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In this paper, we examine investor's risk preferences implied by option prices. In order to derive these preferences, we specify the functional form of a pricing kernel and then shift its parameters until realized returns are best explained by the subjective probability density function, which consists of the ratio of the risk-neutral probability density function and the pricing kernel. We examine, alternatively, pricing kernels of power, exponential, and higher order polynomial forms. Using S&P 500 index options, we find surprising evidence of risk neutrality, instead of risk aversion, in both the power and exponential cases. When extending the underlying assumption on the specification of the pricing kernel to one of higher order polynomial functions, we obtain functions exhibiting ‘monotonically decreasing’ relative risk aversion (DRRA) and anomalous ‘inverted U-shaped’ relative risk aversion. We find, however, that only the DRRA function is robust to variation in sample characteristics, and is statistically significant. Finally, we also find that most of our empirical results are consistent, even when taking into account market imperfections such as illiquidity.  相似文献   

We present a two-factor option-pricing model, which parsimoniously captures the difference in volatility persistences under the historical and risk-neutral probabilities. The model generates an S-shaped pricing kernel that exhibits time-varying risk aversion. We apply our model for two purposes. First, we analyze the risk preference implied by S&P500 index options during 2001–2009 and find that risk-aversion level strongly increases during stressed market conditions. Second, we apply our model for Value-at-Risk (VaR) forecasts during the subprime crisis period and find that it outperforms several leading VaR models.  相似文献   

Basic financial theory indicates that the ratio of the conditional density of the future value of a market index and the corresponding risk neutral density should be monotone, but a sizeable empirical literature finds otherwise. We therefore consider an option augmented density forecast of the market return obtained by transforming a baseline density forecast estimated from past excess returns so as to monotonize its ratio with a risk neutral density estimated from current option prices. To evaluate our procedure, we compare baseline and option augmented monthly density forecasts for the S&P 500 index over the period 1997–2013. We find that monotonizing the pricing kernel leads to a modest improvement in the calibration of density forecasts. Supplementary results supportive of this finding are given for market indices in France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan and the UK.  相似文献   

When the pricing kernel is U-shaped, then expected returns of claims with payout on the upside are negative for strikes beyond a threshold, determined by the slope of the U-shaped kernel in its increasing region, and have negative partial derivative with respect to strike in the increasing region of the kernel. Using returns of (i) S&P 500 index calls, (ii) calls on major international equity indexes, (iii) digital calls, (iv) upside variance contracts, and (v) a theoretical construct that we denote as kernel call, we find broad support for the implications of U-shaped pricing kernels. A possible theoretical reconciliation of our empirical findings is explored through a model that accommodates heterogeneity in beliefs about return outcomes and short-selling.  相似文献   

This paper provides a new way of converting risk-neutral moments into the corresponding physical moments, which are required for many applications. The main theoretical result is a new analytical representation of the expected payoffs of put and call options under the physical measure in terms of current option prices and a representative investor’s preferences. This representation is then used to derive analytical expressions for a variety of ex-ante physical return moments, showing explicitly how moment premiums depend on current option prices and preferences. As an empirical application of our theoretical results, we provide option-implied estimates of the representative stock market investor’s disappointment aversion using S&P 500 index option prices. We find that disappointment aversion has a procyclical pattern. It is high in times of high index levels and declines when the index falls. We confirm the view that investors with high risk aversion and disappointment aversion leave the stock market during times of turbulence and reenter it after a period of high returns.  相似文献   

This article investigates the relationship between initial margin requirements and stock return volatility. Volatility is measured using a GARCH in Mean model. We find no evidence of an empirical relationship between margin requirements and the volatility of the S&P 500 index portfolio's excess returns. Evidence from short-sale data, and model sensitivity analysis are presented which support the hypothesis of no margin-volatility relationship. The results are consistent with the intertemporal CAPM model of Merton (1973) with an aggregate relative risk aversion measure of 4.1. In addition, we find evidence of long-term memory in conditional return distributions' volatility.The analysis and conclusions of this article are those of the author and do not indicate concurrence by other members of the research staff, by the Board of Governors, or by the Federal Reserve Banks.  相似文献   

Option pricing and managing equity linked insurance (ELI) require the proper modeling of stock return dynamics. Due to the long duration nature of equity-linked insurance products, a stock return model must be able to deal simultaneously with the preceding stylized facts and the impact of market structure changes. In response, this article proposes stock return dynamics that combine Lévy processes in a regime-switching framework. We focus on a non-Gaussian, generalized hyperbolic distribution. We use the most popular linked equity of ELIs, the S&P 500 index, as an example. The empirical study verifies that the proposed regime-switching generalized hyperbolic (RSGH) model gives the best fit to data. In investigating the effects of stock return modeling on pricing and risk management for financial contracts, we derive the characteristic function, embedded option price, and risk measure of equity-linked insurance analytically. More importantly, we demonstrate that the regime-switching generalized hyperbolic (RSGH) model is realistic and can meet the stylistic facts of stock returns, which in turn can be employed in option pricing and risk management decisions.  相似文献   

This paper examines out-of-sample option pricing performances for the affine jump diffusion (AJD) models by using the S&P 500 stock index and its associated option contracts. In particular, we investigate the role of time-varying jump risk premia in the AJD specifications. Our empirical analysis shows strong evidence in favor of time-varying jump risk premia in pricing cross-sectional options. We also find that, during a period of low volatility, the role of jump risk premia becomes less pronounced, making the differences across pricing performances of the AJD models not as substantial as during a period of high volatility. This finding can possibly explain poor pricing perfomances of the sophisticated AJD models in some previous studies whose sample periods can be characterized by low volatility.  相似文献   

We estimate a flexible affine model using an unbalanced panel containing S&P 500 and VIX index returns and option prices and analyze the contribution of VIX options to the model’s in- and out-of-sample performance. We find that they contain valuable information on the risk-neutral conditional distributions of volatility at different time horizons, which is not spanned by the S&P 500 market. This information allows enhanced estimation of the variance risk premium. We gain new insights on the term structure of the variance risk premium, present a trading strategy exploiting these insights, and show how to improve S&P 500 return forecasts.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an empirically-based, non-parametric option pricing model to evaluate S&P 500 index options. Given the fact that the model is derived under the real measure, an equilibrium asset pricing model, instead of no-arbitrage, must be assumed. Using the histogram of past S&P 500 index returns, we find that most of the volatility smile documented in the literature disappears.  相似文献   

Asset management and pricing models require the proper modeling of the return distribution of financial assets. While the return distribution used in the traditional theories of asset pricing and portfolio selection is the normal distribution, numerous studies that have investigated the empirical behavior of asset returns in financial markets throughout the world reject the hypothesis that asset return distributions are normally distribution. Alternative models for describing return distributions have been proposed since the 1960s, with the strongest empirical and theoretical support being provided for the family of stable distributions (with the normal distribution being a special case of this distribution). Since the turn of the century, specific forms of the stable distribution have been proposed and tested that better fit the observed behavior of historical return distributions. More specifically, subclasses of the tempered stable distribution have been proposed. In this paper, we propose one such subclass of the tempered stable distribution which we refer to as the “KR distribution”. We empirically test this distribution as well as two other recently proposed subclasses of the tempered stable distribution: the Carr–Geman–Madan–Yor (CGMY) distribution and the modified tempered stable (MTS) distribution. The advantage of the KR distribution over the other two distributions is that it has more flexible tail parameters. For these three subclasses of the tempered stable distribution, which are infinitely divisible and have exponential moments for some neighborhood of zero, we generate the exponential Lévy market models induced from them. We then construct a new GARCH model with the infinitely divisible distributed innovation and three subclasses of that GARCH model that incorporates three observed properties of asset returns: volatility clustering, fat tails, and skewness. We formulate the algorithm to find the risk-neutral return processes for those GARCH models using the “change of measure” for the tempered stable distributions. To compare the performance of those exponential Lévy models and the GARCH models, we report the results of the parameters estimated for the S&P 500 index and investigate the out-of-sample forecasting performance for those GARCH models for the S&P 500 option prices.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the importance of market incompleteness by comparing the rates of risk aversion estimated from complete and incomplete markets environments. For the incomplete-markets case, we use consumption data for the 50 US states. We find that the rate of risk aversion under the incomplete-markets setup is much lower. Furthermore, including the second and third moments of the cross-sectional distribution of consumption growth in the pricing kernel lowers the estimate of risk aversion. These findings suggest that market incompleteness ought to be seen as an important component of solutions to the equity premium puzzle.  相似文献   

Using the Merton distance to default model we investigate whether a firm's climate risk affects its default (distress) risk. S&P 500 non-financial firms during 2010–2019 are analysed and we employ both corporate carbon footprints and climate risk disclosures in annual filings to measure climate risk. Our results show that climate risk has a negative impact on firms' distance to default. This impact is limited to the disclosure of transition risk in annual filings. In contrast, disclosures of physical or non-specific risk do not affect firm-level default risk, while the impact of corporate carbon footprints is inconsistent but insignificant in most models. We also find that the negative effect of climate transition risk on firms' distance to default is stronger for firms headquartered in states with carbon pricing (California and states covered by the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative) and temporarily strengthens because of the Paris Agreement in 2015. However, this ‘Paris’ effect is short-lived and fades away in subsequent years.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes returns to trading strategies in options markets that exploit information given by a theoretical asset pricing model. We examine trading strategies in which a positive portfolio weight is assigned to assets which market prices exceed the price of a theoretical asset pricing model. We investigate portfolio rules which mimic standard mean-variance analysis is used to construct optimal model based portfolio weights. In essence, these portfolio rules allow estimation risk, as well as price risk to be approximately hedged. An empirical exercise shows that the portfolio rules give out-of-sample Sharpe ratios exceeding unity for S&P 500 options. Portfolio returns have no discernible correlation with systematic risk factors, which is troubling for traditional risk based asset pricing explanations.  相似文献   

We study the risk dynamics and pricing in international economies through a joint analysis of the time-series returns and option prices on three equity indexes underlying three economies: the S&P 500 Index of the United States, the FTSE 100 Index of the United Kingdom, and the Nikkei-225 Stock Average of Japan. We develop an international capital asset pricing model, under which the return on each equity index is decomposed into two orthogonal jump-diffusion components: a global component and a country-specific component. We apply separate stochastic time changes to the two components so that stochastic volatility can come from both global and country-specific risks. For each economy, we assign separate market prices for the two return risk components and the two volatility risk components. Under this specification, we obtain tractable option pricing solutions. Model estimation reveals several interesting insights. First, global and country-specific return and volatility risks show different dynamics. Global return movements contain a larger discontinuous component, and global return volatility is more persistent than the country-specific counterparts. Second, investors charge positive prices for global return risk and negative prices for volatility risk, suggesting that investors are willing to pay positive premiums to hedge against downside global return movements and upside volatility movements. Third, the three economies contain different risk profiles and also price risks differently. Japan contains the largest idiosyncratic risk component and smallest global risk component. Investors in the Japanese market also price more heavily against future volatility increases than against future market downfalls.  相似文献   

We investigate the relative importance of market default risk in explaining the time variation of the S&P 500 Index option-implied risk-neutral moments. The results demonstrate that market default risk is positively (negatively) related to the index risk-neutral volatility and skewness (kurtosis). These relations are robust in the presence of other factors relevant to the dynamics and microstructure nature of the spot and option markets. Overall, this study sheds light on a set of economic determinants which help to understand the daily evolution of the S&P 500 Index option-implied risk-neutral distributions. Our findings offer explanations of why theoretical predictions of option pricing models are not consistent with what is observed in practice and provide support that market default risk is important to asset pricing.  相似文献   

In the context of multiperiod tail risk (i.e., VaR and ES) forecasting, we provide a new semiparametric risk model constructed based on the forward-looking return moments estimated by the stochastic volatility model with price jumps and the Cornish–Fisher expansion method, denoted by SVJCF. We apply the proposed SVJCF model to make multiperiod ahead tail risk forecasts over multiple forecast horizons for S&P 500 index, individual stocks and other representative financial instruments. The model performance of SVJCF is compared with other classical multiperiod risk forecasting models via various backtesting methods. The empirical results suggest that SVJCF is a valid alternative multiperiod tail risk measurement; in addition, the tail risk generated by the SVJCF model is more stable and thus should be favored by risk managers and regulatory authorities.  相似文献   

The price of a smile: hedging and spanning in option markets   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The volatility smile changed drastically around the crash of1987, and new option pricing models have been proposed to accommodatethat change. Deterministic volatility models allow for moreflexible volatility surfaces but refrain from introducing additionalrisk factors. Thus, options are still redundant securities.Alternatively, stochastic models introduce additional risk factors,and options are then needed for spanning of the pricing kernel.We develop a statistical test based on this difference in spanning.Using daily S&P 500 index options data from 1986-1995, ourtests suggest that both in- and out-of-the-money options areneeded for spanning. The findings are inconsistent with deterministicvolatility models but are consistent with stochastic modelsthat incorporate additional priced risk factors, such as stochasticvolatility, interest rates, or jumps.  相似文献   

We analyze the co-movement between the Credit Default Index (CDX) curve and the S&P 500 index's option volatility surface. We connect the reduced-form no-arbitrage model with the Nelson-Siegel (N-S) model on hazard rate implied from the CDX curve, and identify the levels, slopes, and curvatures from these two markets via the Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF). We find that the changes in the level, slope, and curvature in the CDX curve and those in the volatility surface are correlated due to the bridge of the S&P 500 index return. Finally, the co-movement between the CDX curve and S&P 500 index's volatility surface become stronger after the late 2000s global financial crisis.  相似文献   

Option pricing models accounting for illiquidity generally imply the options are valued at a discount to the Black‐Scholes value. Our model considers the role of sentiment, which offsets illiquidity. Using executive stock options and compensation data from 1992 to 2004 for S&P 1500 firms, we find that executives value employee stock options (ESOs) at a 48% premium to the Black‐Scholes value. These premia are explained by a sentiment level of 12% in risk‐adjusted, annualized return, suggesting a high level of executive overconfidence. Subjective value relates negatively to illiquidity and idiosyncratic risk, and positively to sentiment in all specifications, consistent with the offsetting roles of sentiment and risk aversion.  相似文献   

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