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本文利用我国2006~2014年沪深A股非金融类上市企业数据,研究终极控股股东对企业风险承 担的影响以及融资约束在该影响中的作用。结果表明,控股股东现金流权对企业风险承担的 影响呈U型结构,随现金流权的增大,现金流权对企业风险承担的影响由正转负。就我国市 场而言,控制权与现金流权的分离度对企业风险承担具有负向影响,这种负向影响程度随融 资约束的提高而减弱。  相似文献   

商业信用二次配置是企业充当信用中介,将银行信贷等资金通过商业信用的渠道为供应链的上下游中小企业提供融资支持,这会导致资金供给链延长,加剧了供应链系统性风险,而数字普惠金融发展的重点在于为中小企业提供直接融资,因此,其能否抑制商业信用二次配置,对于防范金融风险和促进实体经济稳定发展具有重要意义。本文深入探讨了数字普惠金融对商业信用二次配置的影响及其作用机制,研究发现:数字普惠金融有助于降低商业信用二次配置,有效减少了企业利用商业信用把长期借款资金进行二次配置的行为,而且该抑制作用对于外部融资能力较强的企业更加明显。机制检验表明,数字普惠金融通过减少上市公司超额银行信贷抑制商业信用二次配置。进一步分析显示,在外部市场竞争程度较低、内部风险较低、现金持有水平较高以及非高科技企业中,数字普惠金融对上市公司商业信用二次配置的抑制作用更加明显;而且,数字普惠金融在降低商业信用二次配置的同时,对于促进企业创新投入具有一定的积极作用。本文研究表明,数字普惠金融通过增加中小企业直接融资,减少了资金供给的中间环节,进而抑制大型企业充当"影子银行"进行资金的二次配置。  相似文献   

The payment choice of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) influences firm performance and facilitates wealth transfer to shareholders and realises synergy through stakeholders' implicit contract. This study examines the choice of payment methods and firm-level characteristics of UK M&As during the financial crisis referring to the business-to-business (B2B) market in a broader sense. Further, conceptualising social innovation as a process-outcome-value construct, this study evaluates the choice of payment methods and firm-level characteristics of M&As through the lens of corporate social responsibility (CSR). The findings suggest that a stock payment method is favoured well over a cash payment method by the acquirers of M&A firms and firms that are pursuing social innovation through CSR activities. The results further document that a volatile market affected by the financial crisis reacts to the financing choice of M&As, making a sizable impact on firms' capital structure, ownership concentration, and asymmetric information. Acquiring firms that opt for stock payment methods register a significant increase in their firm-level characteristics, such as market-to-book-value, deal value, growth, and CARs compared to the cash payment method deals.  相似文献   

股利政策在股份制企业经营决策中占有重要地位,是企业的核心财务问题。股利政策的制定既关系到股东和债权人的利益,又关系到公司的未来发展,因而一直被公司的利益相关者所关注。与西方成熟市场相比,我国证券市场还处在起步阶段,立法、监管、规范等方面需要进一步加强,还有许多问题有待研究解决。从上市公司股利分配的现状入手,重点分析产生这些现实选择的影响因素,就此浅析健全我国上市公司股利政策的一些看法。  相似文献   

本文以盈余-回报模型为基础,使用Stata软件研究我国A股上市公司2009年到2010年的数据,得到结论:股权分置改革完成后,国有控股股东的性质对企业盈余质量有正向影响的作用,而两权分离度与盈余质量负相关。本研究依此为进一步改善我国企业的公司治理、提升会计盈余质量和优化资本市场的成长提出些许对策和政策性建议,研究结果有很强的现实指导意义。  相似文献   

随着我国资本市场的逐步开放,与债务违约相关的问题也受到了社会各界人士的关注,而资本市场开放对企业经营风险存在双刃效应。本文运用2011~2020年A股上市公司样本,将“陆港通”政策的出台作为外生冲击,进行多期DID分析检验,得出资本市场开放能够显著降低企业债务违约风险;进一步研究发现,上述效应主要通过缓解融资约束与提升信息披露质量两个途径实现。本文从资本市场开放的实体效应视角,为企业违约风险的解决提供了一定的经验证据和政策建议。  相似文献   

Marketing agility is an example of dynamic capability that has significant influence on ordinary capabilities leading to superior financial performance. This makes it of interest to marketing managers. Yet the way in which this capability aligns with turbulent market environments to simultaneously influence ordinary capabilities and performance has not been adequately examined and empirically tested. This study seeks to close this gap by positing that marketing agility has both direct and indirect (through innovation capability which is an ordinary capability) impacts on financial performance. However, these relationships are moderated by market turbulence to yield both mediated moderation and moderated mediation effects. The study was undertaken in the Chinese food-processing industry where a sample of 518 companies participated. This provides an opportunity to validate theory developed in the western economies and to generalize some previous findings. Contrary to received literature we found that the impact of innovation capability on financial performance is stronger under low market turbulence; and that market turbulence moderates the indirect relationship between marketing agility and financial performance. The indirect effect is stronger when market turbulence is low than when it is high. Implications for managers and academia are discussed and limitations of the study are pointed out.  相似文献   

在考查安徽省36家A股制造业上市公司2006~2010年资本结构现状的基础上,实证研究其资本结构的影响因素及与经营绩效的互动关系。研究表明,影响安徽省制造业上市公司资本结构的因素主要有公司规模、盈利能力、经营能力、成长能力、股权集中度;股权资本约束力不足、股权融资偏好以及资本市场结构失衡导致其资本结构与经营绩效之间无显著相关性。为此,提出优化安徽省制造业上市公司资本结构的对策建议。  相似文献   

Information disclosure requirements significantly increased in French listed companies in the early 2000s, converging toward the U.S./U.K. stock market standards. We investigate the consequences of this process regarding worker information: does more information for shareholders mean more information for workers? Our empirical analysis takes advantage of a French establishment survey that generates linked “employer–employee” data at two points in time, 1998 and 2004. Our results show that worker information has improved in listed companies as an externality of the financialization process. We find, however, that this extra information is only partially correlated with greater employee satisfaction.  相似文献   

为了有效监督公司内部利害关系各方的行为,有效降低基于各种委托代理关系的代理成本,在阐述国内外盈余管理文献的基础上,假设拥有健全公司治理结构的上市公司管理者更愿意进行信息性盈余管理,通过构建合理的并可度量的信息性盈余管理衡量方法,使用沪、深两市全部A股上市公司2014—2016年公司季度财务数据,实证研究了信息性盈余管理视角下公司治理对盈余管理的影响。结果表明,市场监管者和投资者需要关注两种不同的盈余管理行为,投机性盈余管理更倾向于误导投资者,信息性盈余管理则是通过盈余管理的手段向投资者传递有用的内部信息。股权制衡对上市公司的信息性盈余管理行为具有明显促进作用,促使管理层进行信息性盈余管理,就要优化股权结构,形成产权多样化的股东制衡机制,实现股权结构的合理优化。拥有健全公司治理结构的上市公司管理者更愿意进行信息性盈余管理,公司治理结构对管理者进行信息性盈余管理具有积极的影响,健全的公司治理结构能够提高财务报告透明度和盈余信息含量。因此,保障财务报告的真实性和可靠性,以信息性盈余管理为动机探究公司治理对盈余管理的影响具有现实意义。  相似文献   

在家族型上市公司中,创始股东往往会利用控制权威剥夺中小股东的利益,从而造成公司价值的损减。这时,经理人是否会为了保持"公司价值最大化"的职业操守与创始股东争夺上市公司的控制权?本文基于社会资本分析视角,将创始股东控制权威视为对经理人的社会资本控制,将经理人保持职业操守赢得的收益归为从内外部社会关系网络中取得的社会资本支持。然后,根据上述两个概念构建了经理人决策模型,详细解读了国美电器治理实践中的"控制权冲突"事件。经研究得知:理性的经理人会综合权衡创始股东控制权威和保持职业操守对其社会资本的影响,并以此选择是否争夺创始股东的控制权。  相似文献   

香港上市公司回归内地资本市场双重上市,已成为当前中国证券市场发展中令人瞩目的新现象。本文以中国上市公司中身份特殊的A+H双重上市公司为样本,考察双重上市行为对公司融资约束程度所产生的影响,为有关双重上市的内在动因是否出于突破再融资困局考虑的理论假设提供实证证据。研究结果显示,H股公司在返回内地市场前存在严重的融资约束,实现双重上市之后公司投资对现金流的敏感度明显降低,融资约束得以有效放松,公司从外部资本市场再融资的频率和金额都显著增加。这一结论对于中国H股上市公司的所有利益相关方以及证券监管部门的决策都有着重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the development of shareholder clienteles in response to the introduction of the Dividend Imputation (Integrated Tax System) into the Australian capital market. It is found that companies paying franked dividends have significantly increased dividend payments relative to companies paying little or no imputation tax credit. It is also shown that the use of dividend reinvestment plans has increased significantly post-imputation. This is interpreted as support for the existence of shareholder clienteles related to companies' imputation policies.The author is Lecturer in the Department of Commerce, the University of Queensland. This paper has benefited from financial assistance provided by the Department of Commerce at the University of Queensland. Comments made by Jamal Munshi and participants at the Third International Conference on Asian-Pacific Financial Markets are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

本文基于2003年的评价样本,从中国上市公司治理指数(CCGI^NK)及其所涉及的六个维度进行实证研究发现:上市公司治理指数对总资产收益率、每股净资产、加权每股收益、每股经营性现金流量、总资产周转率、总资产年度增长率、财务预警值均有显著的正面影响.这表明拥有良好的公司治理机制有助于提升企业的盈利能力、股本扩张能力、运营效率、成长能力,有助于增强财务弹性和财务安全性。公司治理中所涉及的控股股东治理、董事会治理、经理层治理、信息披露、利益相关者治理、监事会治理机制,在很大程度上决定了上市公司是否能够拥有一套科学的决策制定机制与决策执行机制。而这将对公司业绩和公司价值产生直接而深远的影响。  相似文献   

This paper considers the relationship between the regulator’s pricing decision and the allocation of risk between consumers and shareholders. Consumers are willing to trade-off price variations against a lower expected price. Prices are higher in adverse economic conditions, but shareholder returns are not necessarily lower. It might be optimal to insure shareholders against market risk, so that consumers could thereby achieve a lower expected price. The allocation of risk between consumers and shareholders depends on the capital structure of the regulated firm, and a very special set of conditions must apply for the social optimum to be 100% debt finance with the firm operating on a ‘not-for-profit’ basis.   相似文献   

Research summary : We show that frictions in labor and capital markets can be a source of competitive advantage for affiliates of corporate groups over stand‐alone firms in environments where benefits from internal markets' flexibility are high. We argue that the advantage of flexibility in changing labor inputs is related to how difficult it is to change capital inputs. We predict that if substituting labor with capital is difficult, the group advantage of flexibly changing labor would be stronger in countries with high levels of financial development. Consistent with this prediction, we find a stronger competitive advantage for group affiliates in countries with rigid labor markets but flexible capital markets. In these environments, group affiliates are more prevalent and outperform stand‐alone firms in terms of growth and profitability. Managerial summary : This research shows that the capacity to redeploy workers across internal units of the firm can be a source of competitive advantage in countries that impose strict employment protection laws. We show that the strategic advantage of labor flexibility is affected by how difficult it is to change capital inputs and that labor flexibility is a stronger source of competitive advantage in countries where developed financial markets allow for more flexible capital adjustment. In these settings, strategies designed to lower costs of internal mobility (e.g., locations of greater geographic concentration between units and in regions with less competitive external markets), development of corporate culture supportive of frequent change, and personnel development through internal rotation can result in substantial financial payoffs. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

由于资本的两权分离,出资者与经营者分立,双方的信息不对称,各自追求的目标存在着矛盾.在出资者与经营者的委托代理关系中,委托人必须对受托人进行有效的约束,才能真正规范执行委托代理契约.本文从股份公司内部约束机制和外部约束机制两方面阐明了构建内部控制系统和外部控制系统的措施.  相似文献   

The adoption of e-marketing has been associated with an array of potential benefits such as market expansion and cost reduction. Nevertheless, the degree of involvement in B2B markets has been patchy, with many organizations not involved in it at all. This article examines the variations in e-marketing adoption from an organizational orientation perspective and introduces empirical measurement with the ‘Electronic Marketing Orientation’ (EMO) construct. Based upon a web-survey of senior managers and marketing/sales directors the findings suggest that EMO is made up of both philosophical and behavioral components. By conceptualizing EMO and facilitating its measurement, marketers will be able to benchmark their activities towards adoption, evaluate their efforts and be able to assess where to focus their resources to improve their e-marketing processes. A number of specific recommendations are made for companies in relation to the successful adoption of e-marketing.  相似文献   

随着利比亚新政权的逐步建立,中国石油企业面临如何重返该国石油市场的问题。预计在未来几年内,利比亚有可能进入一个分裂混乱的时期,外国石油公司重返利比亚至少还需要1?2年时间。利比亚石油投资和服务市场潜力巨大,中国石油企业过去10年在利比亚建立的良好的市场信誉和甲乙方关系、熟悉作业环境以及较强的作业能力是其在利参与竞争的有利条件;但同时,也面临着利比亚新政府对中国存在不友好倾向、西方国家的排挤、安全问题十分严峻以及原有的作业能力尚待恢复等不利条件。因此,中国石油企业应树立超前意识和风险意识,做好重返利比亚市场的准备工作,建议:1)恢复在利比亚的法律和商业手续,为抢得市场先机做准备;2)恢复与利比亚国家石油公司的联系,积极创建战略合作关系;3)恢复巩固服务公司与甲方的关系,梳理战前未完成的合同项目;4)为战后经济索赔和合理避税做准备;5)视安全情况恢复和提升作业能力。  相似文献   

Research summary: We document the extent of fraudulent reporting among 467 private Chinese technology companies. Comparing the financial statements concurrently submitted to two different state agencies, we demonstrate a systematic gap in reported profit figures in the two sets of books. We find: (1) more than half the sampled companies report incentive‐compatible, materially discrepant profit numbers to the two agencies; (2) politically connected companies are approximately 18 percent more likely to commit fraud and those with venture capital backing are 19 percent more likely to do so; and (3) it pays to cheat. We estimate that companies who “cook” their books have considerably higher odds of receiving an innovation grant. Especially given its prevalence, we conclude that fraud can be a source of performance differential for emerging market companies. Managerial summary: We document that more than half of a sample of 467 private, Chinese technology companies engage in fraudulent financial reporting. By comparing the financial statements companies concurrently submitted to two different state agencies, we demonstrate a systematic gap in reported profit figures in the two sets of books. Relative to the companies without these attributes, we find that politically connected companies are approximately 18 percent more likely to commit fraud and those with venture capital backing are 19 percent more likely to do so. Furthermore, we show that it pays to cheat. We estimate that companies who “cook” their books have considerably higher odds of receiving a government‐sponsored innovation grant. Therefore, fraud can be a source of performance differential for emerging market companies. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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