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Research summary : The role of the strategic planning process in the ongoing generation of innovative knowledge is vital to the survival and growth of a firm, especially when technologies and market conditions are rapidly changing. We analyze data from a survey of firms in high‐technology industries to determine whether it is possible to break the commonly experienced trade‐off between strategic planning's positive influence on firm profitability and its negative influence on firm innovation. We draw on Adler and Borys's (1996) conceptualization of bureaucratic process types to identify several firm characteristics that have the potential to affect whether employees perceive strategic planning as enabling to their creative endeavors. We find that contingent effects between strategic planning and the identified firm characteristics exist that can break the trade‐off. Managerial summary : A tension exits in the literature about whether strategic planning hurts or helps innovative activity. Our analysis of data from 227 business units in high‐technology industries indicates that strategic planning is a complex process that can be perceived by employees as enabling or coercive. Our results confirm that strategic planning negatively affects innovative activity but positively affects profitability for average firms. We find, however, controllable firm characteristics—risk‐taking and knowledge‐based reward systems—affect the trade‐off. Given the higher levels of risk‐taking and knowledge‐based reward systems, firms can use strategic planning to achieve both high returns on investment and a high level of innovative activity. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An integrative model of relationships among managerial, environmental, and organizational factors, strategic planning intensity, and financial performance was developed and tested using data from 112 banks. The results suggested that the intensity with which banks engage in the strategic planning process has a direct, positive effect on banks’ financial performance, and mediates the effects of managerial and organizational factors on banks’ performance. Results also indicated a reciprocal relationship between strategic planning intensity and performance. That is, strategic planning intensity causes better performance and, in turn, better performance causes greater strategic planning intensity. Finally, the results hold implications for other financial services institutions subject to similar conditions that banks must operate under. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study reveals the importance of viewing planning processes within the context of strategic orientation. Information‐processing theory is used to examine the differences in planning processes given variable strategy content in the banking industry. Findings suggest that banks implementing different strategies require their planning systems to focus on different kinds and amounts of information. Moreover, the relationship between planning and bank performance is clarified when information requirements of a specific strategy are considered. It appears the strategy moderates the relationship between planning and performance. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper resolves the long‐standing debate between the two dominant process schools in strategy. Analysis of the planning practices of 656 firms shows that formal planning and incrementalism both form part of ‘good’ strategic planning, especially in unstable environments. Environment neither moderates the need for formal planning nor the direction of the planning/performance relationship, but does moderate firm planning capabilities and planning flexibility. In unstable environments planning capabilities are far better developed and formal plans more amenable to change. The planning/performance relationship is, however, moderated by planning duration: at least four years of formal planning are required before external performance associations are noted. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

自我国成为原油净进口国以来 ,原油进口数量增长迅猛 ,进口原油结构也在发生变化 ,主要消费地是经济发达的沿海地区。从中长期看 ,进口原油将成为我国原油供应的主体。结合“9·11”事件的影响 ,提出我国原油战略安全应通过调整进口结构 ,实施走出去战略 ,及早建立国家原油战略储备体系来保障。  相似文献   

This study examines the performance implications of the fit between strategic orientations and incentive plan characteristics. Research hypotheses are based on a framework that draws upon managerial discretion and agency theories to identify the links between firm strategy, managerial motivation and control, managerial risk-bearing, and incentive plan characteristics. A pooled cross-sectional, time series research design is used to test hypotheses in a sample of 50 electric utility firms. Consistent with theory, results indicate that annual bonus plans that use cash incentives and accounting measures of performance lead to better performance among firms with Defender strategic orientations. In contrast, firms with Prospector strategic orientations realize performance benefits when they adopt stock-based incentive plans and use market measures to evaluate managerial performance. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

战略性新兴产业组织的劳资分配   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
战略性新兴产业组织的主导形态是模块化契约网络组织,具体包括模块制造商、系统集成商和规则设计商三类组织形态。本文认为,战略性新兴产业组织的劳资分配是对税后增加值(即税后V+M部分)的分配,具体分为两个层面:一是劳资作为一个整体(法人形式出现)以中间产品件工契约方式所进行的产业组织层面的分配,劳资群体的分配受益格局是按模块制造商、系统集成商和规则设计商顺序依次显著递增;二是劳资在产业组织层面的分配基础上所进行的企业层面的分配。本文分析指出,三类企业的劳资分配范式分属于三种不同范式:模块制造商——物质资本主导的分配范式,系统集成商——人力资本与物质资本共同主导的分配范式,规则设计商——人力资本主导的分配范式。三类企业劳资在分配中的身份、地位、收入模式、分配依据、分配顺序以及分配治理等都存在很大的不同,本文对它们进行了较系统的研究。  相似文献   

This paper explores how fit with the organization's strategic orientation relates to performance following total quality management (TQM) implementation. Conceptualizing the organization as a system of interrelated activities, we propose that TQM is an ‘elaborating element’ that achieves internal fit when the core elements of the activity system are orientated toward a ‘cost leadership’ rather than ‘differentiation’ strategic position. When internal fit occurs, TQM drives tighter interactions among core elements in the activity system, resulting in greater performance. Using longitudinal data from a sample of 780 manufacturing organizations, we find that TQM is positively related to performance for cost leaders, but negatively related to performance for differentiators. Our findings support the contingency perspective whereby internal fit serves as an overarching contextual factor influencing TQM success. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

描述了世界领先的石油和天然气行业承包商Saipem的运营情况,对Saipem的市场范围,陆上、近海、钻井三大部门的业务进行了分析。从全球化经营、重视当地化、QHSE管理3个方面剖析了Saipem的经营之道,指出其在发展核心竞争力方面,集中经营领域、做行业霸主方面,以人为本、可持续发展的做法方面,值得我国承包商借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

This paper considers the ownership debate with regard to state-owned enterprises (SOEs) performance, that is, whether superior performance of SOEs can be achieved under state ownership. While the traditional belief has been, supported by empirical work, that private ownership is generally associated with superior performance, the experience of Singapore is a clear example to the contrary. We outline global privatization trends and discuss the impact of privatization programs. We then discuss Singapore Telecom as a case where state ownership combined with several contextual and firm-related factors, especially firm strategy, has led to sustained world-class performance. We develop a theoretical framework for this analysis based on the strategic management field. We lastly outline some theoretical and practical implications of the analysis.  相似文献   

The concept of ‘strategic dalliances’– defined as non‐committal relationships that companies can ‘dip in and out of,’ or dally with, while simultaneously maintaining longer‐term strategic partnerships with other firms and suppliers – has emerged as a promising strategy by which organizations can create discontinuous innovations. But does this approach work equally well for every sector? Moreover, how can these links be effectively used to foster the process of discontinuous innovation? Toward assessing the role that industry clockspeed plays in the success or failure of strategic dalliances, we provide case study evidence from Twister BV, an upstream oil and gas technology provider, and show that strategic dalliances can be an enabler for the discontinuous innovation process in slow clockspeed industries. Implications for research and practice are discussed, and conclusions from our findings are drawn.  相似文献   

The gas industry was first privatisedin 1986, and the regulator, Ofgas, identified thecontract gas market as a possibility for introducinginitial competition into the industry. Nevertheless,competing shippers were slow in entering the market.Subsequently, Ofgas introduced a series ofpro-competitive policies. It, however, invoked aseries of strategic behaviour by the incumbentshipper, British Gas. The effectiveness of thesemeasures are analysed here with respect to theevolving competitive process. The issues it raised,especially when formulating future regulatory policiesand theories, are also considered.  相似文献   

Quality assessment is frequently applied in business-to-business marketing. It is usually assumed that quality assessment builds on the use of “objective” rules and criteria, but this is not always true. In a longitudinal study it was found that an institutionalized practice of quality assessment was based on both “objective” product characteristics, as well as more subjective supply/demand considerations, making quality assessment much more complex than usually assumed. Theoretical and managerial implications are highlighted.  相似文献   

The European Commission fears huge olive oil surpluses as a result of Spain's accession to the Community. It believes it can prevent this, at great cost, by increasing consumer aid for olive oil and adopting a protectionist policy towards other vegetable oils and fats. Thus, the burden would be shifted to consumers of other products and the outside world. Trade relations would suffer. The author considers that the Commission's analysis is unfounded and the Commission's remedies should be questioned. The author also points to possible budgetary savings in the Community's expenditure on olive oil.  相似文献   

This study employs a customer interaction approach to examine how service organizations' strategic positioning relates to their human capital, and how the interaction between strategic positioning and human capital impacts organizational performance. Results from 234 service organizations in 96 different industries indicate very strong relationships between strategic positioning choices and human capital. We also find that certain combinations of strategic positioning and human capital result in superior performance. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Simon Maxwell 《Food Policy》1997,22(6):515-531
Despite current ideological and philosophical objections to planning, it survives in new forms, generating Policy Framework Papers, Poverty Assessments or multi-sectoral Action Plans to implement the resolutions of international conferences. The World Food Summit Plan of Action will generate a new wave of such plans. History shows that the road to multi-sectoral planning is littered with organisational elephant-traps. The traps can be avoided, however, by learning the lessons of past experiments with multi-disciplinary or multi-sectoral planning. The literatures on integrated rural development, multi-sectoral nutrition planning, farming systems research, national food security planning, poverty planning and industrial organisation are all of help. They suggest that the key is to establish a task culture, characterised by co-operative goal definition, a high degree of participation, supportive leadership, and strong integration of planning and implementation. A ten point action plan is derived from these principles for follow-up to the World Food Summit.  相似文献   

An analysis of 399 banks self typed as prospectors, analyzers or defenders indicated that the self typing paragraph approach was a useful measurement instrument which has reasonable convergent validity, supporting Shortell and Zajac (1990), and providing further evidence of the value of the self typing paragraph approach in strategy research.  相似文献   

This study examines the nature of post-transaction restructuring activities for 32 large U.S. corporations that underwent management buyouts between 1983–89. This study (i) provides evidence on the extent and type of divestment and acquisition activities under private ownership; (ii) documents the outcomes associated with MBOs and the longevity of the buyout organization; and (iii) investigates the claim that buyouts are primarily mechanisms for breaking up public corporations and selling the pieces to related acquirers. The balance of the evidence indicates that restoring strategic focus is an essential function of the buyout for these large firms. However, the evidence also indicates that the buyout organization does continue to operate significant parts of the prebuyout firm. By far the majority of firms continue to meet their debt obligations satisfactorily during the buyout phase. Finally, the evidence indicates that asset sales to related acquirers derive more from efficiency considerations than market power.  相似文献   

本通过对大庆市居住小区规划建设历程的回顾,分析总结了大庆市居住小区不同发展阶段成功的经验和不足,提出了二十一世纪为适应居民对居住环境质量不断提高的需要,大庆市居住小区建设应着重解决的问题。  相似文献   

Metropolitan areas with a significant presence of warehouse stores had lower retail food price increases during 1977 to 1992 than did areas with no warehouse stores. The negative impact occurred largely during the first half of the 15-year period. Strategic learning appears to have led to a different response from incumbent supermarkets during 1985–1992. Change in prices was positively related to change in concentration and negatively related to entry.  相似文献   

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