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自2001年9月11日第一只开放式基金在全国发售开始,我国的开放式基金业得到了跨越式的发展。截止到2009年12月31日,基金管理公司管理的基金资产净值达26760.8亿元,其中开放式股票型基金的资产净值为13693.15亿元。但是相对于国际成熟资本市场,我国开放式基金业还处于起步发展阶段。总体来说,我国基金业发展空间巨大,但面临的竞争和挑战又迫在眉睫,因此如何制定合适的营销策略对于我国开放式基金的发展至关重要。本文采取了服务营销理论和开放式基金营销实践相结合的方法,从考察我国开放式基金营销过程中存在的问题出发,提出了基金管理公司要从可持续发展的角度出发对营销工作进行统筹规划并制定营销战略的思路,并从4P因素(即产品策略、定价策略、渠道策略、促销策略)提出相应的策略选择和建议。  相似文献   

随着证券市场的日益繁荣,我国基金业更是发展迅猛.开放式基金作为基金业发展的主流,其在市场营销方面所存在的问题已经制约了它的正常发展.本文在分析开放式基金营销问题的基础上,提出了针对性的解决对策,旨在推动我国开放式基金的健康发展  相似文献   

林正 《现代金融》2004,(5):9-10
代理销售开放式基金,对农业银行基层客户经理和营销人员来说,是全新的业务领域。如何尽快掌握基金代销工作规律,提高基金产品营销效果,取得较好业绩,是我们需要不断探索的重要课题。  相似文献   

我国开放式基金业发展很快,但其国营销中出现大规模赎回现象.美国的共同基金的营销渠道很多.我国的基金管理公司不仅要通过一定的渠道把基金份额卖出去,而且要努力留住客户,同时还得不断挖掘潜在的投资者.我国开放式基金的营销策略应是树立开放式基金的核心竞争力,定价贴近市场,确认目标客户,建立多层次营销网络以及拓展基金销营渠道.  相似文献   

伴随着我国加入WTO,我国资本市场开始快速发展,基金业作为资本市场的生力军,也取得了长足的进展。基金投资是继股票投资后的又一大热点,作为朝阳产业,基金业有着巨大的发展空间。近两年我国又推出了开放式基金,它是相对封闭式基金而言的。开放式基金的规模不固定即投资者可以随  相似文献   

开放式基金的营销与流动性管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着我国证券市场的迅速发展,我国即将推出开放式证券投资基金。然而开放式证券投资基金的推出不仅面临封闭式证券投资基金折价交易的竞争,而且还存在着如何发行和管理 等问题,封闭式基金即使投资业绩不佳,投资者也夫法从基金管理公司那里收回投资。如果开放式基金投资业绩不佳,投资者纷纷向基金管理公司赎回基金,最终基金有可能被迫清盘。封闭式基金募集时发行量既定,募集后可上市流通,并有一定的溢价,发行容易获得成功,开放式基金募集时发行量只规定上下限,募集后不上市流通,但可按基金净值向基金管理 公司申购或赎回,发行的难度大,因此,对于开放式基金而言,投资理财与基金 销都非常重要,不仅需要投资管理人才也需要营销管理人地和,并需增设有关的职能部门,如销售部、客户部等。  相似文献   

开放式基金营销可以归纳为四个基本要素:产品、价格、客户、渠道。这四大要素对于开放式基金来说都是缺一不可的。目前,国内基金公司开放式基金营销在这些方面还存在着一些问题,制约了其开放式基金业务的持续、健康发展。  相似文献   

近年来,股市持续低迷,国内证券交易普遍萎缩,多数券商经营举步维艰。在当前形势下,代销开放式基金将有利于完善证券公司的业务功能,改善证券公司的收入结构,增强证券公司的抗风险能力,促进证券公司的营销转型,不失为增加证券公司利润增长点的一个有效办法。笔试就开放式基金的营销谈几点浅见。  相似文献   

开放式基金研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

我国开放式基金的发展进入了营销竞争时代,营销渠道的培育与拓展是提高基金营销竞争力的重要环节。应借鉴国外成熟市场的理念,形成以银行、券商、保险公司及其他基金经纪机构共存的销售方式,实现营销渠道的多元化:中国的基金业还可实施走出去战略,把开放式基金的营销渠道延伸到海外。目前,在深入挖掘银行代销能力的基础上.拓宽营销渠道比较现实的办法是增加券商的代销点,加快包括网上交易在内的营销手段创新。  相似文献   

我国开放式基金的证券选择和市场时机把握能力研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
运用参数检验方法对我国42只股票型开放式基金的证券选择和市场时机把握能力进行了分年度检验,结果发现,开放式基金在2003年具有较强的证券选择能力,但不具备市场时机把握能力,在2004年上半年显示出了一定的市场时机把握能力,却从总体上表现出负向证券选择能力.基于2003年的基金年报分析显示,开放式基金在对未来市场趋势的预测上存在明显的"羊群行为".  相似文献   

开放式基金销售渠道的中美比较与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文分析了中美开放式基金销售渠道的发展历史和现状,对两国开放式基金销售渠道的模式和特点进行了比较分析。研究发现,销售渠道的创新促进了美国共同基金业的发展,相比而言,国内开放式基金的销售渠道在广度和深度上都有待进一步拓展。  相似文献   

Managing the succession process by the hiring and firing of key executives is one of the important functions of a board of directors. In this research we study successions of fund managers in the closed‐end mutual fund industry. The agency issues inherent in closed‐end mutual funds makes them a unique laboratory for such a study. Our results suggest that while the overall abnormal returns of these manager changes are statistically insignificant, that the returns are more positive for funds with large expense ratios and for funds trading at a discount. We also find the abnormal returns are negatively related to the percentage of inside director stock ownership. Corporate bond funds and international equity funds react more negatively to these announcements than other types of funds. The abnormal returns do not appear to be related to board composition, but board composition does vary across fund type, and may therefore indirectly influence the results.  相似文献   

我国开放式基金流动性风险的防范研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对我国目前开放式基金业面临的巨额赎回所造成的流动性风险,通过对开放式基金的流动性风险成因进行分析,提出防范流动性风险的方法:针对投资者的不同需求,设计多种个性化基金及赎回方式,使开放式基金的负债与资产的流动性和收益性相匹配,达到事前有效防范流动性风险的目的。  相似文献   

Investors can exploit the correlations between international stock markets by trading no-load, open-end, international mutual funds. These investors in effect cheat passive investors because they buy the mutual funds at their net asset values, which do not reflect information released during the US trading day. The strategy we examine yields an annual rate of return 800 basis points above the S&P500, over a period of almost eight years.  相似文献   

由于封闭式基金与开放式基金的差异,基金公司倾向于补贴开放式基金而侵害封闭式基金的利益。经验证据表明,我国基金公司确实存在封闭式基金对开放式基金的补贴行为。论文进而构建了一个封闭式基金对开放式基金补贴模型,指出投资者偏好、市场预期的开放式基金销售量、激励机制、基金公司自身的管理能力是影响补贴行为的重要因素,并讨论了如何进行防范。  相似文献   

In this article, we evaluate the performance of mutual funds in China between 2006 and 2014. We first estimate time-varying abnormal returns of each mutual fund using an active peer benchmark-augmented factor pricing model. An index of riskiness is then estimated and used to calculate the augmented performance measure (APM). By construction, the APM separates the managerial premium of the fund from systematic risk premium, so it is better than the economic performance measure. The APM incorporates information beyond the first and second moments of the distribution of fund abnormal return; therefore, it is more informative than the Sharpe ratio.  相似文献   

本文运用了DEA法的Malmquist指数刻画了我国开放式基金业生产效率的动态变化,并对我国基金业业绩进行了整体评价。通过对全要素生产率的分解,本文得出全要素生产率动态变化的推动因素,指出技术效率对于中国基金业发展的重要作用。在此基础上,本文就适合中国基金业特点的系统的基金业绩评价体系的构建,提出了一些建议和意见。  相似文献   

This study analyzes seasonal patterns in tax-exempt and taxable money market mutual fund yields. We document a significant increase in tax-exempt and taxable yields during the last three weeks of December, followed by a significant decrease in yields during the first three weeks of January. The yield changes are associated with a corresponding outflow of fund assets at the end of the year and inflow of assets in the beginning of the year. We also find that tax-exempt yields change systematically around the 15th of April, June and September, which are key individual income tax dates. These results are consistent with liquidity effects associated with year-end wages, dividends, and bonus payments and tax-effects. We also find that institution window dressing contributes to the year-end movements in taxable and tax-exempt fund yields. One implication is that municipalities planning to issue short-term notes and investors in these funds can time their actions to take advantage of these systematic yield changes.  相似文献   

Abstract:  We apply a recent nonparametric methodology to test the market timing skills of UK equity and balanced mutual funds. The methodology has a number of advantages over the widely used regression based tests of Treynor-Mazuy (1966) and Henriksson-Merton (1981) . We find a relatively small number of funds (around 1%) demonstrate positive market timing ability at a 5% significance level while around 19% of funds exhibit negative timing and on average funds miss-time the market. However, controlling for publicly available information we find very little evidence of market timing ability based on private timing signals. In terms of investment styles, there are a small number of successful positive market timers amongst Equity Income and 'All Company' funds but not among either Small Stock funds or Balanced funds, although a few small stock funds are found to time a small stock index rather than a broad market index.  相似文献   

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