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This paper examines the effects of house prices on bank instability when gauged at various levels of income growth. Bank stability may respond differently to house price changes or deviations from fundamental values in an economic boom environment than in a bust circumstance. A threshold estimation technique developed by Hansen (1999) is applied to a panel of 286 U.S. Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) over the period 1990Q1–2010Q4. We consider two house price indicators: the house price changes and the house price deviations from long-run equilibrium. The results suggest the existence of income growth threshold effects in the relationship between house prices and bank instability. Specifically, there are two income growth thresholds when using the house price changes and one income growth threshold when the house price deviations are applied. Robustness results using the non-MSAs sample from 1995Q1 to 2010Q4 provide further evidence of income growth threshold effects.  相似文献   

Much attention has been given to claims that real estate prices in Spain are overvalued in relation to income and how plummeting house prices can jeopardize the economy (The Economist, 2003 and IMF, 2004). The measure of income elasticity on housing expenditure is often of considerable interest to applied researchers and policy makers in real estate economics, but the problem of omitted variables in some estimation techniques can lead to severe biases. In this paper we estimate the income elasticity of the demand for housing in Spain based on the cross-section of prices and income in fifty Spanish provinces from 1996 to 2002. In comparison to long-run equilibrium models fitted with time-series data, our results show a much weaker role of income growth as a vehicle for house price increases in the long run. According to our estimates, the rate of growth of house prices in Spain between 1998 and 2003 points to a real estate bubble with prices above the long-term equilibrium level.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a theoretical stock valuation model that takes into account the long-run sensitivity of dividends to various economic factors. Our valuation process integrates the multidimensionality of uncertainty, as well as the long-run concept of risk (recently proposed in the literature). More precisely, we demonstrate that a stock’s long-run dividend growth is negatively related to its current dividend–price ratio and linearly related to N sensitivity coefficients, given by the long-run sensitivity between dividends and economic factors. Then, we show that the equilibrium price of a stock is a function of its current dividend, long-run dividend growth, and N risk parameters.  相似文献   

Using novel survey data, we document that individuals extrapolate from recent personal experiences when forming expectations about aggregate economic outcomes. Recent locally experienced house price movements affect expectations about future U.S. house price changes and higher experienced house price volatility causes respondents to report a wider distribution over expected U.S. house price movements. When we exploit within‐individual variation in employment status, we find that individuals who personally experience unemployment become more pessimistic about future nationwide unemployment. The extent of extrapolation is unrelated to how informative personal experiences are, is inconsistent with risk adjustment, and is more pronounced for less sophisticated individuals.  相似文献   

We use vector error correction models to examine the interdependence between the high and the low price tiers during the latest housing market boom and bust. For 118 of the 364 US statistical areas analyzed, the tiered price indexes are bound by a long-run relationship. In general, low tier homes appreciated more than high tier homes in the past two decades. In contrast to previous periods of high volatility, however, low tier homes appreciated more during the boom and lost more value during the bust of the market. We find a shift in the long-run equilibrium during the bubble —the cointegration parameter that ties the tiers together is greater in absolute value during the bubble period compared to the periods of more moderate appreciation and depreciation rates. Moreover, the shift in the long-run equilibrium can be explained by differences in subprime originations across housing markets. We also find that short run price dynamics is driven by momentum in both segments of the market.  相似文献   

The spot price on the Taiwan stock index is richer in information than the futures price judged by the price discovery measures of Gonzalo and Granger [Gonzalo, J., & Granger, C.W.J. (1995). Estimation of common long-memory components in cointegrated systems. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 13, 27–35.] and Hasbrouck [Hasbrouck, J. (1995). One security, many markets: Determining the contributions to price discovery. Journal of Finance, 50, 1175–1199.]. What is special about the markets is that both the spot and futures error-correction coefficients are positive, implying a digressive convergence to their long-run equilibrium in the error-correction (EC) process. Innovation accounting suggests that the cause of this digressive equilibrium adjustment is that investors systematically overreact to news in the less informative futures market but under-react to the more informative spot market. Our contribution is in identifying the digressive convergence implied by same-sign EC coefficients, comparing it to the normal convergence widely found in opposite-sign EC models, and providing short-run mispricing interpretations for both types of convergence to equilibrium.  相似文献   

Previous studies commonly use a linear framework to investigate the long-run equilibrium relationship between the housing and stock markets. The linear approaches may not be appropriate if adjustments from disequilibrium are asymmetric in both markets. Nonlinear adjustments are likely to be observed since the two markets respond rather differently to negative shocks where the stock market is more volatile but price rigidity is found in the housing market. In this paper, we firstly propose two hypotheses on the long-run equilibrium relationship of the US housing and stock markets, and then employ the threshold cointegration model to investigate the potential asymmetric relationships between the two markets. Our empirical results reveal that cointegration exists among the markets, but adjustments toward its long-run equilibrium are asymmetric. Further evidence points out that a rapid mean reversion occurs in one regime where the stock price outperforms the housing price, and no significant reversion is found in the other regime, supporting the hypothesis of the existence of an asymmetric wealth effect among the two markets in the US. Furthermore, evidence from the asymmetric vector error correction model shows that significant error corrections toward the equilibrium exist in the short run only when the stock price exceeds the real estate price by the estimated threshold level, reassuring the finding of the asymmetric wealth effect.  相似文献   

We study survival, price impact, and portfolio impact in heterogeneous economies. We show that, under the equilibrium risk-neutral measure, long-run price impact is in fact equivalent to survival, whereas long-run portfolio impact is equivalent to survival under an agent-specific, wealth-forward measure. These results allow us to show that price impact and portfolio impact are two independent concepts: a nonsurviving agent with no long-run price impact can have a significant long-run impact on other agents' optimal portfolios.  相似文献   


We use quarterly data from Greece over the period 1997:1–2015:2 and investigate the dynamic linkages between the price of the real estate market and the price of the stock market focusing on two transmission mechanisms, namely the wealth and credit-price effects. The empirical analysis employs advanced methodological techniques and presents evidence supporting the existence of both the wealth effect and the credit effect in the long-run while in the short-run there is a one-way causal effect running from stock market towards house market. Results reveal asymmetric adjustment to equilibrium process and considerably stronger for positive deviations from the equilibrium.  相似文献   

We create a hedonic price model for house prices for six geographical submarkets in the Netherlands. Our model is based on a recent data-mining technique called boosting. Boosting is an ensemble technique that combines multiple models, in our case decision trees, into a combined prediction. Boosting enables capturing of complex nonlinear relationships and interaction effects between input variables. We report mean relative errors and mean absolute error for all regions and compare our models with a standard linear regression approach. Our model improves prediction performance by up to 39% compared with linear regression and by up to 20% compared with a log-linear regression model. Next, we interpret the boosted models: we determine the most influential characteristics and graphically depict the relationship between the most important input variables and the house price. We find the size of the house to be the most important input for all but one region, and find some interesting nonlinear relationships between inputs and price. Finally, we construct hedonic price indices and compare these with the mean and median index and find that these indices differ notably in the urban regions of Amsterdam and Rotterdam. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hedonic regression has become the standard approach for modeling the behavior of house prices. Usually, the common price component is modeled via dummy variables. Based on an approximation for the present value, we deliver an economic interpretation of the common price component. This allows to include explanatory factors like inflation rates, mortgage rates and building permissions. The notional rents for houses are fitted with a flexible hedonic function. We use the EM algorithm to estimate our model with monthly data of single-family house sales from the four South-West districts of Berlin, Germany from 1982:8 to 1999:12. Emphasis is put on the interpretation of the results.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of a change in real estate wealth on the consumption behaviour of Italian households, using the Bank of Italy’s Survey of Household Income and Wealth dataset. We relate annual household consumption to capital gains in housing, controlling for characteristics such as age. In line with the empirical predictions of our model, we find the oldest households—which are less affected by the higher costs of future rent—to be the most affected by increases in real net housing wealth. Younger households, on the other hand, are not significantly affected in their consumption decisions by house price increases. We also take into account the fact that benefiting from capital gains is conditional on owning housing wealth and estimate the different impacts of house price changes on the savings behaviours of both homeowners and renters. Our estimates suggest that house price increases raise consumption not only for homeowners but also for renters.  相似文献   

This paper studies the dynamic relationship among house prices, income and interest rates in 15 OECD countries. We find that any disequilibrium in the long-run cointegrating relationship among these variables is corrected by the subsequent movement in house prices in most of these countries. This error-correction property of house prices implies that most of the variations in house prices are transitory, as compared to the movements in income and interest rates that are permanent, suggesting that the short-run movements in house prices are independent of the movements in income and interest rates. The results suggest that only the permanent movement in house prices, income and interest rates are associated with each other. We also find that the correlation in house price cycles across different OECD countries has changed over time with the highest correlation during the boom period of 1998–2005.  相似文献   

Based on a panel of bilateral FDI flows among 11 OECD countries over 1984–2000, we show that, although agglomeration-related factors are strong determinants of FDI, tax differentials also play a significant role in understanding foreign location decisions. We further investigate non-linearities in the impact of tax differentials, and explore the impact of tax schemes. Our results are consistent with the imperfect competition literature which underscores the possibility of tax differentials across countries in equilibrium.JEL Code: F21, H25, H87  相似文献   

This paper presents rent models for retail and office property in the United Kingdom. Panel data are used covering eleven regions for 29 years, enabling us to overcome the limitations of a relatively short time series. We use an error correction model (ECM) framework to estimate long-run equilibrium relationships and short-term dynamic corrections. The combination of panel data and an ECM is an innovative approach that is still being developed in economics. We construct new supply series that combine infrequent stock data with more frequent construction data. Separate regional models are estimated for retail and office properties. The regions are then combined into a number of panels on the basis of the income and price elasticities in the long-run and short-run models. Unlike previous studies, we find no evidence of a board north–south divide between low growth and high growth regions. Like these studies we do find a London effect: in London, demand elasticities for space with respect to both price (rent) and income are much lower in magnitude. We conclude that, while the economic drivers may vary, there is no evidence of differences in the operation of the regional property markets outside London. Elasticities for retail and office are similar. Our final models are parsimonious with single measures of economic activity and of supply and always support the use of an ECM.  相似文献   

We show that dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models with housing and collateralized borrowing predict a fall in house prices following positive government spending shocks. By contrast, we show that house prices in the United States rise persistently after identified positive government spending shocks. We clarify that the incorrect house price response is due to a general property of DSGE models—approximately constant shadow value of housing—and that modifying preferences and production structure cannot help in obtaining the correct house price response. Properly accounting for the empirical evidence on government spending shocks and house prices using a DSGE model therefore remains a significant challenge.  相似文献   

基于地方政府地价控制行为和有限理性建立房产商和政府动态博弈模型,并分别用理论和数字模拟的方法对其复杂性加以分析,结果表明:区域地价和房价、房屋产销量博弈的Nash均衡在现实中是通过有限理性、不完全信息动态重复博弈达成的;若政府采取固定比率紧盯房价的模式管理地价,则政府对地价的控制决策决定区域房价均衡水平;均衡时,区域楼面地价与房价的比率是恒定的,且地价对房价的调整比率应小于最高地价房价比的2倍;政府税收和房产商建设成本制约地价调整并影响房产行业的产销量和价格,而区域政府可以通过延时反馈机制调控土地和房产市场。  相似文献   

Using a familiar monetary model with nontraded goods, we derive the stability properties of the price level and reserve stock when the exchange rate is partially or completely indexed to the home price level divided by foreign prices. In the stable case, it is shown that indexing results in a system with properties of both fixed and flexible regimes. Our method is to impose conditions of short-run (but not long-run) equilibrium in a discrete period model. The model is tested with monthly data from Brazil.  相似文献   

We study the market selection hypothesis in complete financial markets, populated by heterogeneous agents. We allow for a rich structure of heterogeneity: individuals may differ in their beliefs concerning the economy, information and learning mechanism, risk aversion, impatience and ‘catching up with the Joneses’ preferences. We develop new techniques for studying the long-run behavior of such economies, based on Strassen’s functional law of the iterated logarithm. In particular, we explicitly determine an agent’s survival index and show how the latter depends on the agent’s characteristics. We use these results to study the long-run behavior of the equilibrium interest rate and the market price of risk.  相似文献   

This paper examines persistence in price movements and predictability of the US housing market both on a local level across 20 cities in the US and on a nationwide level. We use a time series approach instead of often applied multivariate approaches to exclude potential biases across local markets and provide trading strategies to compare predictability across markets and to test whether or not the detected persistence can be exploited by investors to earn excess returns. The results from the monthly and quarterly transaction-based S&P/Case-Shiller house price indices from 1987 to 2009 provide empirical evidence on strong persistence. This is confirmed by both parametric and non-parametric tests for nominal and real house prices based on expected inflation. Furthermore, the empirical findings suggest that investors might be able to obtain excess returns from both autocorrelation-based and moving average-based trading strategies compared to a buy-and-hold strategy, although the results depend on the transaction costs individual investors face.  相似文献   

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