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高校教育成本的核算对国家财政适度投入、学校有效管理、社会合宜投资和家庭承受力起着重要作用。本文首先分析了当前中国高校教育成本核算中存在的问题,然后重点阐述了运用作业成本法核算高校教育成本的可行性和步骤,最后提出了应用作业成本法构建中国高校教育成本核算体系的相关建议。  相似文献   

根据高职教育成本的多样性、复杂性特点,按照作业成本法的基本原理设计高职院校实施作业成本法的基本流程是确定成本对象、分析确认作业、建立作业中心、形成成本库;将归集的资源费用分配到作业成本库;将作业中心成本分配到最终教育产品中.这种核算模式解决了传统成本核算法的成本信息扭曲问题,为高职院校制定合理收费标准提供了精确成本数据.  相似文献   

刘长宏 《上海会计》1999,(11):54-55
为了正确、合理地分配制造费用,作业成本会计受到重视。它以合理分摊制造费用,正确计算产品成本为核心,将逐渐取代传统的成本计算方法。但目前国内软件成本核算还是采用传统的成本计算方法,无一家软件采用作业成本思想来计算、分配制造费用。针对这种情况,笔者拟对作业成本思路引入会计软件做一次尝试。作业成本的思路是产品消耗作业,作业消耗资源。它首先确认作业中心;其次将归集起来的成本或资源分配到每一作业中心;再选择各个作业中心的成本动因作为分配标准;最后将各个作业中心的成本依据各分配标准分配到最终产品。就是说制造…  相似文献   

一、教育考试成本预算的编制 教育考试成本预算是教育考试机构对预算年度各考试成本对象的活动进行预测和汇总,以数字、文字、图表等形式设立的成本目标.也是以货币形式反映的特定期间教育考试机构的各成本对象的耗费水平,为揭示成本差异、实施成本控制、进行成本分析提供了依据。  相似文献   

高校教育成本的核算与控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于高校教育成本核算的现状,采用作业成本法对高校教育成本的核算和控制,有利于提高高校管理水平,有效控制办学成本,提高经费使用效益;有利于建立公平合理的教育成本分担机制,促进高等教育健康发展。  相似文献   

马听 《财会学习》2016,(24):119-120
随着我国市场竞争和市场不确定性越来越激烈,各行业均认识到内部优势取得对企业持续发展的重要性.目前企业各类间接成本占总成本的比例不断上涨,急需引进一种全新的管理方法和管理理论.而作业成本作为替代传统成本方法的有效方法之一,近几年备受关注.作业成本法不仅可以提升企业的作业效率,减少间接成本比例,而且可以优化企业财务结构,科学、合理的分配费用.但是就目前的作业成本研究而言,主要集中于作业成本方法研究,而鲜有整体性的研究作业成本的推广与应用现状、途径等.鉴于此,本文试图在系统的归纳与总结作业成本基本知识和可行性分析基础上,着重提出几方面作业成本推广的途径.期望对企业优化作业有所启示.  相似文献   

随着高等教育体制改革的深化,教育成本数据已成为社会、家庭和学校共同关注的重要信息,计量教育成本的需求越来越迫切。本文通过对高校教育成本计量的实践,分析教育成本计量的必要性,并提出成本控制措施。  相似文献   

在高中教育快速发展的背景下,高中教育成本已成为一种缓解财政压力的选择,高中教育成本也由此成为学校管理者、政府部门、家长普遍关注的问题。但是,由于高中教育自身的特殊性,也引发了关于教育公平的争论。因此,我们有必要正确认识高中教育产品属性以及教育成本分担的必要性,建立价格机制,同时规范高中教育收费,以保障高中教育事业的健康发展。  相似文献   

环境成本计算方法研究──以火力发电厂为例   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
环境会计是会计学的新兴分支,其在我国的发展与应用尚处于起步阶段。本文根据对华北某火力发电厂 的研究成果论述了环境会计应用中所需解决的两个方面问题:①外部环境成本内部化,②内部环境成本的分配。 对于前一个问题,本文认为现阶段应以污染防治基础为主,对各种外部环境成本加以确认与计量,并以各种外 部强制力量结合调动企业自我约束的自觉性与主动性的激励机制解决将外部成本内部化的动因问题。对于后一 个问题,本文认为可行的方法是采取作业成本法,将产生环境影响的作业单独确认并建立相应的作业成本库, 进而为之确定适合的成本动因以合理分配各种环境成本。  相似文献   

我国企业作业成本管理现状及分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文简要从实施作业成本管理存在的观念落后、技术薄弱、素质低下等问题进行分析,并对此提出相应的树立作业成本管理意识,加强开发作业成本管理实施系统工具,全面提高企业员工素质等解决措施,尽可能的消除不能创造价值的作业,防止资源的浪费,最大限度地降低企业的作业成本,增强企业的营业利润,从而实现企业应用作业成本管理的目的。  相似文献   

Textbook authors and publishers face a difficult decision regarding coverage of activity‐based costing (ABC). ABC could be presented in a strictly positive light, because it enjoyed immense popularity when it was introduced in the 1980s and it is still referred to in favourable terms in practitioner journals. On the other hand, ABC can be criticized on practical and theoretical grounds. Surveys report that a minority of firms adopt ABC, and there are indications of dissatisfaction among some users. In addition, ABC requires direct proportionality and the exclusion of common costs, which are difficult conditions to meet. In this paper, we first describe the practical and theoretical material supporting criticism of ABC that is available to be cited by textbook authors. We then review the coverage of this material in the five textbooks that are most widely used in Canadian universities and colleges.  相似文献   

高校内部控制新探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨雅兰 《财务与金融》2011,(5):61-64,79
随着高校改革的深入发展,高校自主权的逐步扩大,经济模式的多元化,建立完善的内部控制制度已经势在必行.基于国家对未来中长期教育发展的要求,同时借鉴《企业内部控制基本规范》,结合当前高校内部控制中存在的问题,本文提出强化内部控制意识、营造积极的内部控制环境、建立健全内部控制制度、实施全面预算管理及内部控制审计等实现高校内部...  相似文献   

对高校教学质量监控的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着我国经济的飞速发展,人们的教育观念也发生着深刻的变化,这无疑对高校的进一步发展提出了更高的要求.学校的根本任务是育人,教学质量及人才培养质量是学校的核心问题,全面提高教学质量,关系着学校的生存与发展.本文通过对我国高校教育质量发展现状的分析以及对高校教学质量监控意义的探讨,提出对我国高校教学质量进行有效监控的相关举措,目的在于更好的促进我国教育质量的提高.完善人才教育体系.  相似文献   

高等院校年轻党务干部是高等院校贯彻落实党的教育方针最积极最有生命的力量,本文结合目前高等院校党务干部的职业特点分析了高等院校年轻党务干部在激励方面存在的问题,探讨了构建高等院校年轻党务干部激励机制的几点建议,对于年轻党务干部的健康成长和激发他们的工作激情和动力具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

The present paper examines one set of potential reasons for the paradox as to why so few firms have adopted activity‐based costing (ABC) despite the demonstrated benefits of this costing system. A cross‐sectional survey of Australian firms is used to examine the influence of seven technological and organizational factors on firms’ initial interest in ABC and their decision to adopt it or not. The organizational factors of top management support, the support of an internal champion, and organizational size were shown to be associated with initial interest in ABC. The decision to adopt or reject ABC had one organizational factor associated with it, the support of an internal champion.  相似文献   

This study adopts the viewpoint of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model to examine the change agents' behavioral intentions in the implementation of an activity based costing/management (ABC/M) system. ABC/M is an important management system that emphasizes the allocation of overhead costs on the basis of cost drivers, in order to provide relevant information for improved decision-making. A change agent is a person chosen to cause organizational change. Senior managers and often chief executives usually play the role that implements change. The behavioral intentions have been identified as a proactive attitude and action for promoting the ABC/M system in this study. Since there is little evidence of ABC/M adoption outside the United States and European countries, this research used Taiwanese companies as the sample. Questionnaires were used to investigate the factors influencing change agents' behavioral intentions to promote ABC/M systems and the type of facilitating conditions that affected the extent of usage of ABC/M systems. The questionnaires were carried out through the perspective of user acceptance of information technology (IT). Furthermore, the aim of this paper is also to explore whether use of the ABC/M system will produce an improved effect on performance. The empirical results from 100 valid responses collected indicate that performance expectancy and social influence directly affect change agents' behavioral intentions. Both change agents' behavioral intentions and facilitation conditions are important constructs that affect the extent of usage of ABC/M systems. The extent of ABC/M usage is also significantly associated with relative financial and non-financial performance. The results demonstrate that the adaptive UTAUT model is applicable for measuring change agents' behavioral intentions in current implementations of ABC/M systems. The study also reveals the positive effect of change agents on the performance of ABC/M systems.  相似文献   

This paper examines the associations between product diversity, usage of advanced manufacturing technologies (AMT) and activity-based costing (ABC) adoption. Theory strongly suggests that product diversity is a major determinant of the demand for ABC systems. To date, the results of empirical research on the relationship between product diversity and ABC adoption have generally been inconclusive, however, suggesting that there either may be no strong relationship, or that methodological issues may have prevented researchers from consistently finding it. Using a dataset of survey responses from 191 Dutch, medium-sized manufacturing firms, this paper re-examines the relationship between product diversity and ABC adoption. Improving upon the measurement of product diversity and distinguishing between ABC adoption and use, it examines whether the relationship is curvilinear (inverted U-shaped) and/or moderated by usage of AMT. The paper contributes to the literature by showing that, consistent with the underlying theory, product diversity, on average, is positively related to both ABC adoption and ABC use, but also that these relationships are indeed inverted U-shaped and that the relationship with ABC use is negatively moderated by usage of AMT.  相似文献   

摘在已有文献的基础上,本文构建了一个城市化影响金融业竞争力的理论模型,推导结果表明,城市化对金融业竞争力同时存在积聚效应和负向效应。随后本文利用江苏省面板数据进行实证分析,研究结果表明,城市化对金融业竞争力的影响存在不确定性:城市化本身有助于提升金融业竞争力,工资成本起到了增强金融业竞争力的作用,但住房成本削弱了金融业竞争力。金融业能够起到优化配置经济资源的作用,在发挥金融业支持城市化建设这一作用的同时,我们需要关注城市化提升金融业竞争力的路径和对策,力争达成城市化和金融业发展并行不悖的良好境界。  相似文献   

近年来,我国会计专业教学水平在教育体制改革和市场经济推动下不断提高,在创新教育模式与体制建设上也取得诸多成就。但现行教学体系,又使高校培养的人才在一定程度上无法满足企业用人需求。文章结合我国高等院校会计教育实际,通过调研在分析现有会计专业人才培养现状的基础上,对高校本科会计教学面临的问题及成因进行分析,发现存在教育环境压力过大、内部动力不足、学科规划不合理等问题,提出运用“能力本位”的教育理念对高校会计专业教育环境、学科建设、国际合作和评价体系等进行再思考。  相似文献   

Despite its theoretical superiority, the activity-based costing (ABC) model has had only moderate success in replacing the traditional volume-based absorption costing models in complex organizations worldwide. Even in organizations that have launched ABC projects, the implementations often do not sustain. In response to this general lack of enthusiasm worldwide for ABC, accountants developed the time-driven activity-based costing (TDABC) model as an alternative cost allocation model. This paper presents a comparison of the TDABC model with ABC, and considers if this alternative cost allocation model (1) is easier to implement from an international perspective and (2) provides comparable cost information for decision making. We use a case study in a country outside the model's country of origin to understand the similarities and differences in absorption costing systems that use ‘volume,’ ‘activities,’ and ‘time’ as the drivers of indirect cost allocations. We also use the case study to ascertain if any country‐specific factors impede ABC implementation. We conclude the following: the TDABC model has similar implementation complexities to ABC if modelling conditions are strictly adhered to; these complexities are independent of country‐specific factors; and in its simplest form, the model generates the same decision information errors of traditional costing.  相似文献   

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