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In this study we investigated the effect of the phosphonate herbicide glyphosate (N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine) on the phytoplankton community structure in Lake Erie using lake water incubations, laboratory growth experiments and phylogenetic analysis of phosphonate metabolism genes. In microcosms, addition of glyphosate to Sandusky Bay water resulted in a significant increase in phytoplankton abundance, specifically causing an increase in the abundance of Planktothrix spp. In microcosms using Maumee Bay water, glyphosate did not stimulate phytoplankton growth but caused a decrease in Microcystis spp. abundance. The difference in the ability of Planktothrix spp. and Microcystis spp. to grow in the presence of glyphosate was confirmed in laboratory growth experiments. Further, an examination of the molecular pathways involved in phosphonate metabolism demonstrated that heterotrophic bacteria may be critical in allowing this proliferation. The results indicate that glyphosate has both positive and negative influences on phytoplankton community structure, serving as a nutrient source to microbes able to tolerate the herbicidal effects of the compound while killing those less tolerant. Moreover, this work highlights that in natural environments microorganisms function as communities, and the metabolic abilities of individual species are often less important than the collective ability of the community.  相似文献   

Plankton tow samples collected from 2002 through 2009 indicate that Microcystis biovolume in western Lake Erie is often most dense in transition zone (TZ) waters between Maumee Bay and the center of the western basin. TZ waters are generally high in nutrients and turbidity, and concentrations of each decrease with distance from Maumee Bay. High Microcystis biovolume in the TZ suggests the possibility that the conditions in these waters support a greater Microcystis growth rate relative to the open lake. To test this hypothesis, during the 2008 bloom, Microcystis was collected from western Lake Erie for measurements of total protein content (TPC) as an indicator of growth rate potential and cellular nutrient content to indicate nutrient deficiencies. TPC results indicate that Microcystis in the TZ had a higher potential growth rate compared to offshore waters. TPC values in Maumee Bay were intermediate but not significantly different from the TZ and offshore. Nitrogen content of Microcystis remained high over the summer at all sites, despite very low dissolved nitrate concentrations and low total nitrogen-to-total phosphorus ratio in late summer in the lake. Ammonium level in the lake was constant during the summer, and likely provided the nitrogen source for Microcystis. Cellular phosphorus content varied between site and sample date suggesting that Microcystis was moderately phosphorus deficient. Quotas of micronutrient indicated that Microcystis was not deficient of micronutrients. Results of this study suggest the waters in and adjacent to Maumee Bay provide more favorable growth conditions for Microcystis than offshore waters.  相似文献   

The Maumee River is an important source of phosphorus (P) loading to western Lake Erie and potentially a source of Microcystis seed colonies contributing to the development of harmful algal blooms in the lake. Herein, we quantified P forms and size fractions, and phytoplankton community composition in the river–lake coupled ecosystem before (June), during (August), and after (September) a large Microcystis bloom in 2009. Additionally, we determined the distribution and density of a newly emergent cyanobacterium, Lyngbya wollei, near Maumee Bay to estimate potential P sequestration. In June, dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) was the most abundant P form whereas particulate P (partP) was most abundant in August and September. Green algae dominated in June (44% and 60% of total chlorophyll in river and lake, respectively) with substantial Microcystis (17%) present only in the river. Conversely, in August, Microcystis declined in the river (3%) but dominated (32%) the lake. Lake phytoplankton sequestered < 6% of water column P even during peak Microcystis blooms; in all lake samples < 112 μm non-algal particles dominated partP. Lyngbya density averaged 19.4 g dry wt/m2, with average Lyngbya P content of 15% (to 75% maximum) of water column P. The presence of Microcystis in the river before appearing in the lake indicates that the river is a potential source of Microcystis seed colonies for later lake blooms, that DOP is an important component of early summer total P, and that L. wollei blooms have the potential to increase P retention in nearshore areas.  相似文献   

We report on the emergence of the potentially toxic filamentous cyanobacterium, Lyngbya wollei as a nuisance species in western Lake Erie. The first indication of heavy L. wollei growth along the lake bottom occurred in September 2006, when a storm deposited large mats of L. wollei in coves along the south shore of Maumee Bay. These mats remained intact over winter and new growth was observed along the margins in April 2007. Mats ranged in thickness from 0.2 to 1.2 m and we estimated that one 100-m stretch of shoreline along the southern shore of Maumee Bay was covered with approximately 200 metric tons of L. wollei. Nearshore surveys conducted in July 2008 revealed greatest benthic L. wollei biomass (591 g/m2 ± 361 g/m2 fresh weight) in Maumee Bay at depth contours between 1.5 and 3.5 m corresponding to benthic irradiance of approximately 4.0–0.05% of surface irradiance and sand/crushed dreissenid mussel shell-type substrate. A shoreline survey indicated a generally decreasing prevalence of shoreline L. wollei mats with distance from Maumee Bay. Surveys of nearshore benthic areas outside of Maumee Bay revealed substantial L. wollei beds north along the Michigan shoreline, but very little L wollei growth to the east along the Ohio shoreline.  相似文献   

The limnology of offshore Lake Erie during periods of extensive (> 70%) ice cover was examined from ship borne sampling efforts in 2007 to 2010, inclusive. Dense and discrete accumulations of the centric filamentous diatom Aulacoseria islandica (> 10 μg Chl-a/L) were located in the isothermal (< 1 °C) water column directly below the ice and only detectable in the ship wake; viable phytoplankton were also observed within ice. Evidence from these surveys supports the notions that winter blooms of diatoms occur annually prior to the onset of ice cover and that the phytoplankton from these blooms are maintained in the surface waters of Lake Erie and reduce silicate concentrations in the lake prior to spring. The mechanisms by which high phytoplankton biomass rise at this time of year requires further investigation, but these winter blooms probably have consequences for summer hypoxia and how the lake responds to climate change.  相似文献   

During the past two decades, burrowing Hexagenia mayflies have returned to the western basin of Lake Erie. Because of their importance as a prey resource for higher trophic levels and their extensive residence time in potentially contaminated sediment, Hexagenia may be a source of heavy metal transfer. To better understand the distribution and transfer of heavy metals in sediment and mayflies, sediment and mayfly nymphs were collected from 24 locations across the western basin of Lake Erie in May 2007. Following USEPA protocols, samples were analyzed for 16 elements using ICP-OES or ICP-MS. Metal concentrations in the sediments exceeded the Threshold Effect Level for at least one metal at all sample sites. Sediment heavy metal distribution profiles indicate metal concentrations are correlated with organic matter content, and the highest heavy metal concentrations were found in the central deeper region of the western basin where organic content in the sediments was greatest. Hexagenia were distributed throughout the western basin, with greatest density (1350/m2) within the Detroit River plume. The Cd and Zn levels in mayflies were on average approximately 4 and 2 times greater, respectively, than sediment levels, and the Cd concentrations in the sediments exceeded the Threshold Effect Level at 27 of 28 sites and exceeded the Probable Effect Level at 9 of 28 sites. Spatial representation of heavy metal concentrations in mayflies exhibited a similar pattern to the spatial distribution of heavy metals and organic matter in the sediments with higher concentrations of metals found in mayflies residing in the central deeper region of the western basin.  相似文献   

Native unionid mussels are endangered in the Laurentian Great Lakes due to habitat degradation and biofouling by invasive dreissenids. However, a robust community was discovered living within the thermal discharge of a power plant at Oregon, Ohio, on the south shore of Lake Erie. Our study compared this community to nearby communities outside the thermal plume, and examined habitat characteristics that may affect unionids. Unionids were sampled from the exposed lake bed at three sites during a seiche in 2011: (1) within the thermal plume, (2) at Bayshore Park (2.0 km east of the plant), and (3) at the University of Toledo's Lake Erie Center (4.0 km east). In 2010, sediment samples were collected along a 2 km transect extending east from the plant discharge roughly parallel to the south shore of Lake Erie. Results indicated that the community within the thermal plume had higher densities, higher diversity (H′), more small individuals but overall larger sizes than communities outside the plume. Both the rate and intensity of fouling by dreissenids were lower within the plume. Dry mass of coarse surface sediment and sediment organic matter content were negatively related to distance from the plant (R2 = 0.497, and 0.479, respectively). An unexpected discovery was that the bulk of the coarse sediment was comprised of shell material from Asian clams and dreissenid mussels, suggesting a contribution of these exotic species to sediment accumulation. In total, our results suggest that several habitat characteristics close to the power plant are favorable to unionids.  相似文献   

After a period of improvement from the late 1970s through the mid 1990s, western Lake Erie has returned to eutrophic conditions and harmful algal blooms now dominated by the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. The detection of long-term trends in Microcystis blooms would benefit from a convenient method for quantifying Microcystis using archived plankton tows. From 2002 to 2011, summer Microcystis blooms in western Lake Erie were quantified using plankton tows (N = 649). A flotation separation method was devised to quantify Microcystis biovolume in the tows, and the method was tested against whole water cell counts. Floating Microcystis biovolume (mL) in preserved tows was highly correlated with total Microcystis cells (R2 = 0.84) and biomass (R2 = 0.95) in whole water samples. We found that Microcystis annual biovolume was highly variable among years; the 2011 bloom was 2.4 times greater than the second largest bloom (2008) and 29.0 times greater than the smallest bloom (2002). Advantages of the method include use of archived samples, high sampling volume, and low effort and expense. Limitations include specificity for cyanobacterial blooms dominated by large Microcystis colonies and the need for site-specific validation. This study indicates that the flotation method can be used to rapidly assess past and present Microcystis in western Lake Erie and that there was high variability in the timing, duration, and intensity of the annual Microcystis blooms over a 10-year period. The data made possible by this method will aid further investigations into the underlying causal factors of blooms.  相似文献   

The feasibility of satellite-based monitoring of phytoplankton chlorophyll a concentrations in Lake Erie is assessed by applying globally calibrated, ocean-derived color algorithms to spatially and temporally collocated measurements of SeaWiFS remote sensing reflectance. Satellite-based chlorophyll a retrievals were compared with fluorescence-based measurements of chlorophyll a from 68 field samples collected across the lake between 1998 and 2002. Twelve ocean-derived color algorithms, one regional algorithm derived for the Baltic Sea's Case 2 waters, and a set of regional algorithms developed for the western, central and eastern basins of Lake Erie were considered. While none of the ocean-derived algorithms performed adequately, the outlook for the success of regionally calibrated and validated algorithms, with forms similar to the ocean-derived algorithms, is promising over the eastern basin and possibly the central basin of the lake. In the western basin, each of the regional algorithms considered performed poorly, indicating that alternative approaches to algorithm development, or to satellite data screening and analysis procedures will be needed.  相似文献   

For Lake Erie, it is already time to revise the phosphorus target loads set to address the problem of cyanobacterial blooms in the Western Basin. Current targets were proposed by the Annex 4 task group in 2015, adopted by U.S. and Canadian governments in 2016, and set as objectives of domestic action plans in 2017. These targets, applicable to all spring discharges below the 90th percentile, set a maximum load for both total phosphorus (TP) and dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) equivalent to 60% of their 2008 spring loads. This essentially mandates 40% reductions in both particulate phosphorus (PP) and DRP loading relative to 2008 loads. These targets do not explicitly incorporate the difference in bioavailability between DRP (~100% bioavailable) and PP (~25% bioavailable). From 2008 to 2017, DRP comprised 24% of the spring TP load and over half (~56%) of the total bioavailable phosphorus (TBAP) load, while PP comprised 76% of the TP load but only ~44% of the TBAP load. Subsequent deposition of PP in the estuarine and nearshore zones further reduces its significance in bloom development. By ignoring differences in bioavailability, the current targets provide no guidance for choosing among practices based on their relative effectiveness in reducing DRP or PP and their combined reductions in TBAP loading. Current targets place more emphasis on PP than needed to efficiently reach targeted cyanobacterial bloom reductions. To clarify appropriate management approaches and lead to greater success in reducing cyanobacterial blooms, target loads should be based on TBAP.  相似文献   

This 12-year study of Hexagenia male imagos documents the recovery of two species of burrowing mayflies, Hexagenia limbata and Hexagenia rigida in western Lake Erie after a 30-year absence due to hypoxia, resulting from cultural eutrophication. Annual adult mayfly collections were made at night during the peak emergence period at four sites along the north shore of the western basin of Lake Erie, 1997 to 2008. H. rigida, the dominant species in upstream riverine waterbodies, was the early colonizer, representing about 90% of all male imagos sampled in 1997. In 2000, when the two species were co-dominant, both inland aerial dispersal (5.5 km) and lakeward (0.25 to 4 km) oviposition patterns confirmed species co-existence. Twice weekly collections throughout the extended emergence period at one site confirmed that H. rigida was the dominant species in 1997, H. limbata and H. rigida were co-dominant in 2000, and H. limbata was dominant in 2002. Once H. limbata became the dominant species (> 90%) in 2000 to 2002 (depending on the site), it remained so. Both species followed a similar inland dispersal pattern, decreasing in density with increasing distance from shore; most mayflies were present within 1 km from shore. There was no significant difference in mean egg density of the two species among the sites extending lakeward in 2000 when the two species were equally abundant. The transition from the dominance of H. rigida to H. limbata may have resulted from several factors, including differential competition and growth between species or predation effects.  相似文献   

We report the first documented observation of the potentially toxic cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis in Lake Erie and Sandusky Bay in 2005 (0.043–1.326 mg L-1 wet weight, 16–1,942 trichomes mL-1) and quantify the physical and chemical parameters and the cyanobacterial community composition contemporaneous to its occurrence. We hypothesize that the high temperature, low light intensity, and high nutrient content of Sandusky Bay, a shallow, drowned river mouth along the southwestern shore of Lake Erie, provides an ideal habitat for Cylindrospermopsis. This is consistent with published laboratory and field studies that show these physical and chemical conditions facilitate Cylindrospermopsis growth. Using multivariate statistics, we found that Cylindrospermopsis biomass correlated with high temperatures and shallow depths, conditions often found in Sandusky Bay. Light climate and nutrient concentrations were not associated with Cylindrospermopsis biomass, most likely because the light climate did not systematically change during the season and because nutrients exceeded demand. We propose that Cylindrospermopsis will increase in importance in Lake Erie, as previous research on climate change in the Great Lakes region predicts future higher water temperatures and lower water levels.  相似文献   

Faunal surveys of western Lake Erie showed a dramatic change in the species composition and abundance of the invertebrate mud-bottom community. Abundances of formerly dominant ostracods, tubificid and naidid oligochaetes, and chironomids declined 85%, 87%, 80%, and 72%, respectively, between 1982 and 2003. The majority of the declines occurred between 1982 and 1993, when dreissenid abundances were increasing rapidly. Hexagenia nymphs became important members of the infaunal community after 1993. Faunal declines were uncorrelated to weather-related variables. The frequency and magnitude of thermal stratification with accompanying hypoxic conditions during the study period remained within the normal range of variation observed in western Lake Erie. Significant wind events and storm driven seiches that might cause benthos mortality were not correlated with the decadal patterns of faunal decline. Nor were the faunal declines associated with the historical decrease in organic loading, because most of the decrease occurred prior to the study period. Nearly all abundant species declined significantly between 1982 and 1993, but deposit-feeding fauna, eutrophic indicator species, small organisms, and nearshore mud-bottom stations adjacent to dreissenid mussel habitat were most severely affected. These patterns suggest that a systemic change in the trophic structure of western Lake Erie occurred, due mostly to the invasion of dreissenid mussels nearshore and an accompanying diversion of organic matter away from deeper offshore muds. Trophic group amensalism may operate differently in marine and freshwater habitats, although dreissenids may exert ecosystem effects in the Great Lakes similar to oysters in Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

Traditional lake eutrophication models predict lower phosphorus concentrations with decreased external loads. However, in lakes where decreased external phosphorus loads are accompanied by increasing phosphorus concentrations, a seeming “trophic paradox” exists. Western Lake Erie is an example of such a paradox. Internal phosphorus loads may help explain this paradox. We examined bioturbation and bioirrigation created from burrowing mayfly, Hexagenia spp., as a possible source of internal phosphorus loading. Phosphorus concentrations of experimental microcosms containing lake sediments, filtered lake water, and nymphs (417/m2) collected from western Lake Erie were compared to control microcosms containing sediments and lake water over a 7-day period. Phosphorus concentrations in microcosms containing Hexagenia were significantly greater than microcosms without nymphs. Further, we estimate the soluble reactive phosphorus flux from the sediments due to Hexagenia is 1.03 mg/m2/day. Thus, Hexagenia are a source of internal phosphorus loading. High densities of Hexagenia nymphs in western Lake Erie may help explain the “trophic paradox.” Furthermore, Hexagenia may be a neglected source of internal phosphorus loading in any lake in which they are abundant. Future studies of phosphorus dynamics in lakes with Hexagenia must account for the ability of these organisms to increase lake internal phosphorus loading.  相似文献   

Manayunkia speciosa has been a taxonomic curiosity for 150 years with little interest until 1977 when it was identified as an intermediate host of a fish parasite (Ceratomyxa shasta) responsible for fish mortalities (e.g., chinook salmon). Manayunkia was first reported in the Great Lakes in 1929. Since its discovery, the taxon has been reported in 50% (20 of 40 studies) of benthos studies published between 1960 and 2007. When found, Manayunkia comprised < 1% of benthos in 70% of examined studies. In one extensive study, Manayunkia occurred in only 26% of 378 sampled events (1991–2009). The taxon was found at higher densities in one area of Lake Erie (mean = 3658/m2) and Georgian Bay (1790/m2) than in five other areas (mean = 60 to 553/m2) of the lakes. A 70-year history of Manayunkia in western Lake Erie indicates it was not found in 1930, was most abundant in 1961 (mean = 8039, maximum = 67,748/m2), and decreased in successive periods of 1982 (3529, 49,639/m2), 1993 (1876, 25,332/m2), and 2003 (79, 2583/m2). It occurred at 48% of stations in 1961, 58% in 1982, 52% in 1993, and 6% of stations in 2003. In all years, Manayunkia was distributed primarily near the mouth of the Detroit River. Causes for declines in distribution and abundance are unknown, but may be related to pollution-abatement programs that began in the 1970s, and invasion of dreissenid mussels in the late-1980s which contributed to de-eutrophication of western Lake Erie. At present, importance of the long-term decline of Manayunkia in Lake Erie is unknown.  相似文献   

In the early 1990s, burrowing mayfly species reappeared in sediments of the western basin of Lake Erie after an absence of over 30 years due to episodic hypoxia at the sediment–water interface. Long-term monitoring of adult mayflies at shoreline areas had revealed that Hexagenia rigida was more abundant than Hexagenia limbata during the initial recolonization period, but was gradually replaced by H. limbata. We hypothesized that this shift in dominance would be confirmed by the distribution and abundance of nymphs. We identified nymphs collected each spring throughout western Lake Erie from 1997 to 2004. The relative abundances of H. rigida and H. limbata nymphs exhibited the same temporal sequence as adults. Furthermore, the number of sites in the western basin in which H. rigida occurred decreased as the occurrence frequency of H. limbata increased. H. limbata were dominant in the basin by 2004. Hexagenia limbata nymphs persisted in the center-most part of the basin, whereas H. rigida did not, possibly due to differences in tolerance to hypoxia. There were no significant differences in body size between the two populations. Differences in dispersal distance from source populations and the timing and success of egg hatching likely accounted for the initial colonizing success of H. rigida, but the differential ability of H. limbata eggs to overwinter in sediments and possible tolerance of nymphs to hypoxia has possibly led to its current dominance in the western basin.  相似文献   

The New Zealand mud snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) is an invasive species in Europe, Japan, Australia, and North America. In the western United States it is a species of special concern where population densities in some rivers and streams are very large (∼300,000 per m2) and considerable ecological effects of its presence have been reported. Much less about the effects of this species is known in the Great Lakes, where the snail was found in Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River in 1991. Here we report the occurrence of the snail in Lake Erie. Two P. antipodarum were collected in 18 m deep water (sampling range 5–18 m) in Lake Erie off shore of Presque Isle State Park near Erie, Pennsylvania in the summer of 2005 and others were collected off of Sturgeon Point in Lake Erie (sampling range 5–20 m) south of Buffalo, NY and in the central basin of Lake Erie (18 m) in 2006. This finding demonstrates that this species continues to expand its range in the Great Lakes. The range expansion increases the likelihood that it may become established in rivers and streams emptying into the Great Lakes where higher densities and greater ecological damage may result.  相似文献   

Lake Erie's water quality has fluctuated since European settlement due to cultural eutrophication and the effects of invasive species. Our attempts to understand the cause-and-effect linkages between observed ecosystem changes and various stressors are evolving. Non-indigenous species, pollutants, land-use and climate change that can alter a lake's physical and chemical environment can manifest rapid changes in community composition and abundance of phytoplankton. As such, for many decades researchers have used phytoplankton data from Lake Erie to track environmental changes. We provide a chronological account of previous and ongoing assessments of pelagic algae to summarize past and present environmental conditions of Lake Erie. This review necessarily focuses on diatom-based assessments as their preserved remains in sediments have been used to hind-cast human-induced impacts and recovery. Because of their uniqueness, this review summarizes where possible the long-term trends according to the western, central and eastern lake basins. Overall, this historical assessment summarizes a period of significant eutrophication throughout most of the 20th century, followed by water quality improvement due to nutrient reductions and establishment of filter-feeding dreissenids. Recent data suggest new issues associated with blooms of diatoms and blue-green algae. The challenges facing Lake Erie underline the need for continued monitoring and evaluation of historical records that will help us distinguish natural from anthropogenic changes, and to reveal the causes and extent of environmental insults in order to make management decisions.  相似文献   

Previous studies support the hypothesis that large numbers of infaunal burrow-irrigating organisms in the western basin of Lake Erie may increase significantly the sediment oxygen demand, thus enhancing the rate of hypolimnetic oxygen depletion. We conducted laboratory experiments to quantify burrow oxygen dynamics and increased oxygen demand resulting from burrow irrigation using two different year classes of Hexagenia spp. nymphs from western Lake Erie during summer, 2006. Using oxygen microelectrodes and hot film anemometry, we simultaneously determined oxygen concentrations and burrow water flow velocities. Burrow oxygen depletion rates ranged from 21.7 mg/nymph/mo for 15 mm nymphs at 23 °C to 240.7 mg/nymph/mo for 23 mm nymphs at 13 °C. Sealed microcosm experiments demonstrated that mayflies increase the rate of oxygen depletion by 2–5 times that of controls, depending on size of nymph and water temperature, with colder waters having greater impact. At natural population densities, nymph pumping activity increased total sediment oxygen demand 0.3–2.5 times compared to sediments with no mayflies and accounted for 22–71% of the total sediment oxygen demand. Extrapolating laboratory results to the natural system suggest that Hexagenia spp. populations may exert a significant control on oxygen depletion during intermittent stratification. This finding may help explain some of the fluctuations in Hexagenia spp. population densities in western Lake Erie and suggests that mayflies, by causing their own population collapse irrespective of other environmental conditions, may need longer term averages when used as a bio-indicator of the success of pollution-abatement programs in western Lake Erie and possibly throughout the Great Lakes.  相似文献   

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