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This paper analyzes contract choices and the effectiveness of consumer protection policies when firms can offer voluntary add-on insurance for their products. We develop a model in which a base product can be sold together with a voluntary extended warranty contract that insures consumers against the risk of product breakdown. Some consumers do not pay attention to extended warranties before making base product choices, but overestimate the value of such warranties at the point of sale. Under retail competition, the consumers’ option to buy multiple base products can endogenously create a base price floor that may prevent firms from redistributing the full warranty profits via loss-leadership. Inducing competition in the warranty market weakly increases consumer welfare and weakly outperforms a minimum warranty standard, which can even reduce consumer surplus. The results are consistent with the effects of recent changes regarding extended warranty regulation by UK legislators.  相似文献   

Numerous products are sold with a warranty period and the possibility of buying an extended warranty for a given additional cost. The buyer has then to decide to take the extended warranty or not when purchasing the product. We develop in this paper a mathematical model to study the opportunity provided by the extended warranty for the buyer as well as for the manufacturer. The total average cost incurred by each side during the product’s life cycle is expressed in order to determine the maximum extra cost the consumer should pay and the minimum price at which the manufacturer should sell the extended warranty. This is done under different options in terms of maintenance strategies adopted during the product’s lifecycle.  相似文献   

A majority of consumer products is associated with some type of warranty. The nature and extent of the warranty affect the sales, market share, costs and profits of many businesses. A warranty can be defined as an assurance from a seller to a buyer that the product sold is guaranteed to perform satisfactorily up to certain length of time, which is the warranty period. In case of product failure within the warranty period, it is assumed that the seller will conform to a rebate policy. In this paper the rebate policy is selected to be linear pro-rata or lump sum. The paper investigates warranty programs that offer customers the option to renew warranty, after an initial period, for a certain premium. The effect of such programs on market share and warranty costs is explored.  相似文献   

This paper presents the effects of a free-repair warranty on a periodic replacement policy with a discrete time process. Considering a repairable product that should be operational at the time over an indefinitely long operation cycle n (n=1, 2, …), under the discrete-time periodic replacement policy, a product is preventively replaced at pre-specified operation cycles N, 2N, 3N, … (N=1, 2, …). When the product fails, a minimal repair is performed at the time of failure, and the failure rate is not disturbed by each repair. The cost models from the customers' perspectives are developed for both warranted and non-warranted products. The corresponding optimal replacement period N? is derived such that the long-run expected cost rate is minimized. Under the assumption of the discrete time increasing failure rate, the existence and uniqueness of the optimal replacement period are shown, and the impact of a free-repair warranty on the optimal periodic replacement policies is investigated analytically. The optimal N* for a warranted product should be adjusted toward the end of the warranty period. Finally, numerical examples are demonstrated for the optimal policy illustration and verification. The observations from the numerical results provide valuable information for a buyer (user) to adjust the optimal periodic replacement policy if a product is operating in discrete time under a free-repair warranty.  相似文献   

When introducing new products to market, firms often leverage marketing signals in an effort to increase perceptions of product quality. While prior research mostly focuses on marketing‐controlled signals that firms can directly influence to affect consumer perceptions of product quality, the proliferation of nonmarketing‐controlled signals in the form of third‐party product reviews introduces a new layer of complexity to a consumer's inference process. Given the fact that propagation of marketing signals and third‐party reviews has made the marketplace more interactive, it is no longer diagnostic to analyze the impact of various quality signals on consumer perceptions, separately. The purpose of this study is twofold. There has been extant research on the individual effects of marketing‐controlled signals on quality perception, but research providing a simultaneous examination of multiple signals is scarce. The first purpose is to examine interaction effects between various marketing signals on consumer perceptions of quality. Firms may be able to control the communication strategy of internal signals (e.g., price, advertising), but third‐party signals are external to the firm, and hence are often perceived as being more credible and less biased than marketing signals. Despite the popularity of third‐party product reviews, there is scarce empirical research about how they impact perceptions in the presence of marketing‐controlled quality signals. Thus, the second purpose is to examine the interaction effects between marketing signals and independent third‐party reviews on perceived product quality. This study advances existing models of market signaling to account for the potential interactions between various types of quality signals. Hypotheses are tested using a longitudinal data set comprising all car brands that have existed in the U.S. automotive industry between 1990 and 2007. The automotive industry provides an ideal context for the analyses as quality is an indispensable yet not easily discernible attribute of cars. Furthermore, consumer perceptions of the quality of new vehicle introductions can have a profound effect on product performance. Data are compiled from various secondary sources, including Harris Interactive's Equitrend, Consumer Reports, and TNS Media Intelligence, among others. Econometric techniques are used to estimate the empirical model. Findings show that effects of quality signals are codependent such that third‐party quality ratings reduce the effectiveness of pricing and advertising, whereas they enhance the credibility of warranty signal. Furthermore, warranty positively interacts with price and advertising. It is also demonstrated that car sales in the previous period and the country of origin of the car brand significantly impact perceived quality. Overall, the research findings can help car manufacturers better understand how their initial product configurations and marketing strategies impact the perception of new vehicle introductions.  相似文献   

Although previous research has investigated the concept and contents of new product performance, there is still no consensus about the managerial decisions that constitute a launch strategy and how such decisions impact new product performance. The research objective for the present investigation is to assess the impact of launch strategy and market characteristics on new product performance and to test the stability of this impact across consumer and industrial products. Data were collected on 272 consumer and industrial new products in The Netherlands through a mail questionnaire approach. We based our definition of a launch strategy on an extensive literature review and interviews with managers. Our conceptualization of new product performance represented two dimensions, namely, market acceptance and product performance. The market acceptance dimension reflects the new product's market position and sales levels. The product performance dimension refers to the quality and technical performance level of the new product. This richer specification of the dependent variable provides a better view on which launch decisions impact which dimensions of new product performance. The impact of launch strategy was higher for market acceptance than for product performance, overall and for both consumer and industrial subsamples separately. In line with results from recent studies, overall, market acceptance is influenced by the product's innovativeness, timing of market entry, breadth of assortment, branding, pricing, the objective of increasing market penetration, and competitor reactions. Product performance is influenced by the product's innovativeness, breadth of assortment, and by the objective of using an existing market. Analyzing the consumer and industrial products separately showed that the general picture of launch decisions and their impact on the dependent variables was comparable across the total sample and both subsamples, indicating that heterogeneous samples in new product launch research may not cause major interpretation problems. Second, the analyses revealed that some launch decisions are more important in attaining new product success for consumer products than for industrial products, and vice versa. While these decisions do not lead to contradicting results in the samples, they show that some decisions may be especially relevant for only consumer or industrial products. We discuss research and managerial implications of the results.  相似文献   

In this research, we develop and test a model of the consumer's decision to immediately purchase a technologically advanced product or to delay such a purchase until a future generation of the product is released. We propose that for technologically advancing products, consumers consider both performance lag (how far behind am I now) and expected performance gain (how far ahead will I be if I wait to buy a future expected release) in their purchase decisions. Furthermore, we hypothesize that a firm's past product introductory strategy can significantly influence consumer perceptions of performance lag, performance gain, and the rate at which a product is advancing technologically. We also propose that these perceptions of lag, gain and rate of technological change influence purchase action and ultimately determine whether or not a consumer will delay or immediately purchase a firm's current technological offering. We investigate the above relationships by introducing a model of consumer purchase behavior that incorporates the effects of a firm's frequency and pattern of next generation product introduction, and test the impact of different introductory strategies on performance lag, gain, rate of change perceptions, and purchase action. In our first study we test our model in a monopolistic setting and show that, holding all else fixed, infrequent product upgrades and/or increasing intergenerational release times result in consumers perceiving larger performance lags and gains. We also show that, holding all else fixed, consumers with larger performance lags and/or gains are less likely to delay their purchases of the currently best available product. In our second study we test our model in a competitive setting and show that, holding all else fixed, a firm's past pattern of new product introduction can influence consumers' perceptions of the firm's product's rate of technological change. We also find that consumers are more likely to purchase products which they perceive to have higher rates of technological change. The key insight from this research is that firms have a strategic tool at their disposal that has been overlooked—the pattern of introduction of next generation products. Our findings suggest that a change in the frequency and/or pattern of introduction, in and of themselves, can influence consumers' perceptions of future product introductions, and ultimately influence their purchase actions. Specifically, we demonstrate that by better understanding consumers' purchase timing decisions, firms may be able to induce purchase on the basis of introductory frequency and pattern alone. Additionally, we demonstrate that by strategically managing consumer expectations of future product introductions, firms may be able to decrease the purchase likelihoods of competing products. Implications of our research and its application to the pattern and timing of preannouncements for new products are also explored.  相似文献   

Based on the dynamic capability view, this study examined the balance between exploration and exploitation capability. With this, we proposed a framework that synthesizes the impact of new product creativity and marketing program creativity on new product quality (internal product quality and external product quality), and further understanding the path to performance of new products in a select number of industrial and consumer products. The main findings revealed that the effect of new product creativity in consumer product firms through internal and external product quality was less dominant than those in industrial product firms. In contrast, the effect of marketing program creativity in industrial product firms through only external product quality was less dominant than those in consumer product firms. Additionally, this paper also discusses the research limitations, future research directions, and theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

This paper suggests evaluating field performance by analyzing hazard plots of the random variable time to first warranty claim. This approach corrects biases that arise when a single member contributes many repairs to the repair population and allows comparing the empirical lifetime distribution with the parametric model assumed at product design (e.g., Exponential or Weibull). Using automobile warranty data we demonstrate how using too broad a scope can mitigate changes in field performance by aggregating improving and degrading components. When comparing warranty performance across model years, the analyst should adjust the hazard plots to reflect common field service time.  相似文献   

Total product quality is multidimensional and includes customer acceptance as well as the usual quantitative elements for conformance, performance and reliability. Also included are broad ranges of operational expectations that are specific to the particular product. Thus to assess overall quality requires analysis of a multi-attribute vector of quality measures, some of which are subjective but cannot be ignored in making quality-related decisions. Warranty costs reflect the overall effect of these elements and can serve as an overall measure for making economic decisions. In this paper, we will summarize warranty cost models and describe two warranty planning problems that are important in engineering economic decision making.  相似文献   

We analyze a multiproduct duopoly and ask whether firms should offer general purpose products or tailor their offerings to fit specific consumer needs. Offering a targeted product has two effects: utility increases for some consumers due to increased fit, whereas utility decreases for others due to increased misfit. Previous work has not considered these two effects jointly and has therefore not been able to capture the tradeoff inherent in market segmentation. We show that in addition to the degree of fit and misfit, the intensity of competition and the fixed cost of offering an additional product determine firms' market segmentation strategies.  相似文献   

The ability to break even faster on new product projects is becoming increasingly critical for firms in fast‐moving industries where continually reinvesting in research and development efforts matters greatly for survival. However, most research to date has focused on studying the impact of two primary innovation outcomes: sales and profits. The exclusive emphasis on sales and profit may be warranted for certain types of goods such as durable goods, but when examining the effects of new products in fast‐moving consumer goods or in the entrepreneurial sphere, where cash to cash matters greatly for survival, it is critical for both researchers and practitioners to not only consider the profits and sales generated by the new product but also the time to breakeven. This paper develops a theoretical framework using the competency‐based literature to examine the effects of innovation drivers (customer idea source, speed to market, product quality, and product newness) on breakeven time (BET) and project profits, and their subsequent impact on firm performance. A three‐stage least square estimation method was employed using longitudinal data on 945 new product development projects and launches in the morning (breakfast) foods category. The results clearly pinpoint that for successful product innovation, managers need to consider the time taken to breakeven on new product development. Specifically, the results demonstrate that speed to market and product quality shorten BET, but customer idea source extends BET. Second, the analysis also empirically demonstrates that BET is an equally effective predictor of firm performance as project profits in the short run, but significantly a stronger predictor of firm performance in the long run (t + four years), suggesting that BET should be regarded as a superior leading indicator of firm performance versus product profitability for fast‐moving consumer goods segment. This is an important finding that suggests firms that recoup their cash investments more quickly experience greater short‐term and significantly more long‐term success.  相似文献   

For many types of equipment whose maintenance requires skilled labor or whose random failure may have serious consequences, such as aircraft engines, medical equipment and others, customers generally prefer to entrust maintenance activities to the manufacturer or any of its representatives. The latter must, in turn, provide the customer with a maintenance program that is economically viable for both parties. In this study, the customer and the manufacturer agree on what follows regarding a non-self-announcing failure equipment whose state is only known through inspection: during the warranty period, the manufacturer inspects the equipment according to a specified schedule which he establishes taking into account that the costs incurred for inspections and replacements are supported by him during the warranty period. After the expiration of the warranty, inspections and replacements are performed by the manufacturer and billed to the customer. Moreover, penalties related to inactivity periods between failures and their detection are always supported by the manufacturer. The warranty is applicable to any equipment replaced during the validity period of the service contract. This type of contract generates a profit for the manufacturer. In this paper, an analytical model taking into account the commitments of both parties has been developed. The model allows generating the instants (x1, x2,…, xn) at which the inspections must be performed and the corresponding expected profit for the manufacturer while considering the warranty period offered on the market for similar equipment. An algorithm has also been developed to generate the inspection instants given the costs structure and the lifetime probability distribution of the equipment. In a context where business models argue for a greater implication of suppliers towards their customers, the proposed decision model may be relevant and very useful.  相似文献   

In designing consumer durables such as appliances and power tools, it is important to account for variations in product performance across different usage situations and conditions. Since the specific usage of the product and the usage conditions can vary, the resultant variations in product performance also can impact consumer preferences for the product. Therefore, any new product that is designed should be robust to these variations—both in product performances and consumer preferences. This article refers to a robust product design as a design that has (1) the best possible (engineering and market) performance under the worst‐case variations and (2) the least possible sensitivity in its performance under the variations. Achieving these robustness criteria, however, implies consideration of a large number of design factors across multiple functions. This article's objectives are (1) to provide a tutorial on how variations in product performance and consumer preferences can be incorporated in the generation and comparison of design alternatives and (2) to apply a multi‐objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) that incorporates multifunction criteria in order to identify better designs while incorporating the robustness criteria in the selection process. Since the robustness criteria is based on variations in engineering performance as well as consumer preferences, the identified designs are robust and optimal from different functional perspectives, a significant advantage over extant approaches that do not consider robustness issues from multifunction perspectives. This study's approach is particularly useful for product managers and product development teams, who are charged with developing prototypes. They may find the approach helpful for obtaining customers' buy‐in as well as internal buy‐in early on in the product development cycle and thereby for reducing the cost and time involved in developing prototypes. This study's approach and its usefulness are illustrated using a case‐study application of prototype development for a handheld power tool.  相似文献   

Often, signaling research in the strategy and economics literature postulates the existence of an ostensible signal and then empirically tests its veracity, utilizing cross‐sectional data. We argue that this static approach does not allow researchers to fully incorporate the concept of equilibrium in their analysis, thereby potentially violating a key axiom of signaling theory. We propose that a dynamic analysis of signals can address this omission, and then conduct such an analysis. We use empirical data on warranty coverage offered by automobile manufacturers in the U.S. market extending from the first warranty offered by the industry in 1960 through to 2008. Our findings support the notion that signaling behavior differs in periods of equilibrium and disequilibrium, in turn influencing signal accuracy. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we evaluate the heterogeneous effects of online copyright enforcement. We ask whether the unexpected shutdown of the popular file hosting platform Megaupload had a differential effect on box office revenues of wide-release vs. niche movies. Identification comes from a comparison of movies that were available on Megaupload to those that were not. We show that only movies that premiere in a relatively large number of theaters benefitted from the shutdown of Megaupload. The average effect, however, is negative. We provide suggestive evidence that this result is driven by information externalities. The idea is that online piracy acts as a mechanism to spread information about product characteristics across consumers with different valuations for the product. Our results question the effectiveness of blanket public anti-piracy policy, not only from a consumer perspective, but also from a producer perspective.  相似文献   

This longitudinal field experiment compares two different for‐profit market entry strategies with a philanthropic strategy in terms of how each influences consumer behavior in base‐of‐the‐pyramid communities. We analyze reactions to a water purification product offered at three price points (moderate discount, deep discount, and free) in rural Malawi. We find that those who paid the deeply discounted price remain more likely to re‐obtain and use the product than do those who paid the moderate price or who took it for free. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

New product success is a vital but elusive goal for many firms. The last two decades have witnessed numerous studies into new product successes and failures in an attempt to uncover what makes a winner. Indeed, myriad characteristics, factors, and practices have been found that appear to discriminate between successful and unsuccessful new products.With few exceptions, much of this research has tended to view new product performance on a unidimensional continuum, usually financial performance (e.g., profitability). Whereas immediate profitability is no doubt an admirable goal, there are other ways of looking at a new product's performance—for example, degree of technical success, time-to-market, and its overall impact on the company.The current investigation takes a broader view of new product success. A number of measures of new product performance were captured, rather than just the single measure continuum; this resulted in a performance map with two major and quite independent underlying dimensions of performance. A typology of performance was then developed—a classification of new product projects by how well they performed: five scenarios or clusters of projects are identified on this map, each with its unique performance characteristics. We then investigate in detail each project type and probe what drives the performances of these five different clusters of projects: that is, what makes for new product success of these five project types, when success is measured in different ways. The study was undertaken in world class multinationals in the chemical industry in four countries, but its results appear to have validity across a broad spectrum of industry.  相似文献   

This paper studies the relationship between domestic market performance and export performance. We employ data on production and trade in the Danish chocolate and confectionery industry to obtain estimates of domestic ‘product appeal’ (reflecting non-price factors of domestic performance). Domestic product appeal is influenced not only by inherent characteristics of the product, but also by the tastes and preferences of domestic consumers. For many consumer goods, tastes depend on customs, culture etc. A product’s domestic appeal is therefore an imperfect predictor of foreign demand (and hence of export performance), especially in destinations where tastes differ substantially from domestic tastes. We combine estimates of domestic product appeal with information on destination-specific exports and a novel measure of differences in tastes across countries to confirm this hypothesis. Results are consistent across both a Tobit model with destination-specific censoring point and the BLP estimator, which additionally reveals substantial heterogeneity in tastes for product appeal within countries across consumers.  相似文献   

We study the effects of introducing a Most‐Favored Customer (MFC) clause on price competition among major consumer electronics retailers. Our data spans the periods before and after the introduction of an MFC clause by Best Buy, which occurred between April 1, 2003 and March 31, 2004. After controlling for various factors (including product life‐cycle and seasonality effects), we find that, on average, Best Buy lowered its prices by 1.6% after introducing the MFC clause. Its competitors responded by cutting prices further: Buy.com by 3.5%, Circuit City by 2.2%, CompUSA by 3.2%, and Sears by 0.4%. We conclude that Best Buy's MFC adoption reduced prices.  相似文献   

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