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中国入世,是不是反倾销问题就可以得到圆满的解决呢?其实不然,WTO专家王磊称,欧盟反倾销法本身就是一套不公平的游戏规则,使中国企业面临的不公平待遇还要持续15年。  相似文献   

中国反倾销的对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

倾销,即以低于商品成本价销售的行为。从短期看来,倾销无利可图,甚至得不偿失;但从长远看,可以抢占市场,赢得更大商机,击败竞争对手或获得其它利益。倾销扰乱了市场经济秩序,是一种不正常的竞争手段。为了规范国际市场,维护贸易公平,早在关贸总协定中就规定了反倾销条款(ANTI-DUMP-  相似文献   

反倾销是WTO允许的世界各国均可采用的维护公平贸易秩序,抵制不正当竞争的重要手段之一.反倾销法律已成为WTO成员方贸易法律的重要组成部分.随着世界经济贸易一体化进程的加快,贸易与投资自由化已经成为不可阻挡的大趋势.  相似文献   

随着我国对外贸易快速发展,我国与其他国家在贸易领域内的纠纷也越来越多,而非市场经济地位是我国企业遭受反倾销调查及败诉的最主要原因之一。西方国家常常给中国产品和企业施加极不公平的统一税率,严重削弱了我国出口产品及企业的竞争力。因此,我国相关部门及企业应充分认识非市场经济地位对中国贸易经济的不利影响,积极争取较为公平的分别税率。  相似文献   

<正> 根据世界贸易组织(WTO)公布的最新报告,印度是今年上半年展开反倾销调查最多的世贸组织成员,共计25宗。其次是美国(22宗)和阿根廷(10宗)。中国是出口产品遭到反倾销指控最多的成员,共有16宗反倾销调查针对中国。报告说,今年上半年的反倾销案总数为104宗,低于2001年同期的149宗,共有17个世贸组织成员展开调查,39个成员被调查。  相似文献   

Tariff-jumping antidumping duties   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper examines the tariff-jumping response of all firm and product combinations subject to US antidumping investigations from 1980 to 1990 using a newly constructed database. Previous studies have focused only on Japanese FDI responses to antidumping protection and found large tariff-jumping responses. In contrast, this paper finds quite modest tariff-jumping responses and the evidence suggests that tariff-jumping is only a realistic option for multinational firms from industrialized countries. This may partially explain developing countries’ concerns about addressing AD protection in the WTO. Despite high tariff-jumping responses, there is no evidence of a Japanese-specific propensity to tariff-jump, holding other economic factors constant.  相似文献   


With the growing availability of high-quality higher-dimension data in international trade, many new stylized facts have also emerged. One such stylized fact is that multiproduct firms play a significant role in international trade. In this paper, we investigate the effect of US antidumping duties on the exports of Indian multiproduct firms. In particular, we study whether US antidumping duties lead the Indian exporter to alter their product-scope to third country markets (aka to trade partners other than the US). Using a unique transaction-level data from India, we find that firms affected by US antidumping duties increased the number of products exported to other destinations by about 0.7 products, on average. This translates to a substantial 40% increase in the product-scope of these firms because a typical Indian exporting firm exported an average of 1.8 products to a given destination in our sample. We also find that firms whose products spanned multiple sectors drove most of this increase. However, we do not find any difference in the product-scope response of firms producing differentiated vs. those producing homogenous products. We find our results to be robust across various specification and sample size changes.  相似文献   

倾销与反倾销问题刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近两年来,在外贸领域中,中国与美国、欧盟等主要经济体之间的摩擦越来越多,其中倾销与反倾销问题尤为突出。而今年又恰是世界上第一部反倾销法出台100周年,可见倾销问题由来以久。  相似文献   

Macroeconomic factors and antidumping filings: evidence from four countries   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper examines the relationship between antidumping filings and macroeconomic factors. Real exchange rate fluctuations affect the two criteria for dumping in opposite ways, making the overall effect on filings ambiguous in theory. Examining the filing patterns of the four major users of AD law during the 1980-98 period we find that real exchange rates and domestic real GDP growth both have statistically significant impacts on filings. Bilateral filing data indicate that a one-standard deviation real appreciation of the domestic currency increases filings by 33%. We also find one-standard deviation fall in domestic real GDP increases filings by 23%.  相似文献   

截至2004年6月中旬、各国(地区)对华贸易经济案件数(含反倾销、反补贴、保障措施、特别保障措施以及反吸收、反规避)为580起,其中涉及化工业产品的贸易经济案件数仅次于轻工业产品,居第二位,为160起,(其中绝大部分是反倾销)  相似文献   

近年来,我国的出口商品不断受到西方国家的反倾销调查和诉讼,中国已经成为国际反倾销调查的重灾区。这其中一个重要的原因就是西方国家把我国认定为“非市场经济国家”,采取带有严重歧视性的替代国制度。本试就我国的“非市场经济国家”地位与我国的反倾销问题的关系做一分析,并提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

欧洲市场近期惊爆猛料。根据欧盟在其总部布鲁塞尔发出的文件,欧盟将再次对中国彩电征收高达44.6%的反倾销关税。然而,与以往中国企业遭遇反倾销事件时的慌乱相比,这一次,中国彩电业却显得格外沉稳、从容,似乎早就酝酿着挑起这次争端了。4月2日,欧盟委员会贸易事务发言人斯蒂芬.亚当斯表示,欧盟委员会已经向欧盟理事会提出恢复对中国彩电征收反倾销税的提议。如果这一提议得到欧盟理事会的批准,欧盟将立即开始对中国彩电征收44.6%的反倾销税。对此,欧盟方面给出的理由是:中国彩电厂家康佳集团去年拒绝接受欧盟方面有关现场调查的要求,从而违反了双方在2002年签订的协议。欧盟为此决定废  相似文献   

依据西方国家惯例和WTO反倾销协议的规定,在采取反倾销措施后的一定时间或一定条件下,利害关系方有权请求主管机关进行反倾销的行政复审;主管机关也有权自行发起行政复审.所谓反倾销行政复审是调查机关对自己做出的有关反倾销措施进行再次审查的制度.通过复审,调查机关可以及时对采取反倾销措施后出现的新情况做出新的决策,以保护利害关系方的合法权益.  相似文献   

The U.S. currently levies over 250 antidumping duties, and many of these duties fluctuate as a result of administrative reviews. Administrative reviews occur when antidumping duties are recalculated for the purposes of adjustment or revocation. This paper examines how administrative reviews influence U.S. antidumping duties. The paper also analyzes the forces that give rise to administrative reviews as well as the factors that produce changes in antidumping duties.  相似文献   

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