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Bayesian model selection using encompassing priors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper deals with Bayesian selection of models that can be specified using inequality constraints among the model parameters. The concept of encompassing priors is introduced, that is, a prior distribution for an unconstrained model from which the prior distributions of the constrained models can be derived. It is shown that the Bayes factor for the encompassing and a constrained model has a very nice interpretation: it is the ratio of the proportion of the prior and posterior distribution of the encompassing model in agreement with the constrained model. It is also shown that, for a specific class of models, selection based on encompassing priors will render a virtually objective selection procedure. The paper concludes with three illustrative examples: an analysis of variance with ordered means; a contingency table analysis with ordered odds-ratios; and a multilevel model with ordered slopes.  相似文献   

We consider Bayesian inference about the dimensionality in the multivariate reduced rank regression framework, which encompasses several models such as MANOVA, factor analysis and cointegration models for multiple time series. The fractional Bayes approach is used to derive a closed form approximation to the posterior distribution of the dimensionality and some asymptotic properties of the approximation are proved. Finite sample properties are studied by simulation and the method is applied to growth curve data and cointegrated multivariate time series.  相似文献   

Bayesian and empirical Bayesian estimation methods are reviewed and proposed for the row and column parameters in two-way Contingency tables without interaction. Rasch's multiplicative Poisson model for misreadings is discussed in an example. The case is treated where assumptions of exchangeability are reasonable a priori for the unknown parameters. Two different types of prior distributions are compared, It appears that gamma priors yield more tractable results than lognormal priors.  相似文献   

Bayesian model selection with posterior probabilities and no subjective prior information is generally not possible because of the Bayes factors being ill‐defined. Using careful consideration of the parameter of interest in cointegration analysis and a re‐specification of the triangular model of Phillips (Econometrica, Vol. 59, pp. 283–306, 1991), this paper presents an approach that allows for Bayesian comparison of models of cointegration with ‘ignorance’ priors. Using the concept of Stiefel and Grassman manifolds, diffuse priors are specified on the dimension and direction of the cointegrating space. The approach is illustrated using a simple term structure of the interest rates model.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose an approach to both estimate and select unknown smooth functions in an additive model with potentially many functions. Each function is written as a linear combination of basis terms, with coefficients regularized by a proper linearly constrained Gaussian prior. Given any potentially rank deficient prior precision matrix, we show how to derive linear constraints so that the corresponding effect is identified in the additive model. This allows for the use of a wide range of bases and precision matrices in priors for regularization. By introducing indicator variables, each constrained Gaussian prior is augmented with a point mass at zero, thus allowing for function selection. Posterior inference is calculated using Markov chain Monte Carlo and the smoothness in the functions is both the result of shrinkage through the constrained Gaussian prior and model averaging. We show how using non-degenerate priors on the shrinkage parameters enables the application of substantially more computationally efficient sampling schemes than would otherwise be the case. We show the favourable performance of our approach when compared to two contemporary alternative Bayesian methods. To highlight the potential of our approach in high-dimensional settings we apply it to estimate two large seemingly unrelated regression models for intra-day electricity load. Both models feature a variety of different univariate and bivariate functions which require different levels of smoothing, and where component selection is meaningful. Priors for the error disturbance covariances are selected carefully and the empirical results provide a substantive contribution to the electricity load modelling literature in their own right.  相似文献   

In two recent articles, Sims (1988) and Sims and Uhlig (1988/1991) question the value of much of the ongoing literature on unit roots and stochastic trends. They characterize the seeds of this literature as ‘sterile ideas’, the application of nonstationary limit theory as ‘wrongheaded and unenlightening’, and the use of classical methods of inference as ‘unreasonable’ and ‘logically unsound’. They advocate in place of classical methods an explicit Bayesian approach to inference that utilizes a flat prior on the autoregressive coefficient. DeJong and Whiteman adopt a related Bayesian approach in a group of papers (1989a,b,c) that seek to re-evaluate the empirical evidence from historical economic time series. Their results appear to be conclusive in turning around the earlier, influential conclusions of Nelson and Plosser (1982) that most aggregate economic time series have stochastic trends. So far these criticisms of unit root econometrics have gone unanswered; the assertions about the impropriety of classical methods and the superiority of flat prior Bayesian methods have been unchallenged; and the empirical re-evaluation of evidence in support of stochastic trends has been left without comment. This paper breaks that silence and offers a new perspective. We challenge the methods, the assertions, and the conclusions of these articles on the Bayesian analysis of unit roots. Our approach is also Bayesian but we employ what are known in the statistical literature as objective ignorance priors in our analysis. These are developed in the paper to accommodate explicitly time series models in which no stationarity assumption is made. Ignorance priors are intended to represent a state of ignorance about the value of a parameter and in many models are very different from flat priors. We demonstrate that in time series models flat priors do not represent ignorance but are actually informative (sic) precisely because they neglect generically available information about how autoregressive coefficients influence observed time series characteristics. Contrary to their apparent intent, flat priors unwittingly bias inferences towards stationary and i.i.d. alternatives where they do represent ignorance, as in the linear regression model. This bias helps to explain the outcome of the simulation experiments in Sims and Uhlig and some of the empirical results of DeJong and Whiteman. Under both flat priors and ignorance priors this paper derives posterior distributions for the parameters in autoregressive models with a deterministic trend and an arbitrary number of lags. Marginal posterior distributions are obtained by using the Laplace approximation for multivariate integrals along the lines suggested by the author (Phillips, 1983) in some earlier work. The bias towards stationary models that arises from the use of flat priors is shown in our simulations to be substantial; and we conclude that it is unacceptably large in models with a fitted deterministic trend, for which the expected posterior probability of a stochastic trend is found to be negligible even though the true data generating mechanism has a unit root. Under ignorance priors, Bayesian inference is shown to accord more closely with the results of classical methods. An interesting outcome of our simulations and our empirical work is the bimodal Bayesian posterior, which demonstrates that Bayesian confidence sets can be disjoint, just like classical confidence intervals that are based on asymptotic theory. The paper concludes with an empirical application of our Bayesian methodology to the Nelson-Plosser series. Seven of the 14 series show evidence of stochastic trends under ignorance priors, whereas under flat priors on the coefficients all but three of the series appear trend stationary. The latter result corresponds closely with the conclusion reached by DeJong and Whiteman (1989b) (based on truncated flat priors). We argue that the DeJong-Whiteman inferences are biased towards trend stationarity through the use of flat priors on the autoregressive coefficients, and that their inferences for some of the series (especially stock prices) are fragile (i.e. not robust) not only to the prior but also to the lag length chosen in the time series specification.  相似文献   

We describe procedures for Bayesian estimation and testing in cross-sectional, panel data and nonlinear smooth coefficient models. The smooth coefficient model is a generalization of the partially linear or additive model wherein coefficients on linear explanatory variables are treated as unknown functions of an observable covariate. In the approach we describe, points on the regression lines are regarded as unknown parameters and priors are placed on differences between adjacent points to introduce the potential for smoothing the curves. The algorithms we describe are quite simple to implement—for example, estimation, testing and smoothing parameter selection can be carried out analytically in the cross-sectional smooth coefficient model.  相似文献   

p‐Values are commonly transformed to lower bounds on Bayes factors, so‐called minimum Bayes factors. For the linear model, a sample‐size adjusted minimum Bayes factor over the class of g‐priors on the regression coefficients has recently been proposed (Held & Ott, The American Statistician 70(4), 335–341, 2016). Here, we extend this methodology to a logistic regression to obtain a sample‐size adjusted minimum Bayes factor for 2 × 2 contingency tables. We then study the relationship between this minimum Bayes factor and two‐sided p‐values from Fisher's exact test, as well as less conservative alternatives, with a novel parametric regression approach. It turns out that for all p‐values considered, the maximal evidence against the point null hypothesis is inversely related to the sample size. The same qualitative relationship is observed for minimum Bayes factors over the more general class of symmetric prior distributions. For the p‐values from Fisher's exact test, the minimum Bayes factors do on average not tend to the large‐sample bound as the sample size becomes large, but for the less conservative alternatives, the large‐sample behaviour is as expected.  相似文献   

This article presents the empirical Bayes method for estimation of the transition probabilities of a generalized finite stationary Markov chain whose ith state is a multi-way contingency table. We use a log-linear model to describe the relationship between factors in each state. The prior knowledge about the main effects and interactions will be described by a conjugate prior. Following the Bayesian paradigm, the Bayes and empirical Bayes estimators relative to various loss functions are obtained. These procedures are illustrated by a real example. Finally, asymptotic normality of the empirical Bayes estimators are established.  相似文献   

A general convolution theorem within a Bayesian framework is presented. Consider estimation of the Euclidean parameter θ by an estimator T within a parametric model. Let W be a prior distribution for θ and define G as the W -average of the distribution of T - θ under θ . In some cases, for any estimator T the distribution G can be written as a convolution G = K * L with K a distribution depending only on the model, i.e. on W and the distributions under θ of the observations. In such a Bayes convolution result optimal estimators exist, satisfying G = K . For location models we show that finite sample Bayes convolution results hold in the normal, loggamma and exponential case. Under regularity conditions we prove that normal and loggamma are the only smooth location cases. We also discuss relations with classical convolution theorems.  相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》2002,111(2):223-249
Cointegration occurs when the long-run multiplier matrix of a vector autoregressive model exhibits rank reduction. Using a singular value decomposition of the unrestricted long-run multiplier matrix, we construct a parameter that reflects the presence of rank reduction. Priors and posteriors of the parameters of the cointegration model follow from conditional priors and posteriors of the unrestricted long-run multiplier matrix given that the parameter that reflects rank reduction is equal to zero. This idea leads to a complete Bayesian framework for cointegration analysis. It includes prior specification, simulation schemes for obtaining posterior distributions and determination of the cointegration rank via Bayes factors. We apply the proposed Bayesian cointegration analysis to the Danish data of Johansen and Juselius (Oxford Bull. Econom. Stat. 52 (1990) 169).  相似文献   

Bayesian hypothesis testing in latent variable models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hypothesis testing using Bayes factors (BFs) is known not to be well defined under the improper prior. In the context of latent variable models, an additional problem with BFs is that they are difficult to compute. In this paper, a new Bayesian method, based on the decision theory and the EM algorithm, is introduced to test a point hypothesis in latent variable models. The new statistic is a by-product of the Bayesian MCMC output and, hence, easy to compute. It is shown that the new statistic is appropriately defined under improper priors because the method employs a continuous loss function. In addition, it is easy to interpret. The method is illustrated using a one-factor asset pricing model and a stochastic volatility model with jumps.  相似文献   

In toxicity studies, model mis‐specification could lead to serious bias or faulty conclusions. As a prelude to subsequent statistical inference, model selection plays a key role in toxicological studies. It is well known that the Bayes factor and the cross‐validation method are useful tools for model selection. However, exact computation of the Bayes factor is usually difficult and sometimes impossible and this may hinder its application. In this paper, we recommend to utilize the simple Schwarz criterion to approximate the Bayes factor for the sake of computational simplicity. To illustrate the importance of model selection in toxicity studies, we consider two real data sets. The first data set comes from a study of dietary fortification with carbonyl iron in which the Bayes factor and the cross‐validation are used to determine the number of sub‐populations in a mixture normal model. The second example involves a developmental toxicity study in which the selection of dose–response functions in a beta‐binomial model is explored.  相似文献   

This paper uses semidefinite programming (SDP) to construct Bayesian optimal design for nonlinear regression models. The setup here extends the formulation of the optimal designs problem as an SDP problem from linear to nonlinear models. Gaussian quadrature formulas (GQF) are used to compute the expectation in the Bayesian design criterion, such as D‐, A‐ or E‐optimality. As an illustrative example, we demonstrate the approach using the power‐logistic model and compare results in the literature. Additionally, we investigate how the optimal design is impacted by different discretising schemes for the design space, different amounts of uncertainty in the parameter values, different choices of GQF and different prior distributions for the vector of model parameters, including normal priors with and without correlated components. Further applications to find Bayesian D‐optimal designs with two regressors for a logistic model and a two‐variable generalised linear model with a gamma distributed response are discussed, and some limitations of our approach are noted.  相似文献   

The main goal of both Bayesian model selection and classical hypotheses testing is to make inferences with respect to the state of affairs in a population of interest. The main differences between both approaches are the explicit use of prior information by Bayesians, and the explicit use of null distributions by the classicists. Formalization of prior information in prior distributions is often difficult. In this paper two practical approaches (encompassing priors and training data) to specify prior distributions will be presented. The computation of null distributions is relatively easy. However, as will be illustrated, a straightforward interpretation of the resulting p-values is not always easy. Bayesian model selection can be used to compute posterior probabilities for each of a number of competing models. This provides an alternative for the currently prevalent testing of hypotheses using p-values. Both approaches will be compared and illustrated using case studies. Each case study fits in the framework of the normal linear model, that is, analysis of variance and multiple regression.  相似文献   

We propose two data-based priors for vector error correction models. Both priors lead to highly automatic approaches which require only minimal user input. For the first one, we propose a reduced rank prior which encourages shrinkage towards a low-rank, row-sparse, and column-sparse long-run matrix. For the second one, we propose the use of the horseshoe prior, which shrinks all elements of the long-run matrix towards zero. Two empirical investigations reveal that Bayesian vector error correction (BVEC) models equipped with our proposed priors scale well to higher dimensions and forecast well. In comparison to VARs in first differences, they are able to exploit the information in the level variables. This turns out to be relevant to improve the forecasts for some macroeconomic variables. A simulation study shows that the BVEC with data-based priors possesses good frequentist estimation properties.  相似文献   

Bayesian experimental design is a fast growing area of research with many real‐world applications. As computational power has increased over the years, so has the development of simulation‐based design methods, which involve a number of algorithms, such as Markov chain Monte Carlo, sequential Monte Carlo and approximate Bayes methods, facilitating more complex design problems to be solved. The Bayesian framework provides a unified approach for incorporating prior information and/or uncertainties regarding the statistical model with a utility function which describes the experimental aims. In this paper, we provide a general overview on the concepts involved in Bayesian experimental design, and focus on describing some of the more commonly used Bayesian utility functions and methods for their estimation, as well as a number of algorithms that are used to search over the design space to find the Bayesian optimal design. We also discuss other computational strategies for further research in Bayesian optimal design.  相似文献   

Many recent papers in macroeconomics have used large vector autoregressions (VARs) involving 100 or more dependent variables. With so many parameters to estimate, Bayesian prior shrinkage is vital to achieve reasonable results. Computational concerns currently limit the range of priors used and render difficult the addition of empirically important features such as stochastic volatility to the large VAR. In this paper, we develop variational Bayesian methods for large VARs that overcome the computational hurdle and allow for Bayesian inference in large VARs with a range of hierarchical shrinkage priors and with time-varying volatilities. We demonstrate the computational feasibility and good forecast performance of our methods in an empirical application involving a large quarterly US macroeconomic data set.  相似文献   

In contrast to a posterior analysis given a particular sampling model, posterior model probabilities in the context of model uncertainty are typically rather sensitive to the specification of the prior. In particular, ‘diffuse’ priors on model-specific parameters can lead to quite unexpected consequences. Here we focus on the practically relevant situation where we need to entertain a (large) number of sampling models and we have (or wish to use) little or no subjective prior information. We aim at providing an ‘automatic’ or ‘benchmark’ prior structure that can be used in such cases. We focus on the normal linear regression model with uncertainty in the choice of regressors. We propose a partly non-informative prior structure related to a natural conjugate g-prior specification, where the amount of subjective information requested from the user is limited to the choice of a single scalar hyperparameter g0j. The consequences of different choices for g0j are examined. We investigate theoretical properties, such as consistency of the implied Bayesian procedure. Links with classical information criteria are provided. More importantly, we examine the finite sample implications of several choices of g0j in a simulation study. The use of the MC3 algorithm of Madigan and York (Int. Stat. Rev. 63 (1995) 215), combined with efficient coding in Fortran, makes it feasible to conduct large simulations. In addition to posterior criteria, we shall also compare the predictive performance of different priors. A classic example concerning the economics of crime will also be provided and contrasted with results in the literature. The main findings of the paper will lead us to propose a ‘benchmark’ prior specification in a linear regression context with model uncertainty.  相似文献   

We develop a novel Bayesian doubly adaptive elastic-net Lasso (DAELasso) approach for VAR shrinkage. DAELasso achieves variable selection and coefficient shrinkage in a data-based manner. It deals constructively with explanatory variables which tend to be highly collinear by encouraging the grouping effect. In addition, it also allows for different degrees of shrinkage for different coefficients. Rewriting the multivariate Laplace distribution as a scale mixture, we establish closed-form conditional posteriors that can be drawn from a Gibbs sampler. An empirical analysis shows that the forecast results produced by DAELasso and its variants are comparable to those from other popular Bayesian methods, which provides further evidence that the forecast performances of large and medium sized Bayesian VARs are relatively robust to prior choices, and, in practice, simple Minnesota types of priors can be more attractive than their complex and well-designed alternatives.  相似文献   

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