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This article is an in-depth case study examining a foreign firm deploying Cross-border E-commerce as an entry mode to the Chinese market, integrating services provided by a major technology provider and a leading marketplace platform. Selecting which foreign market entry mode is an important internationalization strategic decision of firms and could have a considerable impact on the firm's performance. The CBEC mode emerges as a plausible choice: e-commerce has grown rapidly in many markets, particularly in China. Additionally, foreign firms face high transaction costs due to unfamiliar consumer behavior and institutional barriers. It is especially difficult for SMEs.This study deploys transaction cost theory as the underpinning framework to explain the motivations for selecting a CBEC entry mode. The findings suggest that CBEC could reduce uncertainties and opportunistic behaviors, while increasing trust. Foreign firms could lower their asset investment in physical shops, staff requirements and training, logistics and warehousing: these supports are provided by marketplace platforms. This new entry mode also takes advantage of the involvement and the dependency of intermediaries. In addition to providing market knowledge, technology providers help to build trust and reduce risks and thereby transaction costs, despite the high transaction frequency of e-commerce.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop and test a model of diversification mode choice (how firms decide between acquisitions and greenfield start‐up ventures) which includes institutional, cultural, and transaction cost variables. Using a sample of Japanese firms entering western Europe, our results show the model correctly predicts over eighty‐seven percent of the mode choices. Thus, we provide strong initial evidence to support using institutional, cultural and transaction cost variables to predict firms’ choices between acquisitions and greenfield start‐ups in international expansion. Our findings also suggest that organizations which have developed strong intangible capabilities may be able to more readily leverage these capabilities through greenfield start‐ups. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how wineries’ decisions to grow or buy their provisions of grape affect their viticultural performance. While previous literature in agrarian economics suggests a direct association between vertical integration and performance, this research largely neglects the impact of transaction cost variables on governance mode choice and firm performance. This paper first demonstrates that neither outsourcing nor vertical integration per se result in superior performance; rather, a winery’s viticultural performance is contingent upon the alignment of winery’s governance decisions with the predictions of transaction cost theory.  相似文献   

Although it is established that firms sometimes expand abroad to augment their capabilities, previous studies have generally focused on technological determinants of foreign expansion. We analyze capability‐seeking aspects of foreign direct investment by examining the relationship between upstream (technological) and downstream (marketing) capabilities and the choice between acquisition and greenfield modes of international entry. In analyzing 2175 entries by British, German, and Japanese investors into the United States, we find that for downstream capabilities, which tend not to be geographically fungible, the absolute level of capabilities in the entered industry explains the mode choice. However, for upstream capabilities, which tend to be geographically fungible, the acquisition motive stems from a relative capability differential between host and home country firms. These results have implications for the concept of fungibility in the resource‐based view of the firm as well as for the literature on sourcing of resident assets by foreign firms, which has thus far ignored issues of entry mode and downstream assets. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The choice of entry mode into a foreign market has a major impact on the success of a firm's international operations. However, the existing literature on the entry mode decision has either presented a list of considerations without identifying underlying constructs, or treated each entry decision in isolation. Here, a unifying framework is developed. This framework identifies three underlying constructs that influence the entry mode decision. These constructs are linked to considerations that have been previously discussed in the literature. It is argued that a firm's choice of entry mode depends on the strategic relationship the firm envisages between operations in different countries. A particular entry decision cannot be viewed in isolation. It must be considered in relation to the overall strategic posture of the firm. Further, the paper argues that different variables often suggest different entry modes, and that resolving these differences involves accepting trade-offs.  相似文献   

This paper proposes that firms can use a transaction cost approach to make multiple channel system design related decisions. The author differentiates between two types of multiple channel systems and hypothesizes that transaction asset specificity, behavioral uncertainty and environmental uncertainty lead manufacturers to adopt either a dual channel system or a multiple independent channel system. Furthermore, the author proposes that when all three transaction cost variables match with the type of multiple channel system used, firms can minimize their transaction costs and eventually increase their channel system performance in terms of contribution to firm profitability. The author tests the hypotheses with survey data collected from 229 firms. The results support that the fit between the type of multiple channel mix and the three transaction-cost theory variables results in lower transaction costs and higher contribution to profit. The author presents theoretical and managerial implications.  相似文献   

Differences in performance among established firms diversifying into young industries were investigated, with hypotheses concerning 11 ‘corporate level’ strategic and organizational variables being examined. Performance was found to be associated with firm size and financial strength, time of entry, and the maturity of the firm's markets. The importance of several variables examined also appears to change as an industry evolves.  相似文献   

This paper compares and contrasts the mode of foreign market entry decision from the transaction cost/internalization and organizational capability perspectives. Each of these perspectives operates at a different level of analysis, respectively the transaction and the firm, and consequently differs in the primary arena of attention, namely transaction characteristics and the capabilities of firms. In making the comparison, a key distinction is made between the cost and the value aspects in the management of know-how, based on which issues pertaining to the transfer of knowledge within and across firm boundaries and the exploitation and enhancement of competitive advantage are closely examined. The main purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the implications of a shift in frame from cost to value in the analysis of decisions related to firm boundaries. Entry into foreign markets is used primarily as a vehicle for the accomplishment of this purpose. The paper shows how the value-based framework of the organizational capability perspective radically and fundamentally shifts the approach towards the governance of firm boundaries and argues that, even though TC/internalization theory raises some valid concerns, the organizational capability framework may be more in tune with today’s business context. Some of the assumptions of the TC/internalization perspective, both direct—–opportunism, exploitation of existing advantage—and indirect—preservation of the value of know-how across locational contexts, asymmetry between bounded rationality for transaction and production purposes—are critically examined and questioned. Implications of a shift from a cost to a value-based framework are discussed and the need for a shift in research focus is emphasized. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A large body of research examines the modes by which multinational firms enter foreign markets, yet little work has considered how host country executives evaluate alternative modes of accepting inward foreign direct investment (FDI). This study adopts the host country firm's perspective to investigate the factors that affect Chinese executives' assessments of international joint ventures (IJVs) and divestitures as different modes for engaging inward FDI opportunities. We use an experimental approach to test our argument that executives' preferences for IJVs versus divestitures are driven by multinational firms' resources as well as potential transaction hazards and available remedial mechanisms. This study complements extant research on firms' entry mode choice by offering a direct test of comparative economic organization by explicitly comparing the attractiveness of alternative modes. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Firms boundary choices have undergone careful examination in recent years, particularly in information services. While transaction cost economics provides a widely tested explanation for boundary choice, more recent theoretical work advances competing knowledge-based and measurement cost explanations. Similar to transaction cost economics, these theories examine the impact of exchange attributes on the performance of markets and hierarchies as institutions of governance. These theories, however, offer alternative attributes to those suggested by transaction cost economics or offer alternative mechanisms through which similar attributes influence make–buy choices. Traditional empirical specifications of make–buy models are unable to comparatively test among these alternative theories. By developing and testing a model of comparative institutional performance rather than institutional choice, we examine the degree of support for these competing explanations of boundary choice. Hypotheses are tested using data on the governance of nine information services at 152 companies. Our results suggest that a theory of the firm and a theory of boundary choice is likely to be complex, requiring integration of transaction cost, knowledge-based, and measurement reasoning. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Choosing governance modes for external technology sourcing   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
This study examines the effect of uncertainty on governance mode choice of interfirm relationships in new business development (NBD). We combine transaction cost economics and real options reasoning, arguing that in the early stages of NBD, where technological and market uncertainty are very high, companies are better off using governance modes that are reversible and involve a low level of commitment. When uncertainty has decreased as a result of prior R&D investments, transaction costs considerations become dominant and companies will shift towards governance modes that are less reversible and more hierarchical. We argue that technological distance leads to less hierarchical governance modes and prior cooperation between firms leads to subsequent choices for more hierarchical modes. Finally, we propose that higher exogenous uncertainty leads to less hierarchical governance modes.  相似文献   

International strategies vary in their potential to exploit and augment a firm's resources, especially its knowledge base. Resource‐based analysis suggests clustering the diverse entry modes in terms of their exploitation and augmentation characteristics. We thus introduce a new categorization of entry modes based on their potential to augment the resources of an entrant. We then explore the antecedents of these modes, and advance testable propositions delimiting for which firms and in which circumstances each mode maximizes long‐term value creation. Finally, we outline how our resource‐based framework complements transaction‐cost‐based frameworks. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Inter-firm partnerships continue to be a major trend in the B2B context. Firms seek collaborative ventures to enter foreign markets, combine resources, share costs and risks, and build synergies in an increasingly competitive environment. Accordingly, the impacts of firm and host country characteristics on the selection of entry mode have been extensively studied in the literature. Nevertheless, most of these studies regard all entry modes as feasible alternatives for firms, which is rarely the case in practice. Instead, the number of entry modes available to a firm is more likely to be limited by the firm's assets and the context of the host country. As such, these contingencies, coupled with the idiosyncrasies of each entry mode, necessitate more focalized inquiry in the entry mode literature. Drawing from the OLI framework, this study zeroes in on international joint ventures (IJVs) and analyses the impact of ownership and location advantages on firm's decision about the level of control (i.e., internalization level) in an IJV in a given country. Results indicate a positive relationship between the ownership advantages and the level of control. It is also found that firms tend to favor higher control mode where the host country provides better locational advantages.  相似文献   

This paper investigates R&Dcooperation between buyers and suppliers, drawing bothon transaction cost theory and resource-based theoryof the firm. Results of logistic regression analyses,using a unique firm-level database containing 689manufacturing firms located in a Dutch region, supportassumptions of transaction cost theory. Frequentknowledge transfer and moderate and high levels ofasset specificity increase probabilities of R&Dcooperation. In particular, Williamson's assumptionsconcerning the moderating influences of uncertainty onbilateral governance are confirmed. Extending theoriginal transaction cost model with indicatorsderived from resource based theory of the firmincreases the performance of the model.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, strategy researchers have sought to understand the ownership structure of firms' foreign direct investments (FDI) as reflected in entry mode and equity level. However, prior FDI research has ignored the interrelated nature of these key FDI decisions. In addition, prior research does not fully account for the fact that individual ownership structure decisions occur within the context of a firm's broader FDI portfolio, and thus reflect a wide and frequently unobserved range of parent firm and host nation effects. Our research seeks to address both of these limitations. Using a rich dataset of 4,459 subsidiaries established by 858 Japanese firms across 38 countries over a 9‐year period, we specify a conditional bivariate, cross‐classified multilevel model of FDI ownership structure. Our model enables the joint estimation of entry mode and equity level, accounts for the portfolio nature of FDI, and compares the relative predictive power of transaction cost‐ and experience‐based explanatory variables across both facets of ownership structure. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An economic theory of the firm must explain both when firms supplant markets and when markets supplant firms. While theories of when markets fail are well developed, the extant literature provides a less than adequate explanation of why and when hierarchies fail and of actions managers take to mitigate such failure. In this article, we seek to develop a more complete theory of the firm by theorizing about the causes and consequences of organizational failure. Our theory focuses on the concept of social comparison costs that arise through social comparison processes and envy. While transaction costs in the market provide an impetus to move activities inside the boundaries of the firm, we argue that envy and resulting social comparison costs motivate moving activities outside the boundary of the firm. More specifically, our theory provides an explanation for ‘managerial’ diseconomies of both scale and scope—arguments that are independent from traditional measurement, rent seeking, and competency arguments—that provides new insights into the theory of the firm. In our theory, hierarchies fail as they expand in scale because social comparison costs imposed on firms escalate and hinder the capacity of managers to optimally structure incentives and production. Further, hierarchy fails as a firm expands in scope for the simple reason that the costs of differentially structuring compensation within the firm to match the increasing diversity of activities also rises with increasing scope. In addition, we explore how social comparison costs influence the design of the firm through selection of production technologies and compensation structures within the firm. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We revisit the questions of identification of outlying firms within industries and their impact on the relative importance of firm‐ and industry‐specific factors for firm performance. In response to McNamara, Aime and Valler (2005), we argue that the key results in Hawawini, Subramnian and Verdin (2003) are insensitive to the varying methods used to identify firm outliers. Further, we argue that conducting tests on industry outliers are inconsistent to what is indicated by theory and past empirical results on the relative importance of firm and industry effects to firm performance. Firm effects may matter most for outperforming and underpeforming firms, while industry effects may be at least as important to firms ‘stuck in the middle’. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hawawini, Subramanian, and Verdin (2003) examined the relative impact of industry‐ vs. firm‐level factors shaping firm performance. They demonstrated that variance in firm performance attributable to industry‐level factors increases, while variance attributable t to firm‐level factors decreases when ‘exceptionally’ higher‐ and lower‐performing ‘outlier’ firms in each industry are excluded. They concluded that previous research underestimated the relative impact of industry‐level factors for ‘average’ firms that make up the bulk of an industry. We take issue with their methods used to identify and exclude outliers as well as their conclusions drawn from such analyses. Rather than excluding true ‘outlier’ firms, we argue that they incorporated an artificial restriction of within‐industry sample variance that almost deterministically led to lower firm and higher industry variance component estimates. We demonstrate this point with a comparable sample of data to which we apply progressively greater restrictions on within‐industry sample variance leading to similar results. Finally, we show that exclusion of firms from a data sample based on commonly understood standards of outlier identification leads to little change in industry and firm variance component estimates compared to full‐sample estimates. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Based on the strategy tripod perspective, this study intends to examine the independent and joint effects of state ownership and firm size on Chinese firms’ choices between greenfield and acquisition, and between full and partial ownership. Using secondary data of a sample of 150 firms with 473 entries, we find that state ownership and firm size independently and jointly have impacts on entry mode choices. Our findings provide some support to the strategy tripod perspective, which treats institutions as independent variables and considers strategic choices as the outcome of the interactions between institutions and organizations.  相似文献   

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