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This study reviewed the research on international joint ventures (IJVs) in Africa up to 2017. The authors performed a systematic search of peer‐reviewed good‐quality research using the 6W procedure and ensured the quality of the review by using the 5Cs quality criteria. The content analysis was focused on four research questions. A total of 22 relevant studies were found. Overall, only about one‐third of the lead authors were affiliated with African universities. A majority of the studies were quantitative, and 78% of the studies were done for three countries: Ghana, Morocco, and Nigeria. There was either just one or no study on trust and conflict, partner selection, and human resource management (HRM). At the contextual level, it seems the most important factor influencing IJV strategy and success is institutions. We therefore suggest a greater use of institutional theory. Finally, we present a summary of conceptual framework and four propositions to guide future research.  相似文献   


This study explores South African managers' expectations of prospective South African-United States international joint ventures. One hundred and three middle level South African managers responded to a theory-based original survey questionnaire that included questions about various aspects of prospective US-South African joint ventures. US companies invest in South Africa to gain access to its market and South African companies get into joint ventures with US companies to tap into their financial resources. US government's imposed tariffs and South African government's administrative barriers seem to be the most crucial problems for the prospective joint ventures. Implications for international managers are offered.  相似文献   

China has emerged as an important partner for Africa. Not surprisingly, Chinese business and investment relations with Africa have been growing. This article contends that Africa offers a different proposition to Chinese business interests in non‐African developing economies. In this optic, it takes a “comparative” institution‐based view treating factors that determine Chinese multinationals' cross‐border merger and acquisition (CBMA) decisions as comparatively different for Africa to the rest of the developing world. From a panel data estimation of the number of Chinese CBMAs from 2007 to 2016, we find among market size, natural resources, strategic assets, labor productivity, and institutional governance, only natural resources and market size have a distinctive effect, with Chinese investors being more attracted to African natural resources than the African market. The drive for natural resources provides impetus for Chinese MNEs to choose CBMAs over greenfield investment, and through majority ownership to exercise control. Our inference is that Africa is “significantly” different from other developing regions, in terms of CBMAs, as Chinese multinationals have a strong motive to control access to natural resources.  相似文献   

Entry modes have impact on firms' performance in international markets. Using an organizational structural contingency perspective, we assert that firms with mechanistic structure can enhance their performance in international markets if they choose acquisitions as an entry mode. Mechanistic structure limits organizations' learning capability, which can be managed through acquisitions but not through other entry modes such as joint ventures. For managing limitations associated with the poor knowledge absorption capability of mechanistically structured organizations, firms should not follow the standard integration procedures associated with acquisitions aiming to achieve economies of scale or scope. Rather, they should provide corporate parenting advantage to the newly acquired unit by (a) granting complete autonomy and (b) contributing required resources for future growth, thus treating the acquired business as a strategic business unit. Since mechanistic structures are more common in emerging markets, we explain our perspective using illustrative caselets from these markets.  相似文献   

International business relationships are almost as old as mankind, but the idea that people needed to be educated to manage global business enterprises is less than 50 years old. The American Graduate School of International Management (Thunderbird), established in 1946 was the first school to provide languages, international studies, and business management as a basic education in international management. Business schools in America have been slow to realize and to promulgate courses and curriculums in the field. It has only been in the last ten years that the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business, composed of over 700 colleges and universities in the country, has become an advocate through a revision in its standards. After the words “and worldwide” were inserted in the AACSB standards of accreditation, international business education began to permeate the offerings of American business schools.  相似文献   

Acquisition is an important entry strategy for multinational enterprises (MNEs) seeking to gain faster entry into new and emerging markets and remain competitive in the global marketplace. MNEs utilize partial‐, staged‐, and full‐acquisition strategies when entering into foreign markets. This research analyzes how and why firms opt for these acquisition strategies in the context of Africa. The study applies institutional theory and explores constructs derived from the Uppsala internationalization process model. Using a case study of five Finnish acquisitions in Africa (Egypt, Morocco, Kenya, and South Africa), it was found that Finnish MNEs opt for partial acquisition rather than staged and full acquisition in the context of acquisitions made prior to late 1990s without earnout arrangements. Finnish MNEs opt for the choice of staged acquisition rather than partial and full acquisition in the contexts of mild regulatory framework in host countries and when the acquired firm business requires extensive improvements and the target host market structure is fragmented. Finnish MNEs opt for the choice of full acquisition rather than partial and staged acquisition in three contexts specifically: (1) when the acquiring Finnish MNE possesses host‐country capability, target‐specific experience, and ensures the retention of top management personnel of the acquired target; (2) when the size of the acquired target is relatively very small compared to the acquiring MNE; and (3) when the nature of the acquired firm business is well developed and the target host‐market structure is consolidating. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   


This paper examines international equity joint ventures (IJVs) in West Africa, presenting data from 45 British and French alliances with local partners in Ghana and Cote D'Ivoire. A comparison with prior studies finds remarkable consistency in the characteristics of IJVs between firms from DCs and LDCs in the following dimensions: motives, instability, asymmetry in equity distribution, frequency of government association, source of CEO, autonomy in management. Differences in IJVs between developed and less developed countries appear cursory rather than fundamental and focus on MNEs' dissatisfaction with IJV performance, the control relationship, and level of equity.  相似文献   

This article examines the welfare impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) in a panel of 20 African countries over the period 2000–2013. We explore the multifactor and nonmonetary measures of welfare and the nonlinear effect of FDI on welfare. We used the Driscoll and Kraay standard errors and augmented mean group (AMG) estimator by Eberhardt and Teal (2010) to account for cross‐sectional dependency, endogeneity, and heterogeneity within panel units. The results indicate that although FDI is welfare enhancing, the nonlinear terms report mixed findings. When a multifactor indicator is employed, the increase in the nonlinear term is lower than the linear part. However, there is strong evidence that FDI is ultimately welfare enhancing when a nonmonetary indicator is employed. From an international business perspective, the findings have unlocked the welfare effects of international business on African host economies. International businesses through FDI can enhance welfare in Africa countries. However, the optimal efficacy of FDI‐welfare impact differs across the various dimensions of welfare. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Expatriate assignees represent a critical node in most international organizations' networks, and exploring and documenting the experiences of these assignees is important from both the organizational and individual perspective. Subsumed under the theme “International Assignments and Global Careers,” this special issue of Thunderbird International Business Review brings together a complement of selected papers originally presented at the Seventh Conference on International Human Resource Management hosted at the University of Limerick in June 2003. This introduction briefly explores the contemporary context and rationale for the international assignment in order to frame and position the subsequent contributions, which deal with, among other things, knowledge transfer, recruitment, staffing, competencies, and structural specificities in international assignments and global careers. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study examines how Taiwanese firms engaging in various types of international joint ventures (IJVs) have performed in China, and how different types of market-focus affect IJVs’ performance. Based on the IJV classification scheme suggested by [Makino S., & Beamish P. W. (1998). Performance and survival of joint ventures with non-conventional ownership structures. Journal of International Business Studies, 29(4): 797–818], this study outlines and examines three categories of IJVs, according to partner nationality: Taiwan-Taiwan (T-T) JVs, Taiwan-Local (T-L) (China) JVs, and Taiwan-Foreign (T-F) (third-country) JVs. We propose two hypotheses, with associated sub-hypotheses, to examine the major effects of partner nationality on performance, as well as the moderating effects of local market-focus on the relationship between partner nationality and performance. Through the analysis of 236 Taiwanese JVs in China, we find that (1) T-L JVs perform better than T-T JVs and T-F JVs; (2) T-L JVs focusing on the local market do not perform better than those focusing on foreign markets; and (3) T-F JVs focusing on foreign markets perform better than those focusing on the local market.  相似文献   

This paper starts off from what seems to be a difficulty of ethics in African Business today. For several years now Transparency International has placed some African countries high on its list of most corrupt countries of the world. The conclusion one draws from this assessment is that either African culture has no regard or concern for ethics, or that there has been a gradual loss of the concept of the ethical and the moral in contemporary African society. Equally problematic is the teaching and promotion of Business ethics in organizations. Western philosophical theories and systems alone have not succeeded in providing access to ethical life of people in modern Africa. This paper is an attempt to inject an orientation that takes into account African manners and customs, their religious convictions and their understanding of the world as a whole, in the teaching of Business Ethics. East and Central Africa have been selected due to their common lingua franca, Kiswahili, and the fact that the author has more teaching experience within that region.  相似文献   


This paper reviews a survey of 800 business leaders and civil servants in Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. Like most African countries, these eight countries have undertaken governance reforms over the past decade, trying to include a wider range of views expressed by organized interest groups in the formulation of economic and commercial policies. This survey aimed to learn how business and government leaders perceive those recent governance reforms.

First, do managers and civil servants see local trade associations successfully representing the broader business point of view with decision makers, and keeping their members informed of current and proposed public policies? Second, to what extent do perceived principal/agent tensions divide companies from “their” business associations? Third, how does industry structure affect perceptions of business association perfor mance? A fourth issue is whether perceptions exist of “bureaucratic capture” or of excessive state power over business associations in the sample countries.

Most respondents see major problems with governance, though across countries they report the impression of improvement and expect further gains. This raises the risk of unmet expectations should the pace of reform slacken. Business associations are reported to work reasonably well as policy advocates for better governance. They are seen as doing a fair job of keeping members updated on the policy environment. There was little difference in opinion between larger and smaller companies, and surprising overlap between the public and private sectors. These findings are grounds for wary optimism about business-government relations in the region.

Progress will not occur automatically, however. Companies in Africa need to redouble their government relations and policy advocacy activities. The region's industry and trade associations are promising vehicles for expressing the interests of the business community.  相似文献   

Given the large size and rapid growth of foreign direct investment in China, the subject of ownership preference is of great interest to academics as well as to firms intending to invest in China. This study focuses on two sets of variables: industry-specific factors and venture-specific factors. Statistical tests based on information of 818 international joint ventures (IJVs) in China show that duration and scale of IJVs are positively associated with the level of foreign ownership. Industry-specific factors such as skill intensity, market concentration, market potentials, and foreign business agglomerations also positively influence the ownership preference of foreign firms, while local industry R and D intensity and productivity are found to be significant but negatively associated with the ownership preference.  相似文献   

There has been a marked increase in the internationalization activities of African firms over the last two decades or so, resulting in the emergence of regional challenger firms that are aggressively competing with foreign multinationals in terrains historically dominated by the latter. However, our understanding of this phenomenon is limited, as empirical research examining the nature of internationalization of African firms is scarce, and research directly investigating drivers, outcomes, and boundary conditions of the internationalization of African firms is lacking. The goal of this special issue, therefore, is to contribute to the scholarly understanding of the increasingly prevalent internationalization of African firms. This guest editorial provides a summary of the six articles in this special issue, and highlights three broad thematic issues: internationalization opportunities for African firms (accelerated private‐sector development and regional integration, and ability to overcome institutional voids); internationalization challenges (global competitiveness challenges, limited management and cross‐cultural capabilities, and overcoming the liability of Africanness); and internationalization risks (losing focus on home markets and over‐internationalization).  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been considerable pressure on corporations doing business in South Africa to divest and withdraw from that country. While this moral view espouses withdrawal, this article seeks to provide insight into the practical consequences of divestment. One of the questions addressed is how does foreign divestment affect Black South Africans, those who are supposed to benefit from a divestment policy. Paul Lansing is Associate Professor of Business Law. Previous articles have appeared in the New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, Harvard International Law Journal, The International Lawyer, The Journal of Corporation Law and others Sarosh Kuruvilla is a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Iowa.  相似文献   

This article examines the employment of positioning strategies through the lens of international retailing for assessing congruence in the positioning of both indigenous and foreign retailers in Ghana. Six retailers—three indigenous and three foreign—are examined in a triangulated method, each through an in‐depth case study. The results show that the dominant positioning strategies consistently pursued by both indigenous and foreign retailers in Ghana are “service,” “reliability,” and “attractiveness.” Although indigenous retailers (relative to their foreign counterparts) employ more strategies, the majority of foreign retailers exhibit close‐to‐ideal congruence among managers' intentions, actual practice, and customers' perceptions. The findings show that foreign and indigenous retailers pursue varying positioning strategies in the marketplace, further complementing the utility of Western‐developed typologies of positioning strategies in a sub‐Saharan African marketplace. Moreover, the results reveal how indigenous retailers have embraced branding, further attesting to the changing and competitive nature of the Ghanaian marketplace.  相似文献   

The commentaries in this issue raise many insightful questions and considerations regarding the Livanis and Geringer (Thunderbird International Business Review, 2023, 64) study and we address a few of these. In particular, we focus on the following five areas: (i) the relationship of international business (IB) publications with the English language, (ii) resource constraints and IB research, (iii) institutional rewards and IB research, (iv) methodological considerations in evaluating IB research productivity, and (v) opportunity costs of pursuing a Ph.D. and IB research and publication.  相似文献   


This purpose of the research was to examine how entrepreneurs experience and deal with ethical dilemmas. In so doing, the author also uncovered some interesting aspects of entrepreneurial life in South Africa. This was a phenomenological study, based on interviews with seven entrepreneurs in established service-oriented ventures. For the purposes of this research, an entrepreneur was defined as a person who has created something of value and assumed the risk of establishing and managing a business around it. Each of the participating entrepreneurs was asked to describe their business, any dilemmas they've experienced, how they were handled, and what challenges they experience as an entrepreneur in South Africa today. This paper focuses on how entrepreneurs in South Africa view the challenges facing them. These include overcoming the legacies of apartheid, containing crime, fostering an acceptable business ethic, dealing with diversity, and facilitating reconciliation between ethnic groups.  相似文献   

Over the past 50 years, cooperative forms of governance such as equity joint ventures and other strategic alliances have received tremendous attention in international business and management research. This article traces the history of this research over these past five decades with particular emphasis on the critical role that (Columbia) Journal of World Business has played in disseminating scholarly and managerial expertise on the successful management of cross-border, inter-firm collaboration. We highlight the evolution of interest in different contexts, phenomena, theories, and methodologies, along with the factors that have driven interest in these topics. Several suggestions for future research are also provided.  相似文献   

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