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Forecasting Value-at-Risk (VaR) for financial portfolios is a crucial task in applied financial risk management. In this paper, we compare VaR forecasts based on different models for return interdependencies: volatility spillover (Engle & Kroner, 1995), dynamic conditional correlations (Engle, 2002, 2009) and (elliptical) copulas (Embrechts et al., 2002). Moreover, competing models for marginal return distributions are applied. In particular, we apply extreme value theory (EVT) models to GARCH-filtered residuals to capture excess returns.Drawing on a sample of daily data covering both calm and turbulent market phases, we analyze portfolios consisting of German Stocks, national indices and FX-rates. VaR forecasts are evaluated using statistical backtesting and Basel II criteria. The extensive empirical application favors the elliptical copula approach combined with extreme value theory (EVT) models for individual returns. 99% VaR forecasts from the EVT-GARCH-copula model clearly outperform estimates from alternative models accounting for dynamic conditional correlations and volatility spillover for all asset classes in times of financial crisis.  相似文献   

This paper studies seven GARCH models, including RiskMetrics and two long memory GARCH models, in Value at Risk (VaR) estimation. Both long and short positions of investment were considered. The seven models were applied to 12 market indices and four foreign exchange rates to assess each model in estimating VaR at various confidence levels. The results indicate that both stationary and fractionally integrated GARCH models outperform RiskMetrics in estimating 1% VaR. Although most return series show fat-tailed distribution and satisfy the long memory property, it is more important to consider a model with fat-tailed error in estimating VaR. Asymmetric behavior is also discovered in the stock market data that t-error models give better 1% VaR estimates than normal-error models in long position, but not in short position. No such asymmetry is observed in the exchange rate data.  相似文献   

Financial risk management typically deals with low-probability events in the tails of asset price distributions. To capture the behavior of these tails, one should therefore rely on models that explicitly focus on the tails. Extreme value theory (EVT)-based models do exactly that, and in this paper, we apply both unconditional and conditional EVT models to the management of extreme market risks in stock markets. We find conditional EVT models to give particularly accurate Value-at-Risk (VaR) measures, and a comparison with traditional (Generalized ARCH (GARCH)) approaches to calculate VaR demonstrates EVT as being the superior approach both for standard and more extreme VaR quantiles.  相似文献   

The potential for stock market growth in Asian Pacific countries has attracted foreign investors. However, higher growth rates come with higher risk. We apply value at risk (VaR) analysis to measure and analyze stock market index risks in Asian Pacific countries, exposing and detailing both the unique risks and system risks embedded in those markets. To implement the VaR measure, it is necessary to perform "volatility modeling" by mixture switch, exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA), or generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models. After estimating the volatility parameters, we can calibrate the VaR values of individual and system risks. Empirically, we find that, on average, Indonesia and Korea exhibit the highest VaRs and VaR sensitivity, and currently, Australia exhibits relatively low values. Taiwan is liable to be in high-state volatility. In addition, the Kupiec test indicates that the mixture switch VaR is superior to delta normal VaR; the quadratic probability score (QPS) shows that the EWMA is inclined to underestimate the VaR for a single series, and GARCH shows no difference from GARCH t and GARCH generalized error distribution (GED) for a multivariate VaR estimate with more assets.  相似文献   

A pervasive and puzzling feature of banks’ Value-at-Risk (VaR) is its abnormally high level, which leads to excessive regulatory capital. A possible explanation for the tendency of commercial banks to overstate their VaR is that they incompletely account for the diversification effect among broad risk categories (e.g., equity, interest rate, commodity, credit spread, and foreign exchange). By underestimating the diversification effect, bank’s proprietary VaR models produce overly prudent market risk assessments. In this paper, we examine empirically the validity of this hypothesis using actual VaR data from major US commercial banks. In contrast to the VaR diversification hypothesis, we find that US banks show no sign of systematic underestimation of the diversification effect. In particular, diversification effects used by banks is very close to (and quite often larger than) our empirical diversification estimates. A direct implication of this finding is that individual VaRs for each broad risk category, just like aggregate VaRs, are biased risk assessments.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method to validate risk models: the Risk Map. This method jointly accounts for the number and the magnitude of extreme losses and graphically summarizes all information about the performance of a risk model. It relies on the concept of a super exception, which is defined as a situation in which the loss exceeds both the standard Value-at-Risk (VaR) and a VaR defined at an extremely low probability. We then formally test whether the sequences of exceptions and super exceptions are rejected by standard model validation tests. We show that the Risk Map can be used to validate market, credit, operational, or systemic risk estimates (VaR, stressed VaR, expected shortfall, and CoVaR) or to assess the performance of the margin system of a clearing house.  相似文献   

Intraday Value-at-Risk (VaR) is one of the risk measures used by market participants involved in high-frequency trading. High-frequency log-returns feature important kurtosis (fat tails) and volatility clustering (extreme log-returns appear in clusters) that VaR models should take into account. We propose a marked point process model for the excesses of the time series over a high threshold that combines Hawkes processes for the exceedances with a generalized Pareto distribution model for the marks (exceedance sizes). The conditional approach features intraday clustering of extremes and is used to calculate instantaneous conditional VaR. The models are backtested on real data and compared to a competitor approach that proposes a nonparametric extension of the classical peaks-over-threshold method. Maximum likelihood estimation is computationally intensive; we use a differential evolution genetic algorithm to find adequate starting values for the optimization process.  相似文献   

Current studies on financial market risk measures usually use daily returns based on GARCH type models. This paper models realized range using intraday high frequency data based on CARR framework and apply it to VaR forecasting. Kupiec LR test and dynamic quantile test are used to compare the performance of VaR forecasting of realized range model with another intraday realized volatility model and daily GARCH type models. Empirical results of Chinese Stock Indices show that realized range model performs the same with realized volatility model, which performs much better than daily models.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the use of Bayesian approach to implement Value at Risk (VaR) model for both linear and non-linear portfolios. The Bayesian approach provides risk traders with the flexibility of adjusting their VaR models according to their subjective views. First, we deal with the case of linear portfolios. By imposing the conjugate-prior assumptions, a closed-form expression for the Bayesian VaR is obtained. The Bayesian VaR model can also be adjusted in order to deal with the ageing effect of the past data. By adopting Gerber-Shiu's option-pricing model, our Bayesian VaR model can also be applied to deal with non-linear portfolios of derivatives. We obtain an exact formula for the Bayesian VaR in the case of a single European call option. We adopt the method of back-testing to compare the non-adjusted and adjusted Bayesian VaR models with their corresponding classical counterparts in both linear and non-linear cases.  相似文献   

The study compares the predictive ability of various models in estimating intraday Value-at-Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES) using high frequency share price index data from sixteen different countries across the world for a period of seven and half months from September 20, 2013 to May 07, 2014. The main emphasis of the study has been given to Extreme Value Theory (EVT) and to evaluate how well Conditional EVT model performs in modeling tails of distributions and in estimating and forecasting intraday VaR and ES measures. We have followed McNeil and Frey's (2000) two stage approach called Conditional EVT to estimate dynamic intraday VaR and ES. We have compared the accuracy of Conditional EVT approach to intraday VaR and ES estimation with other competing models. The best performing model is found to be the Conditional EVT in estimating both the quantiles for the entire sample. The study is useful for market participants (such as intraday traders and market makers) involved in frequent intraday trading in such equity markets.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the downside tail risk of coal futures contracts (coke, coking coal and thermal coal) traded in the Chinese market between 2011 and 2021, measured by value at risk (VaR). We examine the one-day-ahead VaR forecasting performance with a hybrid econometric and deep learning model (GARCH-LSTM), GARCH family models, extreme value theory models, quantile regression models and two naïve models (historical simulation and exponentially weighted moving average). We use four backtesting techniques and the model confidence set to identify the optimal models. The results suggest that the models focusing on tail risk or utilising long short-term memory generate more effective risk management.  相似文献   

基于实现极差和实现波动率的中国金融市场风险测度研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目前比较流行的金融市场风险价值研究一般采用日收益数据,并基于GARCH类模型进行估计和预测。本文利用沪深股指日内高频数据,分别通过ARFIMA模型和CARR模型对实现波动率和较新的实现极差建模,计算风险价值。通过对VaR的似然比和动态分位数等回测检验,实证分析了各种模型的VaR预测能力。结果显示,使用日内高频数据的实现波动率和实现极差模型的预测能力强于采用日数据的各种GARCH类模型。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a set of Value-at-Risk (VaR) models appropriate to capture the dynamics of energy prices and subsequently quantify energy price risk by calculating VaR and expected shortfall measures. Amongst the competing VaR methodologies evaluated in this paper, besides the commonly used benchmark models, a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation approach and a hybrid MC with historical simulation approach, both assuming various processes for the underlying spot prices, are also being employed. All VaR models are empirically tested on eight spot energy commodities that trade futures contracts on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) and the constructed Spot Energy Index. A two-stage evaluation and selection process is applied, combining statistical and economic measures, to choose amongst the competing VaR models. Finally, both long and short trading positions are considered as it is of utmost importance for energy traders and risk managers to be able to capture efficiently the characteristics of both tails of the distributions.  相似文献   

The potential of economic variables for financial risk measurement is an open field for research. This article studies the role of market capitalization in the estimation of Value-at-Risk (VaR). We test the performance of different VaR methodologies for portfolios with different market capitalization. We perform the analysis considering separately financial crisis periods and non-crisis periods. We find that VaR methods perform differently for portfolios with different market capitalization. For portfolios with stocks of different sizes we obtain better VaR estimates when taking market capitalization into account. We also find that it is important to consider crisis and non-crisis periods separately when estimating VaR across different sizes. This study provides evidence that market fundamentals are relevant for risk measurement.  相似文献   

The Value at Risk (VaR) is a risk measure that is widely used by financial institutions in allocating risk. VaR forecast estimation involves the conditional evaluation of quantiles based on the currently available information. Recent advances in VaR evaluation incorporate conditional variance into the quantile estimation, yielding the Conditional Autoregressive VaR (CAViaR) models. However, the large number of alternative CAViaR models raises the issue of identifying the optimal quantile predictor. To resolve this uncertainty, we propose a Bayesian encompassing test that evaluates various CAViaR models predictions against a combined CAViaR model based on the encompassing principle. This test provides a basis for forecasting combined conditional VaR estimates when there are evidences against the encompassing principle. We illustrate this test using simulated and financial daily return data series. The results demonstrate that there are evidences for using combined conditional VaR estimates when forecasting quantile risk.  相似文献   

In this paper we study both the level of Value-at-Risk (VaR) disclosure and the accuracy of the disclosed VaR figures for a sample of US and international commercial banks. To measure the level of VaR disclosures, we develop a VaR Disclosure Index that captures many different facets of market risk disclosure. Using panel data over the period 1996–2005, we find an overall upward trend in the quantity of information released to the public. We also find that Historical Simulation is by far the most popular VaR method. We assess the accuracy of VaR figures by studying the number of VaR exceedances and whether actual daily VaRs contain information about the volatility of subsequent trading revenues. Unlike the level of VaR disclosure, the quality of VaR disclosure shows no sign of improvement over time. We find that VaR computed using Historical Simulation contains very little information about future volatility.  相似文献   

The Basel II framework allows the calculation of the capital requirements for market risk with Value-at-Risk models. Since no special model is prescribed in the framework, banks may use simple models with questionable assumptions concerning their underlying distributions. Our numerical analysis reveals that simple VaR models that perform noticeably worse than comparable simple models with more realistic assumptions may lead to a lower level of regulatory capital for banks. For this reason, banks have a major incentive to implement bad models. This is obviously contrary to the interests of regulatory authorities.  相似文献   

We extend the classical analysis on optimal insurance design to the case when the insurer implements regulatory requirements (Value-at-Risk). Presumably, regulators impose some risk management requirement such as VaR to reduce the insurers’ insolvency risk, as well as to improve the insurance market stability. We show that VaR requirements may better protect the insured and improve economic efficiency, but have stringent negative effects on the insurance market. Our analysis reveals that the insured are better protected in the event of greater loss irrespective of the optimal design from either the insured or the insurer perspective. However, in the presence of the VaR requirement on the insurer, the insurer's insolvency risk might be increased and there are moral hazard issues in the insurance market because the optimal contract is discontinuous.  相似文献   

In this study, the mean–variance framework is employed to analyze the impact of the Basel value-at-risk (VaR) market risk regulation on the institution's optimal investment policy, the stockholders’ welfare, as well as the tendency of the institution to change the risk profile of the held portfolio. It is shown that with the VaR regulation, the institution faces a new regulated capital market line, which induces resource allocation distortion in the economy. Surprisingly, only when a riskless asset is available does VaR regulation induce the institution to reduce risk. Otherwise, the regulation may induce higher risk, accompanied by asset allocation distortion. On the positive side, the regulation implies an upper bound on the risk the institution takes and it never induces the firm to select an inefficient portfolio. Moreover, when the riskless asset is available, tightening the regulation always increases the amount of maintained eligible capital and decreases risk.  相似文献   

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