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在金融危机背景下,刺激消费需求对确保经济增长发挥着重要的作用。消费需求不足已严重制约着中国经济的发展,最终消费时经济持续增长起着决定性作用。政府应通过增加公共消费、完善收入分配体制和社会保障制度、优化支出结构、完善税收政策、促进新农村建设、促进消费热点转换、积极发展消费信贷等手段刺激消费需求,促进经济增长,实现国民经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

While a few researchers have started to chip away at the notion that retail density is always negative, extant studies do not empirically address the question of why some shoppers respond negatively to a specific level of density while others respond positively. We examine this issue by drawing upon field theory (Lewin 1939) to shed light on how shoppers vary in terms of deeper motives (McClelland 1953) to seek control or intimacy with others in retail mall settings, and whether these motives influence shopping orientations. Shopping orientation is then hypothesized to affect perceptions of crowding, and, in turn, subsequent affective responses to the mall shopping experience. Moreover, we examine whether individual differences (gender and age) can help retailers segment those with different shopping orientations and the motives that influence these orientations. We found that task and social shopping orientations were influenced by deeper motives for control and intimacy. The causal relationships between shopping motive, shopping orientation, and consumers?? affective responses of stress and excitement were also discovered. Finally, we address theoretical and managerial implications of our results.  相似文献   

大型购物中心因其功能齐全,竞争力强,来现代城市及商业发展所必需。我国经济的持续增长为购物中心的发展奠定了经济基础,居民消费方式的改变,零售竞争的发展趋势,购物环境的更新以及商业现代发展态势,必然在客观上要求建立大型购物中心。当然,购物中心的建立须与城市及其经济发展同步,也要与消费水平相适应。  相似文献   

互联网的广泛运用,使电子商务以及网络经济快速发展。网上购物作为一种新的购物方式,广泛被人们接受,网上购物市场呈现出一派蓬勃之势。但是,网民在网上购物的同时,也面临着网上购物领域损害消费者权益的种种问题。如何为消费者营造一个稳定有序的网络购物环境,成为人们生活中亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

影响网络消费者购买行为的因素分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
由于电子商务市场与传统实体市场存在着很大的不同,导致网络消费者的购买行为与传统的消费者购习行为产生了较大的差异,本文对引起这些差异的因素及其影响进行了分析,以期有助于网络零售商制定适合于网络销售的营销战略和营销工具。  相似文献   

Traditional measures of the effectiveness of marketing communications suggest a specific process by which marketing actions influence consumers. This article offers a broader philosophical perspective on measuring the effectiveness of marketing communications that focuses on interaction as the unit of analysis, rather than the behavior of either the marketer or the consumer. Structuration theory is discussed and offered as a viable foundation for the identification, selection, and evaluation of new measures of effectiveness in an interactive context among active, goal-driven consumers and marketers. Structuration theory focuses on the emergency and evolution of the structure of interaction, which is posited as a critical factor in devising, selecting, and evaluating new measures of the effectiveness of marketing communications. This view broadens the potential set of measures of effectiveness of interactive marketing communications, implying alternative meanings for measures under different interaction structures and combinations of goal states. David W. Stewart is the Robert E. Brooker Professor of Marketing and the deputy dean of the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California. He is also the immediate past editor of theJournal of Marketing. His research has examined a wide range of issues, including marketing strategy, the analysis of markets, consumer information search and decision making, effectiveness of marketing communications, and methodological approaches to the analysis of marketing data. Paul A. Pavlou is a Ph.D. candidate of information systems at the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California. His research focuses on business-to-business and business-to-consumer electronic commerce, new product development, institutional trust, interactive marketing, communications, and e-government. He has more than 25 publications in journals, books, and refereed conference proceedings. His research has appeared (or scheduled to appear) inMIS Quarterly, Electronic Markets, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Journal of Logistics Information Management, andJournal of Interactive Advertising, among others. He has recently won the Best Interactive Paper Award at the 2002 Academy of Management Conference.  相似文献   

Conclusion Collectively, the responses of the individuals interviewed reveal that there is a multitude of reasons for participating in a marketing relationship. Although many of the reasons are cognitive in nature, many others are affective. This affective “dimension” of relationship marketing remains unexplored but would seem to offer great promise for explaining the long-term nature of a firm-consumer relationship. Moreover, a liberal interpretation of the collective responses of the interviewed individuals suggests an alternative fundamental axiom of relationship marketing consistent with the definition of Angeles (1992): Consumers enter into a marketing relationship because they expect to receive positive value from their participation. Acceptance of this axiom would seem to suggest a conceptualization and research agenda much broader and potentially more productive than that associated with the axiom currently being offered. Sheth and Parvatiyar have raised a question that, despite its obviousness in retrospect, has yet to be addressed satisfactorily. Hopefully their article will prove to be the genesis of an answer. Although no one is likely to agree with all of their propositions, or even their speculation that relationship marketing will ultimately improve marketing productivity, Sheth and Parvatiyar have done the discipline a service by focusing attention on a neglected topic. Indeed, what they have effectively done is to challenge the discipline to debate what they believe to be the fundamental axiom of relationship marketing in consumer markets. Regardless of the outcome of this debate, marketing knowledge will have advanced. A former editor of theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science and theJournal of Marketing Research, he is currently working on a new formula for determining sample size in surveys.  相似文献   

旅游购物是旅游活动的重要环节,旅游购物商品的生产与供应是旅游业增收、创汇的重要途径之一,对一个国家或地区的旅游经济发展至关重要。国外旅游购物发展渐趋成熟,我国应在分析旅游购物商品开发现状的基础上,提出加快旅游购物商品开发的对策与建议。  相似文献   

在旅游购物研究的基础上,女性旅游购物受到众多学者的青睐,从女性旅游出发,总结了国内外研究,归纳了女性旅游购物的偏好以及影响因素。  相似文献   

折中效应是一种普遍存在的现象。当备选项变成备选集里的折中项时,它被选择的概率就会增大,折中效应就会发生。这种现象在很大程度上依赖消费者感知价格质量关系,感知价格质量关系高的消费者表现出更强的折中效应。折中效应也受到网络口碑的影响,负面网络口碑信息对折中效应的弱化程度大于正面网络口碑信息对折中效应的提升程度。因此,企业在网络营销中应该注意优化产品定位、管理产品种类并且提升网络口碑。  相似文献   

Consumer behavior, as a social science discipline, is analyzed from a developmental perspective. Seven developmental levels or stages are identified reflecting the growing role of consumer behavior study in applied social settings. A classification schema is also presented in an attempt to categorize consumer behavior research  相似文献   

This paper explores the notion of consumer informations systems as a framework for studying consumer behavior. It is argued that this approach may be a particularly productive one for those interested in improving the quality of consumer decision-making.  相似文献   

导游"导购"问题的分析与破解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
导游是直接面对游客的一线工作人员,其服务质量好坏十分关键,不仅影响旅行社的声誉,而且关系到一个地区和国家的旅游形象.然而,一段时间以来,导游导购的现象突出,产生了不良的社会后果,严重影响旅游业的健康发展.通过这一问题作深刻的理论探讨,在分析导游导购的现象与本质、原因与危害的基础上,提出破解难题的对策.  相似文献   

网购纠纷中的管辖权问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于我国在网络购物方面立法的滞后和不完善,在处理网络购物纠纷与维权事件中,一直存在管辖权的异议问题.选择不同的被告如销售者、交易平台,会导致不同的管辖权.管辖权问题的明确是对消费者权益保护的前提.推进网店实名制认证,制定出台针对电子商务领域的法律规范、确立先行赔付的具体内容、明确网购纠纷的诉讼管辖原则,将有利于解决网上购物产生纠纷涉及的管辖权的问题,维护交易双方利益.  相似文献   

现今的网络购物依然无法取代人们日常的超市购物活动。因此,通过在现有的电子商务购物平台基础上,结合二维码、射频识别等物联网技术,设计一套应用于传统生鲜超市的电子购物系统,可以帮助人们快速、便捷地完成传统超市购物的过程。该系统利用二维码存储商品订单信息,方便快捷,便于传递;利用射频标签标识用户商品,自动识别,便于查找。  相似文献   

网络购物产业已越来越兴盛。对于业者而言,除了能够提高顾客满意外,其最终目的以顾客能否推荐他人购买或自身能再度购买为主要目标。本研究以价值、满意、态度忠诚、与行为忠诚等四构面,探讨彼此间的关性;并试图验证价值的认知与其满意,是否是影响顾客态度忠诚与行为忠诚的重要要素。研究结果显示,价值会对于满意、态度忠诚与行为忠诚等,分别产生正向且显著影响。而满意亦会正向且显著影响态度忠诚,态度忠诚亦会正向影响行为忠诚。但满意对于行为忠诚则无达正向显著影响。  相似文献   

近年来,随着网络的应用、发展,一种以网络为传播媒介的新型消费方式——网络团购逐渐走进人们的生活中。文章分析网络团购给餐饮企业带来的利好和挑战,提出餐饮企业面对网络团购的应对措施,从而促进我国餐饮企业团购的健康发展。  相似文献   

中国公民出境旅游购物研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
出境旅游是中国旅游业的重要组成部分之一。近年来,中国出境旅游热度持续攀升,在出境游人数不断增多的同时其消费能力也引起了世界的关注,特别是购物消费。出境旅游购物活动逐渐成为出境旅游的一个主要动机,既满足了游客的购物需求,又加深了其对当地文化的体验。文章以出境旅游为基础开展的购物活动为目标,分析旅游购物的相关研究状况,指出我国出境旅游购物的现状及存在的问题,并预测其未来发展趋势。最后,总结了出境旅游购物市场现状对国内旅游购物市场的启示。  相似文献   

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