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We study the effects of the announcements of ECB asset purchases and of financial stability measures in the euro area in the wake of the global financial crisis and the euro area sovereign debt crisis on 10-year government bond term premia in 11 euro area countries. We find that the term premia of euro area countries with higher sovereign risk, as measured by sovereign CDS spreads, decreased more in response to the announcements of asset purchases and financial stability measures. Term premia of countries with lowest sovereign risk either increased as in Germany, or were not significantly affected or fell slightly, as in the Netherlands and Finland.  相似文献   

政府生命周期模型--对公共政策理论基础的重新阐释   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
魏凤春 《财经研究》2005,31(11):69-78
文章以财政的视角,在一个契约的框架内通过对穷人、富人以及代理人集团博弈的财政过程的描述建立了政府生命周期模型.在此基础上对公共政策的理论基础进行了重新阐释,得出了公共政策的实质是权利分配、政府通常偏好短期政策操作、公共政策多是"穷则思变"的结果、权威在公共政策施行中起着独特作用的结论.本模型在还政府行为本来面目的同时,可以扩展到对企业家生命周期和对经济史上制度变迁的研究中.  相似文献   

刘婷 《经济经纬》2007,(3):147-149
经济全球化和保险国际化时代的到来,使我国寿险市场发生了巨变,竞争也日趋激烈.但是我国的人寿保险企业市场营销观念的落后、险种创新的缺乏以及营销渠道的单一等市场营销策略的问题都使得寿险公司无法承受国际化这个背景下的挑战.只有改变营销观念,加快产品创新,拓宽营销渠道,改善营销服务,对现有的营销战略进行不断的调整和完善,才有可能保证我国寿险公司的可持续发展.  相似文献   

我国寿险公司的利率风险及防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于法律不健全、制度不完善、监管体制弱化等原因,我国人寿保险产品基本是利率敏感型的产品,这使得产品极易受国家宏观经济环境的影响,致使寿险公司形成了利率风险.具体来说,防范与化解利率风险的途径是,加快寿险产品转型步伐;加强资产负债匹配管理;建立自动调节机制;设立专项准备金.  相似文献   

本文运用Panel data模型实证检验衍生品的使用对美国寿险上市公司价值和业绩的直接效应,结果证明了衍生品运用之于寿险公司价值及业绩的正面效应,从而为我国衍生产品市场推出之后放开对寿险企业的投资准入提供了正面的实证依据。  相似文献   

文章采用2001-2005年中国寿险公司的非平衡面板数据,从微观领域实证研究了中国寿险业市场结构、市场竞争行为、市场绩效之间的关系及"入世"对上述关系的影响。实证结果表明,现阶段我国寿险公司产业组织中,市场份额与竞争努力程度负相关,而市场份额和竞争努力程度均与寿险公司经营绩效正相关。"入世"促使我国寿险公司间的无序竞争向有序竞争转变,对寿险公司经营绩效具有积极作用。  相似文献   

房地产抵押是一种重要的融资和信用方式,通过抵押房地产保险转移风险和寻求经济补偿,应当引起抵押人的足够重视。该保险有其本身的特点,其保险标的是抵押房地产、适用的法律是《保险法》、保险险种是商品房抵押贷款保险、住房抵押贷款综合保险、保险合同条款有别与一般保险合同。抵押房地产保险这一新兴保险险种,不论是在险种设立,还是在合同条款的确定以及合同的履行上,都有待于在实践中作进一步的探索和不断完善。在抵押房地产保险方面法律、法规尚未建立、健全的情况下,抵押当事人应当审慎对待抵押房地产的保险问题。  相似文献   

本文以新疆1980年-2008年的财产保险保费收入、人身保险保费收入和GDP数据的对数值为依据,进行实证分析。通过分析认为,新疆财产保险发展、人身保险发展与经济增长存在正相关关系;新疆财产保险业发展与经济增长存在协整关系,而人身保险与经济增长不存在协整关系;短期内财产保险、寿险都不是经济增长的Granger原因,但经济增长却是财产保险和寿险发展的Granger原因,而从长期来看,寿险的增长可能是经济增长的Granger原因。  相似文献   

当购买死亡保险时,投保人需要选择投保的期限。以平均收益与风险的和为目标函数,讨论了在给定年龄x和安全载荷p的条件下,如何选择投保期限才能使得目标函数达到最大值。同时,利用数值计算结果讨论了年龄对最优投保期限的影响。  相似文献   

Mark F. Owens 《Applied economics》2013,45(13):1603-1619
Before 1996, households were typically ineligible for welfare if they had assets worth more than $1000, where $1500 from each vehicle's value was excluded from this determination. However, the 1996 welfare reform act began allowing states to increase their asset limits and vehicle exclusions. This may prompt low-income households to reallocate resources to or from vehicles. We examine the effects of state vehicle asset rules on vehicle assets. Results show that liberalizing asset rules increases vehicle assets and that this increase is driven largely by eligible individuals increasing vehicle assets, with no evidence indicating that ineligible individuals reduce vehicle assets to become eligible.  相似文献   

在假定寿险产品定价利率固定,准备金评估利率基于长期国债收益率且符合Vasicek模型等前提下,该模型适合我国目前的长期国债收益率。然后推导出随机利率下全离散型寿险责任准备金评估公式,并以Vasicek模型为例,使用蒙特卡罗模拟方法计算出准备金分布,同时对准备金在利率波动条件下的充足性做出分析。  相似文献   

货币政策中介目标是货币政策体系中的重要组成部分,合适的货币中介目标对保持国民经济持续稳定增长具有重要意义。采用基于ARDL模型的协整分析方法,对货币中介目标与中国国民经济增长的关系进行了深入研究,发现通货膨胀率对国民收入的影响幅度最大、货币供应量对国民收入的影响次之,而利率对国民收入的影响相对较小。认为在目前条件下,我国应从过于强调货币供应量指标,转向综合利用多种金融变量来指导货币政策的操作,但在将来市场体系完善后,可考虑采用通货膨胀作为货币政策中介目标。  相似文献   

Although many industries have benefited from advances in data-driven technology, education is making small steps in capitalizing on the huge potential of data systems. Since 2005, the U.S. Federal Government has been making large grants to help states build statewide longitudinal data systems (SLDS) with the goal of improving programme and teacher evaluation and engage in data-driven decision-making. We analyse whether the introduction of SLDSs improved student performance, measured using test scores for math and reading tests for 4th and 8th graders, as well as high school graduation rates. We find no effects of SLDSs on student performance up to 10 years from implementation. However, we find suggestive evidence that these systems may have long-run effects, emphasizing the long-run nature of educational data collection and policy analysis.  相似文献   

本文旨在从战略管理的理论与实务操作两个层面,结合实地调研,对目前部分地市级寿险公司在发展战略的认识、制定、实施三个层面存在的问题与不足进行深入思考,并尝试提出“两个加强、一个创新”的初步设想,以期促进地市级寿险公司树立对发展战略的正确认识,提高制定、实施发展规划的能力,激发发展动力,从而实现公司业务发展的新突破。  相似文献   

中国森林保险政府介入模式研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章在对国内外现有的森林保险的政府介入模式进行总结、分析的基础上,提出了适合我国未来发展的政府介入森林保险模式,为政府有限支持型介入模式。文章认为通过森林保险制度模式与保险技术创新,可有效解决森林保险难问题。  相似文献   

针对当前行政事业单位在国有资产管理方面存在的问题,要克服重采购轻管理、重货币轻实物的思想,健全和完善一系列适合本单位国有资产管理的各项规章制度;建立国有资产损失追究制度,克服体制上的障碍;坚持实行"收支两条线"管理,按照政府非税收入管理的规定,将国有资产处置收入及时、足额上缴财政专户;改革现行的行政事业单位固定资产计价折旧制度,建立科学合理的固定资产计价体系,使固定资产账面价值与实际价值相符;在日常监管方面,充分发挥内部审计部门对国有资产的监督职能,建立健全科学合理的国有资产监督管理责任制.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this paper is to study the interaction between monetary policy, asset prices, and the cost of capital. In particular, we explore this issue in a setting where individuals face idiosyncratic risk. Incomplete information also provides a transactions role for money so that monetary policy can be studied. In contrast to standard monetary growth models which focus on the transmission of monetary policy to the demand for capital goods, we incorporate a separate capital goods sector so that the supply response to monetary policy is taken into account. Consequently, in contrast to the standard monetary growth model, monetary policy plays an important role in investment activity through the relative price of capital goods. Moreover, different sources of productivity can affect the degree of risk sharing. Although the optimal money growth rate falls in response to an increase in productivity in either sector of the economy, monetary policy should react more aggressively to the level of productivity in the capital sector.  相似文献   

中国寿险业利率风险的实证分析及其情景测试   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从实证的角度分析了我国近几年来的降息对寿险业负债的影响。定量刻画了寿险业准备金对利率风险的暴露程度,在此基础上,参照美国保险监督官协会采用的现金流量测试方法,对我国某保险公司1999年末的资产负债状态进行了情景分析与应力测试,结果证明我国寿险业目前风险管理绩效尚可,但仍需进一步完善。  相似文献   

The conglomerate organizational structure of health insurers suggests two distinct methods of product diversification – the first is firm-level diversification, or diversification within individual affiliates, and the second is conglomerate-level diversification, or diversification across affiliates of the conglomerate. We hypothesize that using both firm- and conglomerate-level diversification may magnify the costs or benefits of diversification on the financial performance of the conglomerate. Our results confirm this hypothesis and suggest a positive relation between health insurer financial performance and the use of both product line diversification methods. Our results not only contribute to the body of literature related to corporate diversification but are also important to policymakers and all health insurance market participants as portions of the Affordable Care Act continue to be implemented.  相似文献   

我国将于2012年通过购买力平价换算GDP参与国际比较项目(ICP),人民币购买力平价在长期内是否成立是我国能否顺利参与这一项目的关键。在中外购买力平价(PPP)实证研究的基础上,选择三变量模型,对1950~2009年间人民币汇率及其中美CPI年度数据进行实证检验。旨在为我国参与ICP提供理论上的支持。  相似文献   

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