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《World development》1986,14(9):1177-1198
Dutch disease models predict a primary export boom may result in deindustrialization due to an appreciating real exchange rate. This paper examines the effects on the Colombian economy of large increases in foreign exchange earnings from coffee and illegal drug exports. As predicted by Dutch disease models, the relative price of nontraded goods rose and the real exchange rate appreciated. Once the boom was over, both were slow to return to previous levels. Nontraded sectors are shown to have increased their growth rates during the boom years, while traded goods experienced slower growth. Non-coffee exports also grew more slowly. Econometric estimation shows that the real exchange rate was sensitive to the price of coffee and fiscal expansion, that sectoral production adjusts to the exchange rate and level of absorption as predicted, and that non-coffee exports respond to changes in the real exchange rate and foreign demand. The paper concludes with a discussion of economic policy in response to the export boom.  相似文献   

An oligopolist's advertising behavior depends upon the externalities generated. Negative externalities occur when the firm's advertising gains in sales are a result of a loss to the rest of the industry. On the other hand, positive externalities may result because advertising by any single firm may increase that firm's sales while at the same time increasing sales in the rest of the industry.In the literature these types of externalities are referred to as "predatory advertising" and "cooperative advertising," respectively. Market shares are redistributed when advertising is purely predatory, and advertising is a public good when advertising is purely cooperative. The effect of advertising externalities on the firm's incentive to advertise is investigated in this paper.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die ⋯holl?ndische Krankheit”: Der kanadische Befund. — Der Autor betrachtet detailliert das Ausma\ der sektoralen Verschiebungen und untersucht die strukturellen Anpassungsprozesse in der kanadischen Volkswirtschaft. Er zeigt, da\ das Wachstumsmuster nicht nur zwischen den Sektoren asymmetrisch ist, sondern auch zwischen zwei Phasen des Konjunkturzyklus. Dementsprechend scheint der Strukturwandel einem zyklischen Pfad gefolgt zu sein. Diese Hypothese wird empirisch getestet unter Verwendung von Vierteljahresdaten aus der Zeit zwischen 1962 und 1983. Eine disaggregierte Analyse der Lohnentwicklung zeigt eine ?hnliche Asymmetrie. Dies wird zum gro\en Teil auf die Rohstofflastigkeit der kanadischen Wirtschaft zurückgeführt. In einem verallgemeinerten Rahmen für die ⋯holl?ndische Krankheit” l?\t sich daraus entnehmen, da\ die Rohstofflastigkeit zum strukturellen Wandel beigetragen und auch die zyklischen Charakteristika bestimmt hat.
Résumé La maladie néerlandaise: l’évidence canadienne. — Cette étude jette un coup d’oeuil sur la dimension des déplacements sectoriels et examine le processus d’ajustement structurel dans l’économie canadienne. Il est constaté que la croissance se développe d’une manière asymétrique en ce qui concerne les secteurs et les deux phases consécutives du cycle conjoncturel. Pour cette raison le changement structurel semble avoir suivi une voie cyclique. Cette hypothèse est examinée par un test empirique en utilisant des dates trimestrielles pendant la période 1962–83. Une analyse désagrégée du développement des salaires démontre une asymétrie similaire. Ce fait est largement attribué au caractère de l’économie canadienne basée sur des ressources naturelles. Dans un cadre généralisé de la maladie néerlandaise cela peut être expliqué d’avoir contribué au changement structurel et aussi d’avoir déterminé le caractère cyclique.

Resumen La enfermedad holandesa: evidencia para el Canadá. — En este trabajo se analiza detalladamente la magnitud de cambios sectoriales y se examina la naturaleza del proceso de ajuste estructural de la economía canadiense. Se encuentra que además de ser asimétrica entre los sectores, la pauta de crecimiento también es asimétrica entre dos fases del ciclo económico. Por ello, el cambio estructural parece haber seguido una trayectoria c?clica. Esto se estudia emp?ricamente utilizando datos trimestrales correspondientes al período 1962-1983. El análisis desagregado del comportamiento salarial muestra una asimetría similar. Esto es atribuído en gran parte a la importancia de los recursos naturales para la economia canadiense. En el marco generalizado de la enfermedad holandesa esto puede haber contribuído al cambio estructural y a determinar sus características cíclicas.

This article examines two decades of scholarly literature on discrimination and two decades of discussion of discrimination in economics textbooks. At first discrimination was taken seriously and policy responses adequate to the problem were advocated. Today this is a minority position. The article first traces the way thatJEL policies concerning indexing and abstracting have contributed to this change. Next textbooks are analyzed to show how this change is manifested in commonly used curricular materials. Finally, political preferences are shown to undergird crucial arguments like those concerning minimum wages. Conclusions linking ideology to research agendas are put forward.  相似文献   

Conclusions At this point, I would like to summarize the main arguments presented in this article. I will then briefly comment on what I feel are the main implications of these arguments.  相似文献   

可持续发展经济学的形成与创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文简略论述了国内外可持续发展经济学的研究现状和发展过程,分析了发展经济学的演变,认为可持续发展经济学的产生与形成是对现存的东西方经济学的一种突破与创新,具有划时代的革命性意义。  相似文献   

The economics of pride and shame   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Conclusion The results from this initial attempt to explain church giving are heartening, especially the explanation of giving to the church for philantropic purposes. The “parsimonious” model outlined explains much of church giving. Those who would encourage philanthropic giving to the church should encourage joint consumption but discourage joint investment. Expenditures for “stones and mortar” discourage philanthropic giving in the church.  相似文献   

Conclusions The preceding discussion has uncovered two reasons why the praxeological approach deserves a greater place in the practice of economics than it has been explicitly accorded over the last 30 years.First, praxeology places one in a better position to explain the underlying processes which lead to the economic phenomena which are observed. It does so because it starts from readily observable facts which are part of those processes, whereas the admittedly false assumptions used by positive economics merely replicate phenomena without describing the process which leads to them.Second, the predictions which positive economists use as empirical tests of their theories neither predict accurately nor are designed to falsify those theories, as positive economics says that tests must. As these goals have come to be seen as more and more unreachable, the prestige of the economics profession has suffered. Praxeology, by replacing them with reachable, if modest, goals of explanation and empirical tests designed to demonstrate the applicabilities of theories, may make a contribution to the restoration of some of that lost prestige.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the impact of terms of trade and risk-premium shocks on a small open economy in an intertemporal Dutch disease model, with international capital mobility. Given that an improvement in the terms of trade is associated with a decrease in the risk-premium on lending to this economy, we find that this can lead to a Dutch party (rather than Dutch disease) in which real exchange rate appreciation is associated with an expansion of the capital-intensive traded sector, hence, pro-industrialization. The economy also accumulates more debt in the long-run in response to the lower borrowing costs.
David Vines (Corresponding author)Email:

Conclusions Unlike McKenzie and Tullock, we do not know how personsshould treat their bodily organs or what is an ideal exit. That depends upon their utility goals, which are defined in output terms specific to the decision maker. We contend that the body is an input into the utility production process, and therefore, as with any input, it must be maintained and repaired at a level consistent with the output goals for maximization of utility. Thus, from this framework, it is quite consistent for a person to die with healthy organs without any thought of belief in reincarnation or the desire to bequeath one's bodily organs to others, or religious values. Self interest is all that must prevail.Also, the fact that there are interrelationships between the organs in the system, and at points these relationships take on fixed factor characteristics such that reduced levels of operation in one organ can create disorientation or coma or damage to other organs, means that the body cannot die as M-T suggest. Zero capacity for all organs at death is a technical impossibility as well as being inconsistent with the output goals of utility maximizers.  相似文献   

Conclusion In the cases discussed above, where Rothbard and Reinach agree, I support both of them. Where they diverge, I am in accord with the former. Nevertheless, Reinach has made an important contribution to our analysis of law. His praxeological perspective is very much a complement to Austrian analysis. His examples alone are worth the price of admission. There is some overlap between the two legal philosophers, and that they approach these issues utilizing alternative analytic tools is of great interest to legal philosophy.  相似文献   

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