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We investigate the relationship between calories, food quality and household per capita expenditure using regression and semiparametric methods on a sample of poor households from rural Mexico, where Programa de Apoyo Alimentario (PAL), a targeted nutritional programme, is operating. The semiparametric method yields an estimate of the elasticity between calories and expenditure of 0.39 below the median and 0.28 above. The corresponding estimates of the elasticity of the calorie price are 0.48 below the median and 0.45 above. We also examine the extent to which the expenditure elasticity of the calorie price is explained by substitution between and within major food groups. We find that there is a very high incidence of substitution within cereals (especially for poor households) and that between group substitution explains at most 59% of the income elasticity for food quality. These estimates suggest that the potential of a cash transfer programme to have a positive impact on the food diversity and the nutritional status of households is quite limited.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the determinants of rural poverty in India, contrasting the situation of scheduled caste (SC) and scheduled tribe (ST) households with the non-scheduled population. The incidence of poverty in SC and ST households is much higher than among non-scheduled households. By combining regression estimates for the ratio of per capita expenditure to the poverty line and an Oaxaca-type decomposition analysis, we study how these differences in the incidence of poverty arise. We find that for SC households, differences in characteristics explain the gaps in poverty incidence more than differences in transformed regression coefficients. In contrast, for ST households, differences in the transformed regression coefficients play the more important role.  相似文献   

This paper uses Chinese urban and rural panel data for 30 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities (except Tibet and Taiwan) on the consumption of Chinese urban and rural households in 1995–2005, by constructiong a random effect model, to analyze the impact of sources of household’s consumption demand on the Chinese economy. The quantitative analysis reveals that the per capita disposable income of households is highly relevant in explaining households’ per capita consumption expenditure, in these eleven years, and that China’s consumption function was fairly stable. On the basis of flow of funds accounts (barter transaction) data in 1992–2004, the paper further reveals that, since 1997–1998, China’s consumer demand remains in the doldrums because of the following distribution and redistribution process of the national income: The Government’s share of total income and disposable income is becoming ever larger, while the share of households is declining. Aside from the result that a rise in the burden of personal tuition has a negative impact on per capita consumption demand for urban households, we have not found that housing reform or medical expenses significantly reduce consumer demand in China. We believe that low household consumption demand is caused mainly by the income redistribution between households, government, and corporations rather than the inequality in income distribution across households.  相似文献   

Human capital development, especially higher educational attainment, attaches high premium to its expected economic benefits, in form of better welfare. This study investigates the effect of educational attainment of household head on two indicators of household welfare, namely labour market earnings and household per capita total expenditure on food and non-food items in Nigeria. The study uses the Double Hurdle (DH) model and Quantile Regression (QR) to address these objectives. The empirical results show that returns to schooling are substantially higher at the tertiary level of education compared with primary, secondary, and postgraduate levels of education in Nigeria. Furthermore, additional years of tertiary education attainment by household heads was found to increase household per capita total expenditure more than additional years of primary, secondary and postgraduate education. The implication of these findings is that the improvements in economic welfare of households in Nigerian is driven more by the attainment of tertiary education by household heads, relative to other levels of education.  相似文献   

利用1989-2004年"中国健康与营养调查"数据,运用固定效果模型和多层生长曲线模型,分析了城乡家庭人均年收入的趋势、现状和特点,探讨了城乡家庭收入差异产生的原因。虽然在这16年间,城、乡家庭人均收入都有了很大的提高,但二者之间的差距在不断上升;在其他条件相同的情况下,城市家庭的人均收入明显超过郊区、集镇和乡村家庭的人均收入;家庭人均收入受地域、社区和家庭等多层次因素的制约。解决城乡之间家庭收入差距的出路包括积极扩大非农就业,加快城镇化步伐,改善社区的就业条件,加大农村地区的教育回报率。  相似文献   

This paper provides the methodology and results of a database of inequality indices for the fifty provinces and seventeen regions of Spain on the basis of the Household Budget Surveys for the years 1973/74, 1980/81 and 1990/91. The inequality indicators considered are the indices of Gini, Theil (0), Theil (1) and Atkinson (1), as well as the distribution by deciles of the population. These indicators are drawn up for three variables: total income, total expenditure, and exclusively monetary expenditure. The variables are also expressed in terms of households, per capita and per capita equivalent. All are available on the Internet (http://www.ivie.es).  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis on the expenditure behavior and children's welfare among female-headed households in Jamaica. Included in the examination of household composition are the demographic effects, endogeneity of total expenditure, the headship variable and the endogeneity of family structure. Using the 1989 Jamaican Survey of Living Conditions (SLC), expenditure estimation on over 100 goods for 3500 household was examined. This study utilized the Ordinary Least Square estimates, 2 SLC and endogeneity tests, and partnered and unpartnered household heads. Results for the demand for preventive health care were significant among older children in female-headed households, with a 4% increase in the probability of a check-up across all ages. This study presents a partial explanation of lower morbidity rates in female-headed households despite lower budget and total per capita expenditure levels. In conclusion, this study confirms the significant influence of sex and union status of the household head on household expenditure behaviors with implications for individual household members, with more positive outcomes among children despite differences in budget allocation and lower health expenditures.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the distribution of welfare gains due to the trade reforms in India by simultaneously considering the effect on prices of tradable goods and wages. The cost of consumption for each household is affected by the domestic price changes, while wage incomes adjust to these price changes in equilibrium. Three rounds of the Indian Employment and Consumption Surveys are used for the analysis. The price transmission mechanisms are estimated for both rural and urban areas to understand the extent to which the trade reforms are able to affect the domestic prices. In order to assess the distributional effects, a series of nonparametric local linear regressions are estimated. The findings show that households at all per capita expenditure levels had experienced gains as a result of the trade liberalization, while the average effect was generally pro-poor and varied significantly across the per capita expenditure spectrum.  相似文献   

This paper compares a standard expenditure-based poverty measure with a specifically created composite measure of deprivation using household survey data from South Africa. While there is a strong overall correlation between expenditures and levels of deprivation, the correlation is much weaker among the worst-off South Africans. In addition, the two measures differ considerably in the impact of race, headship, location (urban, rural), and household size on expenditure poverty versus deprivation. In general, the deprivation measure finds more Africans, rural dwellers, members of de facto female-headed households, and members of smaller households deprived than expenditure poor. Only the differences in the effect of household size on poverty are sensitive to assumptions about equivalence scales. As a result, the two measures diverge greatly in identifying the poorest and most deprived sections of the population, which may have considerable consequences for targeting.  相似文献   

顾佳峰 《经济地理》2012,32(4):38-43
根据Moran’s I检验发现,公共教育财政资源地区配置上存在显著空间自相关性,即邻近县之间在配置公共教育财政资源上会互相影响,存在策略性行动,表明县际竞争的存在。此外,县级竞争力强弱受到诸多因素的影响。人均GDP、第二产业劳动力人数、人均居住面积对县级人均教育经费总支出的影响是正面显著的,而少数民族人口比率的影响是负面显著,非农业人口比率的影响是倒U型关系,外省迁入人口和本地适龄人口的影响是非线性的。在估计方法上,空间误差模型比OLS模型要好。  相似文献   

This study examines whether membership in a savings and credit society (SACP) reduces vulnerability to poverty, using a representative survey from the National Savings and Financial Services Bank. The sample of households includes those that are and are not members of a SACP during 2004?2007. This evidence indicates that membership improves income; furthermore, membership decreases the variance in annual household per capita income. Both effects reduce the probability that somebody becomes poor. Finally, the results offer support for the proposition that households that join a SACP have better abilities to smooth consumption in the face of adverse shocks, and thus are less susceptible to shocks, than do households that are not members.  相似文献   

财政支出规模和结构反映了一个政府为实现其职能所进行的活动范围和公共政策的倾向。研究财政支出最重要的理论之一就是瓦格纳法则。本文使用2011年GFS和WDI数据库的截面数据,从政府财政支出总额及其构成验证了瓦格纳法则的成立,并通过国际比较,为优化我国财政支出结构提供建议。根据以往文献对瓦格纳法则的定义,笔者把政府财政支出占GDP比重对人均GDP(对数值)回归得到估计系数,称为瓦格纳法则系数,据此考察瓦格纳法则。回归结果显示,财政总支出的瓦格纳法则系数为371。这表明经济发展与财政总支出规模之间存在显著的正相关关系。换言之,财政总支出占GDP比重随着经济发展有上升的趋势。分项财政支出占GDP比重对人均GDP对数值的回归结果显示,人均GDP与医疗保健支出、教育支出和社会保护支出之间成正比关系,但与公共秩序和安全、住房和社区设施支出之间成反比。在此基础上,笔者计算了各分项财政支出对瓦格纳法则系数的贡献度,其中以社会保护支出的贡献度最大(7166%),经济事务支出贡献度最低(-738%)。研究表明,瓦格纳法则成立的主要原因是社会保护支出与经济发展之间的正向关系。  相似文献   

A Brazilian household survey, ENDEF, in 1974-75 and the 1974 Informacoes Basicas Municipais (IBM) provided data for the analysis of the impact of community services and infrastructure and household characteristics on the logarithm of child height, standardized for age and gender. The sample was comprised of 36,974 children stratified by residential location, the child's age, and the educational level of the mother. Variance and covariance matrices were estimated with the jackknife developed by Efron (1982). Household characteristics included the logarithm of per capita expenditure as a measure of household resource availability, income, and parental education. Community characteristics were local market price indices for 6 food groups (dairy products, beans, cereals, meat, fish, and sugar), level of urbanization, buildings with sewage, water, and electricity connections per capita, per capita number of buildings, and population density. Health services were measured as per capita number of hospitals and clinics and doctors and nurses, and the number of beds are hospital. Educational services include a measure of student teacher ratios, elementary school class size, and per capita number of teachers living in the community. the results show that expenditure had a positive, significant effect on the height of children 2 years and older. Expenditure was a significant determinant for literate and illiterate mothers, and not well educated mothers. The impact of maternal education was largest on the length of babies and declined with the age of the child. Father's education had not impact of length of babies. The effect of parents' education was complementary. The effect of father's education was largest when mothers had some education. Better educated parents had healthier children. Maternal rather than paternal height had an impact of the length of a baby. In the community models, prices had a significant effect on child height, in both urban and rural areas, in all age groups, and for all levels of maternal education. Higher prices were associated with shorter children. Joint price and expenditure interactions were significant. Children at the top of the expenditure distribution were more affected by some prices than by others. Capital building improvements alone and with expenditures were all positively associated with child height. Only nurses per capita impacted on child height.  相似文献   

政府支出通过资源的退出渠道和消费的转移渠道影响实际汇率.本文首先讨论政府支出对实际汇率影响的模型,利用协整的方法对现实的数据进行了检验,证明了中美两国相对政府非贸易品人均支出、相对政府人均支出和人民币实际汇率之间存在长期的稳定关系,然后利用误差修正模型对这三者的均衡方程做了估计,并得到了中美两国相对政府非贸易品人均支出、相对政府人均支出通过资源退出渠道和消费转移渠道对人民币实际汇率影响的长期效果.  相似文献   

1949—2019年,中国各省份经济总量不平等程度先下降后上升,在近十年的短周期内也呈现先下降后上升的态势;而人均实际GDP不平等程度则处于水平波动的状态,近年来呈现σ趋同态势,并在2019年出现β趋同的新迹象。创新能力较弱、政府债务率偏高和劳动人口占比偏低是当前落后地区增长动能匮乏的重要原因。研发支出、资本存量和就业规模是区域经济差距形成的主要原因,可以解释1999—2019年省级层面GDP差异的889%和人均GDP差异的591%,其中研发支出与就业规模是地区GDP总量分化的主因,研发支出与资本存量是地区人均GDP分化的主因。空间计量分析发现,中国区域经济增长的空间溢出效应显著存在,但研发支出、资本存量和就业规模的空间溢出效应存在明显区别,仅周边研发支出对地区经济增长存在正向空间溢出效应,并且东中西三大经济带的空间溢出效应存在一定差异。  相似文献   

人力资本在农民增收中的作用分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
笔者采用一个农业大省的农户调查资料,分析了农村人力资本在农民收入增长中的作用。结论表明,家庭劳动力平均受教育年限显著增加农民人均纯收入;有劳动力接受过相关技术培训的家庭,人均纯收入显著高于没有劳动力接受过技术培训的家庭;家庭接受过技术培训的劳动力数量增加可以显著提高农民人均纯收入水平。  相似文献   

This paper presents evidence that the spread between the marginal product of capital and the return on financial assets is much higher in poor than in rich countries. A model with costly intermediation is developed. In this economy, individuals choose at each instant whether to work or to operate a technology. Entrepreneurs finance their business with their own savings and, if necessary, by borrowing from banks. I find that in this framework intermediation costs are not equivalent to a tax on the return of capital. The equivalence fails because costly intermediation affects not only the capital accumulation decision but also the occupational choice decision. I show that intermediation costs have important effects on per capita output and average business size in the economy. I conclude that taxing financial intermediaries can be a very bad policy for development. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: E20, E60, O11, O16.  相似文献   

苏春江 《技术经济》2009,28(5):76-80,91
本文在测评城乡一体化程度的基础上,定量分析了财政支农投入和人均财政支出及其比值、农村人均全社会固定资产投资和人均全社会固定资产投资及其比值对城乡一体化程度的影响。分析结果显示,财政支农投入和人均财政支出及其比值等因素对城乡一体化程度的影响很大,现存问题是财政支农投入占财政支出比例低且呈下降趋势,总量水平也较低。最后,本文根据分析结果提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper reports the application of a quadratic expenditure system with demographic variables to the household consumption-leisure choice component of a household-firm model. A system of seven commodities is estimated: including five foods, non-food and leisure. Appropriate for such a level of disaggregation a demand system is used, the Quadratic Expenditure System, which allows for a flexible relationship between full income and commodity expenditures without sacrificing parsimony in parameters. Demographic data on households are explicitly incorporated into the model allowing for a richer specification than can be achieved by using per capita variables. The data are from a cross-section survey of households in rural Sierra Leone. Price variation exists by region, permitting estimation of a complete demand system. Engel curves are found to be significantly non-linear, with marginal expenditure on rice, the major staple, declining with higher income. Most foods are found to be reasonably price responsive with sizeable own price substitution effects, declining with higher income. Aggregate labor supply is found to be price inelastic.  相似文献   

Using microdata from Household Budget Surveys of the Member States of the European Community, this paper examines the sensitivity of poverty statistics with respect to the choice of the equivalence scale. The results show that the ranking of the countries with respect to the overall poverty incidence is hardly affected when different equivalence scales are used. However, the composition of the poor population shows considerable changes when e.g. subjective equivalence scales are used instead of the OECD equivalence scale. The poverty incidence among specific household groups, such as single elderly and households with children, is particularly sensitive to the choice of the equivalence scale.  相似文献   

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