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Proposals to alter the estate tax are contentious and have been considered largely in an empirical vacuum. This paper examines time series and cross-sectional variation to identify the effects of estate and gift taxation on the timing of private transfers. The analysis is based on data from the 1989, 1992, 1995, 1998, and 2001 Surveys of Consumer Finances. Legislative activity during this period reduced the tax disadvantage of bequests relative to gifts. Moreover, the magnitude of this reduction differed systematically across identifiable household categories. We find that households experiencing larger declines in the expected tax disadvantages of bequests reduced inter vivos transfers relative to households experiencing small declines in the tax disadvantages of bequests. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that the timing of transfers is responsive to applicable gift and estate tax rates. The results also provide evidence of a systematic bequest motive for high-wealth households. 相似文献
We study the channels parents use to make transfers to their children. First, we focus on the relationship between investments
in education and property transfers. Second, we turn to how property transfers are divided between inter vivos gifts and bequests. We use a Swedish dataset that is superior to previously used data as it contains information on both
gifts and inheritances received from parents. We estimate models for the probabilities of having university education, receiving
gifts, and receiving inheritances. In addition, we estimate models for gift and inheritance amounts. We find that the more
resources parents have, the higher the likelihood of transfers, and that the correlation between receiving inter vivos gifts and inheritances is very high. Finally, women are more likely to have university education and to receive gifts, and
daughters receive gifts of larger amounts than sons, although there are no differences in terms of inheritance. 相似文献
《Research in Economics》2007,61(1):1-9
This paper analyses the effects of altruistic parental transfers on the welfare gains of marriage. To that end, it develops a sequential game which, in a first stage, determines the optimum level of the transfer between the altruistic donor (the parent) and the recipient (the daughter/son). In the second stage, the levels of consumption and provision of a family good are deduced by way of a Nash bargaining solution, with the threat point being represented by divorce. We find that the degree of altruism of the recipient has a null effect on the gains in welfare derived from the marriage by the recipient’s spouse, and a positive effect on those derived by the recipient. Additionally, the degree of altruism of the donor has a positive effect on the gains in welfare derived from the marriage by the recipient’s spouse, and an ambiguous effect on those derived by the recipient. 相似文献
Income taxes and the timing of marital decisions 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
"In this paper we estimate the impact of the [U.S.] federal individual income tax on the timing of marital decisions.... Using household data from the Panel Study on Income Dynamics, we estimate various models of the probability of delaying marriage as a function of the change in tax burden caused by marriage (as well as several other variables). We find that there is a significant positive relationship between the marriage penalty in a year and the probability of delaying marriage until the following year. The magnitude of the effect, however, is small." 相似文献
This article incorporates tax evasion into an optimum taxation framework with individuals differing in earning abilities and initial wealth. We find that despite the possibility of its evasion a tax on initial wealth should supplement the optimal nonlinear income tax, given a positive correlation between initial wealth and earning abilities. Further, even if income and initial wealth are taxed optimally, it is still desirable to levy a tax on commodities, though it can be evaded as well. Thus, our result provides a rationale for a comprehensive tax system. Optimal tax rates on commodities differ in general, however for the special case of a uniform evasion technology equal rates are optimal if preferences are homothetic and weakly separable. 相似文献
《Resource and Energy Economics》2001,23(1):41-62
This paper concerns the role of environmental taxation in a model with endogenous technological change, where the latter implies that natural inputs become more productive. The timing of technological change is, in turn, uncertain and the likelihood of discovering the new technology is related to the amount of resources spent on R&D. The analysis is based on a dynamic general equilibrium model. One purpose of the paper is to design a policy so as to internalize the external effects arising from pollution and R&D. Another is to develop cost benefit rules for green tax reforms, when the initial equilibrium is suboptimal. 相似文献
Pattanaporn Kitsabunnarat-Chatjuthamard Peter Lung Takeshi Nishikawa Ramesh P. Rao 《International Review of Economics & Finance》2010,19(1):81-94
This paper re-examines the intersecurity wealth effects of leverage-reducing exchange offer (LREO) announcements. We show that previous studies may have been confounded by not distinguishing between two types of LREOs – swaps and exchange offers – and by the limited availability of bond data to properly test the wealth transfer effect. Contrary to extant research, we find evidence supportive of the wealth transfer hypothesis in the case of exchange offers but not swap offers. More detailed analysis of LREO exchange offers reveals a systematic relationship between bond returns and certain attributes that capture managerial inclination to accede to bondholder interests, consistent with a wealth transfer effect. 相似文献
James Andreoni 《Journal of public economics》2007,91(9):1731-1749
When a single gift goes to a group of recipients, how does giving depend on the size of the group? This question is important for understanding charitable giving and fund-raising, public goods provision, family altruism, and more. If we think of the gift as giving up a dollar to create a social surplus, then we want to know how the number of recipients of that surplus affects its value to the giver. In other words, how congestible is altruism? This paper builds a theoretical framework for this question and begins to answer it with a controlled experiment. The finding is that for most subjects altruism is congestible. For the average subject, a gift that results in one person receiving x is equivalent to one in which n people receive x / n0.68 each. 相似文献
This paper compares the poverty reduction impact of income sources, taxes and transfers across five OECD countries. Since the estimation of that impact can depend on the order in which the various income sources are introduced into the analysis, it is done by using the Shapley value. Estimates of the poverty reduction impact are presented in a normalized and unnormalized fashion, in order to take into account the total as well as the per dollar impacts. The methodology is applied to data from the Luxembourg Income Study database. 相似文献
Joan Canton 《Resource and Energy Economics》2008,30(3):295-315
This article presents a combined economic–political model of environmental taxation setting. The model introduces a third lobby group – the lobby of an eco-industry – in addition to the traditional lobbies of polluting firms and environmentalists. Pressure groups interact to influence the environmental tax chosen by a regulator maximizing its chances of being reelected. The eco-industry lobby adds a new political contribution toward a higher environmental tax. The imperfectly competitive structure of the eco-industry also modifies the incentives of the usual lobbies. When the foreign environmental policy is constant, environmentalists can be in favor of a decrease in the local tax in order to reduce foreign pollution. We also discuss the formation of alliances between the eco-industry and one of the other lobbies and their potential impact. In general, the impact of lobbying activities on the politically optimal tax is ambiguous and depends on the relative concentration of each pressure group. 相似文献
Havemann J 《National journal》1982,14(43):1788-1795
George Economides Apostolis Philippopoulos Simon Price 《European Journal of Political Economy》2003,19(4):777-792
This paper reconsiders the popular result that the lower is the probability of reelection, the greater is the incentive of incumbent politicians to choose short-sighted, inefficient policies. The set-up is a general equilibrium model of economic growth, in which fiscal policy is endogenously chosen under electoral uncertainty. Political parties can value possible economic benefits differently depending on whether they are in or out of power, and—by contrast with the literature—the relevant preference coefficient is a choice variable rather than an exogenous taste parameter. The main result is that, when political parties choose both economic policy instruments and preference coefficients, the fundamental reason for short-sighted policy is the extra rents from being in power per se. 相似文献
The single-equation approach to the determination of consumption, due to Hendry and von Ungern-Sternberg (HUS), is extended to a multi-equation system which links decisions on consumption and the components of wealth. The original HUS approach has proved to be a very durable one, being applicable to a number of countries and macroeconomic models. This approach is extended to allow a role for rates of return as well as income, and it is shown how this extension results in an error correction system. The empirical analysis used is based on Johansen's maximum likelihood extension of the co-integration approach of Engle and Granger. 相似文献
The effects of two environmental policy options for the reduction of pollution emissions, i.e. taxes and non-tradable quotas, are analyzed. In contrast to the prior literature this work endogenously takes into account the level of emissions before and after the adoption of the new environmental policy. The level of emissions is determined by solving the firm's profit maximization problem under taxes and fixed quotas. We find that the optimal adoption threshold under taxes is always larger than the adoption threshold under fixed quota, even in a setting characterized by ecological uncertainty and ambiguity – in the form of Choquet–Brownian motions – on future costs and benefits over adopting environmental policies. 相似文献
On the interaction between imperfect compliance and technology adoption: taxes versus tradable emissions permits 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
This paper analyzes the effects of the interaction between technology adoption and incomplete enforcement on the extent of violations and the rate of abatement technology adoption. We focus on price-based and quantity-based emission regulations. First, we show that in contrast to uniform taxes, under tradable emissions permits (TEPs), the fall in permit price produced by technology adoption reduces the benefits of violating the environmental regulation at the margin and leads firms to modify their compliance behavior. Moreover, when TEPs are used, the deterrent effect of the monitoring effort is reinforced by the effect that technology adoption has on the extent of violations. Second, we show that the regulator may speed up the diffusion of new technologies by increasing the stringency of the enforcement strategy in the case of TEPs while in the case of uniform taxes, the rate of adoption does not depend on the enforcement parameters. 相似文献
This paper is concerned with the form in which commodity taxes are best imposed, and particularly with the appropriate balance between specific and ad valorem components. This neglected issue is of policy importance in relation to the harmonization of tax structures within the EEC, and of theoretical interest as a point of contact between optimal tax theory and models of non-price competition. The roles of the two taxes as purely corrective devices under a variety of market forms are established and discussed. The analysis suggests that heavily taxed commodities should normally be subject to high specific rather than high ad valorem taxes. 相似文献
Casper Worm Hansen 《Economics Letters》2012,115(2):175-176
Based on a world sample of countries, this paper presents panel data evidence that documents a U-shaped relation between GDP per capita (wealth) and life expectancy (health). The evidence also shows that excluding the possibility of a nonmonotonic relationship induces erroneous conclusions about the time-varying wealth-health correlation. 相似文献
We investigate the long run relationship between private consumption, disposable income and wealth approximated by equity
and house price indices for a panel of 15 industrialized countries. Consumption, income and wealth are cointegrated in their
common components. The impact of house prices exceeds the effect arising from equity wealth. The long run vector is broadly
in line with the life cycle permanent income hypothesis, if house prices are allowed to enter the relationship. At the idiosyncratic
level, a long run equilibrium is detected between consumption and income, i.e. the wealth variable can be excluded. The income
elasticity in the idiosyncratic relationship is significantly less than unity. Hence, the presence of wealth effects in consumption
equations arises from the international integration of asset markets and points to the relevance of risk sharing activities
of agents. Without sufficient opportunities, an increase in national saving rates would be expected, leading to a lower path
of private consumption expenditures. 相似文献
《Review of Economic Dynamics》2007,10(3):424-443
Job amenities are explicitly included in a model of job choice over the life cycle. The amenities are characterized by an indivisibility—a worker must be present at a job to enjoy its amenities. This characterization has implications on initial job choice, a worker's wage profile and whether they move to a higher or lower paying job. 相似文献