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This study presents an overview of the washing up behaviour of consumers in the UK. Peoples' individual attitudes were observed as were the amount of water and energy used, the time taken and the cleaning performance. Additionally, manual dishwashing was compared with the use of automatic dishwashers. Participants were recruited to represent all geographic regions of the UK as well as forming a representative cross‐section of the population. Each of the 150 participants washed a full load of soiled tableware based on the standard EN 50242 ‘Electric Dishwashers for Household Use – Methods for Measuring the Performance’. For comparison, the best selling dishwasher in the UK in 2007 was tested under the same conditions as those in the consumer trial. Additionally, consumers who owned a full‐size dishwasher were asked to load it to the point when they decided that the dishwasher was full. The study shows that these consumers, on average, used 49 l of water and 1.7 kWh of energy, whereas the dishwasher used 13 l of water and 1.3 kWh of energy on average for the same amount of dishes under the conditions tested. Statistical analysis showed that these differences are significant. The dishes washed by hand were found to be slightly less clean than dishes washed in a dishwasher. For washing a full dishwasher load by hand, the participants needed, on average, 60 min, while they only took 9 min on average to load and unload the same amount of dishes in a dishwasher. The average participants were able to fill almost the full load into the dishwasher (96% of the items as used in a test following EN 50242).  相似文献   

Global studies have observed many techniques of manual dishwashing causing different levels of performance and using quite different amounts of water, energy, time and detergent. It is not known, however, if these techniques are pre‐assigned to a person and persist when dishes are washed under different conditions, or are adapted to the specific type of dish‐cleaning process. Here we explored this question in a study with 40 test subjects selected equally from Germany and East European countries by asking them to wash two place settings of dishes with different amounts of soil three times. The results showed that the test subjects did not adapt their washing‐up behaviour to the amount of soil. In general, no significant differences were found in the water, energy and detergent consumption for all test subjects. Only the time used by the German test subjects to wash the fully soiled dishes was significantly longer compared with the dishes with only a quarter the quantity of soil, and no significant difference was observed for all other parts. The only significant difference found between the level of soiling of the dishes was the cleaning result achieved: The less soiled the dishes were, the better the final cleaning result was, and this related to all test subjects. This lends support to the proposition that the consumers did not adapt their washing‐up behaviour to the specific circumstances of the dishwashing job to be done but retained some pre‐assigned behaviour.  相似文献   

Increasing costs for energy and water influence consumer decision making when purchasing white goods, such as dishwashers. Since the implementation of the European Energy Label, considerable improvements in water and energy consumption of dishwashers has been achieved, and for consumers, efficiency has become one of the main buzzwords when buying any major new household appliance. However, ownership of an efficient dishwasher in itself does not guarantee savings in energy and water during the course of the dishwashing process. Conservation of resources also requires changes in consumer behaviour. This paper provides empirical data on consumers' dishwashing habits in everyday life in four European countries, deals with the influence of their behaviour on the efficiency of the dishwashing process and highlights savings potentials in the usage of dishwashers. It reports on the results of a survey involving a total of 1209 online interviews conducted in winter 2006/2007. The survey data have been analysed to reveal the importance of various product attributes for consumers and show that low water and energy consumption values are the most important consideration for the respondents in terms of their purchasing decision. But this is compromised, at least in part, by less efficient dishwasher use, e.g. in pre‐rinsing dishes before placing them into the dishwasher and in the programme choice. In addition, differences in manual dishwashing practices between households with and without a dishwasher, as well as between countries, will be shown. Finally, conclusions are drawn for greater sustainability in the dishwashing process.  相似文献   

In dishcleaning automatic dishwashers do clearly win over manual cleaning when it comes to efficiency: Resources can be saved without compromising on hygiene. But mistakes in the usage behaviour can equalize saving advantages. Consumers in nine countries, covering different regions of the world, were asked about their dishcleaning behaviour to identify if this household work is done in a resource saving way. By analysing mistakes in the current behaviour, the potential of water savings shall be estimated.  相似文献   

Over recent decades, water conservation have become increasingly an utmost important issue for debate, and this includes the domestic sector. Reducing demand water by improving the efficiency of water use in domestic sector requires an understanding of how water is used and in what ways water savings can be realized. The focus of this global, web‐based, consumer questionnaire survey was to analyze individual consumer attitudes towards using water in manual dishwashing and understand the likelihood of a prospect of changing the daily manual dishwashing method resulting to a more efficient domestic usage of water. This study was designed to investigate the manual dishwashing technique used in the 5249 households of nine different countries ‐ China, Germany, Italy, Russia, Indonesia, Brazil, India, South Africa and Argentina. Besides socio‐demographics, technical questions like cleaning steps, hygiene questions motivational question, environmental awareness questions, questions on payment for water and electricity, questions on information sources about household work were included in the study. It was found that the awareness to conserve water was common among the Asian participants but it necessarily was not practiced in the households as individual washing of dishes was found to be quite high. Among the many outcomes, important one was that ‘running tap method’ was found to be most prevalent (86%) among Russian participants, complimenting their detached approach towards conserving domestic water usage. In South American countries like Brazil (66%) and Argentina (51%), high occurrence of ‘running tap rinse’ was found to be a common practice, confirming the lack of conscious use of water in manual dishwashing in the subcontinent. Based on the overall responses, awareness of a new and efficient technique of manual dishwashing could be propagated through the most voted mediums of Internet (81%) and TV (69%).  相似文献   

Investigations on the consumer behaviour of manual dishwashing have shown that there is a large variety of ways of how to wash up by hand, and the corresponding resource consumption is affected accordingly. In order to reduce resource consumption in manual dishwashing while achieving an acceptably good cleaning result, Best Practice Tips have been established (published in Fuss et al.) on the basis of laboratory experiments and the knowledge of everyday behaviour. This study is aimed at verifying the potential to save resources in real life when consumers are applying Best Practice Tips for manual dishwashing. A 4‐week in‐house study was run in two European countries, and data of the manual dishwashing behaviour were acquired before and after training on the Best Practice Tips. The results of both periods were compared with each other and between the countries. The test participants in Germany needed approximately 30% less water and 40% less energy, on average, in the period in which they applied the Best Practice Tips; in Spain, nearly 50% less water and 60% less energy for dishwashing in the period after the training. It has to be taken into consideration, however, that individual savings are very different due to specific living conditions, household sizes, practices in dishwashing and more or less prejudice against the Best Practice Tips.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of 42 detergents, 11 non-phosphate containing powdered detergents, 12 phosphate containing powdered detergents, 11 unbuilt liquid detergents and eight built liquid detergents, of varying formulations, in cleaning a standard soiled fabric in water of varying hardness was evaluated. Powdered detergents were found to be significantly affected only at very high water hardness levels. There was no significant difference between washing in warm and hot water for the liquid detergents, except for a melaleucaoil based detergent which performed significantly better in hot water. Increasing water hardness had no significant effect on liquid detergents. Powdered detergents performed better than liquid detergents in cleaning the standard soiled fabric. While no one detergent was significantly better than the others, in general, washing with detergents that contained phosphates did give somewhat better results in warm water. Detergents that contained bleach as an additive did not result in whiter fabric.  相似文献   

A comparison was made between dinner plates washed by hand and dried by tea towel, and plates washed in a dishwasher. The results indicate that during hand washing and drying the total number of bacteria found on the plates increased seven-fold. Mechanical dishwashing almost totally removed naturally occurring bacteria from the plates; bacteria were also almost completely removed from plates artificially contaminated with a culture of Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of 11 non-phosphate containing powdered detergents and 12 phosphate containing powdered detergents, of varying formulations, in cleaning a standard soiled fabric in soft water (5 ppm) were evaluated. It was found that in soft water there were no differences between washing with either phosphate or non-phosphate detergent. In general, washing with detergents which contained phosphates did give somewhat better results in warm water. Detergents that contained bleach as an additive did not result in a whiter fabric.  相似文献   

Sustainability is a guiding principle for a responsible, future‐oriented 21st century lifestyle and this already begins in private households with the daily household tasks. Approximately 25% of an average household's electricity consumption is required to do the laundry and dishwashing – 5% alone is for washing clothes with a corresponding energy consumption of 6 billion kilowatt hours. In addition, 600 000 tonnes of detergent and 330 million cubic metres of water are used for textile care in Germany. These figures provide the rationale for the scientific study of current practices of using washing machines and for a resulting estimate of the latent energy‐saving potential in German households. In the context of the in‐home study presented here, 236 private households throughout Germany were studied with respect to their washing practices and existing knowledge about topics on the sustainable, energy‐saving use of their washing machines. Overall, across all households 2867 wash cycles were individually recorded and subsequently analysed over a 4‐week period. The results of this study show that washing machines tend to be underloaded, and therefore maximum loading of the machines could lead to a reduction of wash cycles per household. With respect to detergent dosage, it was determined that the consumer does not adjust the dosage to the textile type, load size, soil level and/or water hardness, and this can lead to under‐ or overdosing depending on prevailing conditions. Finally, the selection of the wash temperature showed a 90°C/95°C programme was only chosen in 2.3% of all recorded wash cycles, however, every fourth cycle was completed at 60°C. Therefore, adjusting the load size and detergent dosage as well as selecting the right wash temperature are key themes to be taken into account in future consumer communication about energy‐saving households.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of 11 unbuilt liquid detergents and eight built liquid detergents, of varying formulations, in cleaning a standard soiled fabric in soft water (5 ppm) were evaluated. It was found that in soft water there were no significant differences between washing in warm or hot water with either type of detergent, except for a melaleuca oil based detergent which was significantly better in hot water. However, although not significant, in general, washing with unbuilt liquid detergents did give somewhat better results in both warm and hot water.  相似文献   


The study tests the consumption convergence hypothesis between developed and emerging markets over a 30-year period (1980–2009) with eight consumption variables: consumer expenditure on food, consumer expenditure on household goods and services, average consumption of calories per day, average consumption of protein per day, and possession of four durables: dishwasher, microwave oven, refrigerator, and washing machine. Socioeconomic influence on consumption convergence is also tested with income, energy consumption, life expectancy, and trade. The regression results indicate that the emerging markets are catching up in terms of consumption but the rate is very slow. Consumption of durables shows slightly faster convergence than other variables. All four socioeconomic variables exert some degree of influence on consumption convergence, with income showing the greatest effect. Knowledge about convergence should be useful to managers for demand estimation and forecasting and for market penetration, segmentation, and positioning strategy.  相似文献   

Improperly cleaned and sanitized chef knives present a potential contamination risk and a source for foodborne illness. This study compared the efficacies of two cleaning methods (three-compartment manual dishwashing and sanitizer wiping) at removing food soils from contaminated chef knives. Knife-washing procedures were standardized after observing knife-cleaning behavior in a kitchen. Adenosine triphosphate bioluminescence was used to measure levels of organic soils. Results indicated that the three-compartment manual dishwashing was more effective at removing food soils from knife surfaces than the sanitizer wiping (P < .0001). This study also assessed the influence of other factors on the soil removal efficacies.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the cleaning result of a laboratory washing machine – Launder‐Ometer (LOM) – with that of drum‐type household washing machines, using detergent without bleaching agent, standard soiled fabrics and a colorimeter for assessing the washing result. The mechanical effect applied to the laundry in the household washers was not obtained in the LOM by increasing mechanical impact or the number of metal balls. Extended washing time did not improve removal of blood soil in the LOM, although it did increase removal of mayonnaise soil containing chlorophyll. However, in practice a washing time of 60–85 min is relatively long for a laboratory device considering the claimed time‐saving nature of these devices. None of the examined parameters affected removal of a red wine soil containing tannins, which was poor in all test combinations both in the household machines and in the laboratory washing machine. Bleaching agent is recommended for removal of this type of soil. In conclusion, conformity between washing results of the laboratory washing machine and the drum‐type household washing machines depends on the type of soiled test fabrics and other parameters in the washing process. Removal of blood soil differed most between the household machines and the LOM.  相似文献   

Calculations of the environmental burden from a model family's consumption show that family activities associated with eating make up more than one-third of the family's total consumption of resources and discharges to the surroundings. Car transport and residential heating together also account for one-third of the family's resource consumption and discharges to the surroundings. The remaining third of resource consumption and discharges to the environment relates especially to the consumption of goods during leisure activities around the home, clothing, hygiene and health as well as cleaning.  相似文献   

Domestic injuries are quite common among children aged 0–4 years old. Hazards lurking in the kitchen area can cause serious injuries in children. Through this study, we aim to raise public awareness of the potential and underreported risk of injuries related to dishwashers. Anonymous questionnaires consisting of 12 questions were distributed to adult females with children under 5 years old, including nurses, secretarial staff and outpatients. Commonly used dishwashers were surveyed by visiting high-street stores, and each brand's user manual was studied. A literature search using Medline and Pubmed was conducted for examining reported dishwasher-related sharp injuries. Forty households filled out survey questionnaires. Their responses indicated that 10% and 12.5% of children participate in unloading or loading dishwashers, respectively. Results showed that the incidence of related injuries was 12.5% among adults and 5% among children, and young children are at risk of sharp injuries in households with dishwashers. The dangerous loading and unloading of sharp objects and the direct involvement of toddlers should be discouraged, with the help of manufacturers.  相似文献   

一次性环保餐具的现状及对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
孙乐芳 《化工科技市场》2001,24(10):26-28,7
结合今年全面淘汰一次性发泡塑料餐具的实际情况,详细分析了EPS餐具的危害性以及国内现正在开发的各种绿色环保餐具的性能特点、生产状况、存在的问题和未来发展的方向,并提出了解决“白色污染”问题的具体措施。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to investigate whether the performance of domestic washing machines is adversely affected by reduced levels of energy use. This was felt particularly worthwhile because of the introduction of energy labelling for washing machines in April 1996. Results were determined by conducting tests derived from BS EN 60456. This research also aimed to discover consumer awareness of energy labelling and factors likely to influence the future purchase of washing machines. The results indicate that washing performance may be adversely affected by lower levels of energy consumption and that washing machines with a higher energy consumption achieve a better washing performance. From the survey carried out, it was discovered that the most influential factors when purchasing a washing machine were price, washing performance and brand reliability. Environmental factors such as reduced energy consumption and reduced water consumption only played a minor role in consumers' considerations. However, the research indicates that consumers' decisions may, in the future, be affected by the information displayed on energy labels.  相似文献   

The objective of this laboratory study was to obtain general background information concerning professional cleaning in private domestic homes. The specific aim was to examine the effect of storage and washing of dirty cloths on their hygienic status. The effect of storage on the number of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria in cleaning cloths was examined using current or potential materials for professional cleaning in private homes. The bacterial content increased in microfibre cloths in some cases during a normal working day (8 h storage), and more clearly after 16 h or 48 h of storage. Disposable fibre cloths did not promote the growth of microbes as well as microfibre cloths. The effect of detergents on the hygienic status of cleaning cloths was unclear: some cleaning agents appeared to enhance the growth of bacteria, while others did not. In many cases, organic substances, i.e. protein added to the cloths, enhanced the growth of microbes. Washing of microfibre cloths at 60°C reduced the numbers of bacteria on the cloths but did not remove them entirely. Storage of dirty cloths before washing will probably cause difficulties in the proper washing of the cloths, and thus negatively affect their capacity for hygienic results in cleaning surfaces, as well as presenting a risk to the safety of the worker. Cleaning cloths should be washed as soon as possible after use: washing after each working day, at the latest, is recommended. Furthermore, cleaning cloths should be selected for professional use to allow washing at hot temperatures. The findings of this study could be used for training in professional home cleaning. They also provide valuable information for other branches of cleaning, including consumer use in households.  相似文献   

循环经济:能源消费与经济增长和谐发展的战略选择   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
一个国家的能源消费与经济增长之间存在着单向或双向因果关系,当前我国的经济增长已经受到能源消费状况的严重制约和束缚.本文从研究经济增长与能源消费之间的关系入手,分析了我国能源消费中存在的问题及其对国民经济的影响,进而在阐述循环经济的原则和特征的基础上指出,大力发展循环经济,推进资源节约型社会的建设,既是实现人与自然和谐发展的途径,也是实现能源消费与经济增长和谐发展的战略选择,并提出相应的建议和主张.  相似文献   

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