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与过往我们参加的发布不一样,这次BG活动的客户是一群特殊的群体——征战全国汽车场地越野锦标赛(以下简称COC)、全国汽车越野系列赛(以下简称CCR)的越野车队。受邀到场的由多位中国著名越野赛车手,包括有来自长城汽车风水梁车队的2011年度COC汽车组车手总冠军周元福、2009年度COC柴油组车手总冠军徐莹,冠军车手黄凤革,以及2010年COC汽油组年度车手冠军力伴电池车队韩魏等顶尖车手。 相似文献
在历经近两个月全国15个分站赛的激烈角逐后,9月初,2014江铃轻卡低碳中国行活动迎来了最终的总决赛,15名来自全国各地的节油英雄们齐聚海南,向总决赛冠军发起冲击。 相似文献
中国“入世”在即,中国的“入世”将使中国的经济进一步纳入经济全球化、一体化的轨道,从而使企业间的竞争更加激烈,企业的生存环境更加苛刻。笔者认为,要使企业能够适应新形势、抓住新机遇、迎接新挑战,并保持持续健康的发展,就必须要在观念上和措施上做到以下几点。 1 敢于竞争,善于竞争 1.1 面对新形势,敢于竞争 挑战往往和机遇并存。当初隧道公司在承接宁波常洪隧道BOT项目时,受招商形势所迫,不得不放弃熟悉的盾构法隧道施工工艺,第一次采用沉管法隧道施工工艺。然而,正是由于这次挑战,使隧道公司在国内率先采用了大型… 相似文献
牟维春 《中国电力企业管理》2003,(9):28-29
背景资料华能大连电厂(4台35万千瓦机组),分两期建成,分别于1988年7月和1998年11月并网发电。目前,华能大连电厂职工总数628人,其中,主业人员482人。华能大连电厂坚持以安全生产为基础,以经济效益为中心,大力推行管理创新,争创一流电厂,取得了明显的经济效益和社会效益,安全生产水平和各项经济技术指标在全国同类型电厂和同类型机组中名列前茅。1994年,被原国家电力部命名为全国第一个“一流火力发电厂”;1998年荣获了“全国五一劳动奖状”。该厂,还先后获得全国“质量效益型企业”、“电力工业环境保护先进单位”等多项荣誉和称号。电力体… 相似文献
Robert G. Cooper 《R&D Management》1981,11(2):47-54
Although new product development is one of the riskiest activities of a modern corporation, relatively little account is taken of risk measurement in the R & D project selection literature. The existing consensus is that risk is measured by some combination of the total amounts at stake and the uncertainties of the situation. The paper describes a project aimed at more exactly identifying and defining the components of risk as perceived by a decision-maker within a firm undertaking new product ventures. The project is based on data from a study of the behaviour of 103 firms and 197 ventures.
The results show broadly that managers perceive risk to be highest when the product shows least synergy with the firm's current business. In contrast, the possibility of reducing uncertainty components of risk through information-seeking seems to be of little account in risk perception. The author concludes from this that decision-makers are much more influenced by factors that control the amounts at stake (in general, the less the synergy the greater the resources needed to back a new product entry) than by uncertainty as to the outcome. The latter must constitute an important element of risk in reality. Its neglect may be because managers find they can deal conceptually more easily with concrete matters like the amount at stake than with the intangibles of uncertainty reduction. This may explain why many firms fail to integrate information into their new product development process. 相似文献
The results show broadly that managers perceive risk to be highest when the product shows least synergy with the firm's current business. In contrast, the possibility of reducing uncertainty components of risk through information-seeking seems to be of little account in risk perception. The author concludes from this that decision-makers are much more influenced by factors that control the amounts at stake (in general, the less the synergy the greater the resources needed to back a new product entry) than by uncertainty as to the outcome. The latter must constitute an important element of risk in reality. Its neglect may be because managers find they can deal conceptually more easily with concrete matters like the amount at stake than with the intangibles of uncertainty reduction. This may explain why many firms fail to integrate information into their new product development process. 相似文献
Chris Hendry 《New Technology, Work and Employment》1990,5(1):31-43
Both upskilling and deskilling theses are frequently at fault in treating the unit of analysis as the skill residing in a particular group of workers, when it is the intersecting roles and labour markets, established over a period of time by recruitment, training, and job design policies, which are analytically significant. 相似文献
《New Technology, Work and Employment》1989,4(2):131-134
The article by Claire Shearman and Gibson Burrell which was published in this journal, Autumn 1988 (Vol. 3 No. 2) provoked an immediate response. Here Ray Oakey and Roy Rothwell exercise their right of reply. This is followed by a response from the authors who defend their original article. 相似文献
This article challenges conventional theories on the role of NTBFs in the growth of new industries. Its'community dynamics'approach is an alternative to the SPRU model of'dynamic complementaries'and argues that while NTBFs are crucial, their capacity for employment generation is low. 相似文献
New evidence reveals that Agile methods, until now used primarily for IT developments, can be integrated with traditional gating approaches to yield significant potential benefits for manufacturers of B2B physical products. Indeed, this new Agile-Stage-Gate hybrid approach represents a significant change to our thinking about how new-product development should be done since the introduction of today's popular gating systems thirty years ago!The article shows how Agile emerged in the IT industry and early attempts to integrate it with gating models, also in the IT world. The article moves on to the recent use of this hybrid model by manufacturers, and the results achieved by early adopters when implementing this new system in industries from food to heavy equipment. In terms of implementation, the details of the new Agile-Stage-Gate system are presented, including the “Power of Nine” – the three key artefacts (such as sprints and scrums); three important tools (such as sprint backlogs and burndown charts), and the three vital roles (such as the product owner and the scrum master) needed to make it work.Agile from the IT world cannot be directly integrated into Stage-Gate for physical products without some important modifications, however. These needed adjustments – such as redefining a “done sprint” and how to present versions of the product or “protocepts” for continuous customer feedback – are outlined, complete with a case study from an equipment manufacturer. Additionally, the article identifies and deals with ten important issues and apparent inconsistencies that arise when implementing this new system for B2B products. 相似文献