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在研究规律上,管理模式更多地显现为一种形式上的规律,而管理范式更多地显现为一种实质上的规律。在内涵上.管理范式比管理模式更丰富更深入。在外延上.管理范式比管理模式更宽广。  相似文献   

Unlike previous fraud detection research, a vast majority of which has focused primarily on the use of quantitative financial information to predict fraud, in this study we examine qualitative textual content in annual reports to predict fraud and see whether there are discernible differences in the writing and presentation style between companies that committed fraud and those that did not. We believe that while numeric financial information in the annual reports can hide details of fraud, textual information relating to writing and presentation styles in such reports provides valuable clues pertaining to the existence of fraud. In this study we use the chi‐square test to analyse our data and test hypotheses about predictors of fraud that may explain linguistic feature variations in fraudulent and nonfraudulent annual reports. We provide new results on the usefulness of the qualitative content of annual reports in detecting fraud. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Previous market microstructure research focuses on commonality in liquidity at the inside spread. However, liquidity at the inside spread only determines the systematic liquidity risk of small and medium trades. We study commonality in displayed liquidity beyond best prices, which determines the systematic liquidity risk of large trades. We show that it is much larger than commonality at the inside spread. The deeper we look into the order book, the higher is the level of commonality. In addition, it rises in the morning and when markets fall.  相似文献   

Traditional approaches to project appraisal fail in practiceto address two fundamental questions: whether a project belongsin the public or the private sector; and what effect any externalassistance associated with the project has on the country'sdevelopment. The first issue is of general interest to bothnational policymakers and international donors. If the governmentprovides a good or service that would otherwise have been providedby the private sector, the net contribution of the public projectcould be low. The second issue is of particular concern to donors.If financial resources are fungible, the project being appraisedmight well have been undertaken with out external financing.In this case, donor funds are actually financing some other,unappraised project. Both cases argue for a shift in the emphasisof project evaluation away from a concern with precise rate-of-returncalculations and toward broader sectoral analyses and publicexpenditure reviews. In this context, three areas critical forproper project appraisal include a consideration of the rationalefor public intervention, the fiscal impact of the project, andthe fungibility of external assistance.   相似文献   

In this paper we describe some trends in the development of regulatory reform in general and the agency form in particular. The focus is on the case of Norway by describing the reform process and some lessons learned. We discuss the development through the prism of different theoretical lenses such as instrumental, cultural and institutional environmental features. Finally, we draw some conclusions and discuss possible future developments beyond New Public Management by using a linear, a cyclical and a dialectical scenario.  相似文献   

The development of codes of corporate governance in the UK can be criticized on two grounds: first, that the process has been, to a large extent, ad hoc; and second, that the codes of corporate governance lack an enforcement mechanism. To remedy these problems this paper considers the desirability of establishing a permanent framework for the regulation of corporate governance of UK listed companies, and whether such a framework might be linked to the regulation of accounting and audit. Three possible models for the regulation of UK listed company audit (an Auditing Council, a Commission for Audit, and a UK SEC), which might also include the regulation of corporate governance, are developed. The results of a study, using postal questionnaires and interviews designed to elicit the views of primary and secondary stakeholders and influential onlookers, as to the desirability of including corporate governance within the proposed models for the regulation of listed company audit, are reported. The findings suggest only limited support for corporate governance regulation to be assumed by an audit regulatory body. However, of those supporting reform, oversight by an independent body with statutory powers, such as a UK SEC, received greatest support.  相似文献   

上海股市五年综观□张国枢,张开宇上海股市自1990年12用19日发布实施上证指数以来,至1995年11月17日,已运行了5后,作为我国的一个新兴资产市场,表现出极大的生命力租发展前景。其间,风风雨雨,涨涨跌跌,吸引了千万人的积极参与,为国内外各界人士...  相似文献   

影响海洋运输货物航程的原因及其保险责任□陆荣华,陈凯现代海洋运输货物保险责任的起讫是根据"仓至仓"(Warehousetowarehouse)的原则,在海洋运输的基础上,扩展到装载海轮之前,以及卸载海轮之后,货物驳运和陆运等环节,1982年1月修订的...  相似文献   

金融衍生工具风险管理的若干问题□江曙霞金融衍生工具风险监管的国际合作早办80年代就已经开始。1988年7月,国际银行业的重要的监管常设机构"巴塞尔委员会"颁布的《巴塞尔报告》即对利率合约和汇率合约的资本标准作出明确规定;1994年7月,"巴塞尔委员会...  相似文献   

加强基层人保公司资金的核算管理□陈耀光加强资金的核算管理,是基层人保公司根高经济效器、促讲保险业务稳健发展的客观需要,也是人保公司向商业化转轨、赢得市场竞争的必然要求。就三明市人保公司来说,年收保费达2亿多元,全年的费用也在千万元以上,这么大的业务收...  相似文献   

品牌是什么,追溯本词的起源,很多人都知道,是烙印的意思。商业模式是什么,当然关于它的定义有很多,教授可能会和你讲,商业模式是"为实现客户价值最大化,把能使企业运行的内外各要素整合起来,形成一个完整的高效率的具有独特核心竞争力的运行系统,并通过最优实现形式满足客户需求、实现客户价值,同时使系统达成持续赢利目标的整体解决方案"。野授(江湖派的教授)会和你讲,商业模式就是通过什么途径或方式来赚钱。说白了,就是怎么赚钱的模式。  相似文献   

将文化旅游与文化背景的工业遗产建筑相结合进行开发,使经济效益最大化,是未来城市发展旅游经济的方法之一.文章首先介绍了文化旅游的相关内容,界定文化旅游的相关概念,然后阐述工业遗产建筑空间的特点,最后提出文化旅游开发视角下工业遗产建筑改造的方法与策略.以期为文化旅游的工业遗产建筑改造及行业前景提供一些有价值的参考.  相似文献   

作为一个13亿多人口的大国,解决好吃饭问题是我国“天字第一号”的重任,只有将饭碗端在自己手里,才能掌控粮食安全的主动权,在复杂多变的国际局势面前站稳脚跟。“舌尖上的安全”已经上升到国家战略高度,被赋予了更多的社会与经济要义。  相似文献   

This paper examines the origins and development of the local authority audit from medieval times to 1933, and briefly reviews later developments. It gives particular attention to the role of the district audit which, as an independent mechanism operating within a centrally established administrative framework, gradually accumulated responsibility for monitoring most aspects of local authority expenditure, which grew from relatively modest amounts to about £5m by the beginning of the nineteenth century and £535m in 1933, which is roughly equivalent to £19.5b in 1990 prices. The paper shows that the government's present objective of greater central control has been a consistent theme over time.  相似文献   

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