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Using a unique data set, we document two secular trends in the shift from centralized to decentralized pension fund management over the past few decades. First, across asset classes, sponsors replace generalist balanced managers with better‐performing specialists. Second, within asset classes, funds replace single managers with multiple competing managers following diverse strategies to reduce scale diseconomies as funds grow larger relative to capital markets. Consistent with a model of decentralized management, sponsors implement risk controls that trade off higher anticipated alphas of multiple specialists against the increased difficulty in coordinating their risk‐taking and the greater uncertainty concerning their true skills. 相似文献
Herding among Investment Newsletters: Theory and Evidence 总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22
John R. Graham 《The Journal of Finance》1999,54(1):237-268
A model is developed which implies that if an analyst has high reputation or low ability, or if there is strong public information that is inconsistent with the analyst's private information, she is likely to herd. Herding is also common when informative private signals are positively correlated across analysts. The model is tested using data from analysts who publish investment newsletters. Consistent with the model's implications, the empirical results indicate that a newsletter analyst is likely to herd on Value Line's recommendation if her reputation is high, if her ability is low, or if signal correlation is high. 相似文献
Gavin Brown Paul Draper & Eddie McKenzie 《Journal of Business Finance & Accounting》1997,24(2):155-178
Transition matrix techniques are used to relate the past and present performance of pension fund portfolios. In particular, funds are ranked to study the tendency of portfolios to remain in the same quartile of the ranking as they were in the previous period. For raw returns, funds in both of the top quartiles are found to be more likely to remain in the same quartile than would be expected by chance. This result can be taken as limited evidence for the consistency of performance. Similar systemic effects are observed on a risk-adjusted basis. There appears to be clear evidence that some fund managers can offer a degree of consistent good performance. 相似文献
We provide a comprehensive and more consistent approach to analyse and compare the risk-return relationships of Australian superannuation investment options for the period January 1990 to December 2016. In estimating the risk profiles of the investment options, we allow for the movement of the asset classes over time by employing a varying coefficient panel estimation technique. We find that while risk increases across different investment options from moderate to aggressive options, using different percentages of identifying a balanced fund does not impact the long-term risk measurement. We equally find that the risk-return relationships of investment options are not sensitive to the modelling framework, except for the crisis analysis, in which the Fama-French five-factor model provides greater sensitivity. 相似文献
我国养老保险基金投资管理:委托代理关系下的分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文从委托代理论的框架入手,分析了我国养老保险基金的投资管理中涉及到的委托代理关系,进而分析了由信息不对称、道德风险、养老保险市场的不完全竞争以及监督机制的真空所产生的委托代理问题。并针对这些问题,提出了相应的解决思路。 相似文献
Institutional Traders' Behavior in an Emerging Stock Market: Empirical Evidence on Polish Pension Fund Investors 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Abstract: In this paper, we contribute to the literature on institutional herding and feedback trading by analysing the investment behavior of pension funds on the Polish stock market. Pension funds entered into the stock market due to the national pension system reform in 1999, providing a unique opportunity to receive deeper insight into the behavior of institutional investors in an emerging capital market. Our results show that Polish pension fund investors are to a greater extent involved in herd‐like behavior and pursue feedback trading strategies more often than their counterparts in mature markets. This finding is primarily attributed to a stringent investment regulation and high market concentration. We do not detect, however, that trading by the pension funds exerts significant influence on the future stock prices. 相似文献
Using a comprehensive database on equity funds in Korea, we investigate the performance and performance persistence with investment style employing the Fama and French three-factor model and the Carhart four-factor model. The paper finds that most investment styles in Korea noticeably outperform the passive benchmarks. In addition, positive performance persistence is observed among funds investing in large-cap stocks and stocks of high past performance. Finally, outperformance and positive performance persistence of equity funds are still present in various ranking and postranking horizons. These empirical findings are in sharp contrast with results from earlier studies on markets in developed countries, such as the United States. 相似文献
本文通过对台湾退抚基金首次海外委托投资业务相关法规、投资策略及管理人选择等方面的介绍,分析了其海外委托投资的主要特点,并结合大陆机构投资者即将进行海外投资的实际,提出了若干启示和建议. 相似文献
世界银行20世纪90年代初提出"三支柱"体系的社会保障模式."三支柱"模式认为社会保障资金来源和管理方式的多元化有助于提高经济效率和促进社会公平,最终有利于社会保障体系的完善.根据"三支柱"模式,一个完整的社会保障体系应该由政府举办的基本养老保险Social Security(第一支柱)、雇主资助的企业年金Employer Pension(第二支柱)和雇员个人建立的退休养老收人Personal Saving(第三支柱)组成,其中雇员个人建立的退休养老收入(第三支柱)完全由雇员个人出资、拥有及控制,又称个人养老理财收人.本文论述的个人养老理财业务及个人养老理财市场就是指围绕雇员个人养老理财收入(第三支柱)而产生的理财业务及理财市场. 相似文献
Investment and Financing Constraints: Evidence from the Funding of Corporate Pension Plans 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
JOSHUA D. RAUH 《The Journal of Finance》2006,61(1):33-71
I exploit sharply nonlinear funding rules for defined benefit pension plans in order to identify the dependence of corporate investment on internal financial resources in a large sample. Capital expenditures decline with mandatory contributions to DB pension plans, even when controlling for correlations between the pension funding status itself and the firm's unobserved investment opportunities. The effect is particularly evident among firms that face financing constraints based on observable variables such as credit ratings. Investment also displays strong negative correlations with the part of mandatory contributions resulting solely from unexpected asset market movements. 相似文献
论我国养老保险基金的投资与监管 总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9
人口老龄化、养老保险基金缺口、基金来源的刚性及基金管理上的漏洞等方面彰显出我国养老保险基金迫切需要投资.从风险管理的角度,养老保险基金投资的风险分为法律政策风险、战略管理风险、操作风险及资本市场风险.构建风险监管体系,可在宏观、中观和微观三个层次上进行,宏观上以社保部门为监管核心,中观层次上成立专门的养老基金投资监管司,微观主体强化内部风险控制,以达到专业监管、权利制衡. 相似文献
以2017—2022年各季度基本养老保险基金投资数据为样本,考察基本养老保险基金投资对股票收益率与股价波动性的影响。结果显示:基本养老保险基金持股比例变化对股票未来收益率有一定预测效应,持股比例增加会加剧股价波动。异质性检验表明,被持股公司规模越大,持股比例变化对股票收益率的影响越不明显,对股价波动性影响的时滞性越强。对于短期持股而言,持股比例增加会加剧股价波动,而对于长期持股而言,持股比例增加有利于稳定股价。鉴于此,应继续推动基本养老保险基金全国统筹,进一步扩大其市场化投资规模、延长投资考核期限,提升基金可持续发展能力。 相似文献
我国股票型基金投资行为的实证分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
羊群行为是股票市场中投资者行为的重要方面。本文以我国公募股票型投资基金为分析对象,对2007—2008年的数据进行HM值的整体检验和收益检验,得出了我国股票型投资基金羊群行为的投资特征,并对产生羊群行为的原因进行了探讨,最后提出了改善基金投资行为的若干政策建议。 相似文献
我国证券投资基金羊群行为的实证研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
论文通过LSV及其修正模型,运用2003年第一季度到2009年第四季度我国开放式证券投资基金的季度投资组合数据,对我国证券投资基金羊群行为进行了实证分析,发现我国存在较明显的羊群行为,基金卖出羊群一般明显大于买入羊群,且羊群行为在第2季度最明显。 相似文献
资金信托和证券投资基金的甄别 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
资金信托业务是一种典型的信托业务,是信托公司的重要业务。证券投资基金是一种利益共享、风险共担的集合证券投资方式。资金信托和证券投资基金的交易、投资运作、保管和法律关系有极大区别。 相似文献
This paper analyses the trading activity of German mutual funds in the 1998–2002 period to investigate whether German mutual fund managers are engaged in herding behaviour. Another objective of the study is to determine the impact of this herd‐like trading on stock prices. Our results provide evidence of herding and positive feedback trading by German mutual fund managers. We show that a significant portion of herding detected in the German market is associated with spurious herding as a consequence of changes in benchmark index composition. Investigating the impact of mutual fund herding on stock prices, we find that herding seems to neither destabilise nor stabilise stock prices. 相似文献
我国基金经理投资行为实证研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
我国证券市场快速发展,推动了基金业的迅猛增长,随着基金数量的增多,作为管理基金的基金经理的作用和地位正在迅速上升。基金经理的投资决策行为势必会影响到基金的业绩,如何综合评价基金经理的投资行为,是摆在我们面前的一大课题。本文在对国内外学者有关基金经理投资行为文献评析的基础上,提出了投资行为度的概念,并运用多元回归计量方法和突变评价法对我国基金经理的投资风格、投资策略、投资绩效、择股时机选择能力、风险管理能力以及个人行为模式和基金业绩之间的关系等进行了实证检验,得出了一些有意义的结论。最后从行为金融理论角度分析了中国证券投资基金经理行为偏离的根本原因,并提出相应的政策建议。 相似文献
行为金融学与基金投资策略研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
行为金融学从羊群行为、认知偏差、动态效应和处置效应等角度揭示投资异常现象的原因。本吝基于上述因素提出基金应如何避免和利用“行为偏差”和“羊群行为”,以及如何利用反馈交易策略。 相似文献
国外养老基金投资规则与绩效的比较 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
由于政治和人口老龄化对传统的现收现付体制带来的财政压力,养老基金制度改革已经成为一个全球性课题。在一些国家,由于对部分或全部基金型养老基金投资限制的改革,不仅使养老基金行业受益,而且对资本市场发展也产生了积极的影响。本文通过对不同投资监管制度下养老基金投资绩效差异和对资本市场不同影响的分析,探讨中国养老基金投资监管制度的改革方向和政策选择。 相似文献
This paper presents an empirical examination of the selectivity and market timing performance of a sample of U.S. equity pension fund managers. Regardless of the choice of benchmark portfolio or estimation model, the average selectivity measure is positive and the average timing measure is negative. However both selectivity and timing appear to be somewhat sensitive to the choice of a benchmark when managers are classified by investment style. Meta-analysis revealed some real variation around the mean values for each measure. The 80 percent probability intervals for selectivity revealed that the best managers produced substantial risk-adjusted excess returns. We also found a negative correlation between selectivity and timing, but we argue that the observed negative correlation in our data is largely an artifact of negatively correlated sampling errors for the two estimates. 相似文献