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While interfirm relationship value has attracted considerable attention in a domestic market context, little research has examined international buyer-seller relationships. This is surprising, as interfirm relationships across national borders have become increasingly important due to growing liberalization of world trade. Even less research is found including emerging markets. This study use cases with Norwegian seafood export to Turkey as illustrations of the importance of relationship value and cultural sensitivity when conducting business with an emerging country such as Turkey. The data is based on in-depth interviews of Turkish importers.  相似文献   

In recent years, manufacturers of consumer and industrial goods as well as service firms have been increasingly thinking in global terms and paying more attention to sales promotion in their overall promotional programmes and strategies. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the consumer sales promotion practices of consumer goods producing companies in the advanced developing country of Turkey. It was discovered that sales promotion activities are gaining importance in overall promotional practices of Turkish companies, though there are differences in its use by type of industry, size of company, area of business and locus of decision-making within the firm. Furthermore, differences were detected between companies using sales promotions versus other forms of promotional techniques such as mass media advertising, personal selling and publicity. Study findings may be applicable to other developing countries that are at a similar level of socio-economic, market and technological development as Turkey.  相似文献   


Since the 1990s certain retail companies have evolved into some of the largest and most dispersed transnational corporations worldwide. However, within the ‘new era of retail distribution’ retailers are increasingly divesting from foreign markets. This study addresses these recent and under-explored dynamics by revealing the traces transnational retail corporations leave after divesting from a country. It explores the aspect of learning of host market retailers from entering transnational corporations (TNCs) and examines how foreign knowledge is adjusted in the business strategies of these local actors. It takes a fresh empirical slant using qualitative interviews with host market retail managers including former TNCs’ subsidiaries operating under domestic ownership. The emerging economy of Turkey serves as an empirical example. The paper finds that foreign retailers transfer firm-specific resources to the local retail through (1) demonstration and imitation, (2) vertical linkages with suppliers, (3) joint ventures and acquisitions, and (4) labor turnover of TNC trained staff. Certain successful local companies adjust the foreign knowledge based on their local knowledge and strengths, their high level of flexibility and deep territorial embeddedness, and create ‘hybrid’ business strategies. These findings suggest that dynamic capabilities are crucial to successful retailing in an international competitive environment. TNC managers should work with local staff in partnerships of equals and managers of locally operating companies should incorporate new knowledge by hiring TNC trained staff.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to explore the influence of religious beliefs on the work-related attitudes of Turkish SME (small and medium-sized enterprise) owner-managers. In this research, the emergence of pious or devout business people is considered as a phenomenon, and special attention is paid to religious transformation and secularism in Turkey. Both concepts, religion and secularism, are considered within the Turkish context. For the research, in-depth interviews were conducted with 32 Turkish business people from religious and secular backgrounds, respectively. The study investigates the so-called “Islamic work ethic” values and Islamic business principles from a critical perspective and argues that they do not seem to be as significant factors as predicted in the emergence of pious or devout business people in Turkey.  相似文献   

The significance of mindsets is apparent in everyday business life. As today’s managers and companies face uncertainty and disruptive change in the business environment and markets, there is a growing need to understand and strategically address such change. This becomes challenging when disruptive market forces confront the institutional logic or rules of the game based on collectively acquired experience of doing business in the given field. In overcoming such challenges, managers’ hidden reasoning remains an untapped potential while their existing mindset influences what they attend to and what they decide to do. This article elaborates a diagnostic framework, accompanied by a tool to help managers make sense of disruptive markets and reflect individually and collectively on possible courses of action. The framework has two principal dimensions—strategic scope and focus—that are further divided into three business elements of strategic market-oriented management: offering, customer, and market. The tool offers a practical means of profiling individuals’ mindsets. In increasingly dynamic business environments, reflection capabilities represent a new source of competitive advantage.  相似文献   

Two contrasting metaphors of market‐entry strategy for emerging markets are developed in this article: the Global Chess Game and the Game of Go. Understanding these paradigms is critical for business success and for building robust theories of international competitor analysis in emerging markets, particularly in Asia. The Game of Go represents a long‐term strategy of Japanese companies, dominant foreign direct investment players in the region, and it represents the global strategy of many Asian emerging market companies as they grow within the region and beyond. A Competitor Analysis Framework for Emerging Markets is proposed that incorporates culture and other antecedents as precursors of competitor analysis and strategy formulation. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

There has been limited research on entrepreneurship in Turkey. Given the fact that globalization has rapidly been increasing, that foreign direct investment is spreading throughout the world, and that more and more foreign investors are seeking partners in emergent markets such as Turkey. One important reason for the interest in Turkish entrepreneurs is because they have many characteristics that are similar to entrepreneurs in Western markets. Even if there are many differences between Western entrepreneurs and Turkish entrepreneurs, it would be valuable to compare the characteristics of Turkish entrepreneurs with others. Moreover, a few cross-cultural studies have examined the similarities among entrepreneurs in various nations. Ireland and Turkey have many striking similarities despite varying cultural backgrounds. Hence, this empirical research was undertaken to investigate the characteristics and attributes of Turkish entrepreneurs and compare them to Irish entrepreneurs. The research design in this study focused on 161 Turkish entrepreneurs who were randomly selected from a list (obtained from local Chamber of Commerce) and interviewed using a structured questionnaire. The questions assessed relevant areas, such as demographic and business information, motivations, entrepreneurial characteristics, business problems, personality characteristics, and management skills. Information on the Irish entrepreneurs was incorporated from a published study. Overall, in terms of entrepreneurial characteristics, Turkish entrepreneurs displayed surprisingly similar characteristics to the Irish. The implications of this study are discussed along with some recommendations.  相似文献   

Turkey had been economically thriving after the end of the economic crisis of 2001. Nonetheless, the recent depreciation of the Turkish lira proved the eventual fragility of the Turkish economy. This research attempts to examine whether the financial markets behavior had forecast this economic collapse. The results support that negative dynamics take place between the nominal exchange rate of Turkish lira and the Turkish stock market index in the long-run. Simultaneously, it is estimated that the uncovered equity parity had been in effect during the last decade but its impact highly deteriorated after March 2018. The Turkish policy makers will sooner or later have to either abandon the low interest rate policy or apply for financial assistance from the IMF.  相似文献   

Previous firm‐level literature established that there are substantial costs of entry into new export markets. Chaney (The American Economic Review, 104, 2014, 3600) opens the black‐box of entry costs by building a dynamic network model of international trade where firms acquire customers in new destinations through their existing customers in other destinations. Following his conjecture, this paper examines whether firms use their existing suppliers in a destination to find their first clients in those markets. I use a disaggregated data set on Turkish firms' exports and imports for the 2003–08 period, and investigate the effect of import experience on export entry. By identifying import experience using instrumental variables, and shutting down productivity channels with firm‐year fixed effects, I find that having a supplier in the destination country raises the probability of starting to export to that country by 5.5 percentage points on average, revealing a “market knowledge” phenomenon. The paper's main contribution to the literature is finding that firms' country‐specific import experience increases the likelihood of export‐market entry. Digging further to explore heterogeneous effects, I find that this effect does not exist when trading with low‐income countries, but it increases with the destination country's size, proximity, language similarity and the size of its Turkish immigrant community. Moreover, the strength of the firm's relationship with its supplier as proxied by several variables such as the share of imported products that are differentiated increases the probability of export‐market entry.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2016,59(2):233-243
Many retail and restaurant companies adopt international expansion as a strategy to take advantage of business opportunities presented by target markets. Common objectives include increasing revenue, escaping a hypercompetitive or saturated home market, entering an emerging or lucrative market, and leveraging domestic capabilities in a bordering country. Success in international expansion is not guaranteed, however; the business world is littered with failures. In this article, we examine the international expansion failures of five service companies that opened physical facilities in a foreign country: Target, Tim Hortons, Best Buy, Tesco, and Walmart. While a variety of factors led to these failures, some common causes have been identified. These include a lack of understanding of the purchasing characteristics of consumers, underestimation of the local competition, supply chain issues, and poor strategic decisions regarding facility location and the rate of expansion. Not all international expansions are failures, though, and herein we also present the success stories of Aldo, Carrefour, and Nordstrom. These companies understood customer preferences and focused on location issues and their supply chains. Based on the aforementioned failures and successes, we offer guidance for companies looking to expand their business operations via a physical presence in a foreign country.  相似文献   

This paper constructs the most comprehensive paintings price index in Turkey by using 32,391 manually collected sales transactions, including artworks of 413 artists over the period 1990–2016. The results indicate that the Turkish paintings market underperforms the domestic stock market, but leading to the higher returns compared to the global paintings and the global stock markets. The results from the causality analysis also demonstrate that there is the feedback effect between the domestic paintings and the domestic stock market. Furthermore, the findings cannot reject the null hypothesis that there is no bubble in the Turkish Paintings price index. Finally, the geopolitical and the political risks in Turkey are among the main reasons for the diminishing returns of the Turkish paintings market after 2010.  相似文献   

Situated on a trading crossroads between Western Europe and Russia, Latvia has emerged as one of the most successful countries in Central Europe. This article provides a comprehensive review of Latvia's historical development, political structure, economy, investment, and foreign‐trade environment. It aims to be a useful source of information for foreign businessmen and investors interested in doing business in Latvia. In the fall of 1991, when the Baltic States separated from the Soviet system, no one predicted that these countries would make the transition to a market‐based economy as quickly and as effectively as they have. However, 11 years later, with notable growth and rising standards of living, such thinking is no longer considered overly optimistic. “It is the biggest, most complicated, and most promising piece of the new Europe,” wrote The Economist (1998) in reference to the Baltic region. Wherever there is new growth, there are many business opportunities to be found. Latvia's position in the center of this region is one indication of the business potential for those with the capacity to do business there. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The New Zealand economy is an open one and in recent years has pursued a market diversification away from traditional English speaking markets. This research investigated the attitudes dnd perceptions of large New Zealand companies with respect to the employment of foreign language specialists. The sample companies appeared to have a good appreciation of the benefits of conducting international business in the clients' native language. Most companies reported that employees with foreign language ability represent less than five percent of recruits over the preceding four years. When languages were required to be spoken, most employers believed that at least a working knowledge was necessary. Language skills are more likely to be utilized at upper levels of an organization, for New Zealand companies Asian languages, particularly Japanese, are the areas of great potential.  相似文献   

Internationalization of emerging market multinationals is a recent phenomenon gaining importance in the global economy. This foreign expansion of a new breed of companies has challenged established theories and practices in the field of international business (Cuervo-Cazurra, 2007). This article addresses the issue of whether or not there is something to learn from these emerging market companies and their foreign expansion. Focusing on the international trajectories of four Brazilian multinationals (i.e., Odebrecht, Embraer, Stefanini, and Marcopolo), this study analyzes their strategies and managerial processes during and after the recent economic crisis with regards to internationalization. Our qualitative fieldwork suggests that the trajectories of these Brazilian multinationals are quite unstructured and evolve as a reaction to the opportunities they face in international markets. It seems all four companies in our sample shared a strong entrepreneurial spirit and a high motivation to expand their international operations despite the crisis and the obstacles they faced. Our findings and suggestions in terms of lessons learned should provide valuable implications for multinational managers from other emerging markets by providing a better understanding of how Brazilian multinationals expand internationally, deal with economic crisis, and manage relationships with local and foreign institutions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the main issues highlighted in the Trade Policy Review: Turkey 2007. The paper studies first the main developments in Turkey’s trade regime and trade performance. Next it discusses Turkish trade policy under the headings of measures affecting imports, exports and foreign direct investment. The paper notes that the formation of the 1995 EU–Turkey customs union has contributed to a significant increase in the contestability of domestic markets through infusing predictability, transparency and stability to trade policy as well as by liberalising market access. But free trade in industrial goods between Turkey and the EU could still not be established mainly because of non‐tariff barriers and in particular because of the various problems faced in the elimination of technical barriers to trade (TBT). The final section of the paper discusses first the role of standards and conformity assessment in general terms and thereafter evaluates critically the Turkish approach to elimination of TBTs.  相似文献   

US companies have been accused by the Russian media of flooding the Russian markets with their exports, repatriating their revenues or using them to buy Russian resources cheaply, and, as a result, increasing Russia's unemployment and decreasing its standard of living. Russia, argue many Russian experts interviewed in the past several years, is being badly exploited and its culture cheapened with Western candy, which in 1994 took $5 billion from consumers in Russia. On the other hand, US companies, which have been entering the Russian market in increasing numbers, argue that exporting products and services to Russia enhances the satisfaction of Russian consumers and contributes to the country's economy. They further say that as they become more familiar and comfortable with the Russian market, they change their strategies and increase their investment in Russia. Are US companies exploiting Russia or investing in its economic expansion? In this study the author investigated the entry strategies to Russia of 87 large US companies starting in 1989. These were randomly selected corporations, including a cross-section of consumer goods, industrial goods, computers, oil and gas, fast food, and consulting companies. What emerged was a captivating, historical drama, which changes rapidly from making money through exporting to Russia, to commitment through investment in plants and employment. For example, while the most popular entry doors to Russia have been exportlimport and joint ventures, most strategy changes since 1989 have been to wholly-owned subsidiaries, which usually require substantial investment. Yesterday's Snickers Bars exporter, Mars Candy, created a wholly-owned subsidiary, Masterfoods, and spent $70 million to build a chocolate and pet food factory that employs many Russians. In addition, a greater number of US companies entered the Russian market after the 1992 Yeltsin economic shock therapy and had a much needed stabilizing effect on the Russian economy. So, what may have been perceived as a one-sided relationship has been evolving to growth and mutual commitment. And as the Russian economy continues to grow, these companies will grow and prosper, too. Executives who are interested in the Russian market are advised that this market is real, growing, and worth considering. To enter and grow in this market, however, executives are cautioned that business deals in Russia must be structured in unfamiliar ways, and that they must employ local workers and respect Russia's culture and history. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The long-term development of market power and business concentration is attracting considerable international attention. This is being driven by an intersectoral increase in market power — particularly in the USA but also in other countries — as observed in current empirical research. This is seen as a cause for macroeconomic developments. The Monopolies Commission — which has the mandate in Germany to report on business concentration — concluded in its current report that although the concentration of turnover in Germany has recently been relatively constant, the price-cost markups of companies have risen significantly after the crisis. In addition, indirect corporate links via institutional investors represent a potential competition problem.  相似文献   

Located at the crossroads of the Eastern and Western world, Turkey today is characterized by a demographically versatile and modernizing society as well as a rapidly developing economy. Currently, the country is negotiating its accession to the European Union. This article yields some factual grounding into the ongoing value-related debate concerning Turkey’s potential EU-membership. It describes a mixed-methodology study on moral reasoning in Austria and Turkey. In this study, the arguments given by individuals when evaluating ethically problematic situations in business were compared. Although there were major consistencies, a number of differences were found. These differences, however, were not in the substance (categories) of arguments used but in their relative frequency. Overall, our findings suggest that young, well-educated urban individuals from Western Christian and Eastern Islamic countries are highly consistent in their moral reasoning. Katharina J. Srnka is Assistant Professor of Marketing at the University of Vienna, Austria, and has been teaching at different European universities and institutions. Dr. Srnka received her Ph.D. from University of Vienna for her work on cultural influences on ethical decision making in marketing. Her research interests concern qualitative and mixed research methods, consumer behavior, and cross-cultural marketing ethics. A. Ercan Gegez is Associate Professor of Marketing at Marmara University in Istanbul, Turkey. Dr. Gegez holds a Ph.D. from Marmara University in the field of International Marketing. He is one of the founding members of The Turkish Marketing Association and he has served as a member of the supervisory board. His research interests include international marketing, marketing research and marketing ethics. S. Burak Arzova is Associate Professor of Accounting at Marmara University in Istanbul, Turkey. Dr. Arzova holds a Ph.D. from Marmara University in the field of Accounting for his work on Activity Based Cost Management. His research interests comprise accounting ethics, cost management and international financial standards.  相似文献   

Executive Summary This study advances and tests determinants of entry strategies of U.S. companies to Eastern Europe, as well as factors that determine the satisfaction of these companies with their economic performance in this area. Using survey data and a multivariable research design, the study adds new knowledge and supports previous findings. It reports that the entry mode of U.S. companies into these countries is determined by the following variables, ranked from most to least important: market potential, company activity, level of competition, and year of market entry. It also reports that the satis‐faction of U.S. companies doing business in these countries is decided by the following variables, ranked from most to least important: economic‐performance outlook, level of competition, number of competitors, market potential, year of entry, and business activity. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

There is a need for understanding the entrepreneurship and business models in the emerging economies, especially the fast-expanding ones, from a different perspective as compared to the developed economies. The consistent gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate, significant socioeconomic potential, untapped needs of the population, and economic growth potential in the fast-expanding emerging economies like the BRIC nations (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) have changed the paradigm for investment, thereby creating a new economic development reality and focus for the global companies. However, achieving success in these emerging markets has its own unique mix of challenges. This requires a transformative and innovative mind-set toward conceptualization of a working business model that can fit into the reality of the socioeconomic and cultural challenges of these emerging markets. Further, the business model changes and alignment in these emerging markets require closer analysis and understanding of the global trends as well as ability to leverage the emerging technologies and linkages. The objective of this article is to explore the magnitude of opportunities and emerging business models transforming the socioeconomic landscape in fast-expanding emerging markets. In doing so, the article attempts to provide an overview of the emerging business model typologies and patterns that will enable the global companies to make better-informed decisions and build their presence in the fast-expanding emerging markets. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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