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信息消费与可持续消费   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何炼成  王雯婧 《消费经济》2007,23(6):16-17,28
2007年11月25-26日,全国第十一次消费经济理论与实践研讨会在深圳召开。会议由深圳市消费者委员会、深圳大学经济学院承办。会议的主题为"消费和谐与全面建设小康社会"。八十多位领导、专家、学者出席了这次会议。与会专家、学者围绕会议主题展开了热烈的讨论,并提交论文近百篇。这里选登部分发言与论文(下一期续登)。  相似文献   

Putting ethics into investment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The article sets out to consider the practice of ethical investment in the light of some basic principles of moral philosophy. After establishing some principles which have been applied to individual or social conduct, it reviews the application of ethics to business, and the precedents established for investment. Because of the links between ethical investment and single‐issue campaigning, there is a detailed consideration of the relationship between campaigning groups and the issues they are concerned with on the one hand, and ethical investment on the other. The conclusion is reached that ethical investment is as much a process as a series of specific aims, and that a diversified ethical fund must consider matters in the round, within the scope of current knowledge, and must avoid an absolutist agenda.  相似文献   

消费主义与可持续消费--从物本主义到人本主义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
消费主义是一种炫耀性与挥霍性的大众化的高消费,它是物本主义的表现,是不可持续的。人本主义倡导人与自然的和谐_也处,可持续消费是可持续发展的关键,是以人本主义为导向的。坚持人本主义就要坚持可持续消费,反对和批判消费主义。  相似文献   

在中国消费者协会(以下简称"中消协")副会长、中国人民大学商法研究所所长刘俊海看来,责任与消费的话题永不过时。政府和各级消费者行业协会要倡导消费与责任的理念,以消费者本位精神创新消费维权社会管理,优化责任消费的环境,共同营造一个消费者感到放心、安心、舒心的宽松消费环境。  相似文献   

Journal of Consumer Policy -  相似文献   

How can a service business foster service quality? This article focuses on five important elements of a service quality programme: quality care; customer care; front-line care; communication care and leadership care. Most companies who use these five efforts towards the same goal get results, improved sales through improved customer service encounters and customer satisfaction.  相似文献   

责任消费,真的不远,而且,它很"IN",很"潮",很时尚。"3.15"的余音尚在绕梁,"五.一"小长假又将来临。此时正是草长莺飞、花团锦簇,适宜旅游、购物、宴宾请客。但这繁华盛世下,不和谐的音符却又时时出现:4月22日,陕西榆林市一小学共有251名学生食用蒙牛学生奶后出现恶心、呕吐、腹泻等症状,好在已全部治愈出院。无独有偶,几乎同一时间,该省周至县18名小学生也因食用蒙牛核桃奶而出现了中毒症状,其中9人情况较为严重。  相似文献   

Academic proponents of sustainable consumption have marshaled considerable evidence over the past decade to support calls for more efficacious lifeways among residents of the world’s developed countries. Policymakers continue, however, to resist these recommendations because sustainable consumption runs counter to dominant tenets of neo-liberal economics and conventional political objectives. Unless investigators in the field can identify a cadre of clients that is interested in forming tacit partnerships, the concept of sustainable consumption is likely to remain little more than a prospective pursuit. This article suggests that there are some nascent indications that these kinds of alliances are developing. For sustainable consumption to take root in the policy sphere, it will be necessary to more actively foster these relationships and to cast this form of knowledge as a form of democratic counterexpertise that challenges elite economic and political institutions that regularly appropriate and deploy consumer science to advance their own interests.  相似文献   

Activities aimed at promoting sustainable consumption need to be introduced into everyday settings, as sustainable consumption behaviour needs to become part of daily living. Therefore it is worthwhile reflecting on social settings where consumption plays a minor role, but where people nonetheless learn and experience new attitudes and behaviours. The workplace is an important focal point of adults’ daily routines. This paper examines companies’ role in promoting sustainable consumption of their employees.  相似文献   

Journal of Consumer Policy - To encourage greater sustainability regarding apparel consumption practices, policymakers have traditionally focused on economic and/or social psychology frameworks...  相似文献   

The article is an integrative, theoretical paper addressing the problem of sustainable consumption. It provides the insights of two conceptual frameworks on the conditions for and limits to sustainable consumption. Existing consumer research on environmental issues is reviewed. It is argued that consumer research is not focusing on the right issues in this area and that a trans-disciplinary approach is called for. Frameworks from materials balance economics and evolutionary theory are presented and applied to recreational consumption. Three major areas are identified in which consumer research could contribute to the presented frameworks, and to the theory and practice of sustainable consumption.  相似文献   

农村居民食物消费的可持续发展不仅决定着农村居民的健康水平 ,还决定着农村居民食物消费的可持续性。通过对我国农村居民食物消费的合理性分析 ,提出了农村居民食物消费的合理选择和可持续发展对策。  相似文献   

洪开荣 《消费经济》2006,22(3):23-25
动态效用的不一贯性问题表明了消费者主权的代际公平问题的复杂性,但借助于互动公平博弈理论,我们可以在主体理性选择的基础上构建一个可持续消费模型。只要当代利益主体能看到代际公平的效用价值,可持续消费的均衡状态就可以实现。  相似文献   

在我们对中小企业做社会责任理念推广的时候,经常碰到一个令人尴尬的问题:“我们做的是可持续产品,可是我们的产品比那些廉价劣质的产品难卖多了”。怀着一腔热血,更为了营造可持续产品的良好市场环境,我们尝试协助他们推广可持续产品,倡导可持续消费,每每和业内人士交流,第一反应是“好事情”,接下来就是“不好做”;事实也确实如此。我们和方方面面的人士交流过,大家给的定义就是“难以实现的好事情”。其实,可持续消费和企业社会责任一样,相当多的消费者在现实中有着很多的具体行为,只不过很多被冠以节约消费或者奢侈消费。  相似文献   

Putting sustainable consumption into practice is a challenge that requires the effort and coordination of numerous societal domains and actors. The paper deals with the contribution of policy making and policy evaluation. More specifically, it addresses the question of how to evaluate the effectiveness of policy instruments dedicated to rendering household consumption more sustainable. Despite the extensive literature on instrument effectiveness, sustainability assessment, and consumer behaviour, only a few accounts deal with the specific characteristics and impacts of policy instruments for sustainable consumption. Against this backdrop, a framework is suggested for the ex post analysis of effects resulting from such policy instruments. Instrument effects include changes in consumption patterns (“outcomes”), subsequent changes in the state of the environment, society and/or economy (“impacts”), and side effects. Step-by-step guidance is provided through the evaluation process. The approach helps to assess the extent to which sustainable consumption policy instruments have achieved their stated goals, but also encourages a critical reflection of these goals. In addition to evaluating instrument effects, the framework serves to explain these effects. It does so on the basis of theoretically grounded hypotheses that tackle drivers of and barriers to instrument effectiveness, thus exploring this relatively new policy field. Methodologically, a combination of qualitative methods (narrative reconstruction) and quantitative methods (e.g., material flow analysis) is recommended to causally link policies to changes in consumption patterns and impacts on sustainability.  相似文献   

我国住房信用消费可持续发展的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,居民收入的不确定预期和房价过高导致消费倾向明显下降;住房供求结构失衡,抑制住房消费需求;金融创新不足,住房消费缺乏信用环境支持等是影响我国住房信用消费可持续发展的主要原因.文章提出了信用消费可持续发展的对策,即研究和调节住房消费心理,降低住房价格;调整住房消费信贷政策,扩大住房消费信贷的领域和群体;推进社会信用体系建设,建立健全规范的住房信贷制度.当前尤其需要建立和完善社会信用体系,以便为商业银行贷款提供准确依据,降低贷款风险,实现住房信用消费的良性循环,充分发挥消费对经济增长的持续推动作用.  相似文献   

如今的消费者,已经越来越理性、冷静。责任消费意识不但大幅提高,也正越来越成为年轻人崇尚的时尚生活方式。"在市场上,责任消费者正成为企业股东以外的与企业命运生死攸关的两大利益集团之一。"责任消费者选择购买或者不购买某一产品都是对生产者的一种积极的信息传递。  相似文献   

宁军明 《消费经济》2005,21(6):41-43,46
消费与环境的可持续性存在密切关系,改变消费过程已被认为是朝向可持续发展的重要步骤,消费行为及其驱动力影响可持续消费的实现。本文基于消费行为理论视角,用一个综合方法构建了一个可持续消费模型,探讨了可持续消费的本质,并指出其政策意义。  相似文献   

A Modern Model of Consumption for a Sustainable Society   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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