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This paper addresses a number of long-run development issues facing Canadian agriculture and identifies some important roles for agricultural economists in the future. Issues addressed in the area of farm structure and operation include farm entry, financing, quota allocation and transfer, subsidies and taxation, and asset management. Agricultural growth and development issues addressed include forecasting, agricultural secondary effects, multifactor productivity, and measurements of the benefits from agricultural research.
Cette étude aborde un certain nombre de débouchés à long terme se presentant a I'agriculture Canadienne, el idenlifie quelques-uns des roles importants qu'auront a jouer les economistes en agriculture, dans lefutur.
Ces débouchés, addressés à la zone à structure el opération fermíeres, comprennent la prise de possession d'une ferme, son financement, son quota! d'allocation, sa transmission, les subsides el les impbls, el son act if gestionnaire.
La croissance de I'agriculture el les solutions de développemenl abordees, tiennent compte des prèvisions, des effets secondaires de I'agriculture, de la productivityéà facieurs multiples, el des mesures des bénéfices provenant de la recherche dans le domaine de I'agriculture.  相似文献   

A number of trends regarding specific factors that influence employment decisions and challenges affecting careers for men, women, and minorities in the agricultural economics profession are both ongoing and emerging. In 1998, the Committee on Women in Agricultural Economics (CWAE) began a tracking system to more closely examine and report on these issues. The study shows that although individual job preferences and career challenges vary among the respondents, those encountered by women and minorities seem to differ from their white male counterparts.  相似文献   

The author reviews the recent history of public support for agricultural economics in Canada, and reports on a survey of present and projected needs for agricultural economists in public institutions. An overall growth in staff requirements of 130 per cent is foreseen from 1969–1975, with the largest increases occurring at the Master's (200 per cent) and PhD. (300 per cent) levels. Areas which are expected to grow especially rapidly include marketing, natural resources, regional development, and interdisciplinary studies. LA DEMANDE EN ÉCONOMISTES AGRICOLES PAR LES UNIVERSITÉS ET GOUVERNEMENTS CANADAIEN5 – L'auteur examine la récente histoire de tappui du public pour l'éiconomie agricole au Canada, et présente un rapport sur un relevé des besoins presents et futurs d'économistes agricoles dans les institutions publique. On prévoit un accroissement général de 130% des besoins en personnel de 1969 à 1975, les plus forts augmentations se sltuant aux niveau de la mattrise (200%) et du doctoral (300%). Les domaines où on s'attend à une croissance particuliegrement rapide comprennent la mise en marché, les ressources naturelles, le développment régional et les études interdisciplinaires.  相似文献   

Employing a breakdown of the agri-business sector into farm types, the author evaluates potential employment prospects in each sector. The most attractive prospects for employment growth appear to exist in financial institutions and business management services. In all cases, however, the future prospect will be directly related to the abilities of the persons and the relevance of the agricultural economics training they have received. LA DEMANDE EN ÉCONOMISTES AGRICOLES DANS LE SECTEUR AGR1COLE COMMERCIAL JUSQU À 1980 – Ayant au préalable classé l'agro-industrie en quelques types de firmes, fauteur évalue les perspectives possibles d'emploi dans chaque secteur. Les perspectives les plus attrayantes d'emploi accru semblent se situer dans les institutions financières et les services de gestion commerciale. Toutefois, dans tous les cos, les perspectives seront directement reliées aux talents des personnes et à la valeur de la formation reçue en économie agricole.  相似文献   

受中国农业经济学会青年部委托,由中国农业经济学会主办、福建农林大学经济与管理学院、福建农业科学院承办的"农村改革30年:回顾与展望暨2008年全国中青年农业经济学者年会"于2008年11月25-26日在福州召开,来自全国各地的政府部门、高等院校和科研机构的百余位农业经济学家和青年学者齐聚榕城,共同对中国农村改革30年进行回顾和展望,并就现阶段中国农业经济问题展开深入探讨.  相似文献   

Russia's transition to a market economy in the early 1990s shocked its agricultural sector, creating the potential for profit and gains from specialisation and productivity improvements. However, subsequent regional agricultural development has been highly uneven, and the sources of the sector's productivity improvement remain unclear. Drawing on a newly-assembled Russian regional farm production and policy dataset, we evaluate agricultural total factor productivity growth from 1994 to 2013, decomposing that growth into technical progress and efficiency gains, for the nation as a whole and for the major agricultural districts of the South and Central. We then test how investments in road and rail infrastructure and human capital have influenced those gains. The South substantially outperformed the Central district and the nation at large with respect to all three performance indicators. However, contrary to the literature, we find that these particular state policies provided no substantial growth advantages, there or elsewhere. Rather, the dominant force behind Russia's agricultural growth has been informal technical change.  相似文献   

中国农业经济学会2005年年会暨学术研讨会2005年11月19-21日在重庆市举行。本次会议由中国农业经济学会与重庆市人民政府联合举办,由重庆市政府农办与重庆农经学会联合承办。来自中央相关部门和全国20多个省份的150多名代表出席会议。本次会议分为两个阶段进行。会议开幕式由中国农业经济学会会长段应碧主持。重庆市委原副书记、重庆市人民政府原副市长甘宇平代表重庆市对会议在重庆市召开致欢迎词,并介绍了重庆市农村经济发展情况。大会请中央政策研究室副主任郑新立作关于社会主义新农村建设的几个问题的报告,请中央财经领导小组办公室副…  相似文献   

The extent and direction of both coverage and content errors in the 1966 Census of Canadian Agriculture are of prime interest to the user of the resultant statistics. This paper outlines the general concepts involved in Census evaluation and methods of analysis used to measure quality. Results for the Maritime provinces indicate a statistically significant under-enumeration in farm numbers, total acreage, cropland acreage, hayland, and unimproved land including woodland in the 1966 Agricultural Census.  相似文献   

农业可持续发展与农业经济学的可能进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文的出发点 :环境保护与可持续发展 ;焦点 :农业经济学的可能进展 ;结论 :( 1 )基本的 :环境问题给农业经济学提供新的概念 ,促使农业经济学发展 ;( 2 )具体的 :A .在宏观方面 :两部门分析可能发展到三部门分析或多部门分析 ;B .在微观方面 :效率描述增添了环境作用条件 ,应对农业经济的现实效率给予更加深入的分析。  相似文献   

WTO农业标准与我国农业标准化问题研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
WTO的有关协议对我国农业标准和标准化提出了新的挑战。本文提出,为了适应WTO规则,必须实行农业标准化,建立健全农业标准化体系。  相似文献   

A consistent and comprehensive ranking of journals relevant for agricultural economists cannot rely on impact factors for at least two major reasons: (i) the scientific database by Thomson Reuters, on which the standard impact factor is based, includes only a very limited number of relevant journals; (ii) the standard impact factor cannot be compared across research fields of different sizes. Survey‐based journal rankings may overcome these problems. We report on such a survey‐based ranking initiated by the Agricultural Economics Associations of Germany and Austria. Results of the ranking and a classification of journals, i.e. a rating, are provided for 160 selected journals. Scientific quality is assessed by an index based on the researchers’ perception of the quality standards of each journal and of the quality of its published articles. The survey‐based ranking allows a much more comprehensive and consistent ranking than the impact factor, as specific agricultural economics journals can be directly compared with neighbouring economic and interdisciplinary journals to which agricultural economists submit their work. The low impact factors of core agricultural economics journals are put into perspective. The scientific quality of the top agricultural economics journals is assessed as being rather high and above most of the relevant interdisciplinary journals from agricultural and food sciences that are typically characterised by higher impact factors. Agricultural economists’ perceptions on the scientific quality of the journals vary more across journals than perceptions of their relevance.  相似文献   

The diversity of players in the field of agricultural (and, more generally, rural) policy and management research is sketched in a global overview of relevant research resources, and the small but important part played by the CGIAR Centres in this is explored, particularly where it has maximum value in terms of international public goods, and for strategic links to other parts of the CGIAR portfolio. The patchy and often slender (and perhaps diminishing in specific cases) capacity of national agricultural policy research and analysis units in the less-developed world to deliver the needed research products is examined.  相似文献   

农业女性化对农业发展的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文以社区为基础,从微观社会学视角,通过对留守妇女从事农业生产状况的实地调查,在分析农业女性化现状、妇女在农业生产中遇到的问题及其能动性应对策略的基础上,探讨了农业女性化对农业发展的影响.研究发现,留守妇女在农业生产中遇到劳动力不足、没有掌握生产技术、购买生产资料难等问题,她们主要采取延长劳动时间、多途径学习农业技术和合理利用劳动力、调整农业生产结构的策略来积极应对这些困难.研究认为,农业女性化不一定带来农业生产的退化,但留守妇女对家庭粮食安全的考虑会影响粮食作物的种植面积及国家的粮食安全,农业技术推广工作应考虑留守妇女进行农业生产的需求,也应出台新的政策和市场调控措施鼓励妇女的农业生产积极性.  相似文献   

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