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This study conducts an investigation of intraday time-series momentum across four Chinese commodity futures contracts: copper, steel, soybean, and soybean meal. Our results indicate that the first half-hour return positively predicts the last half-hour return across all four futures. Furthermore, in metals markets, we find that first trading sessions with high volume or volatility are associated with the strongest intraday time-series momentum dynamics. Based on this, we propose an intraday momentum informed trading strategy that earns a return in excess of standard always long and buy-and-hold benchmarks.  相似文献   

This article examines causes of observed stock trading patterns that show high hourly returns and trading volume during early and late trading hours. Using time-stamped data from an institutional investor, we document high levels of portfolio managers' early-morning and late-afternoon decisions to trade that can result in the volume pattern and relatively higher proportions of buy decisions that could contribute to the return pattern.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of introducing a pure pro‐rata algorithm on the liquidity of the market for Euribor futures contracts on NYSE LIFFE. Results indicate that the Euribor market experiences deterioration in liquidity: (1) both best and total depth fall and (2) quoted spreads widen after the structural change. Results also reveal that the Euribor market becomes more active after the event; both trading volume and trade frequency increase substantially after the event. Finally, after the transition, liquidity demanders are more likely to submit smaller market orders. The reduction in depth and increase in quoted spreads suggest that liquidity demanders incur higher trade execution costs after the transition. In contrast, the transition is beneficial for the exchange since trading volume is higher under the new regime. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 32:660–682, 2012  相似文献   

This study investigates whether the new quarterly disclosure reporting requirement issued by the Tokyo Stock Exchange was related to the reduction of the degree of private information‐based trade and the liquidity of listed stocks in Japan, or as a reverse causality, helped dichotomize good firms and bad firms as a separating signaling equilibrium. We use the probability of asymmetric information‐based trade (Adjusted PIN) as a measure of information asymmetry and the probability of symmetric order‐flow shock (PSOS) as a measure of market illiquidity. We use a sample of public firms from 2002 to 2007 that chose to either disclose or not disclose quarterly financial reports. We find that the disclosing firms had lower information asymmetry (Adjusted PIN), lower symmetric order‐flow shocks (PSOS), and lower private information‐based trade (PIN). When we conduct further difference‐in‐differences tests, we find that the firms with lower information asymmetry and higher liquidity had a higher tendency to disclose their financial statements and vice versa. Thus, the new disclosure requirement did not necessarily improve the information asymmetry and liquidity of firms, but instead helped good and bad firms form a case for a separating signaling equilibrium.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the impact of monetary policy actions on credit spreads of various rating categories and maturities, using federal funds futures to distinguish between anticipated and unanticipated changes in the federal funds rate. Two proxies for monetary policy shocks are the surprise change to the current federal funds target rate (target surprise) and the shock to the future path of policy (path surprise). Although credit spreads consistently respond to the target surprises, they rarely respond to the path surprises after controlling for the effect of the target surprises. The way that credit spreads respond to the target surprises changes across the maturities of corporate bonds. In addition, the empirical analysis indicates that the effect of the target surprises on credit spreads is more significant in economic recessions than in economic booms. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 33:103–128, 2013  相似文献   


A key explanation for the existence of franchising as a marketing channel has its underpinnings in the information asymmetry between the firm and individual outlets. Franchising is the preferred option for outlets where information asymmetry leads to prohibitive monitoring costs within a vertically integrated system. While modern information technology has the potential to reduce monitoring costs at geographically isolated locations, several factors are likely to limit its effectiveness. Thus, the incentive to franchise these outlets should continue to exist. The paper also discusses the possible implications of the increased use of information technology in the franchised channel.  相似文献   

Private placement has become an increasingly important method of equity refinancing for regulators, listed companies, and investors. This paper analyzes factors influencing private placement discounts based on the controlling shareholder’s opportunistic behavior and information asymmetry. Our findings indicate that the type of subscriber is a key determinant of the private placement discount, particularly when the subscriber is the controlling shareholder. Asymmetric information between listed companies and investors is another important determinant: The higher the degree of information asymmetry, the greater the private placement discounts.  相似文献   

Using high‐frequency data, this study investigates intraday price discovery and volatility transmission between the Chinese stock index and the newly established stock index futures markets in China. Although the Chinese stock index started a sharp decline immediately after the stock index futures were introduced, the cash market is found to play a more dominant role in the price discovery process. The new stock index futures market does not function well in its price discovery performance at its infancy stage, apparently due to high barriers to entry into this emerging futures market. Based on a newly proposed theoretically consistent asymmetric GARCH model, the results uncover strong bidirectional dependence in the intraday volatility of both markets. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark  相似文献   

信息不对称下的消费风险及其防范   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
最近,中国消费者协会根据消费投诉情况,认为目前市场上主要有“20难”正在侵害消费者的合法权益,可见,消费者目前可能遭遇消费风险的范围正越来越广,几乎所有产品和服务的购买和消费过程中都可能遇到消费风险,大到商品房,小到日常生活用品的购买,从汽车,房子等有形产品的购买,到求医,美容,保险等无形产品的消费,均可能遇到因产品质量不符合要求,产品质量不符,产品缺斤少两乖上起了消费风险,似乎有这样一种情形,只要消费行为发生,就有可能遭遇消费风险。  相似文献   

This study examines the dynamic liquidity provision process by institutional and individual traders in the Taiwan index futures market, which is a pure limit order market. The empirical analysis obtains several interesting empirical results. We find that trader type affects liquidity provision in a number of interesting ways. First, although institutional traders use more limit orders than market orders, foreign institution (individual) traders use a relatively higher percentage of market (limit) orders in the early trading session and then switch to more limit (market) orders for the remainder of the day until close to the end of the trading day. Second, net limit order submissions by both institutional and individual traders are positively related to one‐period lagged transitory volatility and negatively related to informational volatility. Third, net limit order submissions by institutional traders are positively related to one‐period lagged spread. Finally, both the state of limit order book and order size significantly influence all types of traders’ strategy on submission of limit order versus market order during the intraday trading session. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 34:145–172, 2014  相似文献   

股权分置改革完成后,增发新股融资中的定向增发已经成为上市公司股权再融资的重要方式。本文采用Logit模型,从控制权结构和信息不对称两个角度考察了中国上市公司增发方式选择的影响因素。研究发现,上市公司终极控制人为国有性质时,更倾向于选择定向增发。对于实施定向增发的上市公司,大股东控制力越弱,更倾向于认购新增股份。信息不对称程度越大的公司更倾向于选择定向增发,并且在实施定向增发时,更倾向于选择向大股东发行。此外,上市公司拟实施整体上市时,定向增发往往伴随着资产认购。  相似文献   

品牌,为解决信息不对称而付出的额外成本   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱茜 《商业研究》2005,(20):192-195
品牌本身不会改变商品实体性能。但从信息经济学的角度分析,在信息不对称的现实市场中,品牌作为一种发信号的机制,可以把优质企业和劣质企业区分开,从而对优质企业和消费者都有好处。虽然建立品牌让厂商花费了额外成本,但是只要建立品牌的费用控制在一定范围内,厂商建立的品牌就是一种合理的有利于提高社会福利的行为。  相似文献   

公司控制权、信息不对称与并购支付方式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文以1998-2007年间我国沪深两市的253起并购事件为对象,从公司控制权和信息不对称角度研究了并购支付方式的影响因素,研究发现:(1)当主并方大股东的持股比例位于中间水平(30~60%)时,为避免控制权转移,主并方一般选择现金支付(包括承债支付);而当持股比例较低或较高(超出30~60%)时则更倾向于股票支付;(2)交易双方的相对规模愈小,信息不对称愈小,主并方愈倾向于采用现金支付.但交易双方是否位于相同行业,对并购支付方式选择无显著影响.研究还发现,主并方的资金实力与现金支付正相关,而财务杠杆、投资机会、有形资产等因素与并购支付方式的关系不明显.  相似文献   

由于互联网的虚拟性,股权众筹中信息不对称问题更甚于传统融资市场,这极大地阻碍了股权众筹行业的健康发展.本文从股权众筹的信息不对称角度出发,以信号理论为基础,利用京东东家私募股权融资平台上83个融资成功的创投板项目对股权众筹项目质量的信号进行研究,并深入到信号质量层面探究信号的作用机制.研究结果表明:项目描述、人力资本、起投金额、社交互动是项目质量的正向信号而不确定性是反向信号,领投人的投资不是项目质量的有效信号;项目不确定性负向调节了质量信号对融资绩效的作用.根据不确定性的高低,本文区分了项目描述和人力资本代理变量的“真伪”:当项目的不确定性高时,项目简介的文本长度和是否有视频是“真信号”,项目团队成员数目是“伪信号”;而当项目不确定性低时,项目简介的文本长度和是否有视频是“伪信号”,项目团队成员数目是“真信号”.本文结果为项目发起方提升融资绩效以及股权众筹平台优化机制设计提供了应用参考.  相似文献   

浅析信息不对称对农村市场的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
黄龙敏 《商业研究》2003,(17):149-151
传统的新古典经济学是以对称信息假设勾前提的。但在现实的市场中,信息不对称现象随处可见,并 带来了许多新的经济问题。在农村经济中,因为信息不对称也给农村消费市场和农产品市场带来了影响,所 以必须采取相应的政策措施来解决这一问题。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes 31 months of data on 137 single‐stock futures (SSFs) traded on OneChicago. The results indicate that on the days they trade, SSFs contribute approximately 24% of the price discovery for underlying stocks. Information revelation in the SSFs market decreases with the ratio of spreads in the futures and the stock markets and the volatility in the stock market. Moreover, the quality of the market for the underlying stocks improves substantially after the introduction of the SSFs market, with the largest improvement occurring on days with SSFs trading. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 28:335– 353, 2008  相似文献   

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