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The Thought‐Leader Series of five articles in the March 2014 issue of the Journal of Business Logistics made it clear that major changes are required in both Logistics and Supply Chain Management programs and indeed in business schools. The articles provided further evidence of how ill‐advised metrics in the hands of fools not only result in a misuse of financial resources but also squander “the efforts of some of the world's best minds” (Economist 2013a). We address the problems that these “Thought‐Leader” pieces reveal, briefly review the criticism of business schools, and describe how the metrics used to evaluate performance are driving the wrong behavior. We offer recommendations for change including: stop competing based on flawed ranking systems; focus on providing students with a quality cross‐functional education; encourage faculty members to conduct problem‐driven, big‐idea research that impacts management practice; and change the incentive system for faculty and administrators. Faculty members in Logistics and Supply Chain Management have a unique opportunity to make substantial contributions due to the boundary‐spanning nature of these fields and the traditional emphasis on applied research. We should not ignore these strengths. Implementing our recommendations will not be easy but we must find the courage to change.  相似文献   

This article systematically examines differences between student and faculty perspectives on quality instruction, using local data for a regional university's college of business matched to RateMyProfessors.com evaluations. Particular attention is focused on gender bias, “hotness,” and “easiness.” In addition to documenting a student bias or preference in favor of male faculty, this article also shows how students and faculty have different views of “easiness” and “hotness.” For this college, students value “easiness” while faculty penalize it; however “hotness” has no measurable effect on faculty in this study.  相似文献   

The merger of logistics, operations, supply management, and related disciplines into the broader field of supply chain management (SCM) has brought together academic fields with different professional identities and competing visions of what SCM ought to be, what students ought to be taught, and what the priorities for research and publication should be. This raises serious concerns because logistics faculty are less numerous than faculty in related fields. Logistics professional identity risks being diluted by the merger, resulting in potentially serious consequences for the future of logistics education and research. This paper explores these issues and offers suggestions to preserve logistics' professional identity, education and research in a supply chain world. We propose that logisticians expand the journals where they publish logistics research, continuing support for strengthening the Journal of Business Logistics as the “A” journal in logistics, rethink the way we train doctoral students, and work to preserve our community both inside and outside business schools.  相似文献   

The primary question of management scholarship is, “What leads some firms to be successful even as others fail?” Over the years, a variety of dominant logics have emerged to inform this question. Synthesized, these logics make it clear that companies win when they create customer value better than the competition and efficiently enough to be profitable. That is, firms that design distinctive and dynamic value‐added systems win competitive battles. This observation is salient to the Journal of Business Logistics community as systems design and value creation are focal decision areas of supply chain management. With this in mind, we briefly discuss two of many areas for which strategic supply chain research can inform differential performance.  相似文献   

Business schools are the “nurseries” of the corporate world. This article offers an empirical analysis of the business student ethos on the basis of research conducted at three Dutch universities. A theoretical framework in the tradition of virtue ethics and dubbed “moral ethology” is used to identify the values business schools convey to their students. The central research question is: What types of ethos do Dutch business students have? Forty-three undergraduate students participated in Q-methodological research, a mixed qualitative–quantitative small-sample method. Five different types of ethos were generated: Do-Good Managers, Market Managers, Searching Managers, Balancing Managers, and Radical Market Managers. Some general characteristics that apply to all the types of ethos were identified, such as the search for efficiency. It is argued that business schools should pay much more attention to the values that are endorsed in both life and business and should help students to address situations in which values are neglected.  相似文献   


Following a brief discussion of the “invention” of simulation games 5,000 years ago, this article discusses developments in the field of management simulations during the past forty years, with particular emphasis on international management simulations.

The author believes that the recent history of management games can be sub-divided into three periods. During the first period (dubbed the “Pioneering Period”) from 1955 to 1969, North American schools were the most active users of simulations. During the second period, (termed the “Development Period”), from 1970 to 1984 management simulations became much more international in both their authorship and use. Mainframe computers began to be used in North America simulations during this period. During the most recent period, from 1985 to the present, (and titled “The Hi-Tech Period”), a significant number of international management simulations have appeared, and microcomputers are now widely used in management games.

Following a discussion of various predictions regarding of management simulations in general, the author makes a number of additional observations with respect to their future use in international education and training.  相似文献   

A growing number of U.S. business schools now offer an undergraduate degree in international business (IB), for which training in a foreign language is a requirement. However, there appears to be considerable variance in the minimum requirements for foreign language training across U.S. business schools, including the provision of “business” language courses, and in what is viewed as “competence” or “fluency” in a foreign language. Similarly, business schools differ in their procedures for how the foreign language requirement is applied to foreign native speakers and/or to speakers of heritage languages. This study reports the results of an online survey that was sent to 226 schools offering a major or concentration in IB. The findings from 79 reporting schools indicate that the level of proficiency expected of foreign language learners in the IB program continues to vary widely, that few schools require a course in the business aspects of the foreign language, and that there is inconsistency in what is meant by foreign language “competence” and “fluency,” as well as in the treatment of foreign native speakers and heritage speakers of foreign languages. The results question whether students who satisfy the minimum foreign language requirements in undergraduate IB programs are adequately prepared for the professional IB world.  相似文献   

The scope of this article is two-fold. First, it looks at business research in general, in various countries, as a task that the dean wants to have faculty members pursue, to attain goals such as accreditation and ranking with organizations such as the AACSB, Equis, the Financial Times, and US News & World Report. And second, it looks at international business research as part of what business schools produce and what a dean can encourage. As more academics realize the importance of international competition, and also of dealing with people from other cultures and countries, IB research is becoming more acceptable in mainstream publications as well as in specialized international business ones. Key questions discussed here include encouraging, measuring, promoting, and financing international business research.  相似文献   


Interest in the role of marketing has grown in recent decades due to its impact in brand value, value creation for customers, profitability of customer base, and organizational results. The paper shows an overall view on marketing research to explore the development of research trends, showing the high-frequency keywords at different time periods. Using bibliometric methods, the research analyzes publications between 1990 and 2017 found in the Web of Science and Scopus databases. The paper shows the evolution of keywords to reveal emerging topics as demonstrated in the connections network which includes “advertising,” “consumer behavior,” “trust,” “innovation,” and “customer satisfaction.”  相似文献   

Consumer response to price is often subjective and prone to systematic perceptual biases, such as the “face value” effect, whereby consumer perceptions of willingness to pay are systematically biased by the nominal value of a new currency. That is, prices presented in higher denomination currencies are perceived to be more expensive and prices presented in lower denomination currencies are perceived to be less expensive. The results from two separate experiments suggest that for high‐price products, when a substantial enough discount is invoked, the face value effect can reverse and becomes a double‐edged sword. While existing research implies that the face value effect becomes stronger for high‐price products, the findings from this research suggest this is the case only when the product is not being promoted. The findings also reveal that the face value effect is robust for low‐price products, even when there is a discount, providing further evidence of the effect in new contexts. Consistent with earlier research, this is because in real terms the discount for a low‐price product is not perceived as substantial enough. The experiments also suggest that for high‐price products, discounts framed as absolute amounts in higher denomination currencies are perceived to be more substantial than discounts framed as percentage amounts. These findings extend existing theory on the face value effect and have several important managerial implications for pricing management in international markets.  相似文献   

The practice of evaluating faculty and business schools based on their journal publications has increased the emphasis on research output in peer reviewed journals. Since journal standings are a frequently debated issue, this study seeks to examine the perceptual differences of journals between different segments of marketing academics. Based on a worldwide online survey, journals are assessed in terms of four subjective quality metrics: journal familiarity, average rank position, percent of respondents who classify a journal as top tier, and readership. It is demonstrated that an individual's geographic origin, research interests or journal affiliation can have a significant impact on journal rankings.  相似文献   

The market for dead celebrities (Delebs) is large and growing. According to recent estimates, it is now worth $2.25 billion in annual licensing and royalty revenues (CBC, 2013; Kirsta, 2012). The practice is now so prevalent that Forbes began its annual ranking, in 2001, of the postmortem earnings of the “top‐earning dead celebrities.” In this paper, the author examines this practice and does the following. First, key terms are defined. Next, some of the major similarities and differences between living and dead celebrities are looked at. Following this, six major streams of theory that might pertain to Delebs are examined. They are used to explain (a) why Delebs remain popular in the consumption culture (“Nostalgia” theory), (b) why Deleb possessions are often in demand (“Celebrity Contagion” theory), (c) why many people willingly accept the products of Deleb morphing and reanimation efforts, even though they know they are not real (the “Pleasure of Imagination”), (d), why Deleb morphing and reanimation efforts sometimes fail with some audiences (the “Savanna Principle”), (e) how Deleb reanimations are typically perceived by human audiences (the “Uncanny Valley”), and (f) how Delebs should be properly used by marketers (“Fit” theory). The author concludes with some key principles learned, in addition to looking at the limitations of this paper and future directions for Deleb research.  相似文献   


Purpose: Start-up firms have to face some key challenges due to liabilities related to processes that are external to the organization, such as establishing relationships with customers, suppliers and other relevant actors. The purpose of the article is to understand how liabilities, namely newness, smallness, foreignness and outsidership, are related to each other in start-ups, and what are the main liabilities perceived/experienced by start-ups and their counterparts, using an interactive perspective.

Methodology: The article uses a case study methodology and proposes 3 cases of start-ups firms and their counterparts. Cases are built using multiple data-sources, both primary and secondary.

Findings: The article highlights the role of “heritage” left by the membership in the network. This “network heritage” means that some aspects of the network are pre-existing, in terms of previous and long lasting relationships with other actors. In this sense, the network in which the firm connects pre-exists and mitigates the existence of liabilities that come into play in the processes of interdependence with other actors. This provides a perspective of liabilities, specifically the liability of newness, as an asset in the sense that newness depends on a “short story,” without constraints of a “longer story” as that of competitors in the network. The liability of newness is an asset in terms of flexibility, customized offer and innovative content.

Originality/value/contribution: The main contribution of the article lies in taking an interactive perspective on start-ups and liabilities, analyzing the interaction processes taking place between the new venture and the surrounding network of essential actors.

Practical implications: Liabilities arise and can be overcome in the processes of interaction, which therefore can have an ambivalent role: fertile ground for the manifestation of liabilities but also the context for its overcoming/conversion of liabilities into assets. Entrepreneurs and managers should consider newness and smallness as positive attributes for other actors in the processes of interaction, as a potential generator of value. Such a perception of newness as an asset depends on two factors: the presence or absence of an organization-mother that limits the perception of newness as a liability; the sector in which the new company develops, if dynamic and innovative or still tied to traditional and consolidated processes where the experience, “history” and “heritage” of the firm are sources of legitimacy.  相似文献   

A survey of recent research reveals that there is a growing interest in knowledge regarding the opinions and attitudes toward ethics amongst business school faculty members. Based on an empirical study conducted in Norway we address the following issue: “What do faculty members of the Norwegian Business Schools consider to be their responsibilities in preparing their students for leading positions in public and private organizations?” Moving on to interpreting the results from the survey, we discuss the empirical findings by comparing the data using four different theoretical perspectives; neo-classical economics, strategic management, corporate social responsibility and socio-economics. The implications are highlighted.  相似文献   

The process, or evolution, through which multinational firms have reached their present international position is often referred to as “the internationalization process of the firm.” The most widely accepted theory of this phenomenon explains this slow, and sequential process in terms of organizations’ growth and learning. It is every now and then argued that this approach has lost some of its explanatory value. The purpose of this article is to discuss the validity of this model against the backdrop of assumptions in two key dimensions, namely, firms’ experience of international business and the industry's degree of internationalization.  相似文献   

Business ethics: A classroom priority?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“Schools of business are being blamed for much of the unethical behavior in business today” (Harcourt, 1990: p. 17); “Ethics can and should be integrated into coursework throughout students' college careers” (Spencer and Lehman, 1990: p. 7); “... business schools have been charged with inadequate attention to ethics” (Bishop, 1992: p. 291); “The American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) encourages schools of business to incorporate business ethics throughout the curricula” (Davidet al., 1990: p. 26). These quotations indicate the concern for providing ethics education in today's business curriculums. In 1976, the AACSB urged business educators to include ethics in their course curricula, however, over 15 years later there is still concern as to whether the coverage of this topic in the business curriculum is adequate. A review of the literature indicates that professors are beginning to integrate this topic into its curriculum. But what are the techniques that work? And is the topic of ethics truly being integrated into the entire business curricula? This research assesses the integration of ethics into the business curricula today. Graduating seniors in the college of business of several universities were questioned to determine: (1) the courses in which the issue of ethics was addressed; (2) how much time was devoted to the issue by the professors; and (3) the methods employed to address the issue, and students' perceptions of their effectiveness.  相似文献   


In today's China, consumers not only have the chance to sample products and services from around the world, but to experience cultural influences from a vast range of countries. In particular, Western products and services—and cultural values—have become increasingly popular. Consumers now shift between different worlds (Chinese and Western) with seeming ease. This research identifies the factors that encourage consumers to shift between these different worlds—and values. The factors include the situation and context (of the shopping experience), peer influence and dynamics, the role of conversation at or near the time of purchase, and the nature of the product and service. The role of “time,” “chance,” and “intuition” in the shopping experience and cultural shifts are also examined. What emerges from the study is a changeable, mobile, and flexible community quite capable of shifting between different sets of values (and consumer attitudes) easily and often very quickly. For companies, the key to success (at least to some degree) is to place their goods and services in a context that helps to create a complementary, integrated, and supportive image of the world they wish to create in the minds of their Chinese consumers.  相似文献   

In a recent Commentary in The International Executive (1992), Rüdiger Pieper complained that some, if not many of the (American) teachers in the new European business training institutes and schools knew relatively little about the cultures for which they were making management proposals. Further, the proposals themselves, based as they often were on American research, could not, he rightly felt, be directly applied to a business problem regardless of context. One could extend that observation to other business activities, including attitudes toward work. In particular, it would be useful to consider the “work ethic,” as it applies to Americans working abroad, and inquire about how it might affect international executives when they come to America.  相似文献   


The present case study describes how the founding, by faculty, of a nonprofit organization has aided marketing instructors (and instructors other disciplines) in teaching students to understand and apply marketing (and other business) theories in a “real-world” environment. To that end, the case study is organized as follows. First, it offers a short discussion on the pros and cons of working with for-profit versus nonprofit organizations to add value to the learning experience for students. Second, it describes the benefits and drawbacks instructors and/or students have experienced from starting their own nonprofit organization as a teaching or learning tool to help translate marketing theory into marketing application.  相似文献   

“Green consumption” is an increasingly important topic in today's society. The effect of the ecological value provided by traditionally non‐green products, such as automobiles, on their consumer's post‐purchase behavior, such as brand or model loyalty, requires further clarification. The present study provides qualitative and quantitative insights from car users on how the ecological aspect of consumption integrates into the link between perceived value and consumer loyalty intentions (value–loyalty link). In general, car usage is accompanied by perceived functional, economic, emotional, and social value. Perceived ecological value is shown to have a significant impact on these four value dimensions. The relevance of “green to have quality,” “green to save money,” “green to feel good,” and “green to be seen” in relation to loyalty intention is discussed. Results of a structural equation model and multigroup analysis provide the opportunity to derive both theoretical and applied implications. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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