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We show that the CUSUM and LM tests for structural change in the volatility process enjoy monotonic power. The framework is general including many recently proposed non-stationary GARCH-type models. The result is in contrast to the well-known issue of non-monotonic power for the CUSUM-based tests for changing mean. Simulations and an empirical example provide further support.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effect of omitting a persistent covariate in the GARCH-X model. In particular, we show that if the relevant persistent covariate is omitted and the usual GARCH(1,1) model is fitted, the model will be estimated approximately as an IGARCH model. This may well explain the ubiquitous evidence of the IGARCH in empirical volatility analysis.  相似文献   

This paper studies inflation dynamics in eight Latin American countries, some of which have adopted formal inflation targets (IT) as their monetary policy frameworks. We analyze the possible benefits associated with IT, not only in terms of inflation level and volatility, but also regarding other nonlinear characteristics of these series, such as volatility persistence or the fulfillment of the Friedman hypothesis. To describe inflation dynamics we use an unobserved components model, where each component can follow a GARCH type process. Once we estimate the model, the main findings of the empirical exercise confirm the favorable performance of IT.  相似文献   

This paper puts the light on a new class of time-varying FIGARCH or TV-FIGARCH processes to model the volatility. This new model has the feature to account for the long memory and the structural change in the conditional variance process. The structural change is modeled by a logistic function allowing the intercept to vary over time. We also implement a modeling strategy for our TV-FIGARCH specification whose performance is examined by a Monte Carlo study. An empirical application to the crude oil price and the S&P 500 index is carried out to illustrate the usefulness of our techniques. The main result of this paper is that the long memory behavior of the absolute returns is not only explained by the existence of the long memory in the volatility but also by deterministic changes in the unconditional variance.  相似文献   

In this paper we extend the FMLS-based CUSUM cointegration test (Xiao and Phillips, 2002) for testing the smooth time-varying cointegration null hypothesis. For this purpose we use Chebyshev time polynomials to specify time-varying coefficients under the null. We derive the limiting distribution of the statistic, which is pivotal with the order of the Chebyshev time polynomials, and we provide the critical values to conduct the proposed test.  相似文献   

This paper shows that the excessive volatility results in spurious regressions. The spuriousness can be driven by persistency in the error variances unlike the conventional spurious regressions that are generated by the persistency in the level of regression errors.  相似文献   

Peter Molnár 《Applied economics》2016,48(51):4977-4991
We suggest a simple and general way to improve the GARCH volatility models using the intraday range between the highest and the lowest price to proxy volatility. We illustrate the method by modifying a GARCH(1,1) model to a range-GARCH(1,1) model. Our empirical analysis conducted on stocks, stock indices and simulated data shows that the range-GARCH(1,1) model performs significantly better than the standard GARCH(1,1) model both in terms of in-sample fit and out-of-sample forecasting ability.  相似文献   

Abstract .  This paper presents a structural model of the allocation of time to various non-market activities and market work by couples and single men and women. Parameters are estimated using a sample taken from the UK 2000 Time Use Survey. Own-wage effects are found to be positive for both men and women and are larger for cohabiting individuals than for singles. The presence of young children leads to a much larger increase in the time spent in home production by women than by men. However, the presence of young children causes men to increase their total time spent working by more than women.  相似文献   

Under the MDH, this paper investigates the asymmetry in the positive relationship between unexpected volume and volatility, and whether the unexpected volume series as a proxy for the rate of information arrival absorbs the GARCH effects. This is achieved by applying a quantile regression approach to the won/dollar exchange market with reliable data on trading volumes. Interestingly, the results show that in a freely floating exchange rate system, the positive relationship increases as exchange rate returns are higher. Contrary to previous studies, despite a significantly positive relationship, the inclusion of volumes alone does not reduce volatility persistence at medium or high levels of returns. In addition, the reform of the South Korean exchange rate system had an impact on the relationship, which occurred in response to a financial crisis.  相似文献   

We introduce a new type of heavy‐tailed distribution, the normal reciprocal inverse Gaussian distribution (NRIG), to the GARCH and Glosten‐Jagannathan‐Runkle (1993) GARCH models, and compare its empirical performance with two other popular types of heavy‐tailed distribution, the Student's t distribution and the normal inverse Gaussian distribution (NIG), using a variety of asset return series. Our results illustrate that there is no overwhelmingly dominant distribution in fitting the data under the GARCH framework, although the NRIG distribution performs slightly better than the other two types of distribution. For market indexes series, it is important to introduce both GJR‐terms and the NRIG distribution to improve the models’ performance, but it is ambiguous for individual stock prices series. Our results also show the GJR‐GARCH NRIG model has practical advantages in quantitative risk management. Finally, the convergence of numerical solutions in maximum‐likelihood estimation of GARCH and GJR‐GARCH models with the three types of heavy‐tailed distribution is investigated.  相似文献   

Long memory is an important feature of the volatility of financial returns. We document that the recently developed Realized GARCH model (Hansen et al., 2012) is insufficient for capturing the long memory of underlying volatility. We develop a parsimonious variant of the Realized GARCH model by introducing the HAR specification of Corsi (2009) into the volatility dynamics. A comparison of the theoretical and sample autocorrelation functions shows that the new model specification better captures the long memory dynamics of volatility. We calculate the multi-period out-of-sample volatility forecasts for several return series and find that the new model is a significant improvement over the classic Realized GARCH model.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the effect of central bank interventions on the weekly returns and volatility of the DEM/USD and YEN/USD exchange rate returns. In contrast with previous analyses, we allow for regime-dependent specifications and investigate whether official interventions can explain the observed volatility regime switches. It is found that, depending on the prevailing volatility level, coordinated central bank interventions can lead to either a stabilizing or a destabilizing effect. Our results lead us to challenge the usual view that such interventions always imply increases in volatility.  相似文献   

We examine and compare a large number of generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (GARCH) and stochastic volatility (SV) models using series of Bitcoin and Litecoin price returns to assess the model fit for dynamics of these cryptocurrency price returns series. The various models examined include the standard GARCH(1,1) and SV with an AR(1) log-volatility process, as well as more flexible models with jumps, volatility in mean, leverage effects, t-distributed and moving average innovations. We report that the best model for Bitcoin is SV-t while it is GARCH-t for Litecoin. Overall, the t-class of models performs better than other classes for both cryptocurrencies. For Bitcoin, the SV models consistently outperform the GARCH models and the same holds true for Litecoin in most cases. Finally, the comparison of GARCH models with GARCH-GJR models reveals that the leverage effect is not significant for cryptocurrencies, suggesting that these do not behave like stock prices.  相似文献   

We show that the (Baillie and Chung, 2001) minimum distance estimates of the GARCH (1,1) model induce spurious persistence in the volatility when there are structural changes in the mean of the process.  相似文献   

This study analyses volatility persistence of the U.S. stock market, after taking into account the role of breaks and outliers. By employing a wavelet-based algorithm, it identifies several outliers which are comfortably associated with major events such as the ‘Black Monday’ and the Asian crisis. There is also evidence of clustering of breaks and a substantial variation in the properties of the identified segments.  相似文献   

In this paper we use the approximate bias expressions developed in Yu (2012) and Bao et al. (2013) to improve the testing of the ordinary least squares or quasi-maximum likelihood estimator of the mean reversion parameter in continuous time models. We follow the approach given in Iglesias and Phillips (2005) and Chambers (2013), where if we bias correct the estimated mean reversion parameter, we can improve on the small sample properties of the testing procedure. Simulation results confirm the usefulness of this approach using a tt-statistic in this setting in the near unit root situation when the mean reversion parameter is approaching its lower bound. Therefore we always recommend bias correcting when applying a tt-statistic in practice in this context.  相似文献   

IVX estimation is used increasingly often in predictive regressions with regressors of unknown persistence. While not exhibiting the second-order bias the OLS estimator has in this setup, IVX estimators have reduced rates of convergence when the regressors are highly persistent. The reduced convergence rates may sometimes lead to power losses in finite samples when testing for no predictability, for instance. The note discusses a simple way of improving the local power of IVX-based tests, consisting of augmenting the predictive regression with the lagged dependent variable. This implies a feed-back loop which strengthens the signal of the IVX instrument without changing its dynamic properties. The proposed augmentation works best when the power loss of IVX would have been maximal compared to the infeasible OLS-based test.  相似文献   

This article develops a leverage trend Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (GARCH) model by incorporating asymmetric trend of returns of the exponential autoregressive and asymmetric volatility of GARCH models to study the asymmetric effects. Using in-sample daily data of Taiex over the period 4 January 1980 to 25 August 1997 and postsample daily data over the period 26 August 1997 to 10 September 2007, the evidence reveals that a curvaceous risk–return relationship and both asymmetric volatility and asymmetric trend of returns are significant in Taiex. The episode of asymmetric trend of returns is that the positive information creates a higher return trend than the negative information of the same amount, while similarly to most studies, the evidence of asymmetric volatility appears that the negative information makes a higher volatility than the positive information of the same size. Most remarkably, we evidence that the volatility asymmetry effect is a conservative trading factor and the return trend asymmetry effect is an active trading factor. In comparison of post-sample performance using rolling-window technique, the leverage trend GARCH model indeed outperforms the other three models with single asymmetry adjusted or without asymmetry adjusted, while the asymmetry nonadjusted model performs the worst. It implies that the return trend asymmetry (active trading) and the volatility asymmetry effects (conservative trading) tend to compensate, but not offset each other.  相似文献   

In this article, we show that macroeconomic time series may contain unit and fractional roots at both, at zero and at zero and at the seasonal frequencies. The importance of the root at the long run or zero frequency requires in many cases to consider this root at both, separately in an independent polynomial, and also included in the seasonal one. Several Monte Carlo experiments are conducted to examine cases when the root at the zero frequency is not appropriately considered. An empirical application based on the tests of Robinson, Peter M. “Efficient Tests of Nonstationary Hypotheses,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 89, 1994, pp. 1420–37 is also carried out at the end of the article.The author gratefully acknowledges financial support from the Government of Navarra (“Ayudas de Formación e Investigación y Desarrollo”).  相似文献   

In regression analysis, classical estimations may be excessively influenced by a few atypical observations. We propose a Hausman-type test to balance robustness and efficiency and to check whether a robust method should be implemented. An economic application is presented.  相似文献   

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