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美国重振制造业战略对我国可能的影响及我国的对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
重振制造业是美国对全球经济失衡和本国经济困境的战略回应,可称为美国版的转变经济发展方式和调整经济结构。奥巴马政府为重振制造业设计了完整的政策框架。美国重振制造业战略通过贸易、投资、外汇储备、人民币汇率、政府采购、节能减排和知识产权保护等途径,将对我国经济产生诸多方面的影响。无论从短期还是长期看,美国重振制造业战略对我国经济发展方式的转变都是挑战大于机遇。就我国而言,应从美国重振制造业战略中得到两点启示:一是制造业乃大国立国之本,二是中产者乃国家之福。我国应对美国影响的根本之道还在国内体制机制改革。具体而言,应从下大力气调整收入分配差距、进一步推动出口市场多元化战略、选择人民币汇率改革恰当路径、构筑有利于维护自主创新的政府采购制度和多管齐下推动节能减排等方面入手,推动我国经济战略转型,应对美国重振制造业给我国可能带来的不利影响。  相似文献   

刘志琳 《北方经贸》2013,(12):34-35
针对金融危机对经济带来的危害,奥巴马就职以来提出了一系列的重振制造业的政策.美国的再工业化并不是底端制造业的回归,而是借此时机发展高端制造业.文章从战略方向、政策支持、战略主体等六个方面分析了美国重振制造业的战略思路.  相似文献   

为应对"去工业化"所带来的金融危机及其工业的衰退,美国政府实施了"再工业化"科技创新政策。其中主要包含《美国创新战略:促进可持续增长和提供优良工作机会》、《重振美国制造业框架》、《美国创新新战略:保护我们的经济增长和繁荣》、《"高端制造合作伙伴"计划》(AMP)、《先进制造业国家战略计划》五个政策文本。这些政策对我国的启示主要在如下方面:第一,我国政府在创新政策的制定方面应充分发挥优秀科学家的智慧与作用;第二,美国政府在制定科技创新政策时,特别注重对基础科学研究的支持;第三,美国基于企业这一创新主体,健全了科技创新政策体系。  相似文献   

从2009年4月奥巴马总统首次提出重振制造业的战略构想开始,美国制造业回归的目标、思路、框架和措施逐渐清晰,形成涵盖创新、投资、出口、税收、市场培育和劳动力教育六个方面的重振制造业战略,美国制造业回归之势似乎箭在弦上、只待迸发。一、美国制造业回归的可能性近年来,美国确实出现了一些制造业海外投资回流的现象,这主要与美国制造业海外投资的特点有关。  相似文献   

<正>制造业是实体经济的主体,也是新旧动能转换的主战场。为加快威海市制造业新旧动能转换,本文深入分析了威海工业发展的比较优势和问题短板,并研究提出加快新旧动能转换的对策措施。一、加快新旧动能转换面临的外部环境从全球看,加快新旧动能转换是大势所趋。一方面,高端制造领域出现向发达国家"逆转移"的态势。制造业重新成为全球经济竞争的制高点,各国纷纷制定以重振制造业为核心的再工业化战略。美国发布《先进  相似文献   

美国复兴制造业对中国贸易的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
美国制造业具有增加值规模最大、创新能力最强和世界级大型企业最多的历史特征,但是在发展中经济体的追赶下,其制造业占世界份额趋于下降、失业增加。美国政府把复兴制造业作为重振经济和增加就业的途径。政府致力于发展先进制造业,油气的大量开采和廉价供应刺激了对制造业的投资,一些劳动密集型制造业也迁回本土。美国复兴制造业对我国制造品贸易和制造业发展既有挑战也有机遇。  相似文献   

2008年金融危机发生之后,美国一直在寻找振兴经济的途径,从2009年的"重振制造业"战略、2010年"先进制造业伙伴计划"到2012年上半年理论界热议的"第三次工业革命",美国政府重新将经济发展的重点转向实体经济发展。2011年以来,美国在华投资企业撤出中国的案例屡次见诸报端,那么美国的经济转型  相似文献   

克林顿政府对外贸易政策趋向初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 克林顿就任美国总统以后,在制定重振美国经济国内政策的同时,也对美国新政府的对外贸易政策发表了一些谈话。目前虽然尚无系统的对外贸易政策出台,但通过其外贸政策的决策环境、克林顿的经济思想和他上台后在对外贸易上  相似文献   

美国在受到金融危机的重创之后,意识到经济"空心化"的严重性,因此,自2009年以来,美国政府陆续出台一系列政策和措施重点推动"再工业化"战略的实施,并将其视为夯实美国实体经济,占领未来经济发展制高点的重要战略。所以,本文重点分析了美国实施"再工业化"战略至今,在促进出口、降低失业率、平衡贸易逆差、重振制造业等方面取得的成效,并通过分析结果得出对中国的有益启示。  相似文献   

2008年全球金融危机袭来,极端资本主义和过度贪婪给全球金融体系和投资者利益造成的重大危害,引发了人们再度对"市场"与"政府"的认真思考。政府不仅应该在今天制定切实可行的政策应对危机,重振受损的经济增长,同时还应当为未来的金融市场制定新的监管机制  相似文献   

How has globalisation affected employment and wages in the United States? Existing studies largely ignore the intersector labour movement between the manufacturing and service sectors by focusing only on the intrasector movement within the manufacturing sector. However, by decomposing the aggregate labour demand in the United States, we find that the intersector movement is more substantial than intrasector movement. Motivated by the decomposition results, this study presents a three‐sector model that includes a manufacturing sector and two service sectors at varying skill intensities. The model shows that offshoring might translate into smaller‐than‐expected wage changes because of the intersector labour movement. In line with the theoretical predictions, two notable empirical results are presented. First, an occupation's exposure to offshoring has non‐significant, albeit negative, effects on wages. Second, the more an occupation is exposed to offshoring, the lower its employment in the manufacturing sector as a share of its total employment. Furthermore, these effects are larger for more routine occupations or those requiring less education.  相似文献   

This paper uses job turnover data to compare how job creation, job destruction and net job change differ for small and large establishments in the Canadian manufacturing sector. It uses several different techniques to correct for the regression-to-the-mean problem that, it has been suggested, might incorrectly lead to the conclusion that small establishments create a disproportionate number of new jobs. It finds that net job creation for smaller establishments is greater than that of large establishments after such changes are made. The paper also compares the importance of small and large establishments in the manufacturing sectors of Canada and the United States. The Canadian manufacturing sector is shown to have both a larger proportion of employment in smaller establishments but also to have a small establishment sector that is growing in importance relative to that of the United States.  相似文献   

2017年,中美关系发生了实质性变化,美国对华战略从合作走向竞争。新冠肺炎疫情下,中美关系更是面临新的不确定性,中美经贸摩擦将影响中美两国的经济,进而产生连锁反应,造成全球价值链的重构。利用2014年世界投入产出数据库(WIOD)和假设提取法,测算中美经贸摩擦和全球价值链重构对世界43个国家或地区的经济影响,并重点模拟中美之间贸易由国内供给替代对增加值和劳动力就业的最大影响。结果表明:第一,基准模型设定下,经济效应存在地区异质性,中国周边地区、美国周边北美自由贸易区受到的影响最大,反映了区域性生产网络的存在。第二,相对美国,中国受影响更大,增加值下降2.5%以上;其余受影响较大的国家有爱尔兰、卢森堡、荷兰;印度和欧洲大部分地区受影响较小。第三,中美经贸摩擦对每个行业的影响不同,受影响最大的行业为中国的家具制造业和其他制造业,计算机、电子和光学产品制造业,以及美国的航空运输业。第四,假设其余国家或地区卷入中美经贸摩擦,存在替代效应和全球价值链重构,部分国家或地区增加值和劳动力就业均上升,上升最多的为22.42%。建议深化实施"一带一路"倡议,主动与周边国家或地区开展经济合作,强化区域价值链的影响,同时积极培育和发展国内产业链。  相似文献   

目前,尽管世界经济已经渡过国际金融危机的恐慌阶段,进入"后危机时期",但是世界经济的发展仍然存在很多不确定因素。美欧等发达国家和地区经济正在积极转型,世界制造业竞争将更加激烈。面对新形势,中国应当寻求新的经济发展模式,以有效启动民需、利于产业结构升级和益于技术创新的分配政策的出台。  相似文献   

Among various factors contributing to the economic success of the Japanese, the use of military-like strategies has been recently cited by scholars, prominent journalists, and politicians in the United States. Some of them are now advocating retaliation through the use of similar military-type methods. However, will the American companies and their government be able to do this successfully? A lot depends on a clear appreciation of some of the fundamental principles underlying the use of military strategies to business practices. This article seeks to highlight and explain why militarytype strategies are more applicable to Japanese than American companies. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

当前美国为摆脱金融危机所实行的制造业重振战略正面临人才储备不足的困境。长期以来在去工业化的过程中,美国制造业就业人数持续下降,且制造业人才储备不断减少。为此,美国从重视理工科教育入手制订长期人才储备战略,通过改革移民政策与提高特殊专业人员临时工作签证上限留住高技能留学生,运用贸易、税收优惠等手段提升本国制造业竞争力,为制造业创造更多的吸纳人才空间。对我国而言,面对来自于美国制造业的长期挑战,需要高度重视工科人才的培养,并积极吸引留学生回国创业。  相似文献   

Potential blows to US competitiveness by Japanese manufacturers have been instrumental in stimulating interest in the development of manufacturing strategy theory and its importance at the level of competitive strategy. Unfortunately, little substantial empirical research effort has attempted to measure manufacturing strategy and to explore its potential linkages with management control systems in the United States and Japan. This study expands the empirical data base available on this topic by exploring the adoption of just-in-time strategies, and the use of management control systems associated with the implementation of inventory reduction and flexibility initiatives in the United States and Japan.  相似文献   

Research on independent retail and grocery shops has largely been confined to more advanced markets such as those of the United States and the United Kingdom, ignoring trends in this sector in other markets such as Africa. Findings from these previous studies have established increasing pressure for survival faced by these independent retailers due to the dominance of big local supermarket chains and increased foreign competition. This research investigates the impact of increased local and foreign supermarket retail competition on independent retailers in Zimbabwe during the turbulent hyperinflation crisis era and the post-crisis recovery dollarization era. Key findings from the study focus on the impact of the changing retail landscape on growth and demise of these retailers. The study outlines constraints faced by the retailers and coping strategies that are being used to address the changing landscape and constraints. Implications for marketing practice and policy are then outlined.  相似文献   

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) joined Mexico, the United States, and Canada in a free trade and investment block. While NAFTA has generated considerable interest, much of the initial enthusiasm for the treaty has faded due to the Mexican financial crisis. To learn more about the effects of NAFTA and the crisis on multinational (MNC) strategy and operations, we conducted interviews at manufacturing firms in Mexico. Even with NAFTA, we found that significant restrictions remain that limit the strategies that MNCs can pursue. Also, only a limited number of MNCs have been seriously hurt by the financial crisis due to the risk management strategies these firms have adopted. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of this study for the effective management of MNC firms in Mexico.  相似文献   

In this paper the determinants of exit are investigated for the manufacturing sector of the United States economy, which has been subjected to growing international influences. The analysis uses United States cross-sectional data. The results of the exit equation suggest that low profitability, declining industry growth, and displacement of incumbents by entrants foster exit. International influences are also seen to have an impact on U.S. manufacturing exit. Specifically, imports into an industry have a small effect on exit and protection has little influence in stemming exit.I would like to thank John Mayo, Don Clark, Ron Shrieves, Robert Feinberg, Joseph Shaanan and an anonymous referee for their comments on earlier drafts of this paper. The views in this paper do not necessarily reflect those of the Commission. The usual caveat applies.  相似文献   

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