的匹配程度对经济增长的影响。通过研究,结果显示:并不是银行业的集中程度越高就越利于经济的发展,经济结构与银行业结构的匹配程度是影响经济发展的重要因素。  相似文献   

本文从贷款的增速、贷款结构、不良贷款余额比例、对经济结构调整和引导作用和技术创新的支持等方面分析了山东省的银行信贷的优势;从贷款总量与经济匹配、投放到各产业的比例和银行竞争力方面分析了山东银行信贷的不足,并分析了不足的原因,最后从转变经济结构和增长方式,加大政策扶持以及银行竞争力等方面提出建议.  相似文献   

金融通过信贷投放,进行金融工具组合,提供投融资信息促进县域经济的发展。文章以潍坊市为例,利用县域地区2007—2011年有关年末贷款机构余额和国内生产总值的面板数据资料,建立回归模型,分析年末贷款余额对经济增长的影响。认为信贷投入不能满足县域经济发展的需要,提出加大信贷投放力度,发挥各类金融机构对县域经济的支持,加强县域金融生态建设的金融支持县域经济发展的路径。  相似文献   

周琴  刘彩 《时代经贸》2008,6(1):201-202
为了解释银行业市场结构对经济增长的作用,本文选取中国GDP增长率作为反映经济增长的变量,银行业市场集中度CRn指数作为反映银行市场结构的变量,对其进行格兰杰因果检验,并得出以下结论:中国目前银行业的市场结构以国有四大商业银行构成的寡头垄断为主要特征,并且这种市场结构与中国经济增长只存在一定的正相关关系,仅存在偏高的低度相关关系。  相似文献   

周琴  刘彩 《时代经贸》2008,6(2):201-202
为了解释银行业市场结构对经济增长的作用,本文选取中国 GDP 增长率作为反映经济增长的变量,银行业市场集中度 CRn 指数作为反映银行市场结构的变量,对其进行格兰杰因果检验,并得出以下结论:中国目前银行业的市场结构以国有四大商业银行构成的寡头垄断为主要特征,并且这种市场结构与中国经济增长只存在一定的正相关关系,仅存在偏高的低度相关关系.  相似文献   

中国银行业改革的侧重点:产权结构还是市场结构   总被引:141,自引:1,他引:141  
本文对运用SCP(结构—行为—绩效 )框架及其从行业结构的角度揭示中国银行业主要问题的思路及提炼出的政策含义提出了批评 ,认为在现代技术不断改变着银行运作机制、主要发达国家的银行业的行业结构进一步向集中化发展、各个银行在努力追求规模经济和范围经济效应的背景下 ,中国银行业保持一定程度的集中率是符合国际银行业发展趋势的。中国银行业的主要问题是国有银行产权结构单一 ,而不是行业集中的问题。从行业结构的角度为突破口的改革将可能导致中国经济的振荡。正是中国银行业的资产与市场份额集中于带病的国有商业银行 ,改革的侧重点就不能从行业结构的调整为起点 ,而是相反 ,要充分利用进入WTO后的有限的过渡期 ,在国有银行的市场份额发生显著萎缩之前 ,坚决地进行国有商业银行的产权改革 ,努力避免潜在金融风险的总爆发。  相似文献   

我国房地产价格一直居高不下,房产收入比远高于1∶6的均值水平;房地产贷款占银行信贷资产比率非常高,房地产库存率一直居高不下。因此房地产泡沫危机一直是悬在中国头上的达摩克利斯之剑。房价的波动会通过各种各样的途径传导至银行业、金融业,给整个社会的经济发展水平带来严重的危害。因此,文章以兰州市房地产市场和银行业为例,选取了存款余额、贷款余额、资产利润率、资本充足率和银行拨备覆盖率五个指标,作为衡量银行绩效的尺度,通过最小二乘法,研究房产价格与这五个指标的关系,最终得出房价是如何影响银行经营绩效的,并以此为依据,提出相应的意见和建议来保障银行业绩效、维护房地产业和银行业乃至整个社会的健康发展。  相似文献   

银行结构与经济发展:中国银行业的实证分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
王红 《经济学家》2005,(5):111-116
长期以来,经济学家已经认识到银行业对经济发展的重要性。然而对于一个国家的银行结构对经济增长的影响,学术界却讨论得较少,近几年来对此问题的跨国实证研究也提供了不同的结论。本文通过对中国银行业1986-2003年时间序列数据的回归分析,研究了中国的银行集中度对经济增长的影响。结果表明,中国银行较高的集中度对经济增长有负的影响,尽管这种影响并不明显。  相似文献   

With panel data for 28 Chinese provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) during 1985–2002, this paper assesses the effect of banking structure on economic growth. Banking structure is defined as the relative importance of banks of different size in the banking sector. The market share of small banking institutions is taken as a proxy to measure the banking structure. In dealing with the potential endogeneity problem, this paper constructs an instrumental variable for banking structure with the information on the commercialization reform of state-owned banks initiated in 1994. The estimation results from a two-way fixed-effect model show that increases in the market share of small banking institutions enhance economic growth in contemporary China.  相似文献   

大量研究发现保险业活动可以影响经济增长,但对于保险业的结构特征和区域差异对经济增长是否有作用却鲜有涉及。本文运用中国31个省份(直辖市)在1999-2008年间的面板数据,利用固定效应模型和系统广义矩方法进行了计量分析。我们发现保险业活动、结构以及保险业结构与经济结构的匹配对经济发展具有显著的影响:中小保险公司市场份额的提高有利于经济增长;保险业结构与经济结构匹配时会促进经济增长,反之则会抑制经济增长。本文还构建了相对保险深度指标对全国样本进行分类,发现不同区域保险业结构与经济结构的协同效应对经济增长的影响规律存在一定的差异。  相似文献   

Demographic structure could affect economic growth through many channels. However, little is known about how demographic structure affects economic growth since no study has examined an extensive collection of channels through which demographic structure could affect economic growth in a single context. This paper overcomes this limitation by examining 45 potential mediating variables between demographic structure and economic growth. A causal search algorithm is used to identify channels through which demographic structure affects economic growth. Our results suggest that demographic structure affects economic growth differently between developed and developing countries. For developed countries, we find that an increase in the share of middle-aged workers has a positive effect on economic growth through institutions, investment and education channels. On the other hand, an increase in the share of the senior population has a negative effect on economic growth through institutions and investment channels. For developing countries, we find (but with weak evidence) that an increase in the share of young workers has a negative effect on economic growth through investment, financial market development and trade channels.  相似文献   

This paper provides an empirical examination of the regional banking structures in China and their effects on entrepreneurial activity. Using a panel of 27 provinces and four directly controlled municipalities from 1997 through 2008, we find that the presence of large banking institutions negatively correlates with small business development in local markets and that this negative relation is driven mainly by participation of large banks in the short‐term loan market. Rural banking institutions, in contrast, are found to promote regional entrepreneurial activity. Moreover, large state banks facilitate small business development in concentrated markets. When we interact measures of banking financing by state banks and rural banking institutions with a set of provincial‐level marketization indexes, we find that extensive marketization, factor market development and sophistication of legal frameworks mitigate the negative effect of large state banks on small business development. In provinces with advanced market development, efficient factor markets and favourable institutional settings, the positive effect of rural banking institutions on small business growth is even stronger.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of banking sector development on economic growth in a panel of 87 countries, paying particular attention to the role of institutions in reducing the finance curse phenomenon. The dynamic generalized method-of-moments (GMM) results indicate that institutions play an important role in mediating the positive relationship between banking sector development and growth. This suggests that the marginal impact of financial development on growth depends on institutional quality. Using the four-way partition of institutions classified by Rodrik (2005), we also find that resilient market-regulating, market-stabilizing, and market-creating institutions act as mediators to the financial market in facilitating growth. The results are robust to using alternative institutions indicators, estimation strategies, and stopping the sample before the 2007-2008 global financial crisis.  相似文献   

This article investigates whether the level of institutional development affects the link between financial development and economic growth. Using a range of cross-sectional and panel approaches we find that the positive effect of banking development on growth is reduced as the level of institutions (e.g. rule of law, lack of corruption) increases. We do not, however, find a similar result when we examine the joint effect of institutional level and stock market development on economic growth. We attribute these results to the ability of banks to perform functions similar to those provided by well-operating institutions, whereas stock markets do not perform such comparable functions.  相似文献   

This article analyses the relationship between banking sector efficiency and economic growth using a panel data analysis of six South-eastern European countries during the period 1995–2005. The analysis is concentrated on the banking sector because other segments of the financial market are underdeveloped in our sample of countries. We measure the qualitative development in the banking sectors by using the margin between lending and deposit interest rates as well as the share of non-performing loans. By applying the panel data method in a growth-type equation setting, we confirm that improvements in banking sector efficiency, measured through the decreasing interest rate spread, exerted a positive influence on the growth rate of the countries in the region.  相似文献   

本文从内、外两个方面探讨影响农村中小金融机构X 效率的因素,并构建了分析农村中小金融机构X 效率影响因素的基本回归模型。笔者选择自由分布法(DFA)等方法来测度金融机构的效率,并选用普通的最小二乘法估计方程,利用2010-2012年浙江省的调研数据来进行实证研究。研究表明,具有较大市场份额、贷款主动性较高的金融机构X 效率也较高。同时,所处区域的经济增长以及金融市场发展程度也具有正向促进作用。但市场集中程度过高则会抑制农村中小金融机构X 效率的提高,因此需要采取措施鼓励市场竞争,以防患于未然。另外,经济增长与金融市场发展对农村中小金融机构X 效率具有负面的交叉效应,因此在推进中小金融机构的发展过程中,需要区别对待不同发展程度的区域。  相似文献   

The deregulation of the financial markets and their progressive globalization has favoured the internationalization of banking. Moreover, during the international financial crisis, the presence of foreign banks has increased in countries experiencing faster economic growth, such as Brazil. In this context, the aim of this study is to analyze the growth and profitability of the financial institutions in Brazil, taking into account the possible non-linearity of the relationship, the differences between Brazilian and foreign institutions and the effect of the crisis. Our results indicate that the entry of foreign institutions has a direct effect on the Brazilian banking industry.  相似文献   

当前我国正不断深化供给侧结构性改革,推动经济发展质量变革,深化金融体制改革,增强实体经济服务能力。基于最优金融结构理论,将金融结构分为融资市场结构和银行结构,研究区域金融结构对创新能力的影响。结果发现,我国区域创新能力存在显著的空间正相关性,区域创新活动在空间上趋于集中,在地理空间上呈现集聚现象;直接融资市场发展显著提升区域创新能力,中小〖JP2〗银行发展显著带动区域创新能力提升,中小银行发展对区域创新能力的提升作用大于直接融资市场,并据此提出相关对策建议。〖JP〗  相似文献   

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