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武冈古城历史悠久,人文荟萃,自2200年前西汉文景之际置县,后封候立郡起,设府置州,历为湘西南地区军事重镇和经济、政治、文化中心,期间产生和保留了大量极具历史价值、观赏价值和文化价值的人文景观素材。本文对武冈古城的历史人文景观做了一个比较系统的梳理和介绍,并就如何保护和开发这些珍贵的历史文化遗产提出了一些思考和建议。  相似文献   

Bottleneck Congestion and Modal Split   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper analyzes commuting congestion when there is mass transit parallel to a road with a bottleneck between a residential area and a workplace. We investigate the optimality and efficiency of several railroad fare and road toll regimes and provide practical rules for attaining the social optimum. A welfare comparison is also made between these regimes, and it is shown that the road tolls are effective especially in the case of heavy road congestion.  相似文献   

随着区域经济一体化的蓬勃发展,中韩贸易发展迅速,贸易合作不断增加。沈阳作为东北最大的中心城市与文化交流中心,其优越的地理环境和文化背景又为中韩两国的贸易发展提供了便利条件。文中将以沈阳地区为例,全面阐述中韩两国的贸易关系与贸易政策,通过对中韩经济发展情况的研究,深入探讨中韩两国贸易的发展现状及前景,探究其在发展过程中存在的问题,并提出可行性促进方案和解决对策。  相似文献   

我国铁路集装箱运输中存在的问题与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方斌  徐敏辉 《物流科技》2009,32(12):42-43,92
铁路集装箱运输在我国铁路货运中的地位起来越重要,但由于我国铁路集装箱运输起步较晚,还存在很多不足之处。分析了我国铁路集装箱运输中存在的问题,并对我国铁路集装箱运输发展的对策进行了探讨。  相似文献   

连义平  王公强 《价值工程》2010,29(29):189-190
我国铁路已进入建设发展的高峰,其对高技能型专业人才的需求也将达到一个相对高值。本文通过对陕西铁路的发展趋势、对高技能人才的需求趋势及特点进行分析,对比陕西省开设铁路专业的高职院校的现实状况,认为高职教育的发展没有跟上铁路发展的步伐。提出的对策有:积极调整高职教育专业方向;适度扩大高职教育中铁路专业教育规模;加强课程改革,增强学生的实践动手能力;坚持产学结合的办学方针,努力培养与企业"零距离"接轨的人才。  相似文献   

张晖  刘仍奎 《物流科技》2007,30(6):51-53
本文分析了目前货运组织工作中存在的问题,以昆明铁路局货运中心组织改革为背景,引入客户关系管理的相关概念,利用现有货运系统的信息资源,初步提出了铁路货运中心辅助决策支持系统的设计方案。  相似文献   

This article examines the issues surrounding sustainable economic development in American Indian country via the implementation of solar energy projects. The second section addresses Native American economic development, generally, focusing on practical sovereignty, capable institutions, and cultural match. The third section discusses solar energy projects: the benefits of solar energy when compared to other types of energy production; the ways that these projects will benefit Indian country specifically; and the rationale behind implementing solar energy projects as a means to sustainable economic development in Indian country. The fourth section will briefly discuss the question: Given the advantages of solar energy that the article advocates, why is the uptake in Indian country not already prolific?  相似文献   

康红梅 《价值工程》2012,31(33):306-307
文化馆为人民群众提供文化活动辅导中心与活动中心,是组成公共服务体系的重要部分,它能够保证人民群众的文化权益且是城乡文化统筹发展的重要阵地。文本的讨论重点是推进文化馆免费开放的重要途径。  相似文献   

程红 《企业科技与发展》2009,(5):162-163,171
铁路工程施工项目往往具有建设规模大、施工周期长、技术复杂、受客观条件影响大等特点,如何对大型铁路工程施工项目进行有效的组织和管理是施工企业所面临的重要问题。文章分析了铁路工程重点亏损项目的亏损原因,并对如何规范大型铁路施工项目的成本管理提出看法。  相似文献   

This paper models industry location as a process of successive stages of agglomeration, dispersion, and reagglomeration. External economies lead firms to agglomerate in an industry center. Agglomeration drives up wages in the center, compelling firms to move low-skill activities to low-wage regions. A pioneer firm provides intermediation services between outlying regions and the center. The result is a regional production network: an industry center served by high-volume production sites, where pioneers are active, and low-volume production sites, where they are not. Evidence from the Mexican garment industry supports the theory.  相似文献   

以文化的视野探讨历史文化名城的保护与发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
与一般城市一样,历史文化名城具有发展的迫切要求.但由于发展历史和承载历史信息的特殊性,历史文化名城的发展应发挥其文化的特殊资源优势,以文化的视野来发掘其独特的发展方式和动力.论文提出历史文化名城应在整体层次即在城市总体规划中贯穿名城保护与发展的整体观、系统观和动态观,将文化融入城市发展的各个层次,促进名城保护与发展的统一.  相似文献   

随着我国铁路事业的高速发展,GPS技术的应用显得越来越重要。文章通过分析GPS技术在铁路领域的应用,探讨GPS技术对我国铁路事业的重要价值。  相似文献   

新世纪新阶段,人类社会面临的发展机遇前所未有,面对的挑战也前所未有。改革开放30多年,尤其是加入WTO以后,我国发生了翻天覆地的变化。但是我国正处于并将长期处于社会主义初级阶段,人民日益增长的物质文化需要同落后的社会生产之间的矛盾仍然是我国社会的主要矛盾,统筹兼顾各方面利益任务艰巨而繁重。因此,对保卫工作来说,如何与时俱"变"是一个崭新的课题,值得研究。  相似文献   

Most studies on performance evaluation in the cultural sector are based on the efficiency assessment of a network of institutions. Nevertheless, very few works take territorial divisions as the case study. Under this approach, we design a spatial production function which merges several cultural resources in order to optimize the impact of a regional system of cultural institutions in terms of cultural production and use of services provided. The aim of this paper is therefore to evaluate the efficiency of cultural heritage institutions in Spain from a regional perspective. We take regional networks of museums and libraries as emblematic case studies over a long period, from 2002 to 2020. We first apply a dynamic-network DEA model to measure efficiency, which allows the production function to be divided into stages and time intervals, considering inter-reliant inputs between production phases and time lapses. We also apply truncated regression models to study the effect of external variables on regional cultural efficiency, especially those related to socioeconomic conditions in regions, the scope of the cultural and tourist sector, and institutional indicators. Results show that regional cultural efficiency depends on the level of training and on the demographic structure rather than on economic wealth. Differences are also found between the goals of cultural production and cultural consumption (visitor impact). These findings might prove useful for policy implications regarding resource allocation vis-à-vis defining and accomplishing cultural purposes at a regional scale, and also for revealing causes of inefficiency with a view to improving quality in institutions –which ultimately drives economic development.  相似文献   

郭晶  姜秀山 《物流科技》2006,29(1):31-34
随着国民经济的持续、快速、健康发展,国内贸易不断扩大,集装箱运输在我国日趋成熟,并进入快速发展阶段。本文的目的是分析铁路集装箱发展的趋势,采用灰色系统模型GM(1,1),对未来铁路集装箱运输需求进行合理预测,同时对预测模型进行残差检验。根据预测数据,对未来集装箱的发展提出一些建议。  相似文献   

国世旭  刘玲 《物流科技》2006,29(5):66-68
铁路货运的第三方物流化是我国铁路发展的主要思路,通过对铁路内部管理、观念体制等环节弊端的认识,提出了解决的思路,并在此基础上提出了铁路第三方物流转化过程的战略构想.  相似文献   

曹丽华  刘军 《物流科技》2007,30(6):69-73
我国铁路行包运输作为一种新的运输形式,在十几年的发展历程中呈现出一定的空间运输联系特征。本文借用空间运输联系的相关理论,采用定性与定量相结合的方法,分析了行包运输的生成、分布、增长、交流特征,为把握铁路快运行业发展规律提供参考。  相似文献   

A bstract The industrialization of shoemaking occurred in small towns in antebellum New England in which capital formation was severely hampered by currency and credit problems prior to the Legal Tender Act of 1862. In a comparison of two communities, it was discovered that the construction of a railroad had different results depending on the structural ties between the community and the railroad. In one community, the railroad drew external capital to the community that provided the basis for a crucial expansion of scale of shoe production prior to the rise of the factory system. In the other, it depleted local capital, ending the shoe industry and damaging most other local economic activities as well.  相似文献   

李红勇  卢杰 《企业经济》2014,(4):143-146
文化是旅游发展的灵魂,旅游为文化发展提供了重要途径。文化旅游因其独特的文化底蕴和特有的文化氛围而呈现强大的吸引力,必将成为未来旅游业持久发展的新动力、新方向。江西历史悠久,文化积淀深厚,地方特色文化鲜明,有着良好的文化旅游发展基础和前景。本文借助江西文化旅游资源的竞争力评价矩阵,对江西丰富的文化旅游资源整合进行了定量分析,明确了江西发展文化旅游的竞争优势所在,提出了进一步推动江西文化旅游发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

郝瑞鹏 《价值工程》2011,30(18):65-66
包神铁路把科技创新根植于基础建设中、贯穿到安全控制中、体现在发展进程中,有力促进了安全运输。无缝线路是同重载高速铁路相适应的轨道结构,由于彻底实现了线路的无缝化,提高了轨道结构强度,优化了行车条件,改善了线路工况,减少了养护维修材料和劳力消耗,突出了无缝线路的优越性,已成为了我国铁路线路的主要发展方向。随着无缝线路铺设时间及数量的增长,如何对无缝线路进行养护维修已日趋重要。尤其在大运量且运量逐年增长的神朔铁路其无缝线路养护维修难度也日益增大。随着铁路科技日新月异的发展,在新技术、新设备不断应用的环境下,如何提高保安全能力,确保运输安全?笔者结合自身工作实践,对无缝线路养护维修方法进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

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