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沟域经济是北京农民的创造,是落实科学发展观和北京城市功能定位、转变山区发展方式的成功实践。上世纪末以来,北京沟域经济经历了自发探索、试点建设、重点推进阶段,日渐成熟,成效凸显。四季花海、白河湾、古北水镇、十八弯,犹如一张张画卷舒展在京郊青山绿水之间,已经成为北京富裕山区农民、加快城乡统筹、建设生态文明的有效模式。在世界城市建设的战略布局中,绘制北京沟域经济蓝图,仍需要把握好三个要点。  相似文献   

自问世以来,保理就最为贴近实体经济,通过管理应收账款为企业提供融资、避险和理财的服务,从而达到银企双赢的目的。同时,保理还体现出逆经济周期的特点。近年来,由于受国际金融危机的影响,中国进出口贸易增速下滑明显,但管理应收账款的中国保理业务却逆势上扬取得长足进展。目前,中国已经是全球保理业务量最大的国家。本期约请了三位保理业务专家来共议如下保理话题:应该如何评价2012年的中国保理市场的发展?国内保理业务在2012年面临着哪些机遇和挑战?国际双保理业务出现了哪些新的业务趋势?  相似文献   

当青藏铁路从海拔4000多米的世界屋脊飞过的时候,也许人们第一个大快朵颐的感受是:啊,我可以去看高原独特的雪域风光啦!其实,这只是青藏铁路带给人们的表层的福音,如果从经济角度来看,它的意义更加深广:它结束了占全国八分之一国土面积的西藏自治区不通铁路的历史,将彻底改变过  相似文献   

2020年伊始,全球经济受到新冠疫情的巨大冲击,主要经济体迅速推出了大规模的财政刺激政策,以及极度宽松的货币政策.得益于成功的疫情防控以及及时精准的逆周期调节政策,中国经济在前10个月不断抬升,主要指标增速全面转正的良好势头.10月召开的十九届五中全会,对"十四五"时期经济社会发展和2035年远景目标,作出了系统谋划和...  相似文献   

徐卉 《时代金融》2011,(12):182
经济全球化,一方面将使人类社会面临生产行为、生活方式、思维模式的历史性彻底变革,同时又使传统的国家主权受到冲击和影响。从制度层面讲,税收也必然受到影响。  相似文献   

2012年前三季度数字显示,中国经济依然延续下滑态势。GDP同比增长率,1季度为8.1%,2季度7.6%,3季度7.4%。  相似文献   

当前的中国经济,全部凝聚于一个字——稳。稳中求进、止跌企稳、企稳回升,一旦“稳”字写好了,中国经济也就真正走出困境了。那么,谁能主导中国经济的“稳”呢?怎样的“稳”,才算是功底扎实、铺垫良好呢?  相似文献   

After graduating from Harvard Business School with highest honors, Jane rapidly moved up the corporate ladder at a large advertising firm, racking up promotions and responsibilities along the way. By the time she became the company's creative director, she was, in everyone's estimation, an A player--one of the organization's most gifted and productive employees. But although she received an extraordinarily generous pay package and had what some people considered to be one of the most stimulating jobs in the company, Jane felt underappreciated and was talking to head-hunters. Eventually, she was lured away to a competing company that, by her own admission, offered less-challenging work. Both Jane and the advertising firm she left behind lost out. Of course, not all A players are as vulnerable as Jane. Some superstars soar to stunning heights, needing little or no special attention, and have the natural self-confidence and brilliance to stay at the top of their game with elegance and grace. But as every manager knows, megastars with manageable egos are rare. Far more common are people like Jane who are striving to satisfy an inner need for recognition that is often a sign of irrationally low self-esteem. According to the author--an executive coach, management consultant, and former faculty member of the department of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School--if you do not carefully manage the often unconscious need A players have for kudos and appreciation, they will burn out in a way that is damaging to them and unproductive for you. The key is understanding what makes your A players tick. The author suggests that you assist your stars by offering them authentic praise, helping them set boundaries, and teaching them to play nicely with subordinates. In the process, you can turn these high performers into even more effective players.  相似文献   

如何进行企业并购后的财务整合?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
傅璇 《国际融资》2006,(3):44-47
财务管理是企业管理体系的核心与中枢,它不仅关系到并购战略意图能否贯彻,而且关系到并购方能否对被并购方实施有效控制以及并购目的的实现。所以,主并企业与目标企业在资产和财务环节的整合是并购成功以后整合的第一要素  相似文献   

在互联网飞速发展的今天,网络频发的病毒和攻击事件使人们对个人用户的网络安全问题广泛关注。个人用户安全防范意识的淡薄,电子邮件、网络应用程序和操作系统的安全漏洞都为网络安全埋下了诸多隐患。要正确认识这些网络安全隐患,提高个人防范意识,采取积极的预防、检测和修补措施来保护网络系统安全。  相似文献   

石洋 《国际融资》2009,(4):39-40
目前中国又面临全球经济危机的包抄,在如此恶劣的周边环境下,2009年中国的经济走势会如何?是否也会像世界其他国家那样就此进入“跌跌不休”的经济下滑通道?标准普尔评级服务最新发布了一份题为《2009年中国经济将保持增长,受强劲刺激计划提振》的报告,报告中指出,中国实行了积极的经济刺激计划,因此中国或许能够更好地应对经济下滑的冲击,经济增长有望在年内出现回升,但总体年经济增长率仍会远低于2008年的增幅.  相似文献   

目前,交行的公开上市准备工作已经全面启动。公开上市是对其财务重组和整体改革成果的检验,并将为交行进一步深化改革奠定坚实的基础2004年7月,交行经过3年多的默默筹备,突然一鸣惊人,完成财务重组,成功引入汇丰银行的战略投资,在改革上实现历史性的突破,并结束前期准备,正式进入上市前的实质性准备。  相似文献   

陈志武 《国际融资》2007,78(4):27-28
乾隆是盛世皇帝,可他在1766年可以花的钱并不比2006年施正荣的"无锡尚德"要多.若以"无锡尚德"2007年的预计收入衡量,盛世乾隆的财富和可以控制的开支,远不如今天一个施正荣.正是各国制度的同质化、资本的全球化以及中国的改革开放,造就了像"无锡尚德"这样的中国经济和财富奇迹.  相似文献   

周鸿祎的BLOG http://zhouhongyi.blog.sohu.com/ 我为什么到处鼓吹天使投资?客观上讲,我到现在真正投资的公司并不多,投资额也并不大,而且还没有一个成功的例子,都是在早期阶段.  相似文献   

We examine whether financial stress at larger banks has a different impact on the real economy than financial stress at smaller banks. Our empirical results show that stress experienced by banks in the top 1% of the size distribution leads to a statistically significant and negative impact on the real economy. This impact increases with the size of the bank. The negative impact on quarterly real GDP growth caused by stress at banks in the top 0.15% of the size distribution is more than twice as large as the impact caused by stress at banks in the top 0.75%, and more than three times as large as the impact caused by stress at banks in the top 1%. These results are broadly informative as to how the stringency of regulatory standards should vary with bank size. They support the idea that, all else equal, the largest banks should be subject to the most stringent requirements while smaller banks should be subject to successively less stringent requirements.  相似文献   

Prior to the global financial crisis of 2008, the UK had the largest banking sector asset to GDP ratio among large countries, and had experienced rapid real property price increases as well as a persistent current account deficit in the preceding decade. These factors, together with its role as an international financial centre, made the UK economy particularly vulnerable to the onset of the global financial crisis. Although the initial drop in real GDP was steep, we provide evidence that the economy has weathered the financial storm better than many feared, and has fared no worse than its peer group of major economies. In this paper we assess the reasons underlying this outcome, including the possibility of exaggerated vulnerabilities, global economic recovery, the flexible supply side of the UK economy, as well as fiscal, financial and monetary policy interventions. Our analysis suggests that all of these factors played a role in cushioning the impact on the UK real economy, leading to a more benign outcome than most observers expected.  相似文献   

目前,便捷的互联网已催生出带有鲜明时代特征的"宅经济时代族群"。这些宅男宅女们更愿意"宅"在家里,通过网络进行投资、理财、购物、创业、社交等活动。实现足不出户的"线上生活"已成为宅男宅女们的首选,他们对电子商务、  相似文献   

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