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The call for a special symposium on ‘The Brand and Its History’ has led to two journal issues that focus on trademarks and brands, respectively. This issue is devoted to trademarks, the more concrete, well-documented, and measurable aspect of brands. This editorial introduces trademark studies; summarises previous contributions from economic, legal, business, and historical literature; provides a short overview of the topics and findings of the seven articles included in this issue; and reflects on further research.  相似文献   


Drawing on a variety of sources, this article investigates the emergence and expansion of branding in the international olive oil markets prior to World War II. It documents the rapid growth of the world trade in packaged olive oil from the 1870s onwards and shows that the main destinations of this consumer-ready product were in the Americas. In this respect, it complements previous findings based on the use of trademark registration figures. The article then argues that the expansion of canned and branded olive oil exports to the New World was the result of three interconnected factors: the mass migration of southern Europeans in the late nineteenth century and the formation of a new market on the other side of the Atlantic; significant transformations in the commodity chain of the product in the Americas during the first third of the twentieth century; and the problems of quality uncertainty and fraud in the emerging New World markets for olive oil. By analysing these factors, this study also provides evidence to further the debate on the purpose of branding and modern marketing.  相似文献   


The concept paper adopts a positioning type for the purpose of branding services in a transitioning economy. The consumer-based typology is deemed appropriate and relevant as it represents consumer expectations, reflecting the paper’s key argument that consumer-based positioning strategies are appropriate for branding purposes. Consequently, the paper adopts a positioning type for illustrative purpose. The three positioning strategies adopted were—‘service reliability’, ‘social responsibility’, and ‘branding’ apply to the Ghanaian context. The ‘service reliability’ strategy has a ‘universal’ appeal and is the most prevalent in application. The ‘social responsibility’ to a large extent reflects the caring and community-based nature of the Ghanaian society, whilst the ‘branding’ strategy appears more applicable to international than local firms. The paper contributes to theoretical knowledge in its key assertion that the application of consumer-based positioning strategies for branding is appropriate and beneficial. Practically, the derived propositions will guide the manager in decision making on branding.  相似文献   

The study investigated the effects of three cultural variables – country of employment, race/ethnicity and religion – on managerial views of profit and 15 other business priorities. In total, 203 responses were obtained (120 randomly and 83 by quota) from executives and managers belonging to either of two race/ethnic groups (Caucasian and Chinese) and three religious denominations (Christian, Buddhist and Malay Muslim) located in three different countries (Australia, Singapore and Malaysia). Findings indicated that these three different cultural variables affected (to varying degrees) the attitudes of managers towards profit and other related business concerns. Managers working in Malaysia, the Malay Muslims and Caucasians in particular, had the highest regard for profit whilst those employed in Australia were found, on the whole, to be the most (socially) considerate toward their employees, customers and environment. This study pointed to the need for cultural ethics as a complementary function in business. After majoring in Psychology and Sociology in the Bachelor of Arts (Multidisciplinary) Program at Victoria University, I went on to do my Master of Arts in Applied Social Research at Monash University. With these given areas of specializations and with the support of a scholarship from Victoria University, I was able to complete my doctoral studies in business ethics and foreign labour employment in 2006.  相似文献   

During the past quarter of a century, Asia has risen to become the world's factory. This trend has, however, coincided with the relative decline in value of manufacturing compared to other value adding activities, including R&D, design, and branding. This significant “value shift” has eroded the margins of manufacturing firms and sparked considerable interest among executives in Asia to design, brand, and market their own products. To date, though, this transition from being manufacturing oriented to becoming brand owners has largely only been accomplished by Japanese and Korean firms. In the rest of Asia—including in the rising giants of China and India—there are very few valuable brands. In fact, there is not a single Asian brand from a country other than Japan and Korea in Interbrand's 2008 valuation of the world's top 100 brands. Our article discusses, in depth, the challenges that Asian manufacturing firms encounter as they try to become “branders” and how these challenges can be overcome. Based on our collaboration spanning academia and consulting, we have been able to tap a wealth of information made available through research, case studies, and Interbrand's database of completed brand related assignments across Asia.  相似文献   

Through a discourse-analytic case study, this paper traces the socio-historical development of Singapore to examine how the branding trajectory and discourse of Singapore’s university sector from the 1990s to the present day have been shaped by an evolving local and transnational discursive-ideological landscape. It provides an empirical demonstration of the unfolding of the logic of neoliberal marketization seen across the globe, but here, particularly, as instantiated in Singapore and its university landscape, played out in and through the lexicogrammatical features and visual semiotic choices that constitute the universities’ branding discourse. The paper shows that particular brands at the intersections of marketing and state/capital regulation are effective barometers of political ethos, governance and direction in the context of a strong state simultaneously subject to a broader neoliberal governmentality, as well as sites where (shifting) relations of power and negotiations of identity play out in times of sociocultural change and ideological contention.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2013,56(5):583-589
Marketers may increase the chance of success for a new product launch by using a sub-brand name and a parent brand name simultaneously. In this article, we report the successful case of using two brand names—dual branding strategy—by practitioners in China for the Minute Maid Orange Pulp juice drink launch. A suggestive sub-brand name helps consumers recall the key benefits and features of the new product. A suggestive parent brand name communicates the benefits of the product category. A dual branding strategy addresses the problem of using only one brand name for a new product launch. After the successful launch of the first new product by a parent brand, marketers are able to launch other new products under other sub-brand names in the future to meet different consumer needs. Marketers may use the same parent brand to introduce different products to build scale for the brand, and are able to clearly differentiate the different product offerings under different sub-brand names. If a company acquires a brand from another company, a marketer may position the acquired brand as a sub-brand under the parent brand if the marketer has defined the business scope of the parent brand broadly enough and with a suggestive parent brand name.  相似文献   

Consumers increasingly consider private labels to be as good as national brands. This research raises the question of whether national brands and private labels equally affect consumers’ sensory perceptions and purchase intentions. The results of two studies show that consumers reverse their evaluation of private labels (vs. national brands) when tasting the product in an informed (vs. blind) condition. When consumers are not aware of brand names, they indicate better taste and higher purchase intentions for private labels. However, the opposite is true when they try products in an informed condition. We discuss the implications for private labels and national brands.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(6):892-911
In 1913 Otto Mønsted A/S, Denmark's leading margarine manufacturer, acquired a majority share in Fennia, a small and insignificant Finnish margarine company. The Danish company had extensive knowledge of all functional aspects of margarine, and had up to 1909 been a dominant player in the British margarine industry. In spite of the massive international experience that had been accumulated by Otto Mønsted A/S the Finnish venture turned into a disaster, because for all their experience the Danish managers committed an impressive range of failures. The work of N. Nohria and S. Ghoshal is applied to the case, and a theoretically consistent analysis is provided. The conclusion of the paper is that the analytical framework of Nohria and Ghoshal serves well in this respect. It is further shown that value-added chain analysis is useful in linking functional failures to a corporate governance perspective. In the final resort, World War I killed off the experiment, but it was doomed anyway. Almost 100 years have passed, but today managers have lessons to learn from this event.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2023,66(3):371-385
Sustainability is high on the strategic agenda and is here to stay. While some companies have been sustainable since inception, others are repositioning themselves to be associated with sustainability values. In both situations, communicating about sustainability is key but requires delicate handling to avoid misleading perceptions. Authenticity and emotions are therefore key dimensions of sustainability communication, which match with strategic storytelling elements. Storytelling is discussed in this article as a powerful mechanism to bring about the desired change in individuals, communities, organizations, and society. Drawing from the literature on storytelling, we present, discuss, and illustrate a framework with four strategic elements for companies that want to be successful with sustainability storytelling, which we refer to as the 4 A’s: Aim (the “why” of the story), Actors (actively engaging stakeholders and associating with partners), Aspiration (using an aspirational context), and Action (using the right media to bring your story to life). We also emphasize that a holistic approach is key to doing sustainability storytelling the right way. We conclude with general recommendations that managers must consider when conducting sustainability storytelling.  相似文献   

随着世界经济全球化进程的加快和中国加入世界贸易组织(WTO),我们与世界各国的商品交流也更加广泛。国内外厂家无一不在积极调整各自的经营战略和市场方向,以便在国际市场竞争中胜出,得到较大的份额。在参与国际市场竞争时,大家都面对一个问题,即如何将自己的商品更好地介绍给目标市场的消费。好的商品如果要顺利出  相似文献   

Many projects are currently conducted in international businesses in which cultural issues play an important role. In‐depth analysis of the risks associated with the unknown of this type of issues offers companies a better understanding of how to focus their marketing tools to be more effective, and provides project managers with strategies to improve customer relationships. Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions and Meyer's Culture Map have demonstrated that every society possesses distinguishing features. These cultural theories serve as foundation for including the category of culture in a proposed Cultural Risk Breakdown Structure. Through a literature review, risks associated with cultural differences are identified in projects executed in Africa, China, and the Middle East. By linking these risks to cultural dimensions, it is possible to identify the psychological competences framework in international businesses. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to create not only a comprehensive record of these risks but also a list of the new skills and competences that project managers must possess to improve client satisfaction and make decisions in a cross‐cultural environment. By considering the association between psychological aspects and cultural issues, this analysis will be of considerable benefit for improving relationships in international contexts.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the core international business (IB) areas covered by ten IB-focused journals to date using 13,937 documents reflecting more than 300 years of combined publication history. Using bibliometric and citation analysis, it provides a systematic understanding of the current IB landscape, explicates the relevance of the future of IB research and depicts trends in this research field with emerging prevalent themes identified. The strongest themes across IB journals are performance, perspective and emerging economies/MNEs, shared strongly across UK/Europe, US and Asia-based journals. Our findings report on the prevalent research field, economy and geography, the latter analyzing the impact of author numbers and distribution, and thus, scale effects. Within this context, sole authorships are largely replaced by co-authorships, yet often on national level. We further limited the study to IB policy and found the focus centers on key themes of foreign business attraction, transnational governance and IB promotion.  相似文献   

基于盐文化的自贡城市餐饮品牌塑造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
康珺 《江苏商论》2011,(9):34-36
以城市文化为核心打造城市餐饮品牌,是目前国内外各大城市对外提升影响力、对内凝练文化内涵的发展新战略。其植根于城市发展历史,将城市特有的文化元素与饮食业紧密结合,形成独具一格的餐饮品牌,彰显鲜明的城市形象。四川省自贡市被誉为千年盐都,盐文化作为自贡城市文化的代表,成为了自贡城市餐饮品牌的重要组成符号。以盐文化为核心塑造自贡独具特色的城市餐饮品牌,作为自贡对外开放的形象新名片,对增强城市核心竞争力,弘扬地方美食文化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Upon the invitation of the Hemant Merchant (Editor, Strategic Management and International Business Division) I have reviewed the development of international business (IB) scholarship in Canada and related this to my own research conducted while I was a faculty member at the University of Winnipeg 1970–79, Concordia University 1979–80, Dalhousie University 1980–87, and the University of Toronto 1987–98. I have developed a retrospective analysis of four key thematic areas of research that are specifically relevant in a Canadian context. Copyright © 2008 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

资源、地理、人文和历史等方面的差异催生了各具特色的区域商业文化,区域商业文化又导致了区域间经济发展中的巨大差异。因此,商业文化的产生、影响因素和衍变过程成为理论界和实务界的研究热点。文章选择两个商业文化颇具特色的省份——浙江省和山东省,就两个省份在商业文化的形成、商帮特点、儒家文化对传统和新鲁浙商业文化的影响进行了比较分析,阐述了鲁浙两省商业文化的异同、优劣势及其作用效果,提出了优化鲁浙商业文化的若干对策建议,以期为我国商业文化尤其是鲁浙商业文化创新提供一定借鉴。  相似文献   

试论国际市场营销环境中的文化因素及其作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈延庆 《商业研究》2000,(9):113-115
传统观念认为,市场营销特别是国际市场营销是一种经济活动,经济因素是唯一的决定因素。但是,文化因素在国际市场营销中更起着非常重要的作用,使文化的构成要素在国际市场营销活动中有各自的影响和作用。  相似文献   

For many decades global business was considered the preserve of large multinationals and traditional international business theory was developed to explain the behaviour of these firms. However, increasingly there is a realization that the small entrepreneurial firm has an important role to play in international business especially given that there are strong globalization pressures that both pull and push the small firm into international markets to ensure its very survival. On the questions of how and why international business takes place, several theoretical approaches have been developed that appear to run parallel to each other. However, this paper posits that the point of convergence is international entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

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